Networking :: Cannot Use Fish:// Between Two Pc's On Lan?

Feb 18, 2011

I have been unable to connect between two boxes. One box is using ethernet cable and the other has a wireless nic. I can ping from the box with the wireless card to the wired box, but not the other way around. Using fish:// either way times out. Ssh and vnc services are open in the firewalls. There is no encryption for wireless being used. The wireless card is an imicro wireless pci adapter. I load the wireless driver manually after booting the box (./wlan0up,etc.) Both boxes are using opensuse 11.3. I did not have any problem using fish:// until I replaced a failing ethernet nic with the wireless nic. I use dhcp for the lan ip address

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Use The "fish" In KDE 4.2

Apr 1, 2009

I installed KDE 4.2 ( and from using it I like it very much... switching up from gnome for a while ) and everything but one aspect is working perfectly fine and that is adding network folders... it seems that my install cannot seem to connect to any computer using fish://. Although when I ssh from command line it works fine... I installed the following packages for KDE for reference:


Also to note I am running fedora 10 and gnome is also installed on the system. The error that I get with fish is that the it cannot connect to server. Even though I can connect with ssh in terminal. Some places I have read about is kio ioslaves and there isn't any problems like I have occurring. From what I gather is that fish works fine for everyone else so I must be doing something wrong but at a loss for what it is...

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Ubuntu Security :: Fish:// Seems To Be Sending SYN Floods?

Apr 13, 2010

I've got a strange problem. I have a number of linux boxes - main running Gentoo, a couple of others running Mint and a new one running Kubuntu 9.10.All, except the new one, connect to my hosted remote server through FTP, FISH or SSH without any problem.However the new machine will connect to my remote server, via fish, but then gets immediately disconnected. I have discovered, via my hosting company, that it is flooding the connection and looking in my Router log I can see:Quote:1. 2010.04.13 03:24:42 **SYN Flood to Host**, 38299->>, 80 (from ATM Outbound)If I connect first through SSH on this machine it is fine and I can navigate through the remote filesystem. If I connect through FISH using either Konqueror or Dolphin, I get an initial file listing and then the remote firewall kicks in and blacklists my IP address for half an hour.Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening? Once I'm blacklisted I cannot make any connection, from any machine on my external IP address - whether it is HTTP, FTP, SSH

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Ubuntu :: Fish Has Stopped Recording History?

May 21, 2010

I use the friendly interactive shell, or fish, as my default shell. I find it much more user-friendly than bash, but lately (as in for the last 2 months, give or take)dding new entries to .config/fish/fish_history and .config/fish/fish_history.tmp. this means when I press up I don't get the last command I typed, but rather the last command from before the bug occurred. I have no idea why this could be and have tried several tricks but none of them have worked. I have made a bug report on launchpad but I was hoping someone here who knows more about shells would know a workaround.The things that I have tried:removing the files to see if it creates a new onemaking sure I have write access to the filesremoving the files and then using touch to create a blank one

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Ubuntu :: Get Fish Tank Inside Cylinder

Aug 9, 2010

COmpiz does not have the option. if this is a nooby question im new 2 ubuntu

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OpenSUSE Network :: SSH - Fish Works But Konsole Doesn't?

May 9, 2010

using konqueror/dolphin to connect to my desktop and the connection is out of curiosity, in konsole typedssh userone@ and got and error messagessh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known Googled and got more confused

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Software :: Fishshel (fish) Compiling Fail, Fedora 14?

Dec 5, 2010

i am trying to compile the fish shell, in order to install it on my system.when i am run the 'configure' command, i get an error that it can't find 'curses' implementation.i have on my system (Fedora 14) ncurses, which is also supported according to the Fish site.when i try to install curses with yum, i get a message that it couldn't find a package like that.i have tried to google about that but i found nothing

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rocket Fish Webcam Get Black Screen?

Jan 18, 2011

I got a Rocketfish RF-WEB2C webcam, plugged it into my Dell Inspiron Mini 10, and it worked just fine. Cheese ran it, tinychat ran it, skype ran it, all was good. Today, all I get is a black screen. Tinychat claims that it isn't giving out any signal, though can detect it, and Cheese showed me a black screen, though listed it as the the device it was using. I figure it isn't a lack of drivers, as it worked yesterday, and it really shouldn't have broken yet, as I just opened it yesterday.

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OpenSUSE :: Drag & Drop Copying Via Fish Or Sftp In Konqueror / Krusader

Sep 10, 2010

This started after my upgrade to 11.3, if I remember correctly. I may have it slightly wrong because I don't drag & drop copy every day, but it's close. Also, it happened to my laptop & desktop both.

I use fish & Krusader to manage some 50-60 servers and it's a dandy app. But now, when I try to copy files to remote servers, I get the following error. I tried it with Konqeror. I tried it with sftp instead of fish. Same results every way.

I've tried searching, but it's not an obvious error message to search for. I'm flummoxed. And sorta frustrated. Linux would be so slick minus these irritating regressions. I had been using WinSCP / Putty, but the Terminal / Krusader I like much better --- except that WinSCP always works.

Here's the screenshot of my error. You can't see it through the blur, but the part that is baffling is that the top line says something like:

this action will overwrite fish://root@server:2222/ with a newer file fish://root@ Notice that the remote server doesn't even HAVE that file on its system.

Selecting Overwriting just freezes Krusader.

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Networking :: Networking Is Not Getting Out Of The Dosbox Instance \ Needs To Have Some Config In Place To Link Networking Over To Dosbox?

Jan 31, 2011

I am attempting to setup and old BBSinside of DosBOXI've built one of the DosBOX Megabuilds, with the NE2000 patch.It uses libpcap in order to piggy back on top of the system's NIC. All of the dosbox side appears to be working.My system comes up, gets the MAC address i told it to use, i can load a packet driver in dosbox, all of that seems well and good. The issue, i think, is on the linux side. It's built on a Fedora 14 box. I'm getting the feeling that networking isnt getting out of the dosbox instance. Does it seem possible that fedora needs to have some config in place to link networking over to dosbox?

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Fedora Networking :: Wired Networking Not Connecting In 12 With Windows Internet Connection Sharing?

Jan 16, 2011

I just want to use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to connect to the internet. I have done a massive amount of troubleshooting, but some of it seems to contradict itself, and the only two things that I know for sure are that it used to work, and that my Ethernet cable is not the problem. When I use Terminal utilities like ifup and dhclient it seems that it can not determine IP information, but when I try to put it in manually, the "Apply" button grays out right after I finish typing it in. When I try to connect normally, in KDE or GNOME, the icon acts like it's connecting, then instead of having the connected icon, I receive a notification that "the network has been disconnected", and it goes back to the disconnected icon.

Oh, and by the way, I know that I could probably find a workaround, but I have limited resources, and this used to work. The Linux is a Dell desktop with Fedora 12 and the Windows is a Windows 7 HP laptop.EDIT: I hope that I didn't mess something up, but I accidentally used system-network-config to try putting in the IP address there, and ended up changing it back to the original settings, but the computer is now calling it Auto Ethernet in the taskbar icon, although sudo iwconfig in the terminal still calls it eth0.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Find Directions On Networking Two Computers Together In Order To Share Files?

Nov 20, 2010

I am having a heck of a time trying to find directions on networking my two computers together in order to share files. I have two machines running Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop & Netbook remix.

They are both connected to my wireless router to connect to the internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Error Appearsubu@ubu-AOD255E:~$ Sudo /etc/init.d/networking Restart?

May 21, 2011

trying to bond two 3G modems but I cant Im really new in this matther so I really This is the error that appears

ubu@ubu-AOD255E:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
* Reconfiguring network interfaces... Ignoring unknown interface ppp0=ppp0.


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Networking :: Networking Routing \ Use The Terminal To Assign Server Eth0 A Proper IP Address?

Jun 8, 2010

i know exactly what i need to do, im just not familiar enough with command line to do it properly.i have 7 computers.the first 4 are connected to a router via wireless at one end of the house. of the last 3 only 1 will be able to access the router via wireless, so it needs to share it's one wireless connection via ethernet. this computer i'm going to call 'server'server will have two IP'swlan0 this connects to the router that has internet access.eth0 i intend to have the following settingsip: 255.255.0eth0 will connect to a second router, where the cat5 cable goes from the server, into the internet port of the router where i will define the router's static IP:IP: have then set the router IP for LAN handling as and all ethernet connections will have a 192.168.27.x IP.

so i need to know how to, without a gui application, use the terminal to assign server eth0 a proper IP address, and tell the server to take the connection it has and share it through eth0 to supply internet for the last 2 computers via ethernet.i had it set up in this way with a windows machine being the one that had the wifi access, but i'd rather have it setup for the ubuntu server to do this task. security is imperative for these 3 remaining machines, so just getting 2 more wifi adapters for a connection to the initial router isn't an option.the 2 that connect to server do so through SSH and though server IS connected via wireless it only makes outward connections through

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Fedora Networking :: Networking - Connect To The Internet Using BSNL Broadband Connection

Mar 6, 2010

I have installed fedora 12 recently. after installation i tried to connect to the internet using BSNL broadband connection. I filled in the details such as IP, Netmask, Gateway and even DNS servers. In the services also I ensured that the network manager services is on. However even though my computer cannot connect to the internet. I then tried the ping test of the modem from the address and found that the ping test is successful. Then i tried the network administrator and there I noticed something unusual.

There are two options in the devices eth0 and eth1 thats ok but the unusual; thing is that the Activate (green button), Deactivate (red button) and even the delete buttons are in the background and I cannot select them. Isthis the problem for the network connectivity.


I then tried the ping test of the modem from the address and found that the ping test is successful. Then i tried the network administrator and there I noticed something unusual. There are two options in the devices eth0 and eth1 thats ok but the unusual; thing is that the Activate (green button), Deactivate (red button) and even the delete buttons are in the background and I cannot select them. Isthis the problem for the network connectivity.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cable Modem Networking - Can't Connect To Each Other On The Home Network

Feb 14, 2010

I just got connected to Charter Cable Internet service a few days ago and I'm having a weird problem with my home network. Prior to this my network worked fine. On my network I have a desktop running Ubuntu 9.10/64 and Virtualbox with WinXP installed, an HTPC with Ubuntu 9.10/32 installed and a laptop dual booted with Ubuntu 9.10/32 and WinXP. The desktop and HTPC are hard wired to a wireless router and the laptop is wireless. The cable modem is hard wired to the router. I have samba installed and UFW is disabled. The problem is: with the cable modem turned off or on standby, all machines connect to each other and can transfer files, etc just fine but when I activate the cable modem all of the machines can connect to the Internet but the machines running Ubuntu can't connect to each other on the home network. If I boot the laptop into Windows, it can connect to the Linux machines just fine but if I boot it into Linux, it won't connect to the Linux machines but it can connect to the Internet and as far as the desktop, Ubuntu won't connect to the network but Windows running in the Virtualbox with bridged networking can connect to all of the machines.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Crosswire Or Ethernet - Make A Server Box My Entrypoint To My Networking

Mar 1, 2010

Im trying to make an ubuntu server box my entrypoint to my networking. Meaning itll function as a server, a firewall, and a gateway. so i already installed dhcp3 and a dns server.

I have 2 ethernet cards in it. So now i wonder, should i the second card into a router's modem/wan port and make the router a switch? or should i plug it into one of the routers lan ports?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Updates Yesterday/Today Cause Packet Loss On Networking

Apr 9, 2010

I have 3 Dell Precision M4400 machines. After getting updates yesterday or today, I get random network dropouts like crazy, on wired or wireless. On one machine I was able to turn off ipv6 in grub and reboot, and it works now. However on the other 2 machines, still have the same problems. All 3 are running 9.10 64 bit. Is there a way I can back out the updates so the network works again? Anyone else see this behavior after updates today?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking In 10.04 - In Network Manager There Is Not Way To Select My Modem In The First Step

May 3, 2010

I'm try to create a mobile broadband connection using my Huawei E 1550 medem. but in Network manager there is not way to select my modem in the first step ( device selection step ) the drop down menu is locked. what to do ? how to configure my modem with ubuntu ?

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Ubuntu :: When Click On Networking Icon In System Tray - Says Networking Disabled

Jul 13, 2010

I do have internet cause I am using it on W7. The only thing that I have done different is I left the pc on over night so I guess it went to suspend for the first time. Then I powered off. After turning the pc back on and logging in I have no internet. Not even with the Ethernet plugged directly in. There is supposed to be a little blue light on when it sees the wireless and that is off. When I click on the networking icon in the system tray it says networking disabled. It shows no wireless. When I plug directly in I still get nothing. I'm using 10.04

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Ubuntu Networking :: Drivers For Belkin Double N And Wireless Networking USB Adapter?

Aug 3, 2010

Ok, so I am needing some drivers and I've been googling like hell to find em, however, I can never seem to find any. My adapter model is F6D6050v1.

PS: when I try sudo ndisgtk it comes up with command not found.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Networking Not Working At Work - Fine At Home ?

Aug 24, 2010

I just started having a problem with my 10.04 laptop a few days ago, maybe Thursday, last week. When the computer is plugged into my home network (standard sort of IPs) it works fine, but when I try to connect to my work network (130.15.90.XX) I am unable to pick up an IP. The router in my office is working fine, all the windows boxes can connect.

I've also noticed that when the computer is plugged in at work the notification icon for the networking indicates it is looking for a wireless connection (rather than the normal up/down arrows), even if wireless is deactivated

I can set a static IP in /etc/network/interfaces and everything works, so it seems to be a DHCP problem?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Networking On Packard Bell Easynote Tn36

Nov 7, 2010

I'm using a Packard Bell Easynote Tn36 laptop, and I'm having trouble with Ubuntu 10.10 and the wireless network card, (probably because of lack of driver). I.e. it is disabled.

How can I enable it?

I input this code:

And here is the output:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Applet Enable Networking Unchecked

Apr 2, 2011

Whenever I start up my laptop i do not get a wireless connection automatically. I have to rightclick network manager applet and select enable networking. After that everything works fine untill i shutdown and restart my laptop. I would like a way to change this so that my wifi connection is working whithout having to click something first..

OS:Xubuntu 10.04 LTS!
hardware: dell inspiron 6000
nm applet: 0.8.?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dual Ethernet Networking - Lose Internet Connectivity?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a server with two ethernet ports. I configured eth0 to be static, set at I plugged in another router into the other ethernet port in order to configure that router. I configured eth1 to use dhcp. Using /etc/network/interfaces rather than gnome network manager. When I did this, I lost internet connectivity (internet routes through eth0 of course)

- Why did I lose internet connectivity?

In order to recover internet activity, I had to disconnect the new router on eth1 of course, and do sudo ifdown eth1. That wasn't enough however. After rebooting numerous times and pulling out my hair, I finally tried configuring eth0 as dhcp, rather than static, and this fixed the problem.

- Why didn't sudo ifdown eth1 solve the problem? What information was saved between reboots that somehow remembered that I plugged in the new router? Because my thinking was if /etc/network/interfaces was identical, and the network topology was identical, after a reboot everything should be restored, but it wasn't.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 11.04 Networking - No Ping Response - Edit .conf File?

Apr 27, 2011

I can connect to the internet and browse. I'm wired and using DHCP on a Windows network. Updating Ubuntu or downloading programs takes hours for 52MB of updates. Why? I read some articles that mention Network Manager needs to be enabled at the .conf file. Can I edit this using GUI or command line only?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Widget Fails To Enable Wireless Card / Fix It?

Apr 30, 2011

I just upgraded to natty last night, and everything is working fine except for the network manager. I can enable and configure the wireless card via bash, but the network manager widget will not manage the wireless card.

When I first boot up, the "Enable wireless" check box is greyed out. After I enable the card via the terminal, the "Enable wireless" check box becomes ungreyed, but every time I click it, it instantly unchecks itself. I feel like Currly from the Three Stoogies. Check, uncheck, Check, uncheck.. "Slaps face repeatedly."

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Networking On Packard Bell Easynote Tn36 - 11.04

May 1, 2011

I have Packard Bell easynote tn36 and I used to use ubuntu 10.10 and then when I upgrad it to ubuntu 11.04 the wireless doesn't work (disable) and I can't press the botton of Enable wireless.

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Networking :: Configure The Wireless (broadcom) On Laptop - Arch Networking Completely Gone

May 15, 2011

I until yesterday when trying to configure the wireless (broadcom) on my laptop could browse the internet and install packages normally. but now none of the connections are working


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To A Small Number Of Random Websites: Otherwise Networking Is Fine

Dec 29, 2010

I was having no problems (that I knew of) browsing the web since installing Ubuntu 10.10 a week or so ago. I was previously trialling Win7 as my customers will likely be using that in the future. Then I wanted to go to Got the following: Quote: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at or Quote: Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to

As it was just after Christmas I thought it must be down, for upgrades or maintenance etc. I later tried to go to; same error. I've been having a small number of other websites give the same error. I thought nothing of this until I tried it on my wife's macpro. I could log onto all the websites I wanted to and none gave any indication of having been down. Both boxes are on the same adsl connection. I still can't access internode or freebsd on 10.10 yet have been able to access every website on OSX. Now, I was only looking at them for info but am worried I won't be able to access something important. (so far everything I 'need' is working)

ping just drops out. edit: weirdest thing! I just retried and now can not emulate the problem for internode. freebsd still won't show. that is less than five minutes between problems and resolution! I hadn't even posted! But I still would like to have an idea of what is going on. Here is the ping error for freebsd: Quote:


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