Ubuntu :: Suddenly Karmic Recognizes The IPhone! And Rythmbox Launches

Mar 5, 2010

As of yesterday, afetr an upgrade that recquired restaring the system, I connected my iPhone as i have always done, just to charge the battery with the USB cable. Well, to my surprise, a window other than the camera one that asked about launching FPhoto, appeared; it stated that my iPhone could launch Amarok or Rythmbox, my choice.

Well, to my surprise, the phone is recognized and all the music is loaded in Rythmbox, but in Amarok it takes a very long time to just achieve a 60ish% gain.Now in the desktop an additional icon appears one of a generic Nokia type phone.I have searched, and am aware that Lucid will have support for my iPhone, its just that it is happening now.

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Launches Then Suddenly Closes?

Jul 31, 2011

Update Manager used to work fine, but now when I launch it, it appears momentarily in the task bar, then shuts down. I haven't been able to install any updates in a couple weeks. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Creative Zen Micro / Rythmbox On Karmic Koala (9.10 Amd64)

Oct 17, 2010

I have a Creative Zen Micro MP3 player (software version 2.21.02) which worked almost in a plug and play fashion with Rhythmbox (0.12) on Jaunty (9.04 / i386). Almost : I just had to make sure that Nautilus had not mounted the Zen as an external medium. Otherwise everything worked as expected.

Now I tried to reuse it on my Karmic Koala (amd64) laptop with Rhythmbox (0.12.7). I've been through several posts but nothing seem to make it work properly : If the Zen is unmounted before starting Rhythmbox it will appear in the media column and it will even show the songs; I can drag and drop songs from the Zen to the Rhythmbox Music library (very slow); but I can't play any song directly from the Zen.Any thoughts on how to get it to :

- speed up transfers between the Zen and the Music library
- play songs from the Zen

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Launches Many Programs On Startup?

Oct 23, 2010

I installed 10.10 yesterday, and now whenever I boot my computer it launches 3 or 4 windows on startup for apps that usually run in the tray (Rhythmbox, Pidgin, Skype, and the mounter for my memory card). I was wondering if there is a way to just launch the programs to the tray. It worked perfectly in Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Launches GIMP

Jan 7, 2011

I installed gimp on my ASUS desktop and ufraw from the download center. When I go to places>home folder, or places>documents etc, instead of the usual directory browser GIMP launches and gives an error message: opening jen>documents failed; it is a directory. I un-installed GIMP, and now places>documents launches ufraw. how to keep gimp and ufraw, but maintain the link from directory to directory browser?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Places Launches Movie Player?

Mar 23, 2011

Which ever option I chosse in places desktop, downloads etc Movieplayer automatically launches.

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Ubuntu :: Trash Applet Launches Archive Manager?

May 11, 2011

I am running Natty Narwhal with Gnome Classic (I can't get used to Unity). When I click the Trash Can the Archive Manager (file-roller) starts with Could not create the archive

Archive type not supported.I'm sure the default "open with" for the Trash folder has somehow been modified but I can't figure out how to change it back.

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OpenSUSE :: Blender Launches - It Goes Fullscreen

Mar 20, 2010

I've just decided to switch from Ubuntu and give this distro another go. I've not used SUSE since 9.x so we'll see what happens. I'm running Gnome anyway but when I launch Blender installed from the repositories it goes fullscreen (press F11 in firefox and that's fullscreen). This isn't the default - the default is windowed like when Firefox is maximised say.

You can run it from a terminal with the switch -w to launch it windowed but that doesn't do anything...still fullscreen. Then comes the kicker - I downloaded the alpha version of 2.5 which is a binary in a tarball and it still did it. What's going on? Why is openSUSE 11.2 forcing fullscreen mode? Any ideas because I quite like what I'm seeing in this version of openSUSE but I really need to do my 3D stuff in it and fullscreen makes things difficult when i want to multitask.

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Ubuntu :: Dropdown Menu In Places On Panel Always Only Launches Banshee?

Aug 7, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid), GNOME 2.30.2. After some time of correct operation, my dropdown menu from "Places" in the GNOME Panel has gone wrong.

If I click Places and then click on any of the dropdown shown, Home Folder, Desktop, Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, Downloads, before the horizontal line separator, Banshee launches. Those after the separator, Computer, Floppy and my Hard Drives, launch correctly.

I have tried restoring the Panel to its original setting with no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Movie Player Launches Instead Of Folder Under Places Menu?

Mar 16, 2011

So this morning I went to the places menu to open my home folder and it launched the movie maker...

It does that for all of the folders I have listed under places. If I open a mounted partition from my desktop it works fine and launched the file manager.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Clears Memory Cache When Screensaver Launches

May 27, 2011

It seems that something is causing the memory cache to be cleared when the screensaver launches. Then when moving the mouse or hitting a key to stop the screensaver it takes forever for the already launched and minimized applications to redisplay. I am using the ubuntu classic desktop.

Now time to rant.

Natty has so many bugs it is impossible to work around them all. This memory issue is one of the worst. The dead zone caused by the static application switcher, and the application switcher plugins for compiz (and probably any override redirect window) is another big one. There is not a single window decorator for compiz that works right. I have encountered two packages with binaries that won't even run (emerald and xpdf). The nvidia drivers seem to have issues (this may be related to this memory clearing issue).

Without a doubt more bugs than any other release of Ubuntu to date. I have worked around most of them by recompiling, and etc., but this is a real pain.

This is all aside from the idiotic switch to unity, when it is clearly not ready for release. The general direction of Ubuntu is really starting to look bad. By the way, what is up with the decision to uglify the desktop with gray scale icons (I know this is an old one, but I haven't really ranted on Ubuntu yet).

Looks like I will have to revert to Maverick.

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Software :: Krunner Launches At Login In KDE 4.3/FC10 PPC

Feb 23, 2010

The Krunner application launcher loads up every time I login! I checked autostart, it seems like this is not it. How do I stop this?

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Slackware :: Kickoff Application Launches From /usr/bin Rather Than /usr/local/bin?

May 26, 2010

Using Slackware 12.0 32-bit. KDE KDE 4.2.4.When I choose the Menu (Kickoff Application Launcher)then choose Development, and then 'Emacs' I get the version of emacs that came with the distribution.

It is at /usr/bin

In the meantime, I have installed a compiled version of emacs that is installed at /usr/local/bin.

How do I modify Slack so that the App launcher launches /usr/local/bin/emacs?

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Fedora :: ShowFoto Launches On Mounting External Media

Mar 29, 2011

For some reason everytime I open nautalius or mount an external media showFoto launches, I tried looking at "Perferred Applications" but not seeing anything useful. I tried searching google and this site with a possible solution but no joy. I am using Fedora 14 with Gnome.

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Fedora :: Plasma's Applauncher Launches Apps Two Times?

Jul 8, 2011

I tried to edit the title of another thread to avoid some confusion, but I think I just made things more confusing:


The problem is the application launcher from mouse actions on the desktop launches apps twice.

Found the bug report relating to this issue. See the following, starting down at comment #8:


So, there's a patch, "get rid of duplicate connect." Is this something that will get fixed soon in Fedora, via updates?

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OpenSUSE :: Create A Shortcut For A Program That Launches In Terminal?

Jun 11, 2011

I'd like to create a launcher for ParaView that requires a terminal shell in order to launch. It is just a pain having to enter the couple of lines to launch it from Konsole.

cd /home/user/Document/ParaView(version)/bin

Lemme know what you think. I'd just like to add something to the quick launch panel.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Karmic And Xp (karmic Installed)?

Jan 21, 2010

What's the right direction or give me step by step on how to do this?

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Ubuntu Security :: Desire - Create A Bash Script That Launches Skype Under A Separate User Account?

Mar 13, 2010

I want to jail Skype into its own process and not the one I login with. That way, if a hacker breaks in, it's limited to this process and only the limited functionality that that user account has. The thing is this -- thousands of Linux guys run Skype, but Skype is hardly ever updated or have security patches, and we run it all the time. It seems like an easy avenue for an exploit. As well, my iptables firew all blocks input connections that I have not established, but Skype is an established connection. How do I create a Bash script that launches Skype under a separate user account?

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Ubuntu :: Rythmbox Not Finding MP3 Player?

Jan 9, 2010

Ubuntu 9.1 with Rythmbox. I connect my Creative Zen Mozaic MP3 player and Ubuntu finds it and lists the files ...but Rythmbox does not see it.

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Ubuntu :: Syncing The Nokia N8 With Rythmbox

Mar 11, 2011

I can't seem to get my N8 to show up in rythmbox. Has anyone had any success trying this, or could anyone recommend a better program?

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Ubuntu :: Banshee Or Rythmbox For Kubuntu 9.04

Aug 18, 2010

i am trying to install banshee from source and from apt.......but after install it doesnt show up on menu didnt try rythmbox but help with any one of them is fine.....

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Minimal CLI Recognizes LAN Port But Isn't Connected?

Feb 21, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a hard drive for another computer, then I switched it back to it's original computer and when I try to update or anything, it won't get the packages because it isn't connected.
So I try entering in lspci. It recognizes: Ethernet Controller: Intel Corporation 82557/8/9/0/1 Ethernet pro 100 (rev 0

as one of them. I have the Ethernet cable plugged in, the Ethernet light is on, so it detects the cable. It just won't connect, and I have a valid connection or I wouldn't be able to be on here right now. I've tried 2 cables, still a no go. Is there a way I can connect or will I have to put the HD in the other desktop again and install everything and some drivers?

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Ubuntu :: Volume Control And Rythmbox Icons Gone?

May 17, 2010

I use ubuntu 9.10. Recently two sound control icons appeared in the panel so I tried removing one and now both are gone. Also the rythmbox icon does not appear anymore either after I open the program.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Recognizes Two CPUs And Two Cores On Four Core CPU

Jun 23, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 x64, and I have an AMD Phenom 2 x4 940 CPU. First I have to underline that four cores worked perfectly in previous versions of Ubuntu as well as Windows.

When looking at system monitor it tells me that I have two CPUs/Cores, it should be four.

This is the output of CPU info:

processor: 0
vendor_id: AuthenticAMD
cpu family: 16
model: 4


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Ubuntu :: How To Use Conkymail/rythmbox/forecast Packages

Jul 7, 2010

There have been a few capabilities I've wanted to add to conky lately, chiefly mail, music, and forecasts. I installed some debs from [URL]... and I was wondering how I activate them.

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Ubuntu :: Skype No Longer Recognizes Webcam?

Sep 28, 2010

It recognized the webcam alright. But after an update perhaps a couple of months ago, it no longer does. Skype is Beta version If I go to Options, Video devices, it shows me only one option for webcam, namely Quote:USB Camera (05a9:a511) (/dev/video0)I click on test but nothing happens. I can communicate and see the other person, but she doesn't see me

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recognizes My System As AMD 64bit

Jan 25, 2011

I just installed it yesterday, version 10.10, desktop edition, downloaded from Ubuntu's site; running it along side Windows; and love it from the get go, but... I can't get the Flash plugin to work.

I'm running a Toshiba Satellite Pro P505-S8945 with this specs:
2.0GHz Intel Core2 Duo P7350 Processor
400GB Hard Drive, DVD SuperMulti Drive
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (32bit), 4GB RAM
ATI Radeon HD 4570 Graphics

I tried installing the 32bit version on Flash but kept getting error messages about "wrong architecture i386", so, I went to the (sorry if i make a mistake I'm paraphrasing) "Ubuntu software center", the application within Ubuntu where you can go to the repositories and get software upgrades, and I realized that for some reason Ubuntu is recognizing my system as running on an AMD 64 processor, which I'm not! Mind you, I haven't tried to install the 64bit version of flash, just wondering really, the reason why Ubuntu would say that I'm running on a 64bit AMD processor!

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Ubuntu :: Add-on For Rhythmbox Which Recognizes Track Info?

Mar 2, 2011

Is there an add-on for Rhythmbox which recognizes track info from the sound of the track like the shazam app?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rythmbox Opens To Taskbar Only?

May 29, 2011

Rythmbox does not open a window on the desktop, but its icon appears in the upper taskbar. I have to click on the icon to open the Rythmbox window to select songs etc.

I'm sure there's a simple fix for this, but I haven't been able to locate it.

Ubuntu 10.04

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Fedora Installation :: Recognizes Hda As Sde?

Feb 17, 2009

since fedora wasn't running very stable at first I tried installing centOS and noticed that it detected my hardware differently.......

When installing F10 it recognizes my 160Gb system drive (IDE1) as sde (behind my 4 SATAII drives). CentOS recognized correctly that it is hda.

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