Ubuntu :: Fish Has Stopped Recording History?

May 21, 2010

I use the friendly interactive shell, or fish, as my default shell. I find it much more user-friendly than bash, but lately (as in for the last 2 months, give or take)dding new entries to .config/fish/fish_history and .config/fish/fish_history.tmp. this means when I press up I don't get the last command I typed, but rather the last command from before the bug occurred. I have no idea why this could be and have tried several tricks but none of them have worked. I have made a bug report on launchpad but I was hoping someone here who knows more about shells would know a workaround.The things that I have tried:removing the files to see if it creates a new onemaking sure I have write access to the filesremoving the files and then using touch to create a blank one

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General :: Check The Browsing History By Individual Users Web Surfing History By Their IP Addresses?

Jun 29, 2010

I am using squid proxy server for sharing Internet in my internal network. I would like to know that how can I check the browsing history by individual users web surfing history by their IP addresses?

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Networking :: Cannot Use Fish:// Between Two Pc's On Lan?

Feb 18, 2011

I have been unable to connect between two boxes. One box is using ethernet cable and the other has a wireless nic. I can ping from the box with the wireless card to the wired box, but not the other way around. Using fish:// either way times out. Ssh and vnc services are open in the firewalls. There is no encryption for wireless being used. The wireless card is an imicro wireless pci adapter. I load the wireless driver manually after booting the box (./wlan0up,etc.) Both boxes are using opensuse 11.3. I did not have any problem using fish:// until I replaced a failing ethernet nic with the wireless nic. I use dhcp for the lan ip address

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Ubuntu Security :: Fish:// Seems To Be Sending SYN Floods?

Apr 13, 2010

I've got a strange problem. I have a number of linux boxes - main running Gentoo, a couple of others running Mint and a new one running Kubuntu 9.10.All, except the new one, connect to my hosted remote server through FTP, FISH or SSH without any problem.However the new machine will connect to my remote server, via fish, but then gets immediately disconnected. I have discovered, via my hosting company, that it is flooding the connection and looking in my Router log I can see:Quote:1. 2010.04.13 03:24:42 **SYN Flood to Host** 10.10.xxx.xxx, 38299->> 209.85.xxx.xxx, 80 (from ATM Outbound)If I connect first through SSH on this machine it is fine and I can navigate through the remote filesystem. If I connect through FISH using either Konqueror or Dolphin, I get an initial file listing and then the remote firewall kicks in and blacklists my IP address for half an hour.Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening? Once I'm blacklisted I cannot make any connection, from any machine on my external IP address - whether it is HTTP, FTP, SSH

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Ubuntu :: Get Fish Tank Inside Cylinder

Aug 9, 2010

COmpiz does not have the option. if this is a nooby question im new 2 ubuntu

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rocket Fish Webcam Get Black Screen?

Jan 18, 2011

I got a Rocketfish RF-WEB2C webcam, plugged it into my Dell Inspiron Mini 10, and it worked just fine. Cheese ran it, tinychat ran it, skype ran it, all was good. Today, all I get is a black screen. Tinychat claims that it isn't giving out any signal, though can detect it, and Cheese showed me a black screen, though listed it as the the device it was using. I figure it isn't a lack of drivers, as it worked yesterday, and it really shouldn't have broken yet, as I just opened it yesterday.

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OpenSUSE Network :: SSH - Fish Works But Konsole Doesn't?

May 9, 2010

using konqueror/dolphin to connect to my desktop and the connection is okay.fish://userone@ out of curiosity, in konsole typedssh userone@ and got and error messagessh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known Googled and got more confused

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Software :: Fishshel (fish) Compiling Fail, Fedora 14?

Dec 5, 2010

i am trying to compile the fish shell, in order to install it on my system.when i am run the 'configure' command, i get an error that it can't find 'curses' implementation.i have on my system (Fedora 14) ncurses, which is also supported according to the Fish site.when i try to install curses with yum, i get a message that it couldn't find a package like that.i have tried to google about that but i found nothing

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OpenSUSE :: Drag & Drop Copying Via Fish Or Sftp In Konqueror / Krusader

Sep 10, 2010

This started after my upgrade to 11.3, if I remember correctly. I may have it slightly wrong because I don't drag & drop copy every day, but it's close. Also, it happened to my laptop & desktop both.

I use fish & Krusader to manage some 50-60 servers and it's a dandy app. But now, when I try to copy files to remote servers, I get the following error. I tried it with Konqeror. I tried it with sftp instead of fish. Same results every way.

I've tried searching, but it's not an obvious error message to search for. I'm flummoxed. And sorta frustrated. Linux would be so slick minus these irritating regressions. I had been using WinSCP / Putty, but the Terminal / Krusader I like much better --- except that WinSCP always works.

Here's the screenshot of my error. You can't see it through the blur, but the part that is baffling is that the top line says something like:

this action will overwrite fish://root@server:2222/ with a newer file fish://root@ Notice that the remote server doesn't even HAVE that file on its system.

Selecting Overwriting just freezes Krusader.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Use The "fish" In KDE 4.2

Apr 1, 2009

I installed KDE 4.2 ( and from using it I like it very much... switching up from gnome for a while ) and everything but one aspect is working perfectly fine and that is adding network folders... it seems that my install cannot seem to connect to any computer using fish://. Although when I ssh from command line it works fine... I installed the following packages for KDE for reference:


Also to note I am running fedora 10 and gnome is also installed on the system. The error that I get with fish is that the it cannot connect to server. Even though I can connect with ssh in terminal. Some places I have read about is kio ioslaves and there isn't any problems like I have occurring. From what I gather is that fish works fine for everyone else so I must be doing something wrong but at a loss for what it is...

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Ubuntu :: Lag In Screen Recording ?

Jun 15, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) 2.6.32-22-generic
ATi Raedon HD 2400 PRO (256mb) Graphics Card
3023 MiB Memory
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz

Whenever I try running ANY screen recording program, my desktop runs too slow to use. I don't think this is a problem with my hardware capabilities, as I used to be able to record my screen perfectly in Windows, whilst doing multiple other tasks. I've installed the ATi/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recording With A Mic And Audacity?

Feb 26, 2010

i can't record with my mic anymore. I went to do so in audacity and i only get the noise it hears through the headphones. I am recording a second vocal track. The first track is the music. I looked at the alsamixer and the mic was originally muted and i unmuted. Should line be muted when i am using the mic? I also tried to record with the mic in sound recorder but got nothing there either.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Recording On One Channel Only?

Mar 19, 2010

found one other post with this same issue, and the final reply was "I give up"...I got a fresh 9.1 install. I just want to record some audio, but it's only recording on one channel, the left channel.I tried audacity and sound recorder. checked the sound preferences, Hardware set to Analog Stereo Duplex. In audacity Preferences > Devices > Recording, 2 (Stereo) is selected.When recording in audacity the output meter for the left channel shows activity while the right channel looks like it goes up a little bit but doesn't peak like the left channel. I hear fuzziness in the right but all the sound is in the left

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Scheduled TV Recording ?

Apr 3, 2010

I use Kaffeine to record live TV to disk for later playback. I've been putting up with Kaffeine's little foibles for the last little while, but tonight (for the second night in a row) I accidentally closed it and consequently it didn't record anything.

Is there any software I can use to construct a recording schedule which will then not be dependent on me remembering to leave a particular app running? I don't really need this in MPEG4 or anything. The PC stays on 24x7 - I just need it to launch a recording at the correct time.

I've avoided MythTV in all it's incarnations because I want the computer to still function as a normal PC most of the time, and from my admittedly brief trial of MythTV it took over the PC and wouldn't let me open a web browser or a mail client.

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Ubuntu :: Recording Audio In 10.04 Not Working

Apr 29, 2010

I am currently running Ubuntu 9.04 and am looking at upgrading to the upcoming 10.04 LTS release. And have been trying out the new version using the release candidate live CD. The main problem is one that was also evident when 9.04 was originally installed - audio recording and monitoring simply is not working. With 9.04 it took several hours of head-banging and reading HOW-TOs and guides to get to the point where audio input to the sound card played through the speakers and can be recorded by programs such as Audacity.

I've been trying to poke around with 10.04 to get the same results and so far had no success. (Things have changed sufficiently that it does not seem straightforward to simply replicate my 9.04 settings.) This is on 64-bit Ubuntu with a Soundblaster Audigy sound card. It's a little disappointing that we are not yet at the point where this type of basic functionality is working "out of the box" with Ubuntu. Anyone have any tips to setting up 10.04 for audio recording and monitoring?

Although I never did get this working with the live CD, recording worked fine after doing a test installation of Lucid on a spare hard drive. With the live CD the primary line input was not even showing up in alsamixer. With Lucid installed it was no problem to find and crank up the volume on this input. In actuality then, once the installation was actually done it took much less fiddling with this release than it did with 9.04 to get the same results.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Recording Software ?

Jun 2, 2010

I've been using Linux for a good six months now, and I'm loving it. I've recently upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10 to Ubuntu 10.04. When I was using 9.10, I couldn't use ANY screen recording software (Trust me, I tried a lot), as it made my desktop 'lag' so much but I just thought it was a problem with my OS, because when I was running Windows Seven I could record my desktop perfectly in HD, whilst running a lot of other applications.

My computer isn't exactly amazing spec, got a dual core 2.20ghz processor, and 256mb ATi Raedon graphic card.

Since recently upgrading to 10.04, I still can't record my desktop due to 'lag'.

Will this be a problem with my hardware? Is my computer just not powerful enough to record my desktop on Ubuntu? Or is another problem which I haven't even thought about?

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Ubuntu :: Video Recording Without Any Sound?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a problem with my Video recording without any sound. I have looked into the fixes of the 64bit MMPEG upgrades and gone through what steps I can find to fix the problem, although even after going through the re-compile in konsole, as well as then removing it and trying again using K Package Manager, I still have no Audio with my Video when recording in Cheese.Cheese records the video in ogv format, and I have attempted to convert the ogv file to avi format using VLC. I am able to watch the video in both VLC and Dragon Player... but no sound, just video. I have used Cheese to record video's using Ubuntu 8.10 onwards, but my current Kubuntu 10.04.01 (and when I had 10.04) has no sound in the recordings. I have not changed microphone, and I have checked all my connections. I can hear voice in the speakers through the microphone. I am using on board sound, which I have no other issues with. The error message I get tells me that my MMPEG install lacks the AAC Audio Codec.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Watching TV While Its Recording?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a PVR-150 for recording TV shows.

I can record shows using this command:

cat /dev/video0 > /mnt/raid/show.mpg

I can watch the show.mpg file while its recoding using VLC, Xine, Mplayer... pretty much any video player.

This is nice because i can pause, rewind, and fast-forward live TV, just like all the commercial DVRs out there.

The problem with this method is returning to "Live TV" mode. When using a commercial DVR, when you are fast-forwarding and reach "Live TV", the player stops fast-forwarding and begins playing the live TV in real-time. When doing the same thing with Xine or VLC, the player simply stops when you reach the EOF.

Is there a player that mimics this? When it get close to the EOF, it switches from Fast-Forward to play?

I used to have MythTV, but it way too bloated for what I want to do.

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Ubuntu :: Recording Audio From Both The Mic And Pc At The Same Time?

Nov 24, 2010

I want to record conversations and stuff from skype. Now, I want the sound to be as good as possible, so what settings do I choose, what do I mute and all the other volume combinations and settings do I configure etc... To get the best record possible, I need to record from both pc and mic at the same time, but how? As my settings are now I can only record through the mic. So, what do I do? Also, if you could give me a few tips on how I can filter useless background noise.

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Ubuntu :: Recording Macros In JEdit?

Apr 14, 2011

I've installed jEdit following instructions here [URL]... In trying to record a macro Macros > Record Macro I can see "Macro recording" message in status bar but no macro code is generated and no macro can be run. on getting macros to work in jEdit?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 Screen Recording?

Jul 20, 2011

I know that pressing ctrl+alt+shift+R enables me to record my screen, but I can't merge my voice with it. Is it limited to video recording without audio? If that's true, how can I merge two separate an audio file with video file (Gnome produces *.webm videos by default)

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Ubuntu :: CPU History Readout Mean?

May 10, 2010

when one core is high, the other is low. It's almost an exact mirror effect right in the middle of the graph. What's up with this?

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Ubuntu :: Zsh - How To Clear The History

May 29, 2010

Sometimes I don't want commands to be added to my history. In bash it wasCode:unset HISTFILE
You would run it after a few commands and it would clear them all.I can't find out how to do it with ZSH.

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Ubuntu :: Recording Mic Input With Gnome Recorder?

Apr 14, 2010

I am using a microphone to record a sound with gnome recorder. All I get is noise. If I am yelling at the top of my voice, then I get a feeble sound o/p in mid of a lot of noise. I know my mic is alright. I use skype and during a call, the other person can hear me very well. So the problem is not mic. So I shall have to tweak the gnome recorder to get a better o/p.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Viewing/recording With New TV Tuner?

Apr 26, 2010

No progress viewing input yet in Linux. I installed MythTV, VLC, and no luck yet with vids or sound.I had video input with Windows Movie Maker, and Media Player Classic (3rd party), but no sound in either.

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Ubuntu :: Need Good Time Recording Programs

May 29, 2010

Does anyone know of a good time keeping/recording program for Ubuntu that I can use to log hours spent on a project for billing purposes? I'm getting back to doing some web work to make some extra cash, and would love to have a program that does this.

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Ubuntu :: What's A Screen Video Recording Program

Jun 1, 2010

I see a lot of people make ..... videos with screen recording,.. what's the best to use? Any in the software center?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Listen To Vinyl When Recording?

Jun 9, 2010

i just got this usb turn table and when im in windows, i can listen to the vinyls when they are recording. i was just wondering if i could do the same when in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Recording Repeats Every Word Twice?

Jul 12, 2010

when I record something every word is repeated and it's very annoying

this is a sample(me reading the text above): [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Recording From System Mixer In Lucid

Aug 2, 2010

how do I set my record source as system mixer so that I will be able to record audio streams? In Lucid, I couldn't find any options other than line in and mic.

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