Ubuntu :: Ubuntu Boots Into Tty1 After Using Plymouth Manager

Feb 18, 2011

I have quite a bit of skill in Windows, but I like Ubuntu. Only problem is, it doesn't boot up now! It boots into tty1 or something like that.I used Plymouth Manager available from [URL], and must have messed something up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Boots To Tty1 Instead Of Tty7?

Mar 13, 2010

I installed karmic on a dell vostro 1000 - all went well until I installed updates and restarted. Ubuntu booted to tty1 instead of tty7. I'm not entirely sure what changed, but I could do one of 2 things. at the login prompt on tty1 I could wait about 2+ minutes and it would boot to tty7 w/o my network card (but keeping the wireless) or I could ctrl+alt+f7 and get to the normal tty7 with everything working.After a bit of looking around, i found a few solutions, but the problems were not exactly like mine.- I could reinstall gdm (I did this and it had no effect)- I could install minigetty and do something else (not to sure what they wanted here)- I could remove usplashIt turned out that removing usplash did the trick...I dont get the cool little white logo over a black screen

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Boots To Tty1 - Keyboard Doesn't Work

Mar 16, 2011

After a reboot earlier today, my Ubuntu 10.10 box (which I set up earlier today) has started rebooting to tty1. But I can't type a username - nothing appears, although the system does respond to control-alt-delete, and reboots. I don't see anything obviously wrong in the setup when I boot using the live CD and mount my disk.

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Ubuntu :: Boots Into Tty1 Terminal / Pressing Alt+F1 Through 6 Just Sends Into The Different Tty Terminals?

Feb 7, 2010

I bought an imac G3 yesterday and it has xubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake installed on it. When i turn it on, after it POSTs, a little xubuntu logo appears it it begins to load 'essential drivers' and mount the file system, etc. After it is done doing that, it simply prompts me into a CLI that on the top says "Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS ubuntu tty1". It asks for my username and password, and then it just keeps me in this tty1 terminal. I did some research online and supposedly by pressing alt+F7 you can exit the tty terminals and go back into GUI mode. Well pressing alt+F7 does nothing, and pressing alt+F1 through 6 just sends me into the different tty terminals.

I am very new to Linux so if someone could give me an idiot proof explanation on either how to fix it or whether im screwed and just need to reinstall xubuntu on here.

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Ubuntu :: Plymouth Usually Boots In Low Res Text Mode?

Jul 5, 2010

Most of the time instead of a pretty graphical splash I'm getting a small low res text version of the boot screen squeezed into the top left hand corner of my display on my laptop with Intel GMA4500 graphics.

Originally I was getting a blank screen with the Plymouth splash only appearing a couple of seconds before log-in. Adding FRAMEBUFFER=y to /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash got rid of the blank screen but at the expense of the ugly boot screen mentioned above. To confuse matters, now and again (roughly 1 boot out of 10) I am getting a perfect graphical boot. I've tried reinstalling Plymouth and using different boot themes but to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Goes Blank Or Boots To Tty1 After Loading Screen?

Apr 15, 2011

like any other Linux newb, I came to Ubuntu because my Windows crashed one time too many. And I chose Ubuntu because "it just works". But these past few days that hasn't been true. I'm posting this from a netbook with Ubuntu, and am having no problems whatsoever, but normally I use an Acer Aspire 5920G laptop. I'll include the specs as written on the sticker:

* Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5250 (1.5GHz etc)
* Up to 1024 MB Nvidia Geforce 8600M GS Turbocache
* 2 GB DDR2

Let me know if you need more details, and I'll add them later. Now, what happened was I clicked "hibernate" while leaving Firefox open. (I've done this hundreds of times, no problem) And when I went to turn it back on the next day there were weird graphical glitches in the loading screen, and it booted to the "tty1" prompt screen. I did a lot of googling and found quite a few posts about it, but the solutions either didn't work, or I didn't understand them. After trying several different suggestions from this forum and others, I managed to delete the graphics drivers. That enabled me to boot in low graphics mode, and naturally, I tried a whole bunch of things to make it work properly again. That only made it worse. Now it went straight from the loading screen to just blanking out and turning the display off. So, I tried new things. Over and over. The weird thing is even when I disconnected my harddrive and ran from a Live USB, the problem persisted. Could there be an issue with the graphics card itself? Anyway, after reconnecting the harddrive I tried to boot again. And it suddenly worked. Even HDMI to my bigger screen worked.


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Ubuntu :: Plymouth Manager Not Starting When Clicked On?

Apr 29, 2011

I installed Plymouth Manager a while ago and have had no problems with it until now. I want to change my splash screen (it's currently set to the Macbuntu one), but it won't start up when clicked on. I have the Screenlet Sysmonitor, and it doesn't even show the process as starting when clicked on as if I did nothing. Running Ubuntu 10.10, Acer Aspire 5520.

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Ubuntu :: Plymouth-manager On Asus 1201n Nvidia Proprietary - Doesn't Work?

May 20, 2011

i have an asus 1201n, with nvidia proprietary driver, ubuntu 10.10.i have tried to install plymouth-manager, tried to change the theme.i have tried to change screen resolution.nothing works.i really want to change the default theme to the space-sunrise.

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Ubuntu Installation :: The Screen Stops At Plymouth Theme Or Goes Blank After Loading Plymouth Theme?

Aug 3, 2011

really wish to customize my GDM for ubuntu 11.4 but failed to do so.....therefore i decided to use alt. such as SLiM.....I could install it properly in virtualbox but when i went to do it on my real ubuntu 11.4 ......the screen stops at plymouth theme or goes blank after loading plymouth theme......then i read further more blogs and made changes and now even if i configure SLim the GDM starts no matter what i do .........

PS : I am new to ubuntu and dont have any knowledge about scripting programming and stuff....

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Fedora :: Cold Boots Often Take Up To 10 Attempts Before The Computer Successfully Boots?

Oct 29, 2010

my desktop pc is acting very strange. cold boots often take up to 10 attempts before the computer successfully boots. after the 1st successful boot, i can expect 1-3 "glitches". here's what happens:

the first few cold boots fail at various points during the boot process. there appears to be no pattern to it. when it happens, the machine is completely locked up. it responds to nothing, except holding in the power switch for 5 seconds. i'll go through this procedure several times.

finally, it will boot all the way to a desktop. from there, once i log it, i can expect it to lock up completely, usually once or twice. and then, finally, the screen will go blank and it will suddenly be back at the login screen.

usually, once i log in that last time, it's at least usable, although hardly stable. watching flash video seems to cause a complete lockup, with the sound looping. it doesn't matter where the content is coming from (videos or similar) nor does it matter which browser i'm using (firefox or chrome). i've stopped visiting videos-type sites in the meantime.

this installation has always been a tad bit screwy. 99% of the time, firefox fails to shut down properly, resulting in a message letting me know that a crash was detected. earlier today, i was alerted to 3 kernel crashes simultaneously.

right now, i'm using the pc, as normal. the random nature of the problems would lead me to believe it was hardware-related, specifically something like memory (ram). however, i installed memtest86+ and ran it. i walked away for 4+ hours. came back, it was running, no errors were found. i stopped the test and booted, trouble-free.

the pc seems to be stable enough for a backup, but this does have me concerned...obviously. i'm debating wiping the drive clean and installing f13, just as a test. if it's screwy as well, it would have to be hardware-related, wouldn't you think??

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Ubuntu :: Using Tty1 - Possible To Do More Than One Thing

Jun 18, 2010

I'm using tty1. Lets say I am listening to music there can't I do another thing at the same time read or writing to files or plus can the default login take me there instead of tty8.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Tty1 Look

Nov 14, 2010

I am remastering Ubuntu 10.04 and would like to know if I can change the look and feel of tty1. Instead of having simple text based look can I add background image or customized the entire look of it?Just like with OpenSuse or currently I am using BackTrack. [see the attached images].Also does any aware how to keep permanent changes in Kmenu. I need to add my own menus; Kemuedit does provide you that option by not sure how to make that persistent or how can I replicate those changes on my live CD which I am remastering.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In TTY1 Mode

Jan 9, 2011

Running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick.Tried to do some nvidia config stuff, pressed Ctrl + Alt + F11, went to TTY1 mode.startx doesn't work anymore, responds with weird stuff like, "closing log....giving up".Looked online already, nothing works.Already uninstalled the ubuntu desktop, and reinstalled it. Did the dpkg x.confg files.

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Ubuntu :: Startup Tty1 Instead Of X Console?

Mar 4, 2011

I want to use Ubuntu to build an information terminal. This will basically be an X application that displays interesting information. I has to be lightweight seeing that it is installed on compact flash memory.I started with a 10.04 command line install and added xserver-xorg. Please note I am not using a window manager or desktop environment; bare bones X only. I have created a /etc/init.d/myapp file which can start my application by calling "/usr/bin/xinit ${MYAPP}". I used update-rc.d to create a symlink in rc2.d that points to /etc/init.d/myapp. Here is my problem:

On startup the application runs but the system sometimes switches to tty1 (virtual console 1) instead of displaying the X console. I then have to manually switch to it by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F7. How can I make it *always* display the X console with my application? Another thing I noticed is sometimes the X server runs on virtual console 7 and other times on 8. I though that X starts on the first available console and Ubuntu has 6 ttys configured by default. So I would expect it to always run on 7, like and ordinary Ubuntu desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Tty1 Loading The Resolution Is Really Big?

Apr 15, 2011

I have ATI driver and everything works great on GUI mode. but when I switch to tty1 or even while loading the resolution is really big. each letter shows really big that the screen can only fit a small paragraph. how can I change this with out effecting the resolution of gdm cause I like it the way it is.

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Ubuntu :: How To Boot Directly In Tty1?

May 1, 2011

Ok i start to find it boring to ALT+CTRL+F1 each time i want that when i boot it directly go to tty 1. But i also want it to load desktop environment, but not to show it, only load it, so if i ALT+CTRL+F7, it goes to desktop environment. If its not loaded, it will not go to desktop environment or it will take like 15 sec to load it, this is why i want to load it while i am in the terminal.Also, how can i switch resolution in terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Left In Tty1 After Boot

Dec 28, 2010

I don't know what I did but my Ubuntu partiton of my laptop works properly.After grub I get..Code: nouveau Couldn't find matching output script table I can login as root, stop gdm and startx.However I can't switch users or do anything else Laptop with Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 with Nvidia 105M graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu 9.10 Installed - Lost Tty1 To 6

Feb 22, 2010

I've installed up a copy of Kubuntu 9.10. I want to use it to play eve online and replace my copy of windows. So far I have managed to get it installed, got the video drivers and wine sorted, and got eve online to work with wine. I'm quite happy with myself up until odd things started to happen. Basically, I want to recompile my Nvidia driver to a newer version, I know how to do this, I need to press ctrl alt F1 to drop to terminal, kill kde and then install the driver, i've done it before without issue. However this time around something is wrong. I press ctrl alt F1 and the black terminal window pops up... but I have no option to log in, same for terminals 2 - 6.

I did this, and sure enough none of my tty processes are showing, i've basically lost my terminals , as far as my limited experience goes, getty is responsible for the terminals right? How do I reinstate my terminals and get to a point I can kill kde and get back to shell? I have no idea what i've done to get in this state. Also, as a side question, before all got screwed up and i did manage to launch eve online, I could run one client perfectly. However with 2 clients things got all choppy and laggy? why is this? I can run 2 quite happily under windows 7

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Ubuntu :: Tty1 To Tty6 Shows Small Screen?

Mar 30, 2010

I really like command line (I get there by pressing Ctrl+Alt+(F1..F6)) but the screen isn't full it's just a rectangle in the middle (like wide screen movies) I don't know what's the problem,

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Inputs Go To Tty7 And Tty1 At The Same Time

May 13, 2010

I installed Ubuntu with the netboot. I only installed the packages I needed. Concerning X, I installed xdm as login manager and fluxbox as window manager. All is working fine except that whatever I type under X (under xdm or, after logging in, under fluxbox) appears in tty1! The keyboard inputs appear under X and under tty1 (so usually after "login:", or hidden after "password:").

Let me provide you with more details. Starting from xdm, I cannot access to the other ttys. "ctrl+alt+F[1-6]" do not work. Actually, this is not entirely true: after I type "ctrl+alt+F2", all my keyboard inputs under X will be appear in tty2 (and not anymore in tty1). I can see that from /var/log/auth.log which has a lot of lines like this:


May 13 10:15:45 data login[2182]: pam_unix(login:auth): check pass; user unknown
May 13 10:15:45 data login[2182]: pam_unix(login:auth): authentication failure; logname=LOGIN uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/tty1 ruser= rhost=
May 13 10:15:48 data login[2182]: FAILED LOGIN (2) on '/dev/tty1' FOR 'UNKNOWN', Authentication failure

These errors are due to the fact that tty1 receives a wrong login (something I typed under X, before pressing RET). BTW: If I connect to xdm using my password (instead of my passphrase, thanks to pam_ssh), then I login into tty1 at the same time.

I checked that X is running under tty7. "ck-list-sessions" returns:


x11-display = ':0'
x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7'
display-device = ''
remote-host-name = ''
is-local = TRUE

Under X, if I type "ctrl+alt+F7" and "RET", then X crashes and it is launched again. After this, all is working fine: the tty[1-6] can be accessed and the keyboard inputs do not go anymore to them when I am under X.

I face the same problem on two different computers (a desktop computer and a laptop). Notice that I face the problem even with pam_ssh not installed (I mentioned pam_ssh earlier).

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Ubuntu :: Tty1-6 Just Showing Tiny Gnome Desktop?

Sep 6, 2010

install of Win7 Pro x64 and I have VirtualBox installed with Ubuntu 10.04 running as a guest OS. I want to get access to the tty1 so I press CTRL + ALT + F1. The screen resizes to a smaller size, turns black, then the gnome desktop reappears but only the top left corner.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 (Tty1) Console Login Prompt At Boot

Nov 20, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my 32gb flash drive. Just one large partition for the OS and about a gig for swap. Worked fine. Booted to USB on two computers and a laptop at home. Fine. Figured I'd try it on a work pc for the sake of testing a random computer. Well I stick the drive in, boot up, select usb from the boot menu and bam Ubuntu starts loading. I look away, it's cool ubuntu's loading. Well I turn back and it's a black screen. It's "<username>@whatever login:" or something close.

I use the username and password I created during installation and what I used to login to the computer like fifty million times while booted into Ubuntu. Well, invalid login. The first time I installed this OS on this drive I updated it through the update manager and rebooted. Next thing I know I type in my username and password, hit enter, and bam black screen, some stuff, then im asked to login again. Now after this next iteration I am faced with yet another faulty login screen. What is up with this OS?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Tty1-6 No Login Promote After Recovering Grub?

Mar 7, 2010

I installed windows 7 and recover grub from the karmic livecd successfully. Now I can access all the OS in my machine. The only weird issue that I have is that there's no login promote in tty1-6 any more. When I switch to tty1-6, I can only see a flashing underline promote. But I can input anything in tty1-6. How to get tty1-6 back?

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Ubuntu :: Tty1 Login On Boot After Changing Etc/X11/xorg.conf?

Jan 12, 2011

So I'm trying to get two fingered scrolling on my Ubuntu 10.10 netbook. According to advice fromhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=516798I created an xorg.conf file in etc/X11 and put Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "1"Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "1"in the file. I restarted my computer, and now it comes up withUbuntu 10.10 [Computer name] tty1[Computer name] login:Not only has this not happened before, I have no idea what to put for my username and password.

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Shutdown Or Takes To 9.10 Pablo-laptop Tty1 By Itself

Mar 30, 2010

My computer, a four year old HP Pavilion dv2000 running with Ubuntu 9.10 since half a year ago, sometimes shut downs and sometimes gets me to a black screen where I can read in the first line: �Ubuntu 9.10 pablo-laptop tty1� and in the second line: �login pablo-laptop:�. Sometimes (only) it allows me to log in, taking me to the login screen that appears after switching on the computer. After logging in on that screen it initiates the computer but all the programs I had opened are closed and I have lost the information. This has been happening to me since long ago but never asked in forums. It is quite annoying and I would be happy to solve it.

Do you think it ca be the CMOS battery? This other thing (check the link below) happened to me not long ago and some people suggested it could be the CMOS battery: [URL]

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Slackware :: Cannot Go To Tty1-6 From KDE

Mar 29, 2010

I have a problem logout from KDE that is both when I hit logout KDE button or "CTRL ALT F(1-6)", I get blank screen. Looks like my machine cannot redirect me back to the starting terminal.

Also in .xinitrc file I have the following line:

whereas .Xresource doesn't exist in that location. Is this related to my problem?

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Ubuntu :: Directly Booting Into Tty1 / Changing Server Via The Terminal And Restore Gdm?

Apr 12, 2011

I was experimenting with new splash screens in the plymouth manager when my ubuntu stopped loading into the gnome desktop. Ive tried to search for some solutions over the internet but i cant seem to find any. and to top it all of, the server from which i used to get updates from seems to have stopped running.i need help in changing my server via the terminal and to help restore my gdm.

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVidia 8600GT - Start In (Tty1) Login Console Mode

Dec 17, 2010

I tried most methods suggested on many sites to install drivers
## through the additional driver panel only
## through the Nvidia.run file I downloaded
## through the terminal using apt-get

All failed to start ubuntu gui it takes me to the console login and I noticed it says "saned disabled" edit /etc/..something. This problem made me install ubuntu again three times and every time I activate the driver then install the driver Nvidia.run or through apt-get and both leads to a black screen tty1 login. So what to do now I installed and removed many things and I won't reinstall ubuntu again. Also I typed compiz and this came on:

root@ubuntu:/home/sherbieny# compiz
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0".
compiz (core) - Fatal: Root visual is not a GL visual
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :1.0
Launching fallback window manager. I want to install properly so that I can start normally and enable the extra visual effects and the custom effects. Please elaborate the steps clearly

New Info:
When I enter nvidia-settings : server X opens and says
You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run 'nvidia-xconfig' as root), and restart the X server. When I enter nvidia-xconfig as root and restart nothing happens and when I enter:
nvidia-detector it says none
and when I enter: nvidia-smi

Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 260.19.21, but this NVIDIA driver component has version 260.19.29. Please make sure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version.
Failed to allocate an RM client
Could not allocate resources!
root@ubuntu:/home/sherbieny# apt-get update kernel
E: The update command takes no arguments

A new and very exciting error everyone now also the windows 7 that I have besides linux has also crashed and cannot open the login window. I don't know whats happening all I know is that few hours ago I logged in to windows normally now I cannot login to either one of them and the funny part is: I'm working on my thesis on this computer and I cannot work anymore and I'm supposed to meet with the professor on monday.

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General :: Displaying Text On /dev/tty1?

May 3, 2011

I have a server laptop sitting around at home which is a pretty bland server, on which I generally leave the lid open and there is a login prompt always displayed.

However, I'd love to be able to display useful information on /dev/tty1 so whilst the server is just sitting there, rather than displaying a login prompt on the monitor, it could now display, for example, the current time and weather forecast for the day. Or something along those lines.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Set Console (Tty1) Screen Resolution

Jul 29, 2010

After install of FC13, my command prompt console and tty virtual consoles are a small box in the upper left corner of the screen. It contains tiny 80 characters by 25 rows. I want to fill the screen the old way. I assume the problem is high value screen resolution set automatically to match my display; with fonts based on the smaller pixels. This is NOT X-Windows. I can set that resolution but it has no effect on tty consoles.

It is NOT grub, which I can set with kernel parameter vga=0 to do exactly what I want. Messages from grub are big letters but change to tiny ones at init ("press 'I' for interactive startup" and the beginning of the boot log). This is not an issue with the same display using FC10 and no vga= parameter. Is there a reason that the kernel parameter failed after grub? Can I specify console resolution?

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