Ubuntu Servers :: My Custom Install CD Is Too Big

Sep 1, 2011

I want to customize the installation and I'm following the instructions here.I added my packages but now the iso is much larger(about 770 MB)Now I know I can simply delete from cd-image/dists/ but then the installer fails on missing deps.How can I do this safely ?

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Fedora Installation :: Erratic Install Results W/initrd - Custom Spins With Custom Drivers - Modules?

Dec 28, 2009

Just spent three whole days barking up the wrong tree, solving Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 boot failures because the correct hypothesis was illogical: installation did not update/modify the initrd.

The first couple of times I installed Fedora 11 on the HighPoint Technologies RocketRaid 2640x4, the installation inserted my "custom" driver module (rr26xx) into the initrd, permanently, so that the system booted off the controller card for which the custom driver was inserted. (I yelled about this success in this thread: [url]

My most recent installs of BOTH F11 and F12 on the RocketRaid failed to properly set up the boot. It turns out that the "rr2640" module I "slipstreamed" into the installation process was *NOT* permanently added to the initrd by anaconda. (F12 gave me "no root device found boot has failed, sleeping forever", on boot; F11 hung also, without such error, I presume, during the init script execution). Because of limited resources and time, I only know for sure the module was missing from the F11 initrd, and am ASSUMING the same was the case with F12.

The only difference between the successful installs and the ones with failed boot is that the successful installs were made on a single-drive (JBOD) mode on the controller; whereas, the failed ones were placed on RAID 5. But, AFAIK, the created logical device for the card is "/dev/sda", in both cases, and the kernel can not distinguish between the two cases (or can it?). Thus, the inconsistency cost me a lot of time, and is still inexplicable to me.

Question: What is the best way to deal with custom drivers, today? There are custom spins, and many tools, like isomaster. Stupid question: Is there a way to modify the initrd inside an installer ISO -- be it for CD/DVD/USBboot drive -- beefing the init RAM disk with whatever modules you'd like, for the boot process (using, say, isomaster)?

And what makes anaconda understand that a module must be added to the initrd ? How can one force anaconda to do so?

How does moving to dracut as the initrd tool affect any/all of the above?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Custom RAID Setup ?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm setting up a web server but I have no experience with RAID. I would like to try this configuration if possible:

2 x HDD 500GB RAID1
1 x HDD 20GB (logs and tmp)

The old 20GB drive I would like to use it to store logs and temporally files (mounted in /var/log and /tmp respectively). With this I'm trying to reduce some disk usage in the RAID drives. In my idea, it would be better to write the access/error logs of the web server in a separated drive to the one serving the files which may increase speed... sounds crazy?

One problem is that during the installation, If I set the RAID automatically it will try to use my 20GB HDD as well in the RAID... Does it will work if I set the RAID first (removing the 20GB HDD) and then set the mount points in it after the installation?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Amavis Does Not Pick Custom Rule

Apr 8, 2011

i tried to create a custom rules in /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf


but amavis does not pick it up and still let the email pass through. What shall i do, in order to pick up the email as spam?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Custom Service Start At Boot?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a few problems getting a custom service/daemon to auto-start at boot. I'm running ubuntu 11.04 Server amd64 edition. One of the services is a Teamspeak3 server I'm trying to start. I would like it to start up automatically on boot. ts3 already have a script with start/stop commands so all i have done is make a little script for it to get it to run as the correct user.

# Provides: ts3
# Required-Start: $all
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog $named
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5


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Fedora Servers :: DHCP Server - Custom Options Not Working

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to get custom options to work.

This is my Dhcpd.conf file

This shows that I have 3 custom option in RED.

Now when I try to pull an Ip from the subnet I do not see the options in the DHCPACK from the server. The client gets an IP but no options are present in the DHCPACK or any other DHCP transaction. I have confirmed this trhough tcpdumps on the server and client.

The server version I am using is:

The version of the DHCP server is :

Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server V3.0.6-Fedora

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Fedora Servers :: Custom 403 Does Not Work - Test Page Shown ?

Jun 12, 2011

I use .htaccess to deny all ip addresses except certain to an internal wiki on a subdomain.


If access is denied to the homepage users are shown the Fedora test page instead of my own custom 403 error page. When I go to a page - not home - I see a standard 403 error page.


Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/2.0.54 (Fedora) Server at wiki.domain.com Port 80. What am I missing here? Seems like my ErrorDocument is not being reached..

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CentOS 5 :: Custom Kernel Config For High FPS Game Servers

May 5, 2009

I have been wanting to increase the fps rate of my current game servers, and I need to have a custom config for this cause I'm only hitting 500. I have, attached, a custom kernel config and not to sure what to do with it at this point. The file name is config-2.6.24-zen4-lld.no-po.2000hz

# Automatically generated make config: don't edit
# Linux kernel version: 2.6.24-zen4-lld.no-po.2000hz
# Tue Nov 25 22:54:23 2008
# Zen Options
# Kernel Tunables
# CONFIG_ZEN_SERVER is not set .....
# IO Schedulers

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up Custom FTP Servers - Access To The Cstrike Folde Via A Ftp Login

Apr 2, 2010

I dont know were to begin to solve my problem and I have been googling for hours to get a hint without any success. I'm runnning a Counterstrike Server on my virtual openSuse server - I'm exploring so don't justify what I am hosting at the moment

I want to make it possible to gain access to the cstrike folde via a ftp login. But I really have no idea were to start. The server is also a webserver, where I can ass FTP accounts for my apache vhosts via plesk - but I dont think this is the solution of my problem, isn't it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can You Custom Install Lucid?

Apr 29, 2010

When you install Ubuntu, you will typically install a complete desktop environment. It is also possible to install a minimal set of software (just enough to boot your machine) and then manually select the precise software applications to install. Such a "custom" install is usually favoured by server administrators, who prefer to keep only the software they absolutely need on the server.

I have never personally noticed any sections in the install to allow you to do a custom minimal install, is this possible in Lucid?If so how, or do I need to download just a mini install iso?

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Ubuntu :: Can I Create An ISO Of My Own Custom System Install

Jul 14, 2010

After much playing around and with help from various forums including this one, I finally created a very fast simple minimal (to me at least) linux OS.

I started with the the ubuntu command line system install, then proceeded to install the rest of the goodies that I needed and nothing more.

I can honestly say it was a great learning experience and also very gratifying to create an OS that only has what one wants and looks the way one wants.

With all that nice stuff being said, my next goal, and I don't know if it's possible, is to take my newly created OS and create an ISO of it from my HD so I can put in my wifes computer as well without having to go through all the steps it took to get to the final product?

I tried to do some research on the topic but I think I was wording it wrong or not correct as i couldn't find anything concrete on the subject.

If not, such is life and I will just have to do it all over again and hopefully remember all the steps and customizing I did.

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Ubuntu :: Custom Minimal Install And Boot From USB

Mar 16, 2011

I am new to ubuntu even if I work in IT since 1999 so I am pretty confident I can follow instructions as needed. I need to build a custom install of Ubuntu with minimal software installed (I actually only need VMware View Client and a few more + graphic environment) and I would like to put it all on a USB key and use it to boot any PC so I can fire up my application. Is there a way to do this? Any instructions? I found something about doing an install on USB but nothing about a minimal install (only full).

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Ubuntu :: Custom Software Install Script Or Cd Or Similar?

Jul 21, 2010

I saw something interesting online somewhere and failed to bookmark it and is not in my history (different install in the past) Now I can't find it. It told of a way to make a cd or dvd with the deb packages of your choice, then you could install a fresh copy of ubuntu, switch to that cd, activate it, and a while later, voila, all your software is installed. No need to pick and hunt and wear your mouse finger out in synaptic or wait on downloads.

Can someone teach me how or direct me to the method in question? It was a fairly automated process, I don't remember it requiring me to make a script or anything technical, just choose the software somehow and tell it to burn the cd. Anything similar to this would be acceptable. I just want to load a dvd or two up with software and run them after I install Ubuntu.

I know I can just save the deb files manually to a cd or other backup medium and click them one at a time, but the problem there is that if I want to have gparted for example, I also have to remember to get dmraid, kpartx, etc. and manually install them too. Even this is not an issue as long as there is no certain order of installing those packages, if that ALWAYS is the case.

I don't want to make a custom ubuntu install cd with said software because I'm not certain I can do this and have an "alt" cd which is what I want to use to install ubuntu, or can I? (I do manual partitioning with encryption, or what if it all won't fit on a single cd) I want something "fresher" and more virginal than a full system backup/restore.

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Ubuntu :: Install A Custom Icon Theme In Maverick?

Dec 10, 2010

In past versions of Ubuntu, I've used a customized version of oxygen-refit-red. This time, however, there is no apparent option to install the theme from a tar.bz2 file.

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Ubuntu :: Create Install Disc Of Your Custom Distro

Sep 22, 2010

I have a question that I can't find anything about online. I have spent the last few months creating and customizing a Kubuntu OS for my company and we want to install it on roughly 45 computers (all different models). Is there a way to save my creation to a cd so it can be installed on another computer?

I know about creating an image of the HDD but what I want to do is create what you would get in the store from Microsoft. A complete OS on a CD, ready to install with all of my configuration changes already setup.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Install Custom Packages

Apr 10, 2009

I'd like to install a package named "pppoeconf" on my CentOS system. I try with "yum install pppoeconf" but the result is "nothing to do" (see below):
It seems that I have missing repositories and I don't know which repositories are good for CentOS. How to fix my repos?

[trixbox1.localdomain yum.repos.d]# yum install pppoeconf
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Setting up Install Process
Setting up repositories
epel 100% |=========================| 2.1 kB 00:00
kbs-CentOS-Misc 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
atrpms-testing 100% |=========================| 2.2 kB 00:00
trixbox 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
base 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
trixboxaddons 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
updates 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
kbs-CentOS-Extras 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
extras 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
atrpms-stable 100% |=========================| 2.2 kB 00:00
addons 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
Reading repository metadata in from local files
primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 98 kB 00:03 148/148
Reducing RHEL 4 5 - i386 - ATrpms to included packages only
Reducing RHEL 4 5 - i386 - ATrpms to included packages only
Parsing package install arguments
Nothing to do
[trixbox1.localdomain yum.repos.d]#

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A Custom Install Kernel And Initrd?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to install Ubuntu on approximately 50-60 netbooks. None of them have CD drives, and I don't want to have to install them individually, walking around with a USB stick. I figured the fastest way to install on so many machines is to use a combination of apt-cacher (http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-set-up...ith-apt-cacher) and netbooting. I have successfully booted one machine to test, but as soon as the kernel comes up, support for the network interface is gone. Specifically, the "atl1c" module is not included on the netboot initrd image. Also, I would like to try to use preseeding, and I need to get that onto the initrd as well.

So, to summarize my question: How can I create a custom install kernel and initrd? I have a feeling it's related to the "debian-installer" category in the package repository, but I have not found any good documentation about doing this.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstalling Lucid - Build Custom Install Disc?

Jul 3, 2010

After troubleshooting the lockup problem on my installation of Lucid, I want to wipe the thing and reinstall. I have an integrated Broadcom wireless chipset that I want to integrate the firmware into the new Lucid install disc, along with Nvidia's 180.06 drivers for my GeForce4 440 Go (yes, it's an old machine). I need to build this from XP though, since my current Lucid install is to the point of unusable.

Is there any good way to do that? With XP builds you can use nLite to slipstream just about anything into a clean XP install, including all available hotfixes, extra drivers and a few applications. Is there a similar program for building Ubuntu installs that can do that as well? Also, if I download a new ISO of Lucid to build from, will it have all the current updates integrated, or it be up to me to do it? Edit: just realized I posted this under the wrong topic.

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Ubuntu :: Alter Config Files After Install From Custom Live Cd?

Apr 24, 2011

I'm building my own ubuntu variant for low resource systems at the moment. It's based from the ubuntu 10.10 minimal install (12mb iso). It uses openbox as the window manager and SLiM as the login/display manager.

What I would like two know is how to have a few config files that are on the live cd to be altered for the installed system. Specifically, SLiM autologin, but I'll probably find other things to change aswell. Basically a sort of "first boot script".

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Debian :: Make A Custom Install Disk?

Sep 20, 2010

for a project I am working on, I need the same install configuration on every machine, and I'd like to have all the packages I need on one disc, with none of the ones I don't. I also need to use a non-standard file systems(jffs2,nilfs) as the hardware end of my project works on flash memory, and would like these two FSs to replace the typical magnetic disk based choices.

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Debian Installation :: Custom Encrypted LVM Install

Mar 23, 2015

After my NVIDIA card died I decided it was time to buy an AMD card again (R9 270X), but I didn't think AMD drivers were such a pain in Linux as people said. Of course, in some distros anyway. On Arch, for example, there's no official release because Arch's developers would have to hold Xorg in order to make a closed-source driver available, because AMD's pace isn't in pair with Linux. So in order to install AMD's drivers on Arch I must rely on some guy's unnoficial repositories, but that isn't the whole problem. Even though I'm cool with adding repos and downgrading Xorg, I'm not cool with it not working for a lot of apps, so that's where I decided to try a few distros. Manjaro is a no-go because it installs Flash as default. openSUSE although is a very good distro, is a complete mess when it comes to repositories, specially multimedia ones. Ubuntu/Mint are also a no-go, Ubuntu because after 12.04 they have a spyware by default, and Mint because it contains non-free stuff by default.

So here I come! I ran Debian in the past for a long time (aside from a breaf period last year) and it was lovely, I could easily set up a custom encrypted install, but now I don't remember how to, and it's killing me. I don't like how the installer doesn't show the partitions size as they actually are, and I don't like how the automated encrypted LVM setup doesn't let me chose the encryption algorithm or the timeframe between each passphrase attempt. That's why I must create my install, and here's what I used to do on Arch (the part that really matters), converted to what I use on Debian:

Code: Select all# modprobe dm-mod

(create one 1GB partition for /boot, unencrypted ; create another big 930 GB formatted as "8e" - LVM - on dev/sda2)
Code: Select all# fdisk /dev/sda
(chose my ciphers and iter time)
Code: Select all# cryptsetup -c twofish-xts-plain64 -y-s 512 --iter-time 5000 luksFormat /dev/sda2
(open the luks container on "sda2_crypt")


After this is done, I go to the "partition disks" page where I select each partition/volume to it's correct destination. I then proceed to installing the base system, configuring apt, and all that. Now, before I install Grub I used to execute the following commands on shell:

Code: Select all # nano /etc/crypttab

I used to put something there, but I don't remember what exactly. It's been a long time since I used Debian for long! But here's what I put there:

Code: Select allsda2_crypt /dev/mapper/sda2_crypt none luks

Then I procceeded to instal syslinux (I REALLY don't like GRUB)

Code: Select all# chroot /target
# apt-get install syslinux

But I get the following error:

E: cannot write log (Is /dev/pts mounted?) - posix_openpt (2: No such file or directory).

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OpenSUSE :: Build And Install Custom Kernel?

Jul 4, 2009

When I build the kernel 2.6.30 source, the rpm package is very big and needed or root filesystem 800-900 Mb. I use "make rpm" as described in Configure, Build and Install a Custom Linux Kernel - openSUSE.

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Software :: Custom Web Joomla Install - WebMin?

Feb 1, 2010

My current situation involves me having webmin (virtualmin) installed on my current centos server. Im using virtualmin gpl and my users/hosted sites are not very smart when it comes to making a website. They can upload sites via FTP and manage minor things but thats about it. What i want to do is make a couple of scripts using the terminal style that can do a quick auto install of Joomla. The command will run as the user who is executing it in WebMin.

Here is the Locations of the items in transfer.

I will have 2 premade sets; one Joomla SourceCode-FileSystem ; A Joomla MySql database to go along with it.

Heres what I need to do;

Variable: TheUsername = The WebMin user as described above

1. Check to make sure File /home/TheUsername/public_html/index.php dose not exist. If dose then cancel the install.

2. Copy files /NoodleServerFiles/AutoInstall/Joomla/ to /home/TheUsername/public_html/

3. Create a Database Named: TheUsername-Joomla

4. Enable TheUsername to beable to read and write to it.

5. Inport /NoodleServerFiles/AutoInstall/Databases/Joomla.sql to that database

6. Edit the file /home/TheUsername/public_html/configuration.php on specific lines Example: Line10: DB_user: TheUsername

7. Save it.

8. Display Text in the Terminal Command saying "Success in creating your website. Go look!"

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CentOS 5 Server :: Make A Custom Ks.cfg DVD For 5 Install

Jan 15, 2010

I need to make a custom ks.cfg DVD for my centOS 5 install. I figured I would download the 5.4.iso. My question is will packages from previous version of centOS 5.0-5-3 work with my 5.4 centOS image?

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CentOS 5 :: Install Custom Kernel Rpm Via Kickstart

Mar 3, 2010

I have compiled and created a kernel rpm kernel-2.6.18165.11.1.el5-3.i386.rpm
then created initrd image

I have installed the above via kickstart installation

mount xxx.xxx.x.xx:/var/www/html/os/i386 /mnt/tmp
cd /mnt/tmp
rpm -uvh kernel-2.6.18165.11.1.el5-3.i386.rpm
cp initrd-2.6.18-165.11.1.el5.img /boot


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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Install Option On Boot Custom Usb Live?

Jul 15, 2010

I used Ubuntu customization kit to "build" my own Ubuntu. It works as a charm. Completely recommended.

I install that custom ubuntu 10.04 on a 2gb pendrive, using usb-creator-gtk and it worked also good.

The only thing is bodering me, is when I boot that pendrive, it appear a window asking if I want to install the OS or if I want to use it live.

How can I remove that window on boot?

I want to boot directly on desktop...that way will be perfect!

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Debian Configuration :: Install Custom Kernel Image

Mar 11, 2016

I've a problem running jessie on a XEN supervisor; my running kernel and the installed kernel image differ, because the host system forces the kernel at boot time. Current loaded kernel is

Select all$ uname -r

But I'm not able to install this version from the standard repository.

Select all# apt-cache search linux-image
linux-headers-3.16.0-4-amd64 - Header-Dateien für Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64 - Linux 3.16 für 64-Bit-PCs
linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64-dbg - Debugging symbols for Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
linux-image-amd64 - Linux for 64-bit PCs (meta-package)
linux-image-amd64-dbg - Debugging symbols for Linux amd64 configuration (meta-package)
nvidia-kernel-3.16.0-4-amd64 - NVIDIA binary kernel module for Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 - Linux 2.6.32 for 64-bit PCs, Xen dom0 support

Now I'm facing issues loading kernel modules for iptables, because the module path does not exist. Is there an easy way to install a proper kernel image from the standard repositories?

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Fedora :: Install An Older Kernel - Custom - But RPM Wont Let ?

Mar 3, 2010

I am building a series of custom kernels...for one of them i am using a kernel that is older than my currently installed ones.

I am using rpm to install this kernel and it will not install, period. i don't get why i can't install this....what does it matter that i am installing an older kernel? and why is fedora/rpm designed to not let me do this?


There should be an easy way to get around this, but i haven't figured it out yet. i've googled around, no luck. i bounce between kernel versions all the time without problems on my system, so why is rpm setup for strict versions on a kernel? and is there no way around this, and i just have to delete all three of those kernels, i don't really want to. 2 of them are awesome and i shouldn't have to build them again, that would be complete crap! and i wouldn't have this problem on my debian setup, so why fedora? (i generally think fedora is better)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation From USB Stick With Custom Kernel

Feb 10, 2010

i need to install openSUSE 11.2 from an USB stick. I followed this article SuSE install from USB drive - openSUSE using the openSUSE-11.2-NET-i586.iso. Unfortunately the kernel provided in this image doesn't load on my target as it needs a few extra modules for its chipset.

Thus i copied our custom kernel (which is verified to run on the target) and its initrd to the usb stick and i also created a new entry in the syslinux.config. The kernel loads, but then it can't find the root device.Does anybody know, how i need to configure the initrd to make the USB stick the root device?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Set Custom Environment Variables During Boot ?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm doing a multiboot system where I need one of the boot options ( using Grub ) to set a number of custom environment variables e.g. "distro".

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