Ubuntu :: Terminator Delete Key Binding?

Jan 31, 2010

I've recently started using terminator. When using terminator, the delete key acts like backspace. in the ~/.config/terminator/config file I've tried:

delete_binding = ascii-del


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Ubuntu :: Configuring Terminator And DevilsPie Sorted

Jun 13, 2010

I'm trying (well aiming) to customize my desktop so that on login Terminator is on workspace 3 (split 3 ways and running lynx, irssi and top. I'm using gdevilspie to configure it but I understand and can use the normal config files. When I use gdevilspie to make a terminal background it works but when i try to do stuff with terminator it doesn't.

Here's my terminator config so far:
( if
( begin
( is ( window_class ) "terminator" )
( begin
( undecorate )
( spawn_sync "top" )
( set_workspace 3 )
( maximize_horizontally )
( center )
( below )
( set_viewport 3 )
( println "match" )
) )

Once I do get devilspie sorted I also want to make Terminator automatically split and run the correct commands.

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Software :: No Cursor In Terminator

Jun 23, 2011

Using Scientific Linux 6, default install options.Installed "terminator" terminal program, but I can't get the cursor to be visible.Tried setings/profile (select different color), profile/use system theme. None of my efforts have caused the cursor to be visible. Any ideas?

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Software :: Gnome Terminator Geometry At Startup

Jan 3, 2011

anyone know how to change "terminiator"s geometry on startup? My window is always too small - would like to change it and make it bigger when the program starts up.

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Software :: GNOME Terminator 0.93 Doesn't Close After Typing 'exit'?

Aug 23, 2010

I like the features of Terminator very much. It save my time. But on 2.6.31-gentoo-r10, I got a little problem: after typing 'exit', the system echo 'exit' and hang at with a mouse cursor (can't type anything):

quanta@dhcppc6 ~ $ exit


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Programming :: Reading A Binary File (Ignoring Null Terminator)

Jan 12, 2011

I need to read a binary file using my C++ application. That binary file may contain arbitary characters and it also contains 0 at some places. I need to read the file without considering null terminating character. (i.e. considering 0 as a normal byte and not as the end of the string)Can some one suggest me a method to read the buffer while ignoring the null terminated character.

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Ubuntu :: How Set Key Binding From A Terminal

Jul 18, 2010

I'm trying to make a script that adds a systemwide keybinding, but I can't find a way to do it from a terminal.

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Ubuntu :: NIS And Binding To YP Server

Jul 14, 2009

Each time my machine reboots, it takes about 2 minutes for an attempt of the YP server to bind (then it fails).

jim@LinuxBox:~$ /etc/init.d/nis restart
start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 2469: Operation not permitted
* Starting NIS services
* binding to YP server...
* ....
--> repeats 10 times <--
* .... [fail] [ OK ]

The previous is a YP server command while running. What happens at boot time is similar. I think I need NIS for my work. This looks like an old common problem (maybe on AMD64 - Ubuntu; which I have). The following link has a good description of NIS and this particular problem. It is a complex problem that I am spending some time working on. It looks like my problem may be that an NIS master has not been created. [URL]. I am trying to share files and run remote desktop with XP machines on a local network. The lack of NIS server may be contributing to my difficulties.

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Ubuntu :: Allow Win / Mod Keys To Have Dual Binding

Jun 17, 2010

I have creates this brainstorm topic in regard with dual nature of MOD key and to allow the mod keys to behave as independent key also.


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Ubuntu :: Keu-binding Focus To Desktop?

Jun 24, 2010

i moved to 10.4 and would like to set a key-binding to the "window key" for "Hide all normal windows and set focus to the desktop". This option was possible in 9.04. No when i go to System > Preferences > Keyboard-Shortcuts and try to change the shortcut to the above function it does not accept the win-key as a shortcut.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Binding SSH (client) To A Certain NIC?

Nov 23, 2010

I connect to my corporate LAN(dhcp) using a wired connection and also connect to a WLAN(dhcp) without various constraints applied by the wired connection. In short my wired connection blocks outbound ssh traffic to my server at home. My WLAN connection is pretty lax so ssh connections to my home webserver can be made using the wireless connection.Can I route ssh to that particular ip via my wireless connection?

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Ubuntu :: Binding Windows Key To Applications?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm trying to migrate over to Ubuntu, and there is one really useful feature that I would like to replicate in Gnome. In Windows, I can hit the "Windows" key on my keyboard, which opens up the start menu.

Is there a way that I can replicate this behaviour in Gnome? Can I map the Windows key to opening the Applications menu?

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General :: E16 Key Binding ?

Dec 1, 2010

I need to know how to set my Windows key + Key global shortcut on e16 1.0.7 stable.

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Slackware :: Terminator Helps Setup Slackware

May 28, 2010

No, not Arnold S.I'm talking about the one from slackbuilds.org. It's not just another terminal emulator. It's got a cool feature of broadcasting the input to all (or selected windows). If it's a well known and used feature, than I'm sorry. I read about it a couple of days ago and soon it proved a big time-saver.

As all my systems are almost identical (selection of software, /home/ directory structure, program configuration, etc) I used terminator to set up my new shiny Slackware64 13.1 systems.The 'broadcast' function of terminator mirrors your input to other terminator windows (ssh sessions to other machines). That way I didn't have to configure it three times on three computers. I know that one can write a script to automate most of things, but sometimes there are interactive steps which would not work in a script.
It was especially useful in:

1. using sbopkg (3 simultaneous instances doing exactly the same thing on different systems )
2. general configuration
3. setting up bookmarks in emacs
4. Creating some scripts that aren't there by default (eg. /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown)

I can imagine how useful it can be for administering a number of machines.

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Programming :: Qt4 Library Binding With C?

Jun 17, 2010

i have a code written in c..for which i was trying to create a gui using Gtk+.but now i want to use qt4 for the same purpose but native language of qt4 is C++. i have to do library binding for my C code to develop a gui using qt4.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Binding To IP's Not Assigned To Ethernet Card?

May 26, 2011

I have a server hosted with Hetzner in Germany and have had it there for over a year now without any glitches. Last week very abruptly they deactivated the server giving me a very vague reason of "I was using another IP that was not assigned to me". After several calls I had the server reactivated but am still puzzled by this and Hetzner Germany has been unable to provide me with any proof, logs, traces or anything for that matter to validate their claims.

My primary (physical) server has one IP allocated (static) and IPv6 is turned off. On top of this server I run 3 VMware servers, 1 Ubuntu, 1 Debian, 1 Windows and all 3 of these VM's have static IP's configured.

I've done traceroutes, netstats and looked through every single config file with a fine toothcomb without finding anything and the problem has not reoccured either.

What I would like to know is if there is some way that someone could craft an attack of some sort that could cause a server to do this, to latch onto another IP not assigned to its NIC?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dovecot Binding To LDAP On Reboot?

Jun 9, 2011

Today I'm trying to configure Postfix+Dovecot to use Samba4's LDAP database for authorisation and mail delivery. As I can see from /var/log/mail.log, Dovecot tries to bind to LDAP right after reboot , but fails:


pdcadmin@PDC1:~$ cat /var/log/mail.log
Jun 9 13:06:46 PDC1 dovecot: auth(default): ldap_bind
Jun 9 13:06:46 PDC1 dovecot: auth(default): ldap_simple_bind


Believing this to be a sign of succesfull bind, I couldn't understand the reason behind it. Why do I need to restart or reload dovecot service to make it work (though it fails on the next step with "dict_ldap_lookup: Search error 1: Operations error" and "451 4.3.0 ... Temporary lookup failure")?

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Fedora :: Gnome 3 - How To Change Key Binding

Jun 28, 2011

I'm slowly coming to terms with Gnome 3 but one thing I can't get used to is using the "Windows Key".

For me it's a difficult key to use regularly. What I'd rather to is remap the "Switch between overview and desktop" action to alt-space, which I am used to from "Launchy" which I have been using in Windows for some time.

A couple of issues though - this is already mapping to "Activate the window menu". I never use it though. Are there any implications of remaping it?

Secondly, what is the command I need to map the key to, in order to emulate the Gnome 3 "Windows Key" behaviour?

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General :: Binding Interface Per Core?

Jul 20, 2011

I just wonder, is it possible (using Linux 2.6) to limit overhead done by ethernet interface to one specific core. Ie. I have core2duo CPU, and two ethernet interfaces: eth0 and eth1. Is it possible to move system load caused by packets comming on eth0 to CPU0, so the other core (CPU1) will be idle?

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Networking :: How To Tag Server Binding Interface

Dec 21, 2009

My query is how to tag Linux server bonding interface what mode I use for bonding in prospective of interface tagging.

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Software :: Binding LVM Partitions In Fstab ?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm trying to bind a couple of LVM partitions to directories in the /export directory for NFS hosting. I just want to make it clear that the partitions I'm trying to bind are local LVM partions, the binding is to allow NFS export (they are not networked partitions).

My distro is Ubuntu 10.10 if that makes any difference.

I can bind the partitions perfectly manually using this as an example:


However fstab fails to bind when I restart, and trying to use the fstab with a mount command to check it yields:


Are their subtleties with LVM that I do not understand?

Before setting up LVM, I previously had partitions bound in fstab with no issues using regular partitions (for NFS export again).

my fstab:


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Programming :: .inputrc And Readline Key Binding?

Feb 10, 2010

I can find eC-f and eC-b in /etc/inputrc and they work. However, I find the eC- key combination a bit of a finger reach and I use forward-word and backward-word a lot so I wanted to add a key modifier combination that was easier. I have tried several different versions of key binding in ~/.inputrc but nothing seems to work. Here is the latest version of my .inputrc:

# Bill's inputrc for ReadLine
# '$include' directs readline to the file
# with 'universal' settings.
# Place 'export /etc/inputrc' in .bash_profile


Meta (ALT) -b works (does backward-word) for some reason but M-C-b doesn't. Meta (ALT) -f gives me the window menu, as it should. I don't want to change that. But ~/.inputrc gives me nothing with ALT(Meta)-CTRL-f. I was kind of hoping to figure out how to substitute M-C- for e on my local or users .inputrc and readline for many of my user's bindings.

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Fedora Servers :: Apache Binding Only To Ipv6?

Feb 14, 2009

I just installed FC 10 and have apache running with the default config. the problem is that it is only listening on ipv6 for ports 80 and 443


Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2059/exim
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2059/exim


here is the only part in the httpd.conf file that seems to have anything to do with this:


Listen 80

which from my understanding should make it listen on all interfaces, ipv4 and ipv6

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General :: Create A Key-binding For The Workspace Switcher?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a problem with GNOME and virtual desktops. I use Compiz, and when I use the keys to rotate the cube the cube will spin, but all the programs remain in the panel. It works if I manually press the buttons on the "Workspace Switcher" which I've included on my panel.can I create a key-binding for the Workspace Switcher so I don't have to press on the buttons on the panel?

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General :: Making X Server Not Binding Or Listening

Sep 2, 2010

I'm trying to execute X server (automatically), which will not bind to (port 6000) - meaning X server will not listen on generic interface. If it's possible, I'd prefer X server not to listen at all (and communicate through other IPC if needed), is there a way to make it not listening at all? -nolisten flag or something like that? (and do it automatically, every reboot). Also, Is there a way to make X server bind to instead of interface)? It should be in one of the configuration files or the start-up command to run X.

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Networking :: Bonding / Binding Multiple Interface Into 1

May 27, 2010

I have 4 DSL modems connected with 4 different ISP's my scenario is

a) My FC-2 machine with LAN IP= and Bond0 IP=
b) Modem-A LAN IP= , ext IP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
c) Modem-B LAN IP=, ext IP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
d) Modem-C LAN IP=, ext IP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
e) Modem-D LAN IP=, ext IP=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Modem-A, B, C, and D LAN connected with my FC-2 machine, and all 4 interfaces of my machine are in Bond0, Now please help me what default Gateway I should set in my FC-2 machine?>??? or I have to set 4 gateways in my machine?and will this configuration works?

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General :: Binding USB Drive To Specific Folder?

Mar 31, 2010

Is it possible to bind a USB drive formatted in NTFS to a specific folder so when i open that folder i see the contents of the drive?

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Red Hat :: DHCP Server Reporting Bogus Mac ID While Binding

Jun 18, 2009

I am using using Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon)
dhcp server ver: dhcp-3.0pl2-6.14

I am trying to bind macid 00-21-6B-A1-C9-4C & 00-15-00-1D-AD-57; but it give, when I start dhcp service, I get the following error messages. I am sure macid are absolutely correct. Following the error message I get.

Starting dhcpd: Internet Software Consortium DHCP Server V3.0pl2
Copyright 1995-2003 Internet Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
For info, please visit [URL]
/etc/dhcpd.conf line 2196: Bogus number: 00-21-6B-A1-C9-4C.
hardware ethernet 00-21-6B-A1-C9-4C;
Configuration file errors encountered -- exiting

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Ubuntu :: Conky Apps Key Binding So That Minimize The Windows Open To See Desktop?

Mar 27, 2011

I would like to ask if someone try or is there any key binding about the conky apps..I would like to know if it possible to key bind the conky running in desktop so that everytime i want to see the running conkyrc on the desktop there is no need for me to minimize the open windows inorder just to see my running information in the desktop

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Fedora :: Bash - Binding A Function To Control-something Key Combo - F11

Aug 20, 2009

I want to set a key binding in bash for "history-search-backward" readline command to a combination of Control+some other key (I'm using 2 as an example), but I'm unable to do so. in fact, I'm unable to alter or add bindings to Control+key combinations.

After several tries my ~/.inputrc now looks like this

But it doesn't work and bind -p | grep "-2" gives nothing. If I try something without the control key:

I can search in the history by prssing the sequence C + - + 2.

bind -p gives control in C form, for example:

I've tried different formats in my inputrc:

But nothing works.

works if I press Escape followed by 2.

Fedora 11:
Bash version 4.0.23(1)
GNU Readline 5.2 (according to the man page)

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