Ubuntu Servers :: Make Start An Iptables.cf Script On Server?
Mar 5, 2011
I am trying to make start an iptables.cf script on my server.
I have copied it into /etc/init.d/
And try to make it load with /etc/init.d/iptables.cf start
Then "not permission" (I was the root then).
So, sudo /etc/init.d/iptables.cf start
Then, "command not found".
I have a mysql database and i use it with apache for my webpages. And I guess it dosen't start when the computer starts so I have to manually start it with "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" This returns fail so i went to '/var/run/mysqld/' and the folder was empty. I don't know if this is the problem or not. How can I fix this?
I'm configuring a new Centos 5.5 server in replacement of an old W2K server.The topology of our network is simple : one file/dhcp/dns relay server and workstations (PC's and some MAC's) plus network printers and scanners.All the workstations have dynamic IP addresses (easier because a lot of 'dynamic' changes : new persons with their own laptop, ...) and the server and printers/scanners have fixed IP addresses.I edited the dhcpd.conf (see here underneath), I have the file dhcpd.leases but it doesn't start !
I have set up a subversion server and on top of that redmine which is a webinterface sort of like trac.For every boot I have to run a script so that redmine will listen to port 8080. I have tried to make the system run this script by it self at start using
Code: # update-rc.d -f start_servers start 99 2 3 4 5 . using this guide http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/...run-at-bootup/
fedora (iptables) eth0 -private : eth1 -public : squid proxy my clients range
how can i make my clients to browse internet only from proxy server my network is NAT 'ed. Please specify a iptable rule to allow internet access for my clients to browse ONLY if they come through proxy server.
I am unable to restore my iptables from iptables-save after upgrading Fedora. I cannot get iptables-restore to work, and I have resorted to entering rules manually using the GUI.
I have a SSH server set up at home listening on port 22. I have hardened the server so it is pretty secure but I want to make it even safer by editing my iptables to rate-limit incoming connections and DROP false login attempts. I have tried these tutorials but I just cant get it to work:[URL]I want the debian-administration.org tutorial to work but when I try to add the first rule in terminal:sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --setI get the following:Bad argument --set'I am new to iptables and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong when I try to set it up. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS with iptables v1.4.4.
i am currently trying to install vsFTP onto my new linux server and btw i just started using linux today this is my first time using linux so i got the ftp installed good it got downloaded and everything then i went to open a port for my server for vsFTP i used this comand to open it "-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT" then i closed it by pressing ESC then :wq! and it brought me back to my comand line again so now when i try to start the ip table thing with the comand "service iptables start" then when i execute that comand putty respondes with this "Applying iptables firewall rules: iptables-restore: line 1 failed [FAILED]"
I'm hosting my own dedicated server with Ubuntu Server 10.10. I have it set up with a static local IP, and I've configured DynDNS to link up with my router and allow my server to go live to the internet. I have all the appropriate ports unlocked, with the exception of port 80. This port is blocked by my ISP (Charter) and I can't use it. Due to this, I configured my router to listen on port 81, and direct it to my server.
So, In order to view it, you need to go to the IP XXX.xxx.XXX.xxx:81 Today, I registered (www.online-self.com) in hopes of getting around my current mask (provided by DynDNS.com (omegame.selfip.com). So here is my dilemma, When I go to the host of my domain name , I want to redirect my DNS to my server IP.
I can't seem to do it though? They want a strict IP address, no port extensions. How do I get around this so that my domain name and IP address link up? I'm thinking I may be missing a step, or maybe I needed to register a domain name that simply redirects? I'm starting to get confused on what I should do next. Can I even do this?
For the last couple of days I've been building on a server built from an old (well, not too old) computer. My goal is to use it for multiple purposes like a webserver, home automation, and possibly a future media center (if I get my TV card to work). But perhaps the main reason is to get wireless access to the internet for my laptop, and to connect it to my other (stationary) computer. When I'm done I'm also planning on writing a guide for setting up an access point with the rt61 chipset, as there seems to be many people looking for this. First I just need to get through this problem though .
For this I use two wired NICs, eth0 for the local interface to my computer, and eth1 as an external interface for the internet. Moreover I use a wireless NIC (DWL-G510 using the rt61pci driver) in conjunction with the daemon hostapd to provide a wireless interface for portable computers to connect to. eth1 gets its IP through DHCP from my ISP, while eth0 and wlan0 have static IPs on two different subnets like this (copied from /etc/network/interfaces):
I just installed Kubuntu (10.04), did some upgrades and updates then upon booting the computer wont go beyond the login page. at first it posted a message (Xsession:warning: unabele to write to /tmp; X session may exit with an error).I followed some instructions from the net which asked that I do the following:
ctr+alt+f aptitude clean of apt-get clean cd /var/log
after this, when I login it no more goes off, but the desktop wont still come on, instead a terminal (konsole) window is open but when I try start x it refuses.(the only method I use to start my computer successfully is though the recovery mode)
(I have tried a bunch of other ips too and none outside its network are pingable) I'm not sure if this is a problem with my server or a problem with the networking outside the server. I have been emailing my server provider and they keep on insisting the problem is with the server and that their network is working fine. Apparently all of their other servers work and they can login into the gateway and ping from there. So they just want to reinstall the OS, but I thought I'd post here to see if anyone has any ideas.
Here is some info I have gained while troubleshooting: I haven't changed any settings at all on the server for months. I haven't done any updates for about a week. The strangest thing is that this is intermittent, there have been a few times in the last 24 hours where I have been able to ping or other ips, but 98% of the time I can't. I have also tried rebooting the server, which had no effect. I can ping the gateway, and I can ping other servers on the same subnet. I can ssh onto the server from my home internet connection, and I can view webpages on apache, so incoming connections work.
I just recently made a server using Fedora 10 and i was wondering if it is possible to set it up so that i don't need a GPU for fedora to boot properly. Since the GPU isn't being used i was hoping to save on a little bit more electricity.
My desktop server serves up files via a number of protocols and I connect to it via SSH and Avahi. Today I tried connecting to it via SSH, but it timed out. I was able to ping it, and a port scan reveals all the ports I have open on the network. THe problem is that I can't connect via SSH, HTTP, AFP, SMB or any other protocol I have established.Is there a way to jump start a system in a situation like mine? I have a 6 month uptime going, but I'm taking it down soon for some hardware upgrades, so a hard restart is not out of the question, but I'd rather not. I also reset the router without a solution.
I have two ubuntu servers. I have upgraded them to 10.04. Now I have serious problems at startup: iscsitarget and heartbeat scripts do not start all the times I reboot.I have installed monit to try to start iscsitarget and heartbeat and guess what? It does not start too at boot.In one of the two server sometimes it also starts with ethernet cards swapped.
Ok so I followed the instructions here [url] and this works great for the install however if the machine is rebooted the VMWare server refuses to start back up stating that it knows that its installed but it was not installed with the right installer.
This is on a Dell Server I can't remember the model right now but its got Dual PIII in it. I'm running Ubuntu Server 32bit 10.10 on the box as well. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this. Once I get this first server figured out I'll get my other one fired back up.
How can I set my server to listen at a different port for http access. I would like to use port 8080 (to circumnavigate isp blocks). Also can I do the same thing for sftp connections?
I have Bind on the machine at present, but I was wondering how much disk would be needed to make it a full DNS server that could act in place of a dead upstream service.
i need to make an file server.but I'm not gonna ask how because that's a piece of pie.The thing is i need to make an ubuntu/xubuntu based file server.For windows users.But not just a regular file server. A File Server with accounts. That when you try to access the file server in explorer you need to provide a username and password.And that you( as the administrator) manage the privileges for the server/folder/file. so with different permissions.
How would I get the SSH server to start before I've logged in?Basically, the problem I have is that if I'm connecedt to my computer remotely over SSH, and reboot the machine, I'm not able to SSH back in after it restarts. As far as I can tell, this is because the SSH server doesn't automatically start up until after I've logged in for the first time.How would I get around that? Surely that is a fairly common scenario for network admins (especially ones who have keyboardless and monitorless machines running).
I've kinda gone hopelessly lost on my mail server install and now want to start from scratch, after having wasted 4 days on this.Basically I have a 95% working postfix installation, a probably 100% working dovecot installation, but am not happy with it as a few things aren't working properly, and I don't know what I did!mail to /var/mail/richard NOT /Maildir - being the main oneBut, also the fact that I don't know where I went wrong, and want to understand why everything is now haywire. I am not certain if my security is working on the mail or the logins either.e to achieve is thefollowing:PostfixDovecotVirtual Users - using IMAP with Security, allowed to send mail from their clientVirtual DomainsPostfix AdminWebmail (Roundmail)Anti-Virus and Spam-filteringI started with this guide How to set up a mail server on a GNU / Linux system), which seems very, very good I might add, but it is for Courier, and when I bumbled along with the Dovecot equivalent ... that is where things broke.
I start to build up IMPS to my server. Any ideas where to start? Any experience so far. I this think yamicocom like service. And about 5 bugs to get in. What you think? I need to put some extra to this basic concept.