Ubuntu Servers :: Trying To Install Eyeos ?

Oct 31, 2010

I'm trying to install eyeos but I try to install it and I get:

Also, is there a way I could speed how fast the page loads, or is that just a bandwidth issue?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Host EyeOS Myself

Jun 7, 2010

I came across this great open-source script called EyeOS [url] a few months ago and found a free hosting provider to go with it.

After playing around on the demo setup, I spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to get it set up on a hosting provider via FTP. Once that was set up, things ran smoothly for a few weeks until one day I logged into my user CP and saw a notice that they were shutting down and selling their server to a new adult video site and that all sites would be deleted in like 72 hours. I could never find another hosting provider that could give me the space I needed without ads for free, so I had this crazy idea of hosting it myself.

I have an older box with Lucid Desktop Edition that would be great for a server (I mainly use my laptop anyway), but there are a few problems: I have very little experience with Linux (although I'm great w/ Windows). I need Apache and PHP but I have no idea how to install them (and make them work together) and where to put the files to "serve." Knowing some administrative commands .

My ISP blocks incoming connections on port 80. I need help deciding on an alternative port besides the blaringly obvious port 8080 that won't conflict with anything important. I'll most likely link to it from our homepage on Google Sites (with a free .tk domain) so it doesn't need to be easy to remember.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install Cs1.6 On 10.04.1

Sep 11, 2010

How to install cs1.6 server on ubuntu 10.04.1

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install JRE In 10.10?

Jan 8, 2011

I've tried every tutorial out there and cant install JRE on my VPS.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install KVM On 11.04?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm trying to install KVM on my Ubuntu 11.04. I was trying to follow the instruction on this link: [URL]

After the installation (and after a reboot), when I run this command I got the following error.

$ virsh -c qemu:///system list
error: cannot recv data: : Connection reset by peer
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Install Pdo From Pecl

Feb 9, 2010

I have installed PHP5 for 9.10 and am trying to install PDO via pecl and am having no luck.


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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install Samba 3.4.5 On 8.04

Feb 16, 2010

i have ubuntu server 8.04 witch preinstalled samba 3.0.28. I like to install from repositories samba 3.4.5.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install UEC In One Machine

Feb 28, 2010

does anyone know of an article that explains how to install all Ubuntu Elastic Cloud on one single machine?i understand that it should be ideally used with at least two; but i am trying to test it and i do not have two machines to use

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Ubuntu Servers :: Php 5 Won't Install Into Apache 2.2.15

Apr 23, 2010

I've run into a problem and I don't know if it's apache or php or the combination of both. I can compile apache 2.2.15 just fine, but whenever I try to compile php 5.3.2 into my server, the first two steps work just fine but when I get to the make install part it shows the libphp5.so and it just stays there and I have to cancel the install because it won't finish.

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Ubuntu Servers :: UEC Install On 10.4 Desktop?

May 2, 2010

I recently installed a Ubuntu Server 10.4 on a new machine. This I installed as a cloud node controller.

I wanted to use an existing machine running U 9.10 Desktop (which was a cloud controller, cluster controller, storage controller, and Walrus controller) in that same capacity under the newer UEC. The advertising was compelling with respect to the new 10.4 cloud auto registration based upon E 1.6.2 etc etc. My cloud stopped working.

To make a long story short... Would someone point me at a way to execute the preseed debconf scripts such that I can get the non-node controller configuration set up in the new environment or tell me how I can get a reinstall of the packages to asked the questions and do the config. I am stuck as of now.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Gnome On 10.04?

May 17, 2010

I have a ubuntu server install 10.04 LTS, and I want to install the gnome desktop; however, I do not want it to start automatically for performance reasons. I only want to run it at my choosing with startx. if i use sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, will it start auto? if so, how can I take it out of startup?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install 10.04 LTS On Bladecenter

May 21, 2010

As reported on Launchpad as bug 574468, installation of 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 fails on IBM Bladecenters because the installer fails to detect the CD, due to a bug that has yet to be tracked down. I've developed a workaround that will allow Ubuntu 10.04 Server to be installed on a Bladecenter blade by mounting an Ubuntu Server ISO image as a loopback device (and then further working around issues that arise from manually mounting the ISO image), and want to document it here. You will need:

1. an Ubuntu Server 10.04 CD.

2. a USB stick formatted as ext2 with the Ubuntu Server ISO image stored on it. Other file systems may work as well, however fat32 does not seem to work, as I was unable to mount a fat32 USB stick in the installer shell.

3. a Bladecenter with a CD drive and a USB port. Both devices should be "attached" to whichever blade you're trying to install Ubuntu on.

Installation Steps

1. boot your blade to the Ubuntu Server CD. Make sure the USB stick is plugged in as well.

2. proceed with the installer as normal, setting the keyboard layout, etc.

3. when the installer gets to the point where it fails to detect the CD, go back to the main menu and select "Execute Shell."

4. in the shell, mount the USB stick with commands like these:


mkdir /mnt/sdb1
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1

5. copy the Ubuntu Server ISO image to the /root directory of the live file system with a command like:


cp /mnt/sdb1/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso /root/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso

6. mount the Ubuntu Server ISO image as a loopback device with mountpoint /cdrom:


mount -o loop -t iso9660 /root/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso /cdrom

7. unmount the USB stick (but leave it plugged in):


umount /dev/sdb1

Unmounting the USB stick seemed to be necessary in order to work around the "Failed to determine codename" issue detailed below in steps 9 and 10.

8. type "exit" to exit the shell and go back to the main menu. From there, select the option to detect the CD ROM.

9. continue with the installation. It will go through networking and partitioning. After partitioning, however, it will fail again, complaining that it "Failed to determine codename for release."

10. at this point, go back to the main menu and choose the option to "Load installer components from CD." Then check the option that reads "Load Installer Components from an ISO Image" and press Continue.

After the packages for detecting and loading ISOs are installed, the installer should automatically search all available disk drives (mounted and unmounted) for ISO images.

It should find the ISO image stored on your USB key and mount it.the installation will continue as normal and you will not get the error message about failing to determine the codename for the release. If this process fails, go back to the command shell and unmount your USB key--for some reason I found that if the key was mounted, the installer wasn't able to auto-detect the ISO image stored on it.

The codename issue seems to be related to the installer not liking that the ISO image was mounted manually. Letting the installer find and mount the ISO image itself apparently allows it to perform whatever magic is required to allow the installation to proceed. I figured this out mostly thanks to the tip in post #3 of bug 122402. Here's hoping the real bug gets fixed soon so that all this hassle is not necessary in order to install an LTS release on popular server hardware.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install On One Computer - Use On The Next

Jun 5, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu Server on my server, but I can't move my monitor. What I have tried to do:

1. Install Ubuntu Server onto Computer A.
2. Move Computer A's hard disk into Computer B.
3. Boot Computer B without a monitor.
4. Use SSH to get a remote terminal. This is where my problem is.

Is this possible? I told the installer to install the OpenSSH Server, so it should work, right?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install GNU Compiler On 10.04?

Jul 7, 2010

how to install GNU Compiler on Ubuntu Server 10.04

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Install APC On Server 10.04

Aug 3, 2010

I'm trying to install Alternative PHP Cache on my web server and am running into an error with pecl.


checking whether apc needs to get compiler flags from apxs...I was not able to successfully run APXS. Possible reasons:

1. Perl is not installed;
2. Apache was not compiled with DSO support (--enable-module=so);
3. 'apxs' is not in your path. Try to use --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs

The output of /var/tmp/pear-build-root/APC-3.0.19/y follows

/tmp/pear/temp/APC/configure: line 4113: /var/tmp/pear-build-root/APC-3.0.19/y: No such file or directory
configure: error: Aborting


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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Bind9 In 10

Sep 6, 2010

Im install bind9 in ubentu 10 with this turotial [url]my dns server is work in linux but my client user cannot use dns when client run nslookup in cmd Cannot find server name for address my_ip_linux :server faild Server: Unknown. im on linux valid ip

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Can't Install SLAPD

Jan 16, 2011

I use Ubuntu server 10.04 I try to install slapd, but i get the following error

libldap-2.4-2 (= 2.4.21-0buntu5.2) but 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3 is to be installed
E: Broken packages

And also, when I try to install some other packages such as nagios, squid, .. I get the some list of errors. One of the error say something like

Failed to fetch http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nagios-plugins/nagios-plugins-standard_1.14.14-1ubuntu1_i386.deb Temporary failure resolving 'id.archive.ubuntu.com'

What to do? Should I edit /etc/apt/source.list to point to other repo site?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Install Anything From Internet

Feb 28, 2011

I've just install and configure an 10.10 ubuntu server, but I cant install anything from internet. When ping for example Google, recieves "connect: network is unreachable".

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can I Install 3 OS Like A Dualboot

Apr 10, 2011

I have a computer with Windows XP and Xubuntu 10.10 on it. And I would also like to install Ubuntu Server on it, with all OS side by side (Win XP + Xubuntu + Ubuntu Server). Can I do this. Or is the dualboot technologie limited to 2 OS? So I actually want a "triple boot".

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install Software On Different HDD

Jun 22, 2011

Just playing around with some installations of Ubuntu Server 10.04. I'd like to know an option (how to) to install software on a different HDD. I've got two HDD's, one with 20GB (sda) the other with 100GB (sdb).
#sudo apt-get install (software) -/media/sdb/(software)?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Install Postfix?

Jul 11, 2011

I have been following the guide atand it has all worked perfectly and as expected, except for when it says to run "telnet localhost 25". Instead of getting an ip address displayed as I have seen it is supposed to, it just out puts this."Trying to localhost.localdomain.Escape character is '^]'.Connection closed by foreign host."

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Ubuntu Servers :: Set Up 11.04 Install So That Php Access Ms-sql?

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to set up my 11.04 ubuntu install so that php can access ms-sql servers. I have done this twice before once with ver 9.10 and centos 5. So I figure I would follow the same steps again as I did last time. but its not working this time around. I get to building php and get the following error. I do not often build packages as I dont know much about it so I figure I have missed something some place. Can anyone tell me what this means and a clue to where I can find the fix.

>> dpkg-buildpackage
dpkg-buildpackage: export CFLAGS from dpkg-buildflags (origin: vendor): -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: export CPPFLAGS from dpkg-buildflags (origin: vendor):
dpkg-buildpackage: export CXXFLAGS from dpkg-buildflags (origin: vendor): -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: export FFLAGS from dpkg-buildflags (origin: vendor): -g -O2
dpkg-buildpackage: export LDFLAGS from dpkg-buildflags (origin: vendor): -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions
dpkg-buildpackage: source package php5


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Ubuntu Servers :: Install GUI On U10.04 Server?

Jul 23, 2011

I'm new to Ubuntu, and i have a simple question.
I just want to know if there's an option to install VNC Server or something like that
on Ubuntu 10.04 so i can use it's GUI interface? Or it's not possible.
I have only SSH access that i got from the company i bought the server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Install PHP MyAdmin On 11.04

Jul 27, 2011

I have gone through each upgrade to move from Server 8.1 to Server 11.04. I have done this on three servers which work fine. On the next server PHPMadmin would not work. So I went through the removal of any existing parts of PHPMadmin and I am trying to re install it again.

This is what I get everytime I try to install using APT:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done

Package phpmyadmin is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source. So I have logged in Via webmin and completed a search of the APT repository and it cannot find PHPMyadmin.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install On HPUX

Sep 1, 2011

I am trying to setup a LAMP stack on an HP-UX server with the EFI Boot Manager that it comes with. Originally it ran Red-Hat Linux but I am now to cheap to pay the RHN Annual Fee and would like to use Ubuntu Server. I have burned a 64Bit Ubuntu Server disc on my computer and it boots fine on every computer I've tried except for this server. I think it may need a boot script, but I'm not sure. It will simply not boot and says "DVD Not Found" every time I try to boot.

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Ubuntu Servers :: My Custom Install CD Is Too Big

Sep 1, 2011

I want to customize the installation and I'm following the instructions here.I added my packages but now the iso is much larger(about 770 MB)Now I know I can simply delete from cd-image/dists/ but then the installer fails on missing deps.How can I do this safely ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install An IRC Server On Website?

Jan 4, 2010

I'd like to install an IRC server on my website (it's hosted on another server location).I can log into the server side of things but am not sure how much control I have of installing applications. I'd like an IRC that's easy to install and easy to set-up. I logged into the cPanel page of the site and found this "general server information":

Operating system: Linux
Kernel version: 2.6.9-78.0.22.EL
Machine type: i686
Apache version: 1.3.41 (Unix)


Unfortunately there's not an IRCd/server type of application available on the "Fantistico Deluxe" application installer feature.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Stuck On Install / Solution For This?

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 Server edition and I am getting stuck at the language screen... Yep the language screen that comes up as soon as you boot off the CD I have not gotten very far and I am already hitting problems... I am using a USB keyboard but it is working in the bios I don't know if this could be the problem?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Install GUI (from Source / Offline)

Jan 20, 2010

I just installed ubuntu server 9.04. Now i wanna install GUI on that such as Xinit, and others, theni stuck because i wannna install it without connection (from source / offline).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Install Mod_scgi ?

Jan 23, 2010

I want to install mod_scgi. I have install the libapache2-mod-scgi package and changed the httpd.conf. When I try to restart the apache2 server, I got a syntax error :


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