Ubuntu Servers :: Get Stuck When Rebooting

Feb 4, 2010

We have some Ubuntu x64 8.04 servers that sometimes get stuck when rebooting. The only thing we see on the screen is "Loading, please wait" and some stuff below. I am attaching a picture of the monitor. We have this specific server set to reboot constantly while we try to figure out the issue however we don't know where to start, can we look at logs at this point (probably not since the hard drives aren't mounted yet), can we add debug info?

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Ubuntu :: After Rebooting - Stuck At Checking Battery State ?

Oct 26, 2010

Updated from 10.04 to 10.10 about 2 weeks ago and it worked just fine until today. After rebooting, it's stuck at "* Checking battery state" and nothing happens. I've tried with power cord inserted/out and without battery but with no success.

What I did before rebooting was that I tried to fix my iphone tethering problems with the following commands:

And also a system update. And here I am. Anyone knows what could have happened? I'm on a Acer Travelmate 8371.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Stuck On Install / Solution For This?

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 Server edition and I am getting stuck at the language screen... Yep the language screen that comes up as soon as you boot off the CD I have not gotten very far and I am already hitting problems... I am using a USB keyboard but it is working in the bios I don't know if this could be the problem?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Is Stuck At Partition?

Dec 24, 2010

I am trying to turn an old HP Pavillion 6630 desktop into a home server, and due to my own relative inexperience using linux I decided on a ubuntu server. However, when I get to the partitioner it shows me an error screen: [!!] Partition disks<Go Back> <Continue>I can only choose to go back or continue, and no matter which one i press it goes to a non-responsive blue screen. A slightly worse version of the BSoD if you will. I assumed this was a hardware problem initially, however the hard drive boots fine into windows still, and it still might be a hardware issue, I would just like some other input on what the problem might be.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mounted Usb Drive Permissions Stuck On 777

Jun 18, 2010

I am running Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS with Kernel 2.6.32-22-generic-pae I was originally using usbmount to autmont the western digital external usb drive I had attached to the system and it was working great. However, while I was adding files to the drive i deleted all of the directories and files that came on the drive out of box such as 'autorun.inf' and an autorun directory containing an icon for the drive.. when I rebooted the drive was no longer mounted, I tried to un/reinstall usbmount a few times but it still didnt work, so I wound up adding the drive into my fstab, my fstab line reads like this


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Ubuntu Servers :: SERVER Stuck During Boot (fsck Waiting For Input)

Aug 11, 2010

all is well on my headless Lucid server until a recent apt-get upgrade && shutdown -R now ... it did not come back up? after i moved a screen to the other side of the house, i found fcsk waiting for input during the boot process errors on / ... (I)gnore / (F)ix " ...so i had to attach a keyboard just to push <F> i could change /etc/fstab so it never runs fsck, but this doesn't seem wise. how can i make it <F>ix automatically ? ( or maybe after Xsec )

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Ubuntu Servers :: WPA_Supplicant Auto Start & Change To Rc.local Stuck At Boot

Aug 1, 2011

I have tried different methods to auto start wpa_supplicant at boot on Ubuntu Lucid server on a laptop which can't be connected to Ethernet.

The only thing that worked is adding the wpa_supplicant command before exit0 in rc.local. It solve my problem of wpa_supplicant auto start and annoyance on not be able to ssh before local login. But the screen stuck at Ubuntu Logo. How can i get pass Ubuntu logo screen to regular tty or xbmc in future?


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Ubuntu Servers :: Stuck At Boot With Raid (non Boot) In Fstab = Useless?

Nov 1, 2010

Forgive the terseness. I'm frazzled with this issue, perhaps I should have asked earlier. Every weekend for the past 2 months has been an endless cycle of 'repair broken system' off the install disk.

Installed from Ubuntu server 10.04LTS x86_64, + xfce-desktop Here is uname -a Linux ournas 2.6.32-25-server #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:06:58 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux If I add my raid + lvm to the fstab file, the boot stalls, (no error it, just hangs waiting, forever). So that's a not very user friendly to start with.

I've tried the suggestions about UUID in fstab tried using LABEL instead, or even /dev/xxx. Every time it hangs. I've googled this endlessly and not found a solution. So don't ask why... since I seem to have tried every odd suggestion to fix this, I've lost track. There seems to be some consensus that whoever gave us plymouth laid an egg. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but did we need a better graphical boot if it breaks everything else?


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Ubuntu :: Changing Wm Without Rebooting?

Jul 5, 2010

I am on a live flash drive, and I want to change the WM. How can I do this? I tried to kill X with control+alt+backspace but it didn't work. I also tried to alt+f1 and control c, then delete the x lock and 'start x' but it wouldn't work. How can I 'exec newwindow manager' and restart x without a reboot?

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Ubuntu :: Update Kernel Without Rebooting?

Mar 23, 2010

out there remember what that application is called that where it can update your kernel without rebooting?

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Ubuntu :: No NetworkManager Icon After Rebooting?

May 17, 2010

I've noticed that there's no Network Manager icon on my notification area after rebooting, no matter how many times I delete my GNOME panel configuration and restore the defaults. However, after rebooting, if I restart the D-Bus service (and thus my whole desktop), the NM icon does appear - even though NetworkManager is not running. I've already tried reinstalling gnome-panel, network-manager, and dbus, which hasn't changed anything.

How can I make the NM icon appear every time I log in?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Use Swap File After Rebooting

Aug 17, 2010

I'm having problems using a swap file to increase swap space in Linux. I followed the instructions for creating a swap file, as shown here:


It works, and I increased my swap space. But when I reboot, I'm back to the original amount of swap space I had before. The swap file I created is still there, but it's not being used as swap space. I tried remounting the swap file but it doesn't work.

Also, it seems there isn't an fstab entry created for the swap file. Strange, huh? I don't think it made a difference but I manually copied the UUID for the swap file and made an entry in fstab.

I may be wrong, but from what I can tell the UUID of the swap file keeps changing every time I reboot.

So basically every time I reboot I have to repeat the instructions shown above to get more swap space.

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Ubuntu :: Spontaniously Rebooting Maverick ?

Nov 21, 2010

Since I upgraded to 10.10 my system keeps rebooting spontaniously.... Haven't been able to find anything wrong with the system, other than the reboots.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Fails To Load After Rebooting?

Dec 15, 2010

Here I was, humming happily along on my Ubuntu 10.10 machine, when thanks to a stupid Windows proprietary task that I NEEDED to perform, I rebooted in Windows later this morning. When I was done with the task, I tried to reboot again back in Ubuntu, but lo & behold, it wouldn't start. I tried several times, I tried recovery mode, I tried previous versions, and NADA! It's as if the kernel only existed in name only. So now I don't know what to do, because I cannot access my Ubuntu files from Windows (which luckily still works), plus I cannot abide the idea of having to give up on Ubuntu for good and going back to Windows! I'm willing to reinstall the whole thing again, so I've downloaded a new .iso image to create a new install CD, but I cannot seem to successfully create the new CD image either. I'm tempted to download Wubi, but I'm not sure if that's a permanent solution either.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login In GUI After Console Rebooting

May 4, 2011

I"ve started using Ubuntu 11.04 with my Intel iMac. Today I was playing EDuke32 on Ubuntu then the game got freezed, so I tried Ctrl+Alt+F1 and it worked. I just logged in the console and typed;

sudo reboot

This actually didn't work, so;

/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/reboot

This worked.

After rebooting, I tried log in with the GUI login screen. However I just cannot login. After I input my password and press enter, login screen goes black out and comes back to the login screen. I also tried to log in from console (Ctrl+Alt+F1), and it worked. I can log in.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Error 22 On Rebooting

Jan 24, 2010

When he rebooted his Grub gave the error: Grub error 22. He doesn't have internet right now. Know of any fixes? He's booted into a live cd.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Plain Black Background After Rebooting

Feb 26, 2010

I have just upgraded from ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. After rebooting my computer i found that the background is now plain black. I have tried changing it in the appearance settings, but no matter what I change is to it stays black.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Eth0 Not Working After Rebooting?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm not sure what's going on, but I have two computers that both aren't working after I reboot them. When I boot up the machine and do ifconfig, eth0 is missing.If I issue $sudo ifup eth0 then the ethernet is working, but I'm not sure why I'm booting up without a connection. Even after $sudo ifup eth0The networking app that's in the taskbar is missing.looked at dmesg and it looks normal$dmesg | grep -i ethmy interfaces fileiface eth0 inet staticaddress

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Log Into Gnome After Rebooting Machine

Sep 9, 2010

I installed NX to be able to log into my server running ubuntu remotely, while using NX I rebooted the server remotely, now I cannot log into it, not remotely and not physically either! Every time I enter my user name and password the screen goes black for a couple of seconds displaying some nx messages and then it goes back to the login prompt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ksplice No More Rebooting For Updates

Sep 23, 2010

For those that haven't heard, Ksplice is an easy to install program that allows you to do critical updates without ever having to reboot. Yes, this includes updates to the kernel.It's free for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Fedora 13 (desktop, not enterprise) OS. I tried to install it on 10.10 beta but said it doesn't do beta versions.I just wanted to find out what people think of this. I think this is an awesome idea and if it works well, perhaps it could be implemented in future versions of Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Screen Has Gone Completely Black Even After Rebooting

Jan 8, 2011

I was playing Minecraft last night when the screen went black. This is apparently a known issue when you're using the wrong java version or something, and I've gotten this crash in the past, but I've always just restarted to get my computer back to normal. However, when I restarted my computer, the monitors would not get any signal from the computer. They just stay black. I tried restarting, shutting down all the way and turning it back on, and nothing works. The computer just stays completely black.

I tried turning on the computer then SSHing into it, but it's not working. I'm not sure if I had it set to auto log in, so it might be that I'm not logged in, or it might be something more insidious, but as I can't see what's happening I don't know what the problem could be.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Rebooting Required In System / Why Is So?

Feb 6, 2011

Why rebooting is not required in linux after installing an application even if related important files are running?

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Ubuntu :: Stop Screen Blanking Without Rebooting?

Jun 28, 2011

I have tried:

setterm -blank 0
which has always worked in Slackware, Red Had and Fedora. I have went into Screen saver


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Ubuntu :: Machine Not On Network After Rebooting It With The CD In The Drive?

May 27, 2010

I left the Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid installation cd I burned in the drive and rebooted the remote machine. Now I cant get it on VNC or ping it by name. But the IP it had before still replies to pings. When I check the DHCP database in Windows Server 2003, that IP's machine name is now "ubuntu", not the same as before. Does this sound like what a machine would do when that cd is left in the drive on a reboot?

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Ubuntu :: Having To Keep Install Nvidia Drivers When Rebooting?

Aug 8, 2010

Anytime i reboot or shutdown linux i get an error saying it cant find my drivers or somthing before x starts... i tell it to shutdown to terminal rerun drivers and everything works untill i reboot again <.< for now i just been keeping my computer on but i would rather figure this out... i have searched high and low and finnaly have given up trying to get it to work with just using google research...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Maximized Windows Rebooting / Resolve This?

Jan 6, 2010

I have problem with multimedia on my notebook. When I maximized the windows on Movie player or other player, my notebook was rebooting.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Freezing / Rebooting When In Graphical Mode?

Jan 29, 2010

I want to switch to Ubuntu 9.10 but the computer always freezes 30 to 45 seconds after entering the graphical mode. This includes the 64bit installer, the 64bit live CD version and I even installed the 32bit version with the alternate install CD (text-mode). In all 3, I can use the system (e.g. log in, click Next) just fine for half a minute, then it crashes. It even crashes if I don't do anything.

Here are my hardware specs:
MB: Biostar TF560 A2+
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+
RAM: DDR2 800 Dual 128 bit, 2T (4GB)
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 3870

The sound and network cards are integrated but I've tried disabling them from BIOS as well as removing all hard drives and the problem persists. I have also verified the CD successfully. Note that right now I'm using SLAX from a CD as I formatted my hard drive (so at least some Linux works).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu 10.04 Keeps Rebooting After Login Screen?

Aug 14, 2010

However, I anyways went for reinstalling kubuntu 10.04. The installation went fine. It asked to reboot at the end, which I did. After the reboot, it gives me the login screen. After filling up the details there it again shows me the same login screen. This goes on forever.

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Ubuntu :: Rebooting Works Fine But Machine Won't Shutdown?

Dec 15, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed for some time now and I don't boot my Win7 machine in weeks!I love how solid, robust it is... and also how good it looks.Love the features like Ubuntu One (use it a lot!) and the Software Center. I'm 95% converted and I would be 100% if it weren't for 2 issues:

1 - The machine won't shutdown. Rebooting works fine but shutdown it just hangs... Kinda sucks having to press the Power Off button every time...

2 - I'm on a laptop but it doesn't recognize my battery. All I get is a "electric ray" on the panel. Even if I remove AC power it still does the same... No charging information, nothing... I tried

sudo modprobe pmu_battery
on the terminal but is says that the module could not be found.

Everything else works terrific (better than Windows!) with this two exceptions...

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Rebooting It Just Goes To A Black Screen With A Flashing?

Dec 15, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 32-bit v. 10.10 on a Dell Optiplex GX270, after installation i had to reboot, but then when rebooting it just goes to a black screen with a flashing

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