Software :: Play Videos In Redhat 5.0 - Unable To Play Video And Still Giving Error Message
Feb 2, 2010
when i try to play a video, from internet it is showing the message 'Either javascript turned off or download and install latest adobe flash player'. But eventhough I downloaded and installed adobe flash player I am unable to play any video and still it is giving the above message. what is the reason?
I just upgraded from the last LTS version to 10.04 Lucid Linux and Flash just totally sucks. I keep trying to watch videos at [URL] and the videos play for about 1 minutes then it locks up and gives me this error: "Unable to play the video specified:
rtmp:1935//"I have followed all of suggestions in the "Comprehensive Multimedia & Video Howto" by ubuntu-freak and I'm still having major problems with Flash videos.
There is an option to play ..... video in totem. But i am unable to play any video. Error shows, "Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.". I searched google, few suggestions are patches for file, but there is no file named in /usr/lib/totem/plugins/...../ folder.
i just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my imac. i can play videos from videos no problem but when i try and play avi, mov or any other video format, the movie player quickly opens and closes. when i try with vlc player, i see the player bar but no video. when i try with smplayer, i can watch the video but when i go full screen, the movie doesn't take up the whole area of the screen. it stays at the same small size.
what do i need to do to make this right? i installed the ubuntu restricted extras. did i miss something?
Anyone else struggling to play iplayer video? I've got the proprietary Flash plugin, which means it's probably not this "SWF Authentication" thing that there's been so much talk about.
I've rebooted, tried all sorts of tinkering, it loads the applet (I can see that Flash is loading OK because other things work, and right clicking on the applet gives the Flash menu)
I used to be able to use the NFL game center on to watch the play-by-play when I was using Fedora 10.Now that I am on Fedora 12 it no longer works. I am able to click into a game and see all the info but the play-by-play drive chart no longer displays anything. Does anyone out there know how to get this working?
I'm totally unable to play or mount audio CDs and unable to use video DVD's on my box right now. When I insert an audio CD I get a dialog box saying:
Unable to mount disc: Location is not mountable
and if I check messages in the Log File Viewer I see the following text repeated (save for the last line) a couple of dozen times.
May 24 13:04:37 Amber kernel: [ 6680.434685] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE May 24 13:04:37 Amber kernel: [ 6680.434691] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Illegal Request [current] May 24 13:04:37 Amber kernel: [ 6680.434695] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: Illegal mode for this track
on a similar but ultimately unrelated thread someone was asked to enter a few commands so I tried them and the following was the output:
main@Amber:~$ ls /dev/scd* /dev/scd0 main@Amber:~$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0
An error occurred: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file. As far as I can tell I have the relevant CSS libraries installed I'm lost without being able to play CD's and DVD's on my system.
Cannot interact (play directly or open the related page on ..... and so) with embedded video on several pages, for example: [URL] and this is the code of the embedded element
not able to play any AV files. i have installed 10.10 on my desktop,i even installed VLC player,but if i run any audio,video file am not able to hear anything,even though the player volume and system volume is maximum..I am unable to hear even the boot up sound that we get hear when we login into ubuntu.
I am not able to get the video in the iTunes movie trailer website to play. iTunes Movie Trailers.When I try to play a video an error message comes up as something like: PackageKit.gstreamer.plugin not able to find H.264 decoder.This has been discussed in a previous post: H.264 Codec & Mplayer.I have also done some reading and the gstreamer-plugin-bad package has ah H.264 parser, but does that also decode?I have updated my packages to the Packman repo: URL... tried installing and activating both the VLC and MPlayer plug-ins for firefox and am running Firefox 3.6.10 in an up-to-date OpenSuse 11.3 with Gnome
Fedora Core 11 and installed songbird via songbird wiki website.I want to play mp3 files with songbird (which is basically why i downloaded it cos i dont like amarok) but when i try to play a file, it gives this message:"MediaCore Error: An id3 tag demuxer plugin is required to play this stream, but not installed"i searched a lot on web but couldnt find a solution
Earlier today I downloaded a video of a Mozilla Project preview, in MP4. Of course, it won't play. All I get is the audio, and this error:
"An error occurred. The playback of this movie requires a H.264 decoder plugin which is not installed."
I put in some time, researching this issue, trying to figure it all out. I guess I'm looking in the wrong places. Is this a proprietary format issue? Also, when I was overdosing on XP, my media drug of choice was Klite mega codec pack (from It literally plays every media format, audio and video. In addition to fixing the above issue, can somebody guide me to an equivalent player with codecs for [insert any media type here]? I have several Terrabytes of various video and audio files, and prefer to not convert them all.
I am unable to play the aforementioned videos. I know for certain mplayer2 supports the 10-bit encode, but whenever I try to play, only a second of audio plays with no video. Instead of video, I get an "Unsupported PixelFormat 72" error. I updated my FFmpeg libraries to 0.8 after that, however nothing has changed and I still get the error. I am currently running Fedora 15.
I have my videos on 3gp format from a nokia movil but I can't play it.I have OSu 11.2 KDE and as a default player is kaffeine.what should I do to can play this kind of videos.
I cant get any videos to play on open suse 11.2 with kde 4 ive tried looking in the repos that are standard nothing found, ive searched the forums and closest i found was a similar issue on suse 10.0 that ended in a dead end im not to familiar wiht adding repos on suse
I have just installed ubuntu on my computer and its been a real good experience until i found that it won't play my videos, do i have to download some sort of codec or plugin (even vlc won't play anything and it usually comes with the codecs pre-installed) i know linux can play my videos i have had them working with my pclinuxos desktop why not ubuntu. i'm using ubuntu 9.04.
I can't play any of my avi, mp4 or even ogv files.I get audio but no video.This sort of points to a missing codec, but when I go into YaST I already appear to have the necessary ones (doesn't openSuse come with most out of the box anyway?).The file I am currently most interested in is (I believe) an Xvid.I already had libxvid4 but added xvidcore when it didn't work but this didn't help.I have packman in the repos (does it come by default in 11.3?)I installed vlc-qt to see if I could play it with VLC instead of Kaffeine but that didn't help either.
I cannot get AVI videos to play with the Totem movie player that comes bundled with Ubuntu 8.04 on the Dell Mini 9. I keep getting: "Could not determine type of stream." Randomly, one or two of the dozen or so videos on my SD card will work, but most will not. This is very frustrating because all the videos I download are always in AVI format.
I tried used the synaptic package manager find an alternative player and tried MPlayer, but that didn't do anything. I'd just get a blank screen on everything. Using the tutorial in this forum, I got GNOME Mplayer, which also didn't work, but even a video that worked with Totem would only play audio with GNOME Mplayer.
I looked in the repository for video codec updates but didn't see any. What do I do? Is there like a Winamp for Linux? This is a total bummer. I just want to play AVI files that are so commonly used for video.
I "think" I have the right apps installed (but obviously not) but I still can't get the videos to play at the following location. Go here [URL].... choose any video and see if it will play for you. I've tried both FF and Chrome .. using 10.04
I have used ubuntu for a long time but always using either a live CD or my Flash stick.
On past Thursday i decided to install ubuntu on my laptop and i did it . It is light and healthy (ha ha). Any way, I would like to play AVI, MKV, RMVB, and MP4 videos but i couldn't. I tried a lot of debian packages and drives (i.e. files with .deb extension) but no result except installing RealPlay that i am using it to play mp3 files only.
can you give me some packages to play those files. (I can't connect my laptop to Internet for the time being). In addition, I have Huawei E1750 USB Modem but the system does not recogize it. Is there any way to play those videos and surf the net using the modem in UBUNTU 10.04 LTS.
All the people in all the videos I try on my computer (even in vlc) are blue. and so are a bunch of other stuff. I dont know how to fix this. I tried uninstalling the video card drivers and playing the video. Then I reinstalled it. I also tried it in many different media players. I even tried different codec packages.
A while back I was trying to play videos from the cli without having a GUI installed. I was able to find an app, not sure what the name of it was; however, it used color ASCII characters. It worked but really wasn't what I was looking for.
Does anyone know of an application that can be started from the CLI w/o GUI that will play videos?