Ubuntu :: Set The Mixer Volume Level At System Startup Or Login?

Jun 9, 2011

How-To set the mixer volume level at system startup or login. A funny story that led up to this how-to first...

I made the obvious mistake of leaving my volume level set to nearly maximum. Of course, Ubuntu's default behavior is to restore the mixer to its last known state - a point of much irritation at that moment. This had been a problem in the past as well, and today was the last straw. So, I did some research, for quite some time I might add, and decided to be a good community member and share my findings. It seems that there are all sorts of opinions around the web. The dominant opinion is that a mixer should always be restored to its last known state, that this is all well and good, and why would you ever want it to work any other way. Lots of people suggested that the startup sound be disabled, which was not a terrible solution, but was still a work-around as it means that the next sound bite to be played is the alarming one.

Needless to say, I wanted to find out what I would call the "proper" way to set the mixer level at startup. As my laptop uses PulseAudio, and my office desktop uses ALSA audio, the methods were different. My focus was for PulseAudio as that was the original purpose. I note here that my method for ALSA is less detailed as it is not the default for Ubuntu audio these days. So, if you are using ALSA, you might have to be a little creative to make my ALSA note fit your needs. I have attached 2 files to this post, one for ALSA and one for PulseAudio.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ALSA Mixer Resets Volume Levels At Startup

Dec 13, 2010

ALSA mixer resets my speaker volume to zero and changes my USB headset volume to a very low level. How can I get ALSA Mixer to remember my volume settings from last boot or if there's no other option, a way I can make it adjust the levels to a predetermined level automatically on startup. I'm using 10.10 with pulseaudio.

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Fedora :: Where To Load Module Snd-mixer-oss At System Startup?

May 18, 2011

Where I can load the module snd-mixer-oss at system startup?

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Ubuntu :: Alsamixer Startup "speaker" Level (and Screen Brightness Startup Level)

May 23, 2010

I just upgraded to the 10.04 and everything works just fine as before (except for skype but that really doesn't matters as it has already been 3 years I'm using ubuntu and I managed to get it to work only once, for miracle I believe ^^). The only real issue I have is this: when I start up my laptop, after the log-in, no sound will be heared as the "speaker" volume level in alsamixer is set to 0; if I raise it from the terminal running alsamixer (as I don't know any other alternative) everything plays just fine, but the next time I boot I do have to do it all over again... So, how can I change the default startup level of the "speaker" in alsamixer?

PS: by the way I do have the very same issue with the screen luminosity but the other way round as is always starts at maximum brightness and I can't manage to get it to start at the minimum, as it did before. At least reducing the backlight if far more quick but a couple of times I forget it and the battery lasted something like half an hour

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Very Little Control Over Volume Using Master Volume Level?

Apr 10, 2011

My volume control seems to have only three settings: TOO LOUD, VERY QUIET, OFF. If I adjust the Master volume slider from the Panel, only about the right 1/8th has any effect and if I slide it past about the 95% mark, I get no sound at all. At the far-right end of the volume control, I get total volume. It's basically like the slider only has any impact in the top 5% of it's space. Below 95% of the slide, there is zero volume.

It's so drastic, that one tap down of the volume button on my keyboard kills the sound (because it nudges the slider past that 95% mark). This happens in the Audio settings, etc., system-wide. If I adjust the volume for an individual app from within the app (MPlayer, for example) it behaves exactly as expected (that is, app volume works smoothly, it's just master volume that has this issue). I have run through most of the "obvious" things-- I'm wondering if I broke something by installing the extra KDE packages to get Amarok to work.

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Ubuntu :: Volume Control Wanted, Not Mixer?

Jun 4, 2010

I just installed Xubuntu on a new computer.One problem i came across, was the volume control at the top panel (near the clock).Unlike Ubuntu's volume control, it just opens up a sound mixer instead of being able to adjust the volume right away with one left-click. Is there anyway to get that to happen? Even my keyboard's volume control doesn't work in Xubuntu, but it worked perfectly fine in Ubuntu.

If i try to add a new applet into the panel, there is ONLY the MIxer, which is not what i want. There are no options to add regular volume controls anywhere that i can just left-click and adjust right away.

Dell Dimension 5280
Intel P4 2.53ghz
256mb RAM
60gb HDD
Xubuntu 10.4 (or the latest)
Generic Keyboard w/volume control

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Software :: Max Volume In The App And The Desktop Mixer Isn't Always Enough And EQ

May 22, 2011

I'm still battling Linux sound. It just never sounds as good as Windows, and it's starting to piss me off now that I'm running Linux full time and my audio sounds like poop.

1) For audio that was recorded low, max volume in the app and the desktop mixer isn't always enough. I need a way to go beyond the norms. I've tried the Vlc preamp, but it just ends up causing distortion.

2) The sound quality is continually disappointing, and apps either don't have an EQ, or poor quality EQ's

I also don't want to spend 6 months learning how to use the new piece of software. Is there anything you can recommend to give me more volume and possibly a decent EQ, ideally with standard presets (e.g., 'rock, pop, classicl', etc.)?

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Ubuntu :: Volume Mixer And Sign Out Button Disappear

Nov 5, 2010

I have 2 button in the task bar and I don't know why its disapear and how to make it reappear again? The sound mixer button The Sign out button I have already tried by right click/Add to panel but I didn't find these button!

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Software :: MP3blaster - Set The Mixer Of PCM & PCM2 To A Volume Of 100% Or Any Value

Apr 30, 2010

I'm using mp3blaster as audio player under my linux Centos Terminal, i'm using Mixers of PCM & PCM2 and i should get the volume up every time my server makes a reboot, so i need to ask how i can set the mixer of PCM & PCM2 to a Volume of 100% or any value i want ?

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Slackware :: Mixer Decrease The Volume Evrytime?

Apr 24, 2011

in the last instalation of slackware(13 and 13.1) when I do login the sound is down, the vol speaker is zero, and I have increase this by alsamixer, kmixer etc.I try the alsaconf, alsactl estore but it back zero(no sound). How a do for it stay in predefined volume

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: USB Headset Volume Settings In ALSA Mixer?

May 20, 2010

I have a Logitech clearchat pro usb headset and it works really well. However every time I plug it in I have to turn up its volume in alsa mixer. Also so that the right volume slider is controlled (by the volume keys) I have to change the output in pavucontrol. Does anyone know of a way that I can make this happen on its own? I guessed writing a udev rule might work (not that I have ever done one), but I don't know the commands that are equivalent to what I do.

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Fedora Hardware :: Software RAID1 /boot Volume Doesn't Mount Automatically At System Startup

Feb 7, 2010

My software RAID setup is as follows.

/dev/md0 (made from sda1 and sdb1) RAID1 /boot partition
/dev/md1 (made from sda2, sdb2, and sdc2) RAID5 / partition

Earlier on I had some trouble with my sda drive, it dropped itself from both arrays, screwing up the mirroring of my two raid partitions participating in the /boot partition. I eventually got everything sorted out and back in sync. (I also have grub installed to MBR on both sda and sdb). Things are working fine regarding that, but since then I've had this issue:

During boot up, I'll get an error message that it could not mount my /boot partition (when fstab is set to either /dev/md0 or the UUID). It claims c9ab814c-47ea-492d-a3be-1eaa88d53477 does not exist!

My fstab:


[mark@mark-box ~]$ cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Wed Jan 20 16:34:41 2010


As far as I know, it isn't neccessary for /boot to be mounted always, correct? Although, as I understand, I need to have it mounted whenever making kernel changes correct?

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Debian Multimedia :: Switch From Mate-volume-control To Pulse Audio Mixer?

Jun 20, 2015

I'm using Mate on Jessie. The problem is that mate-volume-control kinda sucks as an audio control. It doesn't have nearly enough options for a proper volume control program. Pulse is much better for my needs. It or Alsa. Is it possible to remove mate-volume-control, or at least make Pulse the default volume control?

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Ubuntu :: Alsa Mixer Auto Mutes Speakers On Startup.

Feb 9, 2011

I've got an Acer 7736 and had quite a few issues with no sound after my install of 10.10. After quite a bit of fiddling I managed to get that sorted and I now how have sound. I believe I'm using alsa although pulse also does seem to be on here. The reason I say I believe I'm using alsa is that after startup, I have no sound on speakers unless I unmute it in alsamixer.

As I understand it alsa's supposed to save your settings on logout/shutdown/reboot but this doesn't appear to be the case, and I'm not able to find any asound.conf or the like in the places they're apparently supposed to be.

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Ubuntu :: Volume Level Very Low After 10.04 Reinstall

Jun 15, 2010

I had to reinstall 10.04 today and after installation I have found the volume level to be very low. I have to move the slider to max to get a normal listening level. It was not like this previously before reinstalling.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mjpeg Lavrec /dev/mixer /dev/dsp Missing - Get Mixer And Dsp To Appear In /dev?

Feb 5, 2011

How do I get mixer and dsp to appear in /dev? I can't use Lavrec without disabling audio.

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SUSE :: 10.0 - Low Volume On High Level

Apr 15, 2010

Running Suse 10.0 on a lenovo idea pad and I am having a problem getting the volume set high enough to hear any music, dialogue!. I have set the volume control up as far as it will go but can hardly hear anything. Had this problem running Ubuntu on a Sony laptop but managed to resolve the problem but cannot remember what I done.

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Ubuntu :: Couldn't Get Tvtime To Work Because /dev/mixer Is No Longer Created In 10.10 So No Volume Control From Within Tvtime

Oct 5, 2010

I migrated back from Maverick because I couldn't get Tvtime to work because /dev/mixer is no longer created in 10.10 so no volume control from within tvtime. I'm now back to 10.04. The issue that I'm having is that I have 4 devices that show up as /dev/mixer, /dev/mixer1,/dev/mixer2 and /dev/mixer3. I need to have tvtime use the mixer associated with my soundblaster audigy card.

whenever I reboot, the order of these devices changes. Sometimes the soundblaster is assoaciated with /dev/mixer , sometimes it's /dev/mixer2 etc. Is there a way to ensure that the devices are always in the same place/order? On a related note, sometimes my usb webcam is video1 other times it's video0 , this also causes problems with tvtime. How can I ensure that my system is the same after each boot? I tried dev rules but couldn't get them to work properly.

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Fedora :: F11 With Gnome - Volume Starts Off At Maximum Level

Sep 17, 2009

Whenever I play streaming videos, (mpg, wmv, etc), the volume will move from where it's set to maximum level. Then I have to adjust the sound. If I play another streaming video it will do it again. I'm using F11 with Gnome. How to stop it from happening? No matter how I adjust player's volume, it starts off at maximum level. This is my sound info I'm using:
Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP73 High Definition Audio (rev a1)

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Save Volume Level After Logout?

Jul 2, 2010

After login is always volume level set on 100%. Alsactl store and restore works properly. Manually run: sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound reload reset volume level into proper level, but after login to Gnome is always volume level 100%,Here are some logs:

rpm -qa '*alsa*'


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Fedora :: F12 Upgrade - Volume Settings For Comfortable Listening Level

Nov 28, 2009

I just upgraded to Fedora 12 and I am now having some sound issues. On Fedora 11 if I set my volume below about 45% I couldn't hear anything. However 45% gave me a comfortable listening level. Now if I set my volume below about 20% I cannot hear anything, however 20% is very loud. And by loud I mean approximately equivalent to 80% under Fedora 11.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sounds Always Starts At Maximum Volume - Set It To Initialize To Specific Level?

Jan 8, 2011

I have an Echo Mia soundcard that I had working in Ubuntu 9.04 fine but just upgraded today to 10.04. I got the card working fine with the Medibuntu respository Alsa Firmware. However, every time I boot up the volume is insanely loud (I use studio monitors with a set volume). As soon as I click to change the volume it suddenly kicks in down to the correctly set volume but I need it to not boot at max. I remember I had to do something in 9.04 to resolve this and had the Echo Mixer in the panel as a launcher but I can't remember what I did to get it to initialize the volume correctly. I've tried everything I could think of to no avail.

Anyone have any ideas? Even if I could just use a script to set the volume to initialize to a specific level I'd be fine with raising it after.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configure The Touch Sensitive Volume Level Control?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a acer aspire 8735G-6502 this bad boy [URL]: Acer Aspire 8735G-6502 18.4-Inch Widescreen Laptop: Computer & Accessories I am trying to figure out how to configure the touch sensitive volume level control. It works somewhat, but only increasing volume. Xev does a strange job detecting the key codes, and assigning keyboard short cuts does the same thing. In fact when moving ones finger in a downward, volume decreasing motion it picks up only strange upward finger motion.

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Hardware :: Tweeters Blown Up By Large Volume Level Audio Files

Dec 12, 2010

I am concerned about my tweeters in relation to signal coming from the computer. I have machine LINE OUT fed into my preamplifier (hardware audio component) all the time. The max levels of tuner, tape recorder, turntable, etcetera are all "equalized". That is, they all more or less deliver the same output level to the preamp. The difference between a CDDA level and that of another one is always minimal. The same goes for vinyls (not "so minimal"). As to radio broadcasts, one may be xmiting with great power and make differences larger, but still no harm for the tweeters, relatively speaking. Mine are 50w four-way loudspeaker systems (forgive the word, I used to call them baffles).

The power amplifier is 30w per channel so, theoretically, it cannot damage the speakers. But the preamp (Yamaha C-2) can deliver a very large signal. When this signal is unduly large, the woofer and mid-range speakers won't suffer. But the enormous resultant distortion can damage the tweeters. Some audio files have the signal recorded at very high levels. And I could launch aplayer, play or mplayer, or any GUI player, or I could receive an email audible notification when amixer's output controls are near the top and put my tweeters in danger. I think the core of the problem is the huge variation in level between different audio files.

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Ubuntu :: Recording From System Mixer In Lucid

Aug 2, 2010

how do I set my record source as system mixer so that I will be able to record audio streams? In Lucid, I couldn't find any options other than line in and mic.

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Fedora :: Problems With Run Level 5 And Xorg At Startup.

Jan 31, 2009

Hi. I'm using Fedora core 6 with NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8776-pkg1 driver.

Everytime my system boots with /etc/inittab set to "run level 5" the GUI login displays quickly and then just as quickly returns me to a console login. I know that X hasn't crashed, because i hit Ctrl + Alt + f7 and I have my regular login. Of course, I can't restart X from virtual console 1 as it is already running.

Has anybody had this problem? It only happens on occasion. What am I supposed to do?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: High Volume - System Sets Volume To Maximum Value?

Mar 24, 2011

I used Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) on IMac i7. As far as, I remember, after installing Pulse-Audio Equalizer, for each restart of the system, after login screen, system sets volume to maximum value. What can I do?

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Fedora :: Auto Login In Level 5?

Oct 9, 2009

In level 3, I can successfully auto login a user into x window.

but how auto login works in level 5?

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Security :: Disable First Level Login Via Putty

Sep 4, 2010

Is there anyway I can disable an account from being logged in via Putty, but permits someone else to "su" into the account? For example, an application is being run as "app_account". Because there will be multiple people administering this application and the password is shared for this "app_account", I want to disable 1st level login for it. I want to make it such that only the permitted people can "su - app_account", once they have logged into their personal account. How can I do this? If I set app_account's shell to /sbin/nologin, the users are also not allowed to do "su - app_account".

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Ubuntu :: Setting Volume On Startup?

Sep 25, 2010

I have an issue with my machine. The volume is 100% on startup, and I need that fixed. I looked around and found THIS on stackoverflow. However I cannot find the rc-default file I need to edit to make that solution work. I'm running Karmic. Anyone else find a solution to this problem?

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