Software :: No Cursor In Terminator

Jun 23, 2011

Using Scientific Linux 6, default install options.Installed "terminator" terminal program, but I can't get the cursor to be visible.Tried setings/profile (select different color), profile/use system theme. None of my efforts have caused the cursor to be visible. Any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Terminator Delete Key Binding?

Jan 31, 2010

I've recently started using terminator. When using terminator, the delete key acts like backspace. in the ~/.config/terminator/config file I've tried:

delete_binding = ascii-del


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Ubuntu :: Configuring Terminator And DevilsPie Sorted

Jun 13, 2010

I'm trying (well aiming) to customize my desktop so that on login Terminator is on workspace 3 (split 3 ways and running lynx, irssi and top. I'm using gdevilspie to configure it but I understand and can use the normal config files. When I use gdevilspie to make a terminal background it works but when i try to do stuff with terminator it doesn't.

Here's my terminator config so far:
( if
( begin
( is ( window_class ) "terminator" )
( begin
( undecorate )
( spawn_sync "top" )
( set_workspace 3 )
( maximize_horizontally )
( center )
( below )
( set_viewport 3 )
( println "match" )
) )

Once I do get devilspie sorted I also want to make Terminator automatically split and run the correct commands.

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Software :: Gnome Terminator Geometry At Startup

Jan 3, 2011

anyone know how to change "terminiator"s geometry on startup? My window is always too small - would like to change it and make it bigger when the program starts up.

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Software :: GNOME Terminator 0.93 Doesn't Close After Typing 'exit'?

Aug 23, 2010

I like the features of Terminator very much. It save my time. But on 2.6.31-gentoo-r10, I got a little problem: after typing 'exit', the system echo 'exit' and hang at with a mouse cursor (can't type anything):

quanta@dhcppc6 ~ $ exit


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Programming :: Reading A Binary File (Ignoring Null Terminator)

Jan 12, 2011

I need to read a binary file using my C++ application. That binary file may contain arbitary characters and it also contains 0 at some places. I need to read the file without considering null terminating character. (i.e. considering 0 as a normal byte and not as the end of the string)Can some one suggest me a method to read the buffer while ignoring the null terminated character.

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Ubuntu :: Cut Random Text And When The Cursor Focus Jumps Back To The Location Of The Cursor On The Screen

Jul 1, 2010

Im running netbook remix on a eeepc 1005ha. It is my only OS and Im loving it except for one obnoxious quirk. It randomly cuts text and randomly pastes it. If there is something in the clipboard, it will usually paste that, but just as often it will cut random text and paste that. The pastes occur when the cursor focus jumps back to the location of the cursor on the screen. I dont know a better way to phrase that, but thats what it is doing. Say... I put the cursor over the word "pastes" in the paragraph above... even though Im typing in this paragraph, the focus will "jump" to the cursors physical locale (the word "pastes") and then paste whatever is in the clipboard. If the cursor is outside of the textbox, the page will jump to the bottom.

This behavior occurs across programs and in any place text can be entered. I can find no rhyme or reason for it... it just... happens. Sometimes even when Im away from my computer, so its not like Im hitting some key on accident. I have loved everything about this ubuntu distro, but this issue is just toany obnoxious. Writing psych papers on this thing is going to be near impossible if I dont get this fixed before I go back to school.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cursor Is Always Busy Cursor After Upgrade To 10.04

May 1, 2010

Am running Ubuntu NBR as the sole OS on my Dell Mini 9. Switched over in March to 9.10 NBR. Everything worked fine.Upgraded to 10.04 when it was released. It's awesome EXCEPT for this busy cursor thing.As soon as I log in, all the time my cursor is the spinning wheel of busyness.... It works just as a normal cursor would - my computer also does not seem to be slower due to any operations.If I open an application, the cursor will behave as usual within the window but if I more my cursor to the title bar or switch out of the application, the "busy cursor" resumes.

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Slackware :: Terminator Helps Setup Slackware

May 28, 2010

No, not Arnold S.I'm talking about the one from It's not just another terminal emulator. It's got a cool feature of broadcasting the input to all (or selected windows). If it's a well known and used feature, than I'm sorry. I read about it a couple of days ago and soon it proved a big time-saver.

As all my systems are almost identical (selection of software, /home/ directory structure, program configuration, etc) I used terminator to set up my new shiny Slackware64 13.1 systems.The 'broadcast' function of terminator mirrors your input to other terminator windows (ssh sessions to other machines). That way I didn't have to configure it three times on three computers. I know that one can write a script to automate most of things, but sometimes there are interactive steps which would not work in a script.
It was especially useful in:

1. using sbopkg (3 simultaneous instances doing exactly the same thing on different systems )
2. general configuration
3. setting up bookmarks in emacs
4. Creating some scripts that aren't there by default (eg. /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown)

I can imagine how useful it can be for administering a number of machines.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install A Cursor

Feb 14, 2010

I want to install this cursor [URL] to my ubuntu 9.10 How can I do this, provided that I have the screenlets manager already installed??

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Ubuntu :: Invisible Cursor In 10.10

Feb 28, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and the cursor is white on a white background. I tried changing it using the Appearance settings and only the size changed, not the colour.

Can anyone explain why this is happening, and how to change the cursor so that it is visible. Have never had this trouble with any other Linux distro, so it's not hardware.

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General :: Get A .cur File As Cursor?

Mar 29, 2011

so i have this master sword .cur file in my downloads. i have ubuntu 10.10 and would like the master sword as my cursor it would fit amazingly with the entire zelda theme ive been putting together...walkthrough maybe?

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Debian :: CPU Spikes To About 40% When Moving Cursor / Why Is This?

May 29, 2010

I was looking around in Xfce4 Taskmanager to see what's taking up some memory/processor power, and I noticed when I move the cursor around in cirlces, the CPU spikes from about 5%-10% clear up to about 40%. I also have Audacious2, Chromium, and a file manager open as well.

Why is this? My system is an Eee PC with a 1.6GHz Atom processor and 2GB of DDR2 RAM.

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Debian :: Cursor Keys Misbehaving In The CLI?

May 7, 2011

This is not a programming question and this is why I am asking it here.I tested the program "dc" for cursor keys behaviour keys and the system responded by printing strange "^[[A" to the screen instead of doing what cursor keys should do. I am thinking that, I have some package missing that is making interactive CLI programs to misprint characters to the screen.Does anyone know what I need to install, because I must assume, programs in Stable must behave properly.

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Debian :: Blinking Cursor On Reboot

Apr 2, 2015

I've recently installed Debian 7.8.0 amd64 gnome on my new ASRock Q2900 mobo/cpu combo (It has an embedded Intel J2900)

The system boots fine but I am unable to restart it. If I tell the system to restart I see the mobo splash screen but before I see any mention of grub it gets stuck with a flashing cursor in the top left.

At this point I can hold the power button for 5 seconds and after it shuts down, I can boot it no problem. I can work my way around this issue but there shouldn't be any reason to need to.

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Debian :: Cursor Disappears When Hovering Over Almost Everything?

Aug 23, 2015

I have debian wheezy GNOME on a dell insprion 15 3000 with an intel core i3 and my problem is that whenever i hover hover almost anything my mouse cursor goes blank until i move it again

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Debian Multimedia :: Cursor Theme Not Kept

Aug 16, 2010

I run Debian squeeze 64 bits, minimal install ( I started with Xorg, kdebase and kdm using netinstall ).In KDE settings I can change the mouse cursor theme, and so I changed the default theme ( which is Oxygen Black ) into KDe Classic. But everytime I logout or restart I,m back to the default theme?

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Fedora :: Cursor Always Goes To Bottom Right Of Screen

Jul 26, 2009

I booted up to Fedora today (kernel and found that after logging in, my cursor was in the bottom right hand part of the monitor. When I moved the mouse the cursor moved in the right direction but then immediately returned to the bottom right of the screen. When I click the mouse I get the options I would expect to have if the mouse was in the corner and the keyboard also works fine. So right now I can't do anything that requires a mouse since the cursor doesn't like leaving the corner of the screen. I can't even get the updates installed (hoping they might resolve they issue somehow) since I can't click anything.

The only thing that I did before this happened was installed a whole mess of updates and installed nvidia drivers.

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Fedora :: Cursor Freeze In Right Low Corner?

May 16, 2011

I just installed Fedora and all works great but i have a little problem. When I move the mouse to the right bottom corner, the cursor freeze a couple of seconds, and after that any problems. But every time i move the mouse cursor to that corner, the same freeze.I try disabling the desktop effects but nothing change, always the same problem

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Fedora :: Cursor Theme Isn't Consistent

Jun 28, 2011

I'm running F15 with KDE right now, and I'm using a non-default cursor theme. All KDE/Qt apps are fine, but if I use Firefox, as an example, which is a GTK app, the cursor theme returns to the default as long as it's inside the Firefox window. Back when I was using GNOME, I noticed the same thing when I had my cursor over a Qt app.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome 3 Cursor Theme?

Jul 6, 2011

I installed Gnome 3 on my openSUSE 11.4 install.The cursor goes from white to black like it did in Gnome 2 before I edited etc/sysconfig in Yast.Well I have gotten gnome-tweak-tool and edited sysconfig to use Adwaita and the cursor is still black on firefox white in other areas.

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Ubuntu :: No Busy Cursor Icon In FF

Jan 7, 2010

I am not sure when this started for me, but I think in a recent update of Firefox. I am running Ubuuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. I am currently running FF 3.5.6. When I click on a link in a page, or refresh the page, the Arrow/Pointer cursor stays the same in place of the normal busy cursor that I am used to. This is more of an annoyance than a real functional issue, as I can't tell if the page is working except to see the tab showing loading, and the status bar in FF. I have searched the forums, and google/linux, but have not found a cause, nor a fix.

I also use Opera and Chrome at times and the busy cursor works there as expected. I also use Thunderbird and it is working there. So, I believe it is only related to FF. My addons are as follows, but I haven't added anything recently, and it was working before.

ColorfulTabs 4.1
Live HTTP Headers 0.15
Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.8
Web Developer 1.1.8

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Ubuntu :: Disappearing Cursor In Karmic 9.10

Feb 2, 2010

This is driving me up the wall; my mouse cursor disappears whenever I cross from monitor 1 to monitor 2, but returns after moving the mouse around. I've been reading to other posts and tried changing themes etc, but now I have slightly messed up desktop as well - my minimise/restore/close buttons have gone, they only appear when I mouse over where they should be.

There are several things I like about Karmic, but I only migrated to it from Hardy so that the ATI drivers would work correctly for my new HD5770 graphics card, otherwise I would have stayed with Hardy. how I can get the mouse cursor to stay visible all the time?

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Ubuntu :: Get The Cursor To Move Outside The Virtual Box?

Feb 11, 2010

Installed linux mint in a virtual box (ose).Only problem,can't get the cursor out of the window,thus unabling me to unmount the iso so keeps reinstalling.Does anyone know how to set it so I can get the cursor to move outside the virtual box.

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Ubuntu :: Specify Multiple Cursor Positions?

Mar 9, 2010

It says in the geany documentation that i can specify multiple cursor positions. But after i define a snippet like that - lets say for example:

for=for ($i = 0; $i < %cursor%; $i++){ %cursor% }

it only takes me to the first cursor point. A second tab results in a regular tab being inserted into the code..

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Ubuntu :: Cursor Changes Size From App To Application / Fix It?

May 24, 2010

My Cursor is the size I prefer when using firefox, or Epiphany but when I hover program menu options the size gets larger. Other programs like Inscape always have a larger size cursor and the desktop has the big cursor.

I just made the upgrade to the LTS version, I use compiz.

Seems I'm missing some default value but cannot find one that applies system wide?

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Ubuntu :: Cursor Cant Be Changed In 10.4 In Gnom?

May 27, 2010

In Ubuntu 10.4 64 bit which i have installed on a partition next to windows 7, I can not change the cursor. when I click a different cursor nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Cursor Freezing In Lucid?

Sep 15, 2010

I seem to have a problem with the mouse/cursor freezing up frequently in Lucid. I've tried a different mouse and seem to keep having the problem. The rest of the system seems to work fine but the cursor remains frozen. I have tried unplugging mouse and pluging in a different mouse but cannot get it to unfreeze without re-booting. Is this a know problem by any chance or is it my pc?

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Ubuntu :: VirtuialBox: No Cursor For Tablet

Dec 26, 2010

Since my my Wacom tablet and Photoshop don't work well in Ubuntu I was forced to use them both through VirtuialBox and Windows XP. However, even though I have everything installed properly on the Windows guest I can not see my courser when using the tablet. Also, enabling an absolute pointing device in the VirtuialBox settings doesn't help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Cursor After 10.10 Upgrade?

Jan 18, 2011

Last night I performed the upgrade routine from 10.04 to 10.10 on an Aspire One netbook. The netbook performed flawlessly under 10.04. Since the upgrade the computer boots fine, except no cursor ever appears. Nor is there the "ghost cursor" that I have read about. What do I do now, attempt a reinstall using an ISO image instead of the upgrade routine, perhaps?

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