Ubuntu :: Add Or Configure To The Current Gnome Desktop?

Jan 23, 2011

The last time I used linux (long long time ago) I had a nifty little widget the showed what was going on on all the desktops. Is there a way to add or configure this to the current gnome desktop? All I currently get is an outline to tell me if something is there, but I don't get to see what it is. Sorry for such a noob question.Running Lucid netbook on a system 76 starling. Standard Gnome login, not netbook.

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Fedora :: Start Fvwm And Configure It To Empty Desktop (no Toolbars No Nothing) Instead Of Gnome

Nov 11, 2009

I would like to setup fedora for fullscreen, touchscreen, noexit application. So whenever you'll boot or restart the application will automatically starts. I thing there are these step required:

1. autologin
2. start fvwm after login instead of default DM - gnome
3. run application

how to autologin in fedora but it still shows that fedora gui login screen for 10 seconds and then it logs in. My problem that I dont know how to start fvwm and configure it to empty desktop (no toolbars no nothing) instead of gnome.

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OpenSUSE :: Auto Configure - Reinstall To Reflect System In Current State

Apr 17, 2011

Is there a way to get a list of all packages installed since install (that are currently on the system) and upon re-install run an application that will automatically install those packages. This would save greatly on initialisation time (the re-set up afterwards). Essentially, I want to re-install and/or move to another machine and want to the new install to reflect the system as it currently stands.

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General :: Configure Bash Prompt To Show Current / Parent Directory Only

Oct 15, 2010

I would like to modify Bash Prompt so it does not show the whole $PATH but just the current and parent directory. I am using Ubuntu.

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General :: Install GNOME Over Current KDE?

Sep 3, 2010

WARNING: Extremely n00bish question lies ahead: When I'm going to be updating my PC from Debian 5.0.5 w/ KDE, can I completely write over it and everything but the data of one folder with Debian 6 w/ GNOME? If I have to take the specific data off the computer, that's fine. I'm just wondering if I can change my GUI when I upgrade the OS.

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Ubuntu :: Alt+tab To Show Only Windows On Current Desktop?

Jan 10, 2010

Is there a way for Kwin to Alt-tab only the windows on the current desktop, rather than all windows on every desktop?

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Ubuntu :: When Logged Into Gnome Desktop - Message - The GNOME Session Manager Was Unable To Read File

May 3, 2010

When i logged into a gnome desktop i got this message: "The GNOME session manager was unable to read file:'/home/(desktop name)/ICEauthority'. If this file exists it must be readable by you for GNOME to work properly. try logging in with failsafe session and removing the file." What commands do i use for that? or do i need to do something else?

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General :: Take A Screenshot With Current Cursor In GNOME?

Apr 25, 2011

When I take a screenshot in Ubuntu 10.04 (Gnome) using application "Take Screenshot" I get a screenshow this a default mouse cursor, but when i take a screenshot, cursor of mouse was another, for instance, cursor of mouse, which happen when window is resizing. How i can do screenshot with current cursor mouse, but not default

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Ubuntu :: Reset Gnome Desktop To Default Without Affecting Unity Desktop?

May 27, 2011

I have my Unity desktop just how I like it, but sometimes I like to log in to the Gnome (Ubuntu Classic) desktop. However, I was playing around with CCSM while in Gnome and I've totally messed it up, I have the Gnome panels and also the Unity launcher, it's a total mess. Is there a way to reset my Gnome desktop to default without affecting my Unity desktop?

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Ubuntu :: What's The Current (Natty) Full Desktop Stack

Apr 30, 2011

how the current full desktop stack looks like for Ubuntu Natty? I assume it should roughly look like this:


Is this correct? Any other levels that I missed? Where would Wayland stand (in the future) here? I assume it will just replace X?

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Debian Multimedia :: Current Status Of Gnome Shell?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm using Squeeze, and haven't seen an update in the Debian repo for some time. Seeing as it's due for release soon (September), can we expect some updates in the near future? I had been using Gnome Shell in Ubuntu with much success, including compiling my own. These days, I cannot afford the bandwidth, and have encountered an unknown problem [URL] under Debian Squeeze. Currently, I'm experiencing a very annoying flickering issue using the repo version which I know does not exist anymore in the current gnome development. To have at least one update now before the release date would be nice to see.

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General :: Determine What Gnome Desktop Number A Gnome Terminal Is Connected To?

Apr 29, 2010

In KDE's Konsole, I can do the following from the terminal:

dcop kwin KWinInterface currentDesktop

And it will tell me which desktop my terminal is connected to ( per [URL])

How can I determine what desktop number the current gnome terminal in a gnome session is connected to?

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General :: Ubuntu - Bring An Open Window To The Current Desktop?

Aug 2, 2010

Let's say I have a program open on another virtual desktop. Is there a way I can bring that program to the current desktop through a script? The following command is the closest I can get:

wmctrl -a program This will switch to the desktop where the program is open and make it the foremost window. However, instead of going to the desktop where the program is, I want to bring the program to the current desktop. There is also this command:

wmctrl -R program The documentation says that this will do what I want, but it just does the same thing as the former command.

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General :: ENQUIRY On Current Red Hat OS Equivalent To Desktop Red Hat 5.2 (2.0.36)?

Nov 29, 2010

I plan to use the OSPF Simulator that comes together with the OSPF Complete Implementation book by John T. Moy [URL] For the purpose of me to be able to establish an almost similar environment as Red Hat 5.2and the packages listed below, what Desktop Red Hat OS and packages that be used in the absence of the Desktop Red Hat 5.2. The packages that have been recommended in the OSPF Complete Implementation Book [URL] are:

(1)gcc : version
(2)egcs-c++: that is g++version 1.0.3a
(3)glibc: version 2.0.7
(4)glibc-devel: version 2.0.7


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Slackware :: Current Can't Log Into KDE 4.5.4 With Desktop Effects Enabled

Dec 21, 2010

I updated to latest -current last night and since then have not been able to login to my KDE desktop. After typing in the password, I get the starter icons come up, and just as the last one comes up, the desktop logs out to the login screen again. I worked out that it was because desktop effects were enabled - disabling these in kwinrc allows me to login, although without desktop effects.Using NVidia 256.53 binary drivers b.t.w.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Dvd That Contains Server Desktop And Alternate Install Opptions - And All Four Main Desktop Environments (gnome - Kde - Xfce - Lxde) And Unity?

Aug 12, 2011

is it would be possible create a Ubuntu dvd that contains the ubuntu server desktop and alternate install opptions, as well as all four main desktop environments (gnome, kde, xfce, lxde) and unity. since much of the data is redundant between each version cd's it would probably all fit on one disk. then all that would be needed is two disks one for 32 bit and another for 64 bit. i really think that this could work.

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OpenSUSE :: Lost KDE Desktop Effects Settings After Install Gnome Desktop Environment

Jun 6, 2010

I installed Gnome desktop environment recently then ;I' ve lost KDE desktop effects settings. I just can see Compiz Configirator. I cant configure effects independently. There is same settings in gnome and kde. And also I cant change windows appearence.

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Fedora :: Gnome-Do Error - Could Not Load Desktop Item - Libgnome-desktop-2.so.17

May 27, 2011

I'm running Fedora 15 with Gnome 3. I installed Gnome-Do using 'yum install gnome-do'. I opened it from the Terminal by typing 'gnome-do' but I keep getting an error message that says

Could not load desktop item: libgnome-desktop-2.so.17

Gnome-Do opens but it doesn't display any application I search for and when I try opening the Gnome-Do preferences, it quits.

I installed gnome-desktop-2.32.0-8.fc16.i686.rpm from here: [url] and then installed Gnome-Do. Everything works fine now.

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Fedora :: Installed 15 With The Gnome Desktop - Doesn't Put An Icon On Desktop

Jun 26, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 with the gnome desktop which looks like the android system for mobile phones, I installed wine which put the icons on my desktop but whenever I install a windows app it doesn't put an icon on my desktop for that particular application. How would I add an icon for those window apps so I can lunch them from the desktop, I don't know if you call that the desktop or just the program luncher either way how do I put an icon there so I can run those windows apps from there?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - Desktop Effects Not Supported On Current Hardware

Oct 14, 2010

I have a Nvidia GEforce 8400 GS card, and the drivers from the Nvidia repository. When I try to enable Desktop Effects, I'm told that "Desktop effects are not supported on your current hardware / configuration." Clicking no, something starts using up 90-100% CPU, I can't tell what the rogue process is, top only shows the gconf daemon using 10-11% CPU. I have to log off to end it. What's up with the card not being supported? I can't find a list, but I'm sure this is new enough to be included. Is there a way other than top to trace the rogue application? I've never seen anything like this before, top has always been reliable. I have Gnome 2.30 on openSUSE 11.3.

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OpenSUSE :: Hiding Applications That Are Not On The Current Virtual Desktop

Dec 23, 2010

I am unable to select an option that just shows the applications designated to a current desktop and hides the rest. After all these years, I do not even know why KDE does not have this set by default.

My system is openSUSE 11.3 64-bit with KDE 4.4.4

If it helps, I installed my system through the openSUSE 11.3 LiveCD.

The following are images of my Multiple Desktops and Pager Windows respectively.

Multiple Desktops Window

Pager Window

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Fedora :: KDE Taskbar Displays All Open Applications / Not Just Current Desktop

Jun 14, 2010

I have been searching and searching for the way to make the taskbar just display the applications that are currently open on the current desktop. It's maddening to click thinking you'll pull up the terminal that's hiding beneath the browser and be whisked away to a different desktop.I'm running KDE 4.4.3 and FC13. I know there's got to be a simple option to have the taskbar only show what's there...I've changed it before in other distros and just can't seem to find a clear, obvious option for that this time around.

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OpenSUSE :: Connect Vino's Remote Desktop To Current Session?

Mar 5, 2010

my OS is SuSE 11.2 with gnome.Remote administration is active.The VNC-session then connects to the login-screen and after login opens a new desktop.How can vino be configured to attach to the desktop that is already running. (Ubuntu does that per default so it should be possible with SuSE too)

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OpenSUSE :: Launch Bar Only Show Programs Open On The Current Desktop?

Apr 27, 2011

I'm using Opensuse 11.3 with KDE 4.4.4. When using the task switcher, only programs open on the current desktop are visible. I think it would be handy to have the Launch Bar work in the same fashion.

Is it possible to have the Launch Bar only show programs open on the current desktop?

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OpenSUSE :: Connect Vino's Remote Desktop To The Current Session?

Dec 16, 2010

my OS is SuSE 11.2 with gnome. Remote administration is active. The VNC-session then connects to the login-screen and after login opens a new desktop. How can vino be configured to attach to the desktop that is already running. (Ubuntu does that per default so it should be possible with SuSE too)

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Ubuntu :: Make The Desktop Taskbar Appear In Ubuntu Natty Of Unity Desktop As Previous Gnome?

Jun 21, 2011

1)If I installed the Alpha-1 11.10, is it easy to upgrade to newer versions later on until the Final Release?

2) How to make the desktop taskbar appear in ubuntu natty of Unity desktop as previous Gnome? Possible or not?

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Fedora :: Error Gnome-desktop3-3.0.1-2.fc15.x86_64 When Choose A Minimal Install Then Add ONLY The Defaults Of The "GNOME Desktop" Package

May 3, 2011

I noticed that in Fedora 15 Beta when you choose a minimal install then add ONLY the defaults of the "GNOME Desktop" package, you will get this error: gnome-desktop3-3.0.1-2.fc15.x86_64 has a required package:


When I look for gnome-desktop3-3.0.1-2.fc15.x86_64 it is not on any installation menu list. I prefer gnome, but installed KDE and that worked. Any ideas of getting gnome to work?

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Ubuntu :: How To Configure The Remote Desktop

Jul 26, 2010

How/where can I configure remote desktop so that other PC can access my lubuntu, since lubuntu doesn't has "System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop".

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Ubuntu :: Configure Studio's Desktop Exactly?

Sep 12, 2010

How can I configure the Ubuntu Studio's desktop exactly like Ubuntu? I installed Ubuntu Studio and theres no way to make an internet connection on standard panel neither any specific audio/graphics production software?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Log In - Gnome Didn't Configure Properly

May 18, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu this afternoon, and it has been working perfectly until i tried to install the flash plugin. My laptop froze and i had to unplug it to restart. Since then, whenever i try to log on, an error message appears saying that Gnome Communications (? i think thats what it said) center didn't configure properly and to contact the computer administrator.

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