Ubuntu Servers :: How To Setup A 2nd Ftp Account For Own Private Use
Jan 12, 2010
i followed this guide, [URL] a few days ago and set up an sftp server no problem. The user can only see what is in there home folder which is only the examples file which is empty. Today i went to set up a 2nd ftp account for my own private use. I have it set up and all, followed exactly what he said the 2nd time around and my 2nd user is not chroot'd. I can explor the contents of the whole drive.
My fist user that works fine is "ftpuser" and the group is "sftponly" just like in the guide. My 2nd user is named "ftptaylor". Now i did have an ftp server set up with vsftpd where i had the same ftpuser account in a different group, but it was jailed to /home/ftpuser. I cant tell you how i did it, i followed a number of guides untill one worked. But could it be that the guide above does not in face jail the users, but just that my user was already jail'd?
I installed OpenSSH via tasksel and am using Webmin for administration. I'd like to be able to SSH externally and want to setup the necessary public/private keys to use in FileZilla. In Webmin, under Servers > SSH Server I can click 'Host Keys' and see an RSA key. Is this the public or private key for my server? Do I need to copy this into a text file to import it into FileZilla on my remote PC (that I want to connect from)? Is that all that needs to be done (aside from opening the port on my router/firewall)? Or, is there an automated way to set this up via Webmin?
i've set up a little mail server ob my private server, using getmail to get the mails from different pop accounts and to send it to maildirs of some virtual users, and i use dovecot as imap server to provide the mails to my clients which are mostly outook 2007. i run getmail as a cronjob which fetches my mails every 2 minutes, anyhow i'd like to run it on demand when a client pushes the send/receive button. is there a way to tell dovecot to run getmail on demand?
After years with Linux and using ssh on a daily basis I have to admit I've never setup public/private key authentication and I've never run passwordless logon to ssh. It's not that I've never tried, I have - I've just never got it working. That to me is an almost alien concept as I am a tinkerer at heart and rarely stop until something is working the way I'd like it to. I get the principle of what's going on but I've always had a mental block about it.
set up a redhat nat router for a classroom we have out main network is and we ran out of ip address for all the school computers so i added a nat router to a large classroom with a network address of almost everything is working fine except a connection to the ads server with a program called medisoft im guessing my nat is blocking it how can i open up all ports to and from my network as it doesnt need any protection
I'm currently running Koala on a Dell Latitude D630. I've been with Ubuntu since Hardy, so I have some experience, but this is beyond me. Basically, I was at school, closed my laptop, and bicycled home. When I opened it up at home, I saw a blank screen. When I tried to reboot, I was told that the disk couldn't be mounted. When I boot a LiveCD, I can see my two disk partitions (/ and /home) as "16GB Filesystem" and "95GB Filesystem". The 16GB system can't be mounted, and I'm pretty sure is fragged. I tried reinstalling Ubuntu, figuring that would fix it, but no luck- it starts fine, but it gets about halfway through and then says it can't install the files.
The machine is still under a service contract with Dell, so swapping out the HD itself isn't such a big deal. It would be nice to get my data, though. I can successfully mount the 95GB (/home) system. I then see two folders "dan/" and "lost+found/". I can't enter the "dan" folder because I don't have permission. Opening a terminal and navigating to /media/95GB Filestystem/dan/ works if I "sudo su root" first, but not as "ubuntu" In the dan/ folder, all I see is "Access-your-private-data.desktop" (because my /home directory is encrypted) and "README.txt". The README says to run the command "encryptfs-mount-private".
When I do that, however, I just get the message ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly I tried putting my decryption password immediately after the decrypt command, a la: encryptfs-mount-private mypasswordgoeshere but with no change in results. The one ray of sunshine in all this is that I backup my /home directory to an external every week or two. So the actual data loss is not catastrophic. But it *has* been a busy week, so I would really like to recoup that data, since it includes little things like the first chapter of my dissertation, and the job negotiation emails in my .evolution folder.
Long story short: I opted to encrypt my home, enter the passphrase and soon as I log out and rebooted, I got stuck with a message about /var/lib/ICEauthority file and other messages. So I've been trying to fix one issue at the time. The bottom line is that I'm trying to get to my private folder. Dropped in recovery mode:
I just set up my Twitter account on the Gwibber social client.However Gwibber rather than showing tweets,shows only my Private Messages no matter which column i select. I tried doing a re-setup but that did'nt work.
I just installed ecryptfs (debian Lenny). However, when I try to run it (as normal user), I get the following $ ecryptfs-setup-private Enter your login passphrase: And it wont accept any password (naturally since this is the first time I'm running it).
a friend of mine is doing a small website-project in school (group of ~6 people). They want to use git as VCS and need acces to a server. I have an account on the server from university, but - of course - no root access.
I could create private/public keys for them, to SSH into my account, but I don't want them to have this power I found 'git-shell', which seems to be used for restricted access with git (although I'm not sure whether I understood the functionality).
My question is: Is it possible to configure SSH keys in that way, that the server runs them (and only them) in git-shell in a specified directory (using ~/.ssh/{config,authorized_keys})?
So that they can - log in with their SSH key - use git, execute scripts etc. - use git push/pull from their private+school PC - work only in a specific directory (like chroot) eg. ~/web-project/
I would like to accomplish: 1. Users to have access to their own Share on the server, no one exept the user shall be able to browse, read/write. (sould the user directories be in /home/<username> folder or shall one use another structure?
2. There shall be a public are where all users can browse, read and write. no guests, only users who have accounts!
3. A GroupShare. Users who are members of group Staff many browse, read/write.
4. Add some directorys for private use (to see how it works)
So would this be correct: Create the Directory Structure on the server:
Code: # mkdir /usr/smbroot # mkdir /usr/smbroot/users # mkdir /usr/smbroot/public # mkdir /usr/smbroot/groups/staff # mkdir /usr/smbroot/private/fredrik_extended or shall one use the default user shares /usr/<username>/?
I have installed Ubuntu enterprise cloud on two machines(Cluster and node)and trying to set up an image and test my internal website in private cloud. if there is any documentation or any steps?
At the moment we have one SSH server with the private key being on a usb flash drive, and the public key being on the server in authorized_keys2. Now that three more servers are coming online, should we generate new keys, so we have muliple private and public keys (one pair for each server), or use the same two keys to access all the servers
I later ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to see if that would help.
Code: #cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS l Code: #sudo startx Fatal server error: xf860OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory) I assume this is because it probably doesn't have a video card. [Code]...
I'm a absolute "server- noob" but I've got some experienced with desktop linux and want to build my own file server to access my stuff over the internet. I'm using dropbox for a while now like a cloud drive by simply mounting the "private" folder (which I encrypted with encfs/BoxCrypt) in order to cross-platform use important files. The problem is that Dropbox only provides 2 GB for free and I don't know how secure my data is up there. Moreover I don't wanna always sync all files locally.
I got an intel atom machine standing around and so I want to build my own file server to provide the same or at least a similar service.
1. Which type of server application provides a "network drive" that computers (several users) from the internet can access?
2. What's the best way to encrypt my data and transmission in order to make the system absolutely unattackable/unreadable from outside?
3. Is there a service that can provide a dropbox-style sync mechanism?
4. Which distro should I use? I'd prefer a non-desktop enviroment solution but never had anything to do with it. Is that possible for an average linux user?
I'm aware that this solution won't be very fast because of the limited upload of a standard internet connection but that would be ok! It's more that I want to have the possibiltiy to access all my data as a thin-client anywhere, anytime on any machine and still be on the safe side. I know that this is some kind of contradiction but what would be the best compromise? I know some questions may sound stupid but I really never had anything to do with servers at all in the past...
Suppose that I am in a private network of computers (say each having ip addresses 192.168.. ). Some of the machines( we have no information regarding their ip, name and no physical access to the servers) in the network are connected to internet and they run an http proxy at some port say 3128. Is there a program which can be run on Windows or Linux which will give me the list of machines(ip addresses and ports if possible) acting as proxy servers?
I have just tried to set up a pop3 account in thunderbird3 and it sends fine, but it doesn't pull any emails off the server. It just says no messages, but there are no error messages, nothing in the error console, etc.
I have been using evolution for my email for about a year.It currently has 2 accounts set up.I want to create a third account so I went to Edit > Preferences > Accounts > Add.On the first page I click on "forward" and on the second page enter the new details. New name, new email address and when I'm finished I click on forward again and the second screen comes up. It has some server details on it iirc. Sadly after 2 seconds or so this screen disappears and the very first screen re-appears (where the only thing to click on is "forward").What's happening? Is 2 accounts the maximum? Any clues please?
I wanted light fast email so I went with kmail. I set up my sig for my business account and it works just fine. Problem is when I send email from my personal account I dont want any sig to show up. I went into identities and have no sig on my cox account but it still shows up with my business sig,
I am new to linux. I have a server with suse and I want to add a new email account. The server is already installed and configured as a mail server. Problem is that I don't know what mail service is running and how to find out. I know only is POP....
I was wondering if anyone uses kmymoney? I am trying to setup an online account but I get errors when I try to map to an online account.my bank is M&T bank and quicken 2007 is no longer supported.
I am trying to set up a new user account I can give to friends so they can SSH into my forward computer, and only allow forwarding of certain ports.
I do not want my friends to have a shell, or be able to change what ports to where they are allowed to forward.
example session: joe(friend) connects using PuTTY (that I have pre-set, he isn't good with computers) to example.com(my Internet facing computer) forwarding ports 8080,1990,25565 to him(with what ever end ports he wants, preferably they stay the same numbers) example ssh command to do similar (but he can still change the ports on my computer!)
is it possible to also leave default SSH functinality for all other users but this one?
I found this when I was searching google, but alas, I did not quite understand what was being suggested, and I don't think they covered restricting port forwarding
I'm using redhat linux 9 n unable to connect to the internet.my isp is log2space..they have given me a username n passwd which works in windows OS..have no clue how to setup a dialer or how to config in redhat 9
Kernel, GNU (Slackware 12.0). KDE 3.5.7. KMail 1.9.7
In the x.org home page, there is a link 'the xorg mailing list'. If I click on this link, then the KMail Account Wizard (window subtitle New account setup) opens and I am compelled to create a new account. But I already have one, and I send and receive mail with this account. Can it be that this behavior is induced by x.org? I don't feel like opening a second account.
I ended up setting up a basic linux file server as a pdc for that office. Our main office is a windows 2000 ads domain. The two offices are connected with a vpn. I only have two users at the new location so I simply have the linux and samba usernames/passwords setup manually. I would like to know if it is possible to setup a domain trust between the two sites so I don't have to create a username/password in the remote site for every user at the main office to access. I did some searching but came up empty.
If I understand correctly Ubuntu does not allow a wifi connection until a user loges in. That makes it so that prey (see preyproject.com) cannot send notices until someone has logged onto Ubuntu.what I would like to do (but I have no clue how) is to set up a user account that automatically, in the background, logs on at start up. Then this little user login would establish any Internet connection that is possible (wifi or lan) and start the program 'prey'. This should all be totally transparent to the user that would just see the regular log in screen.
Trying to set up my Yahoo account on KMail. After entering all the correct (as far as I know) server settings, ports, etc. and trying to check my mail from KMail, I get the following message.
Could not login to pop.mail.yahoo.com. The password may be wrong. The server said: "[SYS/PERM] pop not allowed for user."
The password is definitely right. What is going on?