Ubuntu :: Glxgears Is Not Working

Feb 22, 2010

When I run glxgears I get the following message:

Code: dave@dave-laptop:~$ glxgears
X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 135 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)
Serial number of failed request: 16
Current serial number in output stream: 16

I guess this is indicative of an underlying problem with X11. However, I have no idea how to solve this or, indeed, where to start.

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Ubuntu :: GLXgears Getting Low FPS On A Radeon 5770 ?

Jun 15, 2010

The following is my system:
AMD Athlon II x4 620 2.6Ghz
4GB DDR2-800 DC
Radeon HD 5770 1gb
Ubuntu 10.4 LTS, latest proprietary drivers.

On GLXGears, I only get 12k fps. This seems very low, especially considering the fact that my Acer Aspire One laptop gets 1-5k scores on a POS Intel GMA 950.

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Fedora :: GlxGears Slow Down The Pc

Dec 6, 2010

I've a Toshiba M40-282, with an ati mobility x700. I tried Ubuntu and now Fedora and I'm having the same problem..The pc is fast in anything except videos (like megavideo)..running glxgears the pc starts slowing down as when i watch videos. What can I do? try another distribution? try something else?

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CentOS 5 :: Glxgears Crash After Upgrade From 5.2 To 5.4

Oct 25, 2009

My exercise below is to check if glxgears crashes xorg of CentOS5.4 with Intel GM965 Chipset. Apparently I don't have luck in this case. Since the exercise failed, it means I will still stick to CentOS 5.2 (residing on a different partition) for a while, even though CentOS5.2 crashes glxgears too. After "yum upgrade" (done after moving all repos in /etc/yum.repos.d to elsewhere except CentOS-Base.repo and CentOS-Media.repo), I ran glxgears that consistently crashes CentOS5.2 xorg, an issue that upset me quite a bit.

During upgrade, I saw a line "grubby fatal error : unable to find a suitable template". I guess the my grub.conf is too confusing for the installer, but that is not big deal, I just used the kernel number 2.6.18-164 where it is applicable. Even this this new update, glxgears still crash the xorg (the screen froze and then a new login screen reappears). With this I am sure the 3D application might still crash the xorg from time to time. (I can still revert to CentOS5.2 with a tar file, but I am still thinking to just upgrade to Centos5.3 but I don't know how.)


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Glxgears Does Not Move / Output Shows High FPS

Jun 15, 2011

In the terminal, I type glxgears and get a frozen window of the colored gears.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI X1650 Poor GLXgears Frame Rate

Jul 26, 2011

11.04 x86
Dual 2.8 AMD
ATI x1650 radeon (512mb)

I've been struggling with this for months now and I've tried some many things, I've forgotten half of them!

Basically, 11.04 picks up my card fine using the open xorg driver. I've got compize desktop effects (wobbly windows) but I can't play any HD video as it stutters and is completely unwatchable.

So to do any video editing, I have to boot into my Windows 7 install where the performance is considerably better.

Now then, I once managed to get a glxgears frame rate of 11,000 before I broke my install and had to re-install. Now I can't get above 300fps

rb@ub:~/Desktop$ glxgears Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.

302 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.258 FPS
301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.023 FPS
301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.019 FPS
301 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.022 FPS

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Software :: Compiz Glxgears Get's Around 400 FPS Where OpenBox Get's Around 1300 FPS ?

Feb 14, 2011

I just upgraded my graphics card to something faster... (well as fast as you can go with only PCI-X slots)

I noticed when in OpenBox glxgears get's about 1300 FPS and the HELI-X simulator about 40 FPS.

But if in compiz I get 400 FPS in glxgears and 6 FPS in HELI-X.

Is there something I've configured wrong? Why would compiz FPS go down so much, should glxgears be about the same?

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Slackware :: Rendering And Glxgears After November Updates?

Nov 19, 2010

I have hp laptop 6910p and giving issue with glxgears.


init@ntagil-it:~$ glxgears
Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.


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Debian Hardware :: Glxgears Showing 900 FPS But 3d Games Very Slow?

Aug 13, 2011

I just installed Debian Squeeze a couple days ago and haven't had any problems so far except trying to get 3D acceleration to work with my Radeon 5770 card. When running glxgears, I get over 900 FPS and the gears are spinning great. When I try to run a 3D game like OpenArena, ScorchedEarth, or FlightGear, they are all so slow as to be unplayable. (extremely slow)

I've been trying to get this working for a while and had no luck.As per internet advice, I installed firmware-linux-free and firmware-linux-nonfree.

In glxinfo, it says "direct rendering: yes"

In my /var/log/Xorg.0.log file it says:

(WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled
(II) RADEON(0): Acceleration disabled
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev

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General :: Compare Glxgears Graphics Benchmarks With Other Computers?

Nov 25, 2010

I want to compare glxgears graphics benchmarks whit other computers.

~]$ lspci
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C77 [GeForce 8200] (rev a2)
~]$ uname -a
Linux ***** #1 SMP Fri Oct 22 15:36:08 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
nvidia-settings @ kmod-nvidia


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Slackware :: Intel 82865g Current Glxgears Slow?

Nov 22, 2010

When i checked last time couple months back glx gears gave me 1400 frames around now i get

Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.

21 frames in 6.6 seconds = 3.160 FPS
2 frames in 5.6 seconds = 0.359 FPS
84 frames in 5.8 seconds = 14.362 FPS
149 frames in 5.0 seconds = 29.724 FPS
300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.814 FPS
and everything is running slow im wondering where the problem might be?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Lgfxgears A New Alternative To The Famous Glxgears Demo?

Mar 4, 2010

lgfxgears is the new minibenchmark for your graphics card. Its compatible with wide range of hardwares. The new glxgears alternative looks better, and speed depends on graphics card and driver's power. It compatible with linux, and windows. I would happy if peoples would poste here they results. i alreday have a few:

nVidia GeForce 9800+ 180 fps win
ATi Radeon 9800 pro 62 fps win
ATi Radeon 9800 pro 76 fps linux


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Debian :: Glxgears Shows Very Poor Performance With Ati Radeon 1300?

Mar 31, 2011

I have an ATI Radeon x1300 graphic card on an Intel platform.Since the last reinstall my Debian Squeeze system shows very poor performance in glxgears,only 80-90 FPS. Last time I had a problem the kms setting in the kernel. I disabled the modding setting in GRUB and then glxgears showed about 900-1300 FPS. Now,the problem is back, even though I made the same setting in the boot loader.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Suddenly Stopped Working AND Rfkill Command Not Working

Jul 13, 2011

When originally installing 11.04 I had problems getting my Ralink 5390 wireless card to work.

Today my computer froze completely and I had to turn it off via the power switch. When I turned it back on, wireless was no longer recognized! My iPod can connect to the network just fine, so it must be an Ubuntu problem. There are no problems with my ethernet connection either.

I researched this and found several threads about blocking and unblocking wireless devices using the rfkill command. Well, unfortunately for me the rfkill command doesn't work. When I type sudo rfkill list or sudo rfkill unblock all, nothing happens; it just returns me to my bash prompt. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling rfkill...nothing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Internet Not Working Since Update / Wless Not Working

Jun 21, 2010

I have been looking around the forums searching for similar problems, it seems not only me had this problem. About a month ago I did a regular update via Upd Manager. The next day - no wired connection.Still managable, since the local library has wireless. Now that won't work either.Just after I upgraded from Jaunty, I accidentally removed NetwMngr from the top right corner of the screen, but that should not have anything to do with how the program works, right? I now cannot reach NM, if I run it from the terminal, nothing happens visibly.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Updating NVidia Driver Not Working, Tried Manual, Not Working?

Sep 18, 2010

I installed it on a Dell Inspiron 531 with the GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 built in video card. From the recommend driver list I installed �NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended

Well, turns out it should not have been recommended. I had restarted and all I got was a low res ubuntu logo and a boot right into a full screen terminal. Tried startx and got a no screens found, I look online for about an hour last night and decided to just reinstall, which takes a couple hours when installing all the packages.

I have done more research today and found to install the latest linux x64 driver from nVidias website, which I did, but it does not run. I followed some more instructions and it said to do a �sudo chmod +x <file>� which I did, and it starts to open and I get �You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.�

I�m starting to get a little frustrated here, guess I�m just used to a lot of the ease of windows and assumed that something like installing a graphics card driver would be easy.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Internet Working But Evolution Mail And GTalk Not Working?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude D530 Laptop (500 GB HDD). Installed Windows XP and then Ubuntu 10.10 to do dual boot. everything works fine in Windows XP.In Ubuntu 10.10 I had issues connecting to Internet(Through Wirelss), I was able to rectify this issue by dsiable ipv6 from firefox about:config and setting true to network.dns.disableIPv6. After this I was able to connect to internet and browse websites from Firefox.But I am having Issues with Evolution Mail(Connection Timed Out) and Google Talk Client(Connection Timed Out).Empathy Internet Messaging gets connected fine.I was wondering if I will have to disable IPv6 System wide and hence I added the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf

#disable ipv6
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Card Working On 10.04 32bit But Not Working On 10.04 64bit!

Jul 25, 2011

I had an Ubuntu Server 32 bit installation and everything was working fine. Now that I installed Ubuntu Server 64bit on a new drive in the same machine, the ethernet card is not working!! This is insane cause when I put the hard disk with the 32bit installation back and booting from it, the ethernet card is working without any problems but in the 64bits installation it is not shown at all using "ifconfig -a"

lspci output:


02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8151 v1.0 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)

How can I check which module is being loaded in the 32bits installation to try to load it manually in the 64 bits installation?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Website Not Working \ Default Site Is Working?

Jan 19, 2011

I just installed the lamp stack and so far my default site is working. But a 2nd site I made is not working.I created the config file in /etc/apache2/sites-availableit reads:Quote:

<VirtualHost myip:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@mydomain.com
ServerName mydomain.com


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Ubuntu Servers :: After Some PHP Fatal Errors / Php Do Not Working / But Html Is Still Working

Mar 7, 2011

I have very interesting problem after ~10 PHP Fatal error, php 5(latest one) in apache2(latest one) in Ubuntu Server 10.10(with latest updates) just do not work. So if try any php page it's not working(user see white page), but HTML still work fine.What that can be? So only restart apache is help to back php. (we are running Wordpress blog 3.1)

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Ubuntu Servers :: .htaccess Working, Rewrite Not Working Properly?

Apr 25, 2011

I had a problem with apache2 and getting .htaccess working. I have done some things and i believe its working the ErrorDocument command is anyway. I believe there may be some problems with the rewrites though.Im trying to take a urlhttp://localhost/showthread/123and make it display whats on http://localhost/index.php?showthread=123The rewrite rule is Quote:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^showthread/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?showthread=$1 [L]


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: .m4a Files Not Working In Banshee But Working In Rhythmbox

Apr 26, 2011

.m4a files not working in banshee but working in rhythmbox.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Is Not Working (only Wired Connection Is Working)

Jul 18, 2011

I can connect to the internet with wired connection. The switch for the device is on but this command "sudo lshw -C network" has the following results:

[sudo] password for nn:
description: Network controller
product: BCM4312 802.11a/b/g


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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba 3.0.28a - ACL Working 3.5.2 ACL Not Working?

Apr 23, 2010

I upgraded Samba to 3.5.2 to enable Windows 7 to log in to the PDC. ACL was working with the Samba 3.0.28a that came with 8.04LTS. After upgrade I can now log in to the domain with Win 7 but ACL permissions are not working on Win7, XP or anything. They still show on the server but any attempt to change permissions on the workstation fails with "Access is Denied" and only user/group/other permissions are doing anything. Anyone know what changes for the ACL were made between the two versions? I know they're working on switching to VFS modules but setting "vfs objects = acl_xattr"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Is Working But Not Working?

Aug 28, 2010

OK so I set up a server yesterday and got ndiswrapper loaded on it with the appropriate driver, I edited the /etc/network/interfaces file to contact my router with it's MAC address, WEP Key, etc... So the problem is I can ping addresses like Google and Ubuntu Forums but I can't use apt-get to install or update packages. When I try sudo apt-get update I get a whole bunch of Code: W: Failed to fetch <address>Temporary Failure resolving <address>My Wireless interface is wlan0 and also I can ping my server from my other computer running Linux and my server can ping that computer too.

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Fedora Networking :: Ping Working But Internet Not Working From Dhcp Clients

Jul 17, 2009

I have a strange problem for internet. My clients (winxp - S2) can't get internet.Let me explain my scenerios. Fedora 10 with lan (eth0) having direct internet from dsl model, client (XP service pack 2) can use samba shares using dhcp (wlan0) installed in Fedora 10 box. client can ping my linux box.Now problem is: client (dosbox) can ping the google ip address (i.e ping but can't use 'ping www.google.com'. That means ping with ip works for internet from my client. My linux box can. I can use internet from FC10 but can't use iexplorer from my client to have internet. I have enable ipmasquarding in Firewall and dhcpd is running on wlan0 for dynamic ip address of my clients.Can someone suggest me what kind of problem having I? What should i do to success iexplorer for internet? what possibly am i missing?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Intel PRO 2100 Not Working - RF Killswitch Button Not Working At All?

Feb 18, 2010

I followed the sticky about setting up wireless and I have come to an issue where the WLAN switch which is on this computer can be pressed, the light comes on, but no WLAN. When I looked in dmesg, this is what I get:

ipw2100: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection
firmware: requesting ipw2100-1.3.fw
eth0: Radio is disabled by RF switch.

When running iwconfig wlan0 heres what I get:

home/j-dub # iwconfig eth0
wlan0 unassociated ESSID off/any Nickname:"ipw2100"
Mode:Managed Channel=0 Access Point: Not-Associated


Notice it says that the 'Radio is disabled by switch' in dmesg. I can press that switch until the end of the world comes and it does absolutely nothing but make the WLAN light put on a light show. And it shows the wlan to be unassociated with any clients. So, what are my options to get this Wireless up and working?

Computer/OS info:

Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo M7400
1.4GHz Intel Centrino R
Suse 11.1 KDE

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OpenSUSE Network :: Internet Working - Package Management Not Working

Dec 17, 2010

I use an internet connection with a proxy. I have set the proxy in Firefox and systemsettings so now I can browse the web and I can ping Google from Console. But when I start Software Management, it says "Cannot access installation media". Whats wrong?

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Ubuntu :: DVD - Stuff Not Working Right Or Not Working At All

Feb 11, 2010

I have been a long time Windows user and just recently switched to Ubuntu. At first it looked like everything was going great ... now I just seem to have lots of problems with stuff not working right or not working at all, there are lots of issues but first tings first. I can't seem to get any program to copy or burn any dvds or cds. I understand that you need certain codecs and css stuff which are already installed.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Not Working USB 2.0, But *IS* Working On USB 3.0?

May 18, 2011

I have an asus 1215b laptop. For some reason, when I plug my mouse into any of the USB 2.0 ports it doesnt work. However, these same ports work perfectly to coppy files onto pendrives or external hdd. However, the USB 3.0 works perfectly for everything. The last thing I expected was the newer 3.0 to work and not the older 2.0. btw, my mouse is a generic, brandless laser mouse (it is an inhouse brand of PC CITY stores: PC LINE). I have never had any problems with it before.

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