Ubuntu Networking :: Windows 7 Internet Connection Very Slow

Jan 3, 2011

I bought a new Laptop 2 week ago. It works well, but internet connection ist very slow. I use cable internet speed 25Mbit/s, normal with my old Laptop (Window xp) I can DL with speeds ca.1 Mbit/s but with this new ca. 15 kbit/s (same file). too much different!!! If anyone know, how to troubleshoot this problem, please tell me. And i get a advice that i should crate a new connection using the "workgroup" model instead. I've tried to do but failed. Who knows "how to" please explain it for me.

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Networking :: Internet Connection Fine In Windows Extremely Slow In Fedora 14

Dec 10, 2010

I've been troubleshooting this problem for several hours now and I'm out of ideas. My internet connection is fine in Windows 7 but an older computer I resurrected (AMD Athlon 1.7 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Fedora 14 Security Lab Spin) is having the stop-and-go's with its internet connection. It will work for very briefly, then it gets extremely slow, where any page I try to navigate to in Firefox 3.6 takes forever to load.I have a DSL connection and my DSL modem is connected to a Linksys WRT54G2 router. I set up a static IP in Windows but don't know how to do this yet in Fedora 14, and I need to get my internet connection working so I can troubleshoot further, but with it being so slow, I'm having to use Windows to search for problems and then switch over to the Fedora box via KVM (IOGEAR), which I also just started using. I don't think that would be related, but who knows.

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Networking :: Internet Connection Really Slow In LAN

Dec 15, 2008

I use Slackware 12.1 and I have a big problem that I can't solve by myself. I'm connecting to a LAN where there are almost 20 PC connected, all with static IP.

my ip:
DNS server:,

I configured manually it but it doesn't works well. I set up the DHCP server on Windows 2003 so I tried to configure it with dhcp too. It gives addresses from to there are no PCs connected with DHCP at the moment, so my IP is only mine.

My problem is the following:
bash-3.1# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1e:68:3d:1b:ad
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::21e:68ff:fe3d:1bad/64 Scope:Link
Up Broadcast Running Multicast MTU:1500 Metric:1
RX packets:77 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:44 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:7041 (6.8 KiB) TX bytes:6282 (6.1 KiB)
Interrupt:17 Base address:0xc000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:1810 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1810 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:90500 (88.3 KiB) TX bytes:90500 (88.3 KiB)

bash-3.1# route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
localnet * U 0 0 0 eth0
loopback * U 0 0 0 lo
default UG 1 0 0 eth0

bash-3.1# ping www.google.es
PING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=243 time=78.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=243 time=84.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=243 time=75.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=243 time=82.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=243 time=82.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=243 time=79.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=243 time=82.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=243 time=75.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=243 time=80.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=243 time=84.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=11 ttl=243 time=75.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=12 ttl=243 time=82.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=13 ttl=243 time=85.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=14 ttl=243 time=80.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=15 ttl=243 time=87.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=16 ttl=243 time=87.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=17 ttl=243 time=83.2 ms

- www.l.google.com ping statistics -
49 packets transmitted, 48 received, 2% packet loss, time 560804ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 73.624/80.945/87.725/3.823 ms

It takes a lot of time connecting to a internet web site! It's really strange because downloading a file the transferring rate is good, it takes some time starting, but it works normally. I wait almost 7 seconds after seeing a web site. All the others PC's (windows xp) can connect perfectly to network using static and DHCP. Trying with another wire in another room I've got the same result. My /etc/resolve.conf is configured with the IPs specified upper in this page.

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Networking :: Slow Internet Connection

Jan 17, 2010

I set up my linux router as a simple NAT router. I use CentOS 5.4. When I set up ISP proxy IP in the browser of client PC, Internet access is fast. When I remove ISP proxy IP from the browser, Internet access is slow.

ISP use transparent caching but I can use manual caching as well. Clients on my network with transparent caching get slow internet access and using ISP proxy get fast internet access.

ISP announce that we can use transparent caching or manual caching.

So, I set up my linux router with squid. I set up cache_peer TAG point to ISP's proxy IP. But the problem is the same. Using my squid proxy is slow and using ISP proxy directly is fast. All other network settings are correct.

How can I improve my internet connection using transparent caching. I don't want to set up proxy IP address on all clients.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow/unstable Internet Connection On 10.04

Oct 27, 2010

I have Ubuntu running on my HTPC and for the longest time all this was working fine. Now all of the sudden my Internet connection is all sorts of slow. Chrome browser, transmission bt, apt-get, all have the same speed issue. I tried disabling IPv6, changing my DNS and installing all the latest updates. Nothing works.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Connection With WL-138g V2?

May 12, 2011

I've installed recently Ubuntu 11.04 and the first problem that I had was with my wireless lan card Wl-138g V2. The card was not enabled by the system, however after following one of Ubuntu's forum thread I managed to solve it, but... and there is always a but the internet speed is very low.When I had windows installed I faced the same problem and it was solved with an update in the driver, does any one experienced the same in Ubunutu? How did you solve it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Connection Only With System / Speed It Up?

May 5, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 10.4, and I'm having a really slow Internet connection, with Windows everything works fine.

When I upload a file to an internal Ubuntu server the speed is ok ~15MB/s.

The problem is only with Internet Firefox / synaptic, any program using Internet. Last download done with synaptic display 18KB/s when normally it should be 500.

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Ubuntu Networking :: RTL8187B + Dlink DI-524 Give Slow Internet Connection

Mar 31, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 in my laptop. Everything works fine except for my wireless. It works, but much, very much slower the through RJ45, which is perfectly ok. When using wireless i can't even connect to any online messaging service and I need to reload pages oftenly. My security setting is WEP 128 bits ASCII and since I'm trying to follow the format suggested on the thread "HOWTO post a Wireless issue" I'll try to provide the infos like requested on it. Laptop brand and model (I'm from Brasil, so it's a brasilian model)


Semp Toshiba IS 1412
Wireless Card


ID 0bda:8189 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter


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Ubuntu Networking :: Extremely Slow Internet Connection 9.10 Dell Inspiron 1100

Mar 2, 2010

I just got my internet working through the wireless card with some help. However, my downloading speeds are beyond extremely slow. While I type on this computer, I am downloading things @ ~500-700kb/s, but when I try to download the package updates etc for my Ubuntu 9.10 laptop, It downloads @ ~ 4k b/s- which is UNBEARABLY slow, putting me at 14h left to complete a 200 mb update. Dell Inspiron 1100. Ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lenovo T410 11.04 Fresh Install Very Slow Internet Connection / Make It Up?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm a newbie and try to switch from Win7 to Ubuntu 11.04 with unity desktop.

My internet connection is slower than hell, and I dont know how to fix it. I tried with disable Ipv6 but it doesnt make any difference. Not sure if its disabled proper because if i do code...

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Very Slow / DHCP Doesn't Work W/ Wireless Connection

Jul 17, 2009

I am a convert from Ubuntu (9.04 kept freezing on my laptop; when it did work, many packages it seemed were outdated--ie only Eclipse 3.2, rdesktop was messed up [and apparently is also in Fedora]), and I am having some trouble with getting my wireless working.I am running Fedora 11.First off, there is a problem when trying to connect when using DHCP. NetworkManager gets to the second green dot, and then after a short while I am given a message that the connection was disconnected.

Configuring the interface manually, not using DHCP, allows the connection to complete. However, the internet is very slow. There is a 15-30 sec delay before website loading actually commences, and then another delay each time an ad must be fetched from another server.How can I fix this delay? I know I have encountered it in earlier versions of Ubuntu, but I can't remember how I fixed it.About the rdesktop problem, if anyone is able to help [maybe I should post another thread?], the cursor color (the color of the pointer) is inverted---where it should be white it is black, and where it should be black it is white. I use rdesktop a lot to connect to my terminal server in my basement. Any idea how to fix it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Sharing With Windows 7

May 4, 2010

i have an evdo connection with which i connect to the internet. i have been trying to share this connection for quite a few days from my lucid machine to a windows 7 pc but have failed. i have tried dhcp3-server, firestarter, network manager's built in capabilities but have failed! today i manually configured da windows 7 pc to an ip address within da range which network manager ws assigning when 'shared to other computers' ws selected and it worked! Now da question is how do i do it automatically? dhcp3-server never starts, it always fails with the error 'not configured to listen' or sumthng like it! Plus i want the wireless of my laptop to make an ad hoc connection to my mobile fone, which is also no possible...i think its some problem with da dhcp server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing A Windows XP VM Internet Connection?

Jun 20, 2010

I'm trying to share the internet connection of my Windows XP Virtual Machine (virtualbox) to Ubuntu. I know it sounds weird, but what happens is that i'm using a 3G modem to connect to the internet and 3G connections are still very unstable with ubuntu's network manager. Fortunately, the modem works a lot better with my Virtual Machine. I have already set up a "host only" network between my Windows XP guest and my Ubuntu host and i can they can ping each other but i still can't share the connection of my virtual machine. I already selected "share this connection" on win xp but i think i still have to configure something on ubuntu for it to work. The interface Ubuntu uses is vboxnet0 (not eth0).

This is the last thing to do before i can get rid of my Windows XP partition

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Sharing To Windows XP?

Nov 18, 2010

configuring Internet Connection Sharing from my Ubuntu 10.10 machine to a Windows XP machine. I've seen How To's but they didn't work, yet.

The Ubuntu machine connects to the Internet through a DSL USB modem that required packages not provided with the distribution, and specific instructions to configure it; so getting Internet working alone was difficult. As a result, I don't even use Network Manager, rather connect using the command pppoe-start. The machine is connected to the Windows PC through a simple cable, through the Ethernet card.

Some tutorials I've seen on ICS are for machines with two Ethernet cards, or for wireless connections; but I've seen none for a USB modem. However I once found one, years ago, and it worked, but I couldn't find it now. It was using iptables, and I didn't really understand what I was doing, but it worked. But then I had to format the disk, and now I can't find a way to get it working again.

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Fedora Networking :: Wired Networking Not Connecting In 12 With Windows Internet Connection Sharing?

Jan 16, 2011

I just want to use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to connect to the internet. I have done a massive amount of troubleshooting, but some of it seems to contradict itself, and the only two things that I know for sure are that it used to work, and that my Ethernet cable is not the problem. When I use Terminal utilities like ifup and dhclient it seems that it can not determine IP information, but when I try to put it in manually, the "Apply" button grays out right after I finish typing it in. When I try to connect normally, in KDE or GNOME, the icon acts like it's connecting, then instead of having the connected icon, I receive a notification that "the network has been disconnected", and it goes back to the disconnected icon.

Oh, and by the way, I know that I could probably find a workaround, but I have limited resources, and this used to work. The Linux is a Dell desktop with Fedora 12 and the Windows is a Windows 7 HP laptop.EDIT: I hope that I didn't mess something up, but I accidentally used system-network-config to try putting in the IP address there, and ended up changing it back to the original settings, but the computer is now calling it Auto Ethernet in the taskbar icon, although sudo iwconfig in the terminal still calls it eth0.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Still Can't Share An Internet Connection With Windows XP Client?

Feb 1, 2010

I have been trying off and on for weeks to share my Internet connection with a Windows XP client (netbook). While I can ping back and forth between the two machines, in the form of a ping test, I can't get to the Internet from the client, no matter what I try.

My Ubuntu 9.10 desktop (host) has two NICs, eth0 and eth1. eth0 connects to the Internet. eth1 goes to the Windows XP client. Regardless of whether I use an Ethernet crossover cable or a standard cable, I can get the two machines to talk to each other, but no further.

Things I already tried:

-Tried setting eth1 to "shared" mode in NetworkManager on the host. I set the Win XP machine to automatically acquire an address & DNS. Didn't work.

-Manually configured the IP settings on both machines, like this:


Despite all of the above, I still cannot share the host's Internet connection with the client. I don't understand where the client's traffic is going, and why I can't share the connection. As far as I know, I am not doing any sort of firewalling or blocking on the host, so there is no obvious reason that the client's traffic simply disappears. I just know that whenever I open a Web browser on the client, all I ever get is error messages.

I have had no issues setting up a shared connection when the host runs Windows XP, so I am pretty sure there is no broken hardware causing the problem. Why can't I share the connection under Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Windows Internet Connection Share (ICS)

Mar 16, 2010

My friend is trying to share his clearwire connection with me using Windows ICS. Using network-manager or wicd, I am unable to connect to his share. I am able to connect unencrypted with iwconfig, to the ad-hoc network, and then use dhclient to gain ip address.

I am not able to connect to WPA encrypted share using network-manager or wicd. nm-applet crashes when trying to connect. I am attempting to setup wpa_supplicant, but haven't got it working yet.As usual, the wireless networking out of the box experience in Ubuntu doesn't work. This is extremely frustrating. If Ubunut's goals are to be the default desktop, then these guys need to get wifi that "Just Works"...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Is Not Working On Any Of The Windows Computers?

Apr 13, 2011

I have internet on my ubuntu machine (eth0) I am sharing with (eth1) My windows computers are getting IP addresses via DHCP from the Ubuntu Machine, and I can see (and use) samba/windows shares on all computers. Internet connection is not working on any of the windows computers.

I have eth1 set to "shared to other computers" under the IPv4 settings

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Ubuntu Networking :: Attempting To Share Internet Connection With Windows XP Client

Jan 25, 2010

Over the last several days, I've been trying like hell to share my (wired) Internet connection with a netbook, running Windows XP, attached via crossover cable to my desktop's extra NIC (eth0). The eth0 link is established, but I can't get to the Internet from the Windows XP machine.I can ping one machine from the other, but any bits sent from the Win XP netbook mysteriously disappear when trying to reach any website.

There is no firewall running on the Ubuntu machine as far as I know. Windows Firewall is likewise disabled on the Windows XP machine. The Ubuntu machine connects to the Internet through another wired NIC, eth1.In Windows XP parlance, what I am trying to do would be called "bridging," where eth0 and eth1 would be the two parts of the bridge. In fact I already made it work, with both the netbook and my desktop running Windows XP. It took about 5 minutes.I can't believe what a huge pain this has been in Ubuntu. I'm pretty much ready to give up. There seems to be no way to get an Ubuntu system and a Windows XP system to share an Internet connection.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To The Internet When (connection Works Fine In Windows XP)?

Apr 30, 2010

I installed Ubuntu (10.04) today and it has gone smoothly except for the fact that I can't connect to the Internet when in Ubuntu (connection works fine in Windows XP). I am using a wireless USB card (Linksys WUSB600N) to connect.

The weird thing is that the card detects all the local networks, asks me for a password to my network, and it even says it is connected to my network after I put the password in -- but when I open Firefox no pages will load.

There is another weird quirk as well: Ubuntu will not restart or shut down properly (it hangs around indefinitely with the little white / orange dots going across the screen) unless I first remove the wireless card from the USB slot. But that doesn't bother me as badly as the lack of Internet.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Internet Connection In 10.04?

Sep 30, 2010

I have dual boot OS and I'm using Ubuntu with Win 7. Previously I was using Fedora but I thought to change the flavor! So I installed Ubuntu, but now I'm truly facing problem with my Internet connection! Its too slow in Ubuntu, the both surfing and downloading speed! Usually in windows I get 200-400 kbps download speed when downloading a file and if I download the same file in Ubuntu using flashget I'm getting only 60-70 kbps speed! Also the surfing is too slow! My broadband's bandwidth is 2.1 Mbps!

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Ubuntu :: Internet Connection Very Slow On 9.10 But Fast In XP

Mar 23, 2010

Like the title, that is my problem. I'm using cable modem with 3mbps. It is Linksys Docsis, wired networking. When I download a file using ubuntu 9.10, my latency time (ping time) sky rocketed to 2000ms average, while in XP none of this happens; I tried to download the same file from the same website. In ubuntu 9.10 my network setup will be, well... nothing. I'm using DHCP automatic detection. Same thing in XP.

I don't want to go back and forward using XP for the internet. Funny thing though, none of this happens while I first started ubuntu 9.10. I didn't configure anything with networking. It is the way it is from the beginning. The only thing I tried was ubuntuone. But that like months ago, and the problem I have with slow internet connection only appear this March.

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrading - 10.04 - Internet Connection Is Very Slow

Jul 5, 2010

After upgrading, my internet connection is very, very slow. Some sites pop up like always, but most take a very long time to load. Some as much as 3 to 5 minutes for a site that should just "pop" up.

It is not the internet connection, if I boot into windoze it is as fast as ever and I have a quite fast connection. It has just started this with the upgrade.

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Ubuntu :: Internet Connection Is Sometimes Blocked Or Very Slow

Dec 12, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10,04 with a gnome interface on an ASUS K70IJ. It all works well, just the internet connection is sometimes blocked or very slow. I have tried it on several places (offices, hot spot, friends) with wireless lan and ethernet. I thought it might be a problem with the pilot for the internet connection. Can anybody tell me where I could find such a pilot and how I do to install it?

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Ubuntu :: PPTP VPN Connection - Internet Really Slow

Jan 29, 2011

I recently installed Kubuntu 10.10 on my machine, and I configured the PPTP VPN connection through which I connect to the internet. I can successfully connect, but it works really slowly. Slower than it does on Windows 7 on the same computer, with the same settings for the PPTP dialer. In about 20 minutes after I connect, the connection fails and even the modem restarts itself. I tried setting the MTU for the pptp connection to 1400 (I checked, and 1372 is the maximum value before the packets start to fragment + 28 bytes for the IP/ICMP headers), but nothing seems to help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade Causes Slow Internet Connection

May 19, 2010

I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 lts yesterday. The upgrade went smoothly. but now I have a very slow internet connection. It is as if I am on a dial up when I have a broadband speed of 20 MB. What can I do to fix or perhaps roll-back the installation to the previous proper working state.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Internet Connection From LAN To Share Internet Connection Through Wireless?

Jan 9, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10, and I would like to use my computer to share the internet connection from an ethernet port. For example, I would like to set up my computer as a wireless access point so I can create a network that other computers can connect to for internet.

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Fedora :: Internet Connection Extremely Slow?

May 28, 2011

my installed windows makes full use of the 32mbit connection. in fedora i get between 10kbit and 100kbit.this is very annoying especially while browsing the net or using the package manager to do updates or download new software. what could be the problem and how could i solve it?

i very much like the look and feel of fedora 15, but this just makes it unusable on a daily basis.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Internet Connection And Poor Sound Quality

Mar 7, 2010

So far i have tried ubuntu. seems great however i've had trouble with internet connection and soundcard problems. (slow internet connection and poor sound quality. I was thinking of trying kubuntu. Do you think i'll have the same problems?

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Fedora Installation :: Install KDE From 14 DVD As Internet Connection Very Slow

Mar 19, 2011

I have Fedora 14 installed on my s/m with the default gnome desktop environment. Now, I want to install some KDE applications which I found to be very useful. I want to install KDE from fedora 14 DVD as my internet connection is very slow. It was a failure when I tried pointing the yum.repos.d/fedora.repo file to DVD to install using yum. Should I create a repository like what we do in RHEL to configure yum server(How to do it in fedora ???) Or is there any other method to install KDE repository on my system.

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