Ubuntu Servers :: Setup The Necessary Public/private Keys To Use In FileZilla?
Jan 26, 2010
I installed OpenSSH via tasksel and am using Webmin for administration. I'd like to be able to SSH externally and want to setup the necessary public/private keys to use in FileZilla. In Webmin, under Servers > SSH Server I can click 'Host Keys' and see an RSA key. Is this the public or private key for my server? Do I need to copy this into a text file to import it into FileZilla on my remote PC (that I want to connect from)? Is that all that needs to be done (aside from opening the port on my router/firewall)? Or, is there an automated way to set this up via Webmin?
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Mar 26, 2010
At the moment we have one SSH server with the private key being on a usb flash drive, and the public key being on the server in authorized_keys2. Now that three more servers are coming online, should we generate new keys, so we have muliple private and public keys (one pair for each server), or use the same two keys to access all the servers
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Aug 2, 2011
I'm trying to write a p2p file sharing program using python's built-in libraries. Everything is going well. The only thing is that i'd like to be able to use openssl public and private keys so only a host with the public key could access/decrypt the filesharing. I've gotten these libraries (httplib, basehttpserver, ssl, os) to work using just a pem file containing both the public and private keys but no success with them seperately. Can someone point me in the right direction or offer an alternative? PS, the goal of the project is to create an anonymous, decentralized, secure file sharing program. I want to be able to upload this to sourceforge so everyone can use it, if that's any incentive
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Mar 14, 2010
i am totally new to Opensuse and to filezilla. I formerly used winscp - a windows-client for ssh.now i have a linux box and want to connect to the server via ssh ing filezilla.Can i use the same keys as i used in WinSCP - where should i store them and the third question.I read something about a certain so called certificate-file that has to be created!?
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Feb 27, 2011
I'm trying to set up my laptop to ssh into my home server, but I'm trying to find how to generate the public/private keys. I was able to do it in Slack 12.2 by just running ssh-keygen, but that command is not in 13.x.
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Jul 19, 2010
Another question though...i have a fedora 12 server set up and i have created 3 sudo users. I have created 3 putty keys (public and private) using putty key gen and basedn my research i was told to put the public keys in /home/"user"/.ssh/authorized_keys .I did that but when i tried to log on using the key...the server is saying "server refused key" could anyone assist in this issue
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Aug 10, 2010
My ISP has for a long time had a broken forward/reverese DNS so that my ADSL connection with static IP address resolves to a completely different IP address on a reverse query. This has not been a problem until I upgraded a remote server from 10.3 to 11.3 last weekend and now ssh connections from my ADSL connection to it using public/private keys are being rejected with the following message in /var/log/messages (IP addresses changed):
Aug 10 12:00:32 penguin1 sshd[1270]: Address maps to 83-175-246-243.static.dsl.aupex.com, but this does not map back to the address - Possible Break in Attempt!
But if I log in interactively with username & password, the connection succeeds. I've changed the StrictModes setting in sshd_config to 'no' but this hasn't resolved the problem. Obviously something in 11.3 is being stricter about this IP mismatch than it was in 10.2 (and no, the server is not using a firewall). There must be something I can change to make sshd more permissive? I've tried before to get my ISP to fix their problem but no luck. This needs to be sorted as a server at my home (which does not run SuSE) retrieves backups from the remote OpenSuSE 11.3 server every night using scp and these are now failing.
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Sep 9, 2010
My calling application will accept only strings and interger. we are replacing RSA bsafe library to openssl. using RSA bsafe, we have generated the private and public key in BER format. Then convert the keys, BER format into ASCII format to send the calling function. (these everything done by using RSA supplied bsafe library) same way i have to right using openssl..i m now able convert the RSA public and private key into DER format
rsa = RSA_generate_key(1024, 3, NULL, NULL);
size_t size;
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May 7, 2010
After years with Linux and using ssh on a daily basis I have to admit I've never setup public/private key authentication and I've never run passwordless logon to ssh. It's not that I've never tried, I have - I've just never got it working. That to me is an almost alien concept as I am a tinkerer at heart and rarely stop until something is working the way I'd like it to. I get the principle of what's going on but I've always had a mental block about it.
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Jan 12, 2010
i followed this guide, [URL] a few days ago and set up an sftp server no problem. The user can only see what is in there home folder which is only the examples file which is empty. Today i went to set up a 2nd ftp account for my own private use. I have it set up and all, followed exactly what he said the 2nd time around and my 2nd user is not chroot'd. I can explor the contents of the whole drive.
My fist user that works fine is "ftpuser" and the group is "sftponly" just like in the guide. My 2nd user is named "ftptaylor". Now i did have an ftp server set up with vsftpd where i had the same ftpuser account in a different group, but it was jailed to /home/ftpuser. I cant tell you how i did it, i followed a number of guides untill one worked. But could it be that the guide above does not in face jail the users, but just that my user was already jail'd?
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Aug 17, 2010
i've set up a little mail server ob my private server, using getmail to get the mails from different pop accounts and to send it to maildirs of some virtual users, and i use dovecot as imap server to provide the mails to my clients which are mostly outook 2007. i run getmail as a cronjob which fetches my mails every 2 minutes, anyhow i'd like to run it on demand when a client pushes the send/receive button. is there a way to tell dovecot to run getmail on demand?
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Mar 27, 2010
So after tinkering for a while, I was able to configure ssh for private/public key authentication and disabled Password-Authentication. In the past I had some issues with people brute force trying passwords/usernames so I want to avoid this, but I need some form of secure FTP that now doesn't work due to the aforementioned setting.
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Feb 12, 2011
My Ubuntu server is now providing routing duties to my network, but I'm having trouble opening ports to my network. I have a DynDNS account, so the IP is always current, but I can't ping even my IP directly.
My network map looks like
Internet > SpeedTouch DSL modem with DHCP > eth1 > Ubuntu > eth0 > LAN
With the modem providing a 192.168.1.xx IP to eth1, I can browse fine. The default gateway is my modem. I switched to the public IP of the modem so I could use iptables for firewall duties, but I was locked out of the internet. No gateway was set when I did that, but eth1 received the public IP of my modem.
How can I use the public IP assigned to eth1?
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Nov 17, 2010
For using SSH, why does a host also need to have a public and private key? And how can I generate a public/private key pair for myself?
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Jan 28, 2011
I created a private/public pair. I put the public on github.But I can never push to github.Every time, it says public denied. In order to push, I need to do this:eval ssh-agentssh-add ~/.ssh/github_dsaThis is driving me nuts that I have to do this every time. So, I just put it in my ~/.bashrc file. I feel like that's a hack. Is this normal?
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Jun 2, 2011
I have a strange problem and I can't seem to find clear information on how to do this . I have 2 loadbalancer set up keepalived NAT mode with 2 interfaces each
internal vip -
external vip - 195.x.x.21
lb1 -master
bond0 - private -
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Feb 6, 2011
I have a class in which a have declared a private variable "time". In one of the public functions, I am returning the value of "time" (either directly by using "return time;" or by something similar to "x=time; return x;" but I keep getting a compiling error saying that "time" is not declared in this scope.
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Dec 7, 2010
Most of our machines have public facing and backend mgmt private nics(ie: 192 or 172 networks). I wrote a rule that matches source ip(our monitor on a 192 network) on udp 161 accept. I want to prevent listening on that port on the public. Is the source rule sufficient or should I match the interface and then source? I know there a many ways to do this. I need to verify from the public network with a port scanner?
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Jul 14, 2011
I was using enigmail and thunderbird to do gpg encryption, and now that I reinstalled, I cannot get them working to decrypt my messages again.I have a backup of the home directory, how can I recover my private key?
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Apr 19, 2011
I've spent days trying to setup access properly from a public address to a monitoring server that works fine locally. Everything works from public access until I try to link to a CVS repository. The rancid CVS repository is set up as a separate server (virtualhost). It appears the referring link causes a DNS error (105: Server Not Found) when the CVS repository server is accessed from the public address. Things work fine when accessing via localhost.
Localhost link:
Public link: (this results in 105 error caused by redirection (bold portion of link))
Virtualhost config:
LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_jk.so
JkWorkersFile /etc/apache2/workers.properties
JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log
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Jan 11, 2011
We have to connect one PC in private network (campus) with other PC (mostly a modem in our case)in public network. Connection should be peer to peer like and we have to use C coding for establishing connection between this two systems. Is it possible if we use port forwarding or is there any other way?
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Jan 11, 2011
I have one doubt that is how can we actually connect a system in private network with the system in a public network using IP address. I have one system in private network (in my campus) I need to connect it with the system on public network (home) using IP address and communicate with each other. How can I do it or is there any other way of connecting these two systems more easily?
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Feb 18, 2010
In my ~/.ssh I have a number of public keys and one private key (id_rsa). How can I verify which one makes a pair with the private one.Or, can one generate the public one from the private key (in reasonable time)?
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May 13, 2011
I want to know that it is possible to do public and private ftp server in one host without using tcp wrapper.
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Dec 29, 2009
I configured ssh on one of my servers to require public/private key authentication and deny access to login requests not using a public/private key. Now I need to unconfigure that,but I can't remember how I did it. I've looked through ssh_config and sshd_config, and nothing rings a bell. Googling only tells me how to enable public/private key authentication, not how to require it or stop requiring it.
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Sep 23, 2010
I'm getting some errors while trying to do an update:How can I know which are the apps that are causing this, and how should I remove/update these?This is my /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
deb http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu lucid main
deb-src http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu lucid main
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Jun 21, 2009
I have two computers running Debian Squeeze. I'm trying to set up the public keys for them so that I don't need to use passwords to log in. As far as I know, I did the same thing for both, however only one is working.Here is the connection output for eachBroken:
OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5+b1, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
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Sep 30, 2010
I've been searching for a while in forums about the issue I'm facing but couldn't find anything clear, or at least my net search skills are pretty lame. I'm facing a problem with prompted user password in a SSH chain connection when using authorized_keys.
I have: (1) Client - (2) Server - (3) Testing machine (testing machine is connect to Server via usb network)I've created keys for Client and Server, and updated authorized_keys in host machines with the key values: Testing machine has Server public key, and Server has Client public key.Until now everything is fine, if I try to connect via ssh the user password prompt is not shown since public key is found in authorized_keys.
For example: from Client: Code: ssh server Works fine, no password prompt.from Server: Code: ssh testing_machine Works fine, no password prompt.But if try to do that from Client only: from Client: Code: client:$ ssh server Works fine, no password prompt.from Client: Code: server:$ ssh testing_machine Asks for password.Bellow the verbose output from previous ssh command:
Code: ssh -v root(at)
OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu4, OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
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Mar 12, 2011
I've got a slight issue with logging into my server using public keys.
It was working fine, until I had to rebuild my desktop machine. I had the key copied to the server, and passwordless logins where fine.
However now I have rebuilt my desktop, I cant get to the login.
So heres whats happend.
Rebuilt id_rsa.pub, server will not allow login. Remove id_rsa.pub and the server allows password based login.
On the server, removed authorized_keys and known_hosts. makes no difference. Server still disallows keyfile, but will allow password when id_rsa is not present on the client.
Heres a -v of the login chat with keyfile
michael@eve:~$ ssh -v server
OpenSSH_5.5p1 Debian-6, OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *
debug1: Connecting to server [ser.ver.ip] port 22.
So, is there anyway of getting the server to forget the previous keys, it is remembering, As previousily said, I have completly removed the contents of ~/.ssh/ on both the clients and the server.
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Mar 31, 2010
I am using Nautilus to connect to an external server. Currently, I use password authentication, and all works fine. I just type sftp://SERVER and the connection is established after providing the login credentials. However, I changed the server to only accept Public Key Authentication and disabled password authentication, and as a consequence I could not login using Nautilus anymore. Is there some way to make this work?
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