Ubuntu Servers :: Server Refuses To Execute A File?

Feb 28, 2010

started setting up my 3rd ubuntu server under the OS of Ubuntu Linux 9.04 64 bit. I have configured the server to allow root access and am using this to execute this file. As you can see from the screenshot of PuTTy, the file exists but is refusing to load up. I am also able to nano the file. I have tried moving the file to /root/ and still had no luck.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache - Execute A Bash Script That Uploads A File To Another Server Through A Website?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a web server in my kitchen with apache running on it. Since the upload speed is quite low due to my isp I would like to execute a bash script that uploads a file to another server through a website (which is htaccess protected) The idea in general: Someone with access to my website browses through a folder, copies a file path to an input form and presses "upload". Rather than executing a bash script directly I could have a cron job running in background that finds the path and then uploads the file to the other server I have userspace on and is accessible via sftp/ssh. The file would be than erased later after a couple of days or so. That person would be able to access the file with higher speed some time later without logging in via ssh and doing all that manually.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Cannot Execute Binary File

Dec 22, 2010

Trying to install Parallels Plesk Panel 10 x86_64 onto a completely new installation of Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS

root@server:~# chmod +x parallels_installer_v3.7.1_build101014.17_os_Ubunt u_10.04_x86_64
root@server:~# ./parallels_installer_v3.7.1_build101014.17_os_Ubunt u_10.04_x86_64
-bash: ./p.arallels_installer_v3.7.1_build101014.17_os_Ubun tu_10.04_x86_64: cannot execute binary file

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Fedora Servers :: Apache Execute Permission To Save Uploaded File?

Sep 10, 2009

here is the upload form:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploader.php" method="POST">
Choose a file to upload: <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Upload File" />


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General :: Mount The File Server Share On Application Server And Execute

Jan 8, 2010

i have purchased sun server for my visualization project. Request you to help me finding the io for disk .I have put storage(disks) on different location (File Server) and on server (Application) i have configured 4 virtual machines.

How would i monitor the io for file server from the Application server where i have configured 4 virtual machine. one way to mount the file server share on application server and execute

dd if=/dev/zero of=/share/test.out bs=1024 count=1024 to check the read and write Is there any other way of doing this.

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Server :: Binary File Error - Cannot Execute

Oct 13, 2010

When im typing any command its giving error -bash: /bin/ls: cannot execute binary file. how to resolve this im using fedora 13.

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Server :: Saving A File Removes The Group Execute Permission?

May 23, 2011

Here are some example files that are shared through samba:

-rwxrwx--- user1 group1 file1.txt
-rwxrwx--- user1 group1 file2.txt

When user2 (who is also a member of group1) edits file2.txt the permissions change:

-rwxrwx--- user1 group1 file1.txt
-rwxrw---- user2 group1 file2.txt

user1 then has issues opening the file. This also goes for new files that are created (they are missing the group execute permission).

I have set the option "create mask = 0770" in my smb.conf. Without this set, permissions default to something like -rwxr--r--

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Execute Things In /tmp Now But Is There A Way To Execute Only One File And No More?

Feb 17, 2011

i created a /tmp partition amd mounted it like this:" mount -o loop,noexec,nosuid,rw /usr/tmpDSK /tmp"
I know i can't execute things in /tmp now but is there a way to execute only one file and no more???

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Ubuntu Servers :: VPN Refuses To Setup?

Jun 28, 2011

I recently acquired an old dell desktop with a pretty decent sized hard drive and installed ubuntu server 11.04 on it. Currently, I am using it as a Web, FTP, Print, and media server.

I would like to also use it as a VPN. I have literally followed 30 guides from the internet and it has not worked.

setting up lp2tp/ipsec or pptpd. I would prefer lp2pt/ipsec with PSK.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Slapd(openLDAP) Refuses Connections?

May 24, 2010

I have slapd-server running but it seems to refuse connections in a very odd way. Wireshark shows that everytime JavaEE-client tries to connect, only 2 packages are sent. As I understand, in tcp/ip protocol, the first is just "hello, who's there". The last is just a message consisting of ACK and RST. I think RST means "we're done". At this point I don't think any credentials are checked so I don't know what could be wrong

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Fedora Servers :: Proftpd Refuses To Start - F8

Nov 3, 2009

Proftpd has been running OK until recently, when I tried to connect using my laptop. All I get is the proftpd-socket file under /var/run/proftpd/ I cant' find any log files with error messages in them. I have checked /var/log/messages - nothing in there either. I have rebooted the machine after re-installing proftpd. Still it wont start Is there any way to find out why proftpd has decided not to start any more?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Networking - Machine Refuses To Give Access To The Internet Via Firefox

Sep 21, 2010

I have a machine (lets called it machine 1) with two networks card, eth0 and eth1. Both have static IPs. Once in a while the machine refuses to give access to the Internet via Firefox (eth0 is the route to router). Other machines on the network have no problems accessing the Internet. Eventually the machine would just magically start working again, but this time it just seems to have stayed broken. I've done some simple diagnostics and found:

a) I have another machine running Apache with a Wiki on our network - [URL]. Machine 1 is unable to connect to this Wiki. I get 'the connection has timed out'. I can ping and it responds in the usual fashion.

b) If I try to ping www.google.com it times out with: ping: unknown host www.google.com. I can ping google using its IP address.

c) On machine 1 I have tried traceroute on both www.google.com and its IP and I just get:

1 * * *
2 * * *

And so on until hop 30. Doing this on any other machine on the network works. So while it seems I can ping internally in our network and outside, but when it attempts anything traceroute or URL related it does not work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Load Kickstart Config File - Refuses To Load File / Launches Generic Install

May 6, 2010

I created an Ubuntu 10.4 iso with the kickstart cfg on it, trying to boot it with the ks=/cdrom/pathtoconfig (tried even ks=cdrom:/path) parameter in VirtualBox but it refuses to load the file and just launches the generic install.

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Server :: Server Refuses Mail With 550 5.1.1 : Recipient Address Rejected: User Unknown?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm having a problem whereby I'm able to send mail to a mailbox from several different email addresses and SMTP servers (gmail, RoadRunner broadband), but I'm unable to send mail to the same address from one particular account, the SMTP server for which runs on a mediaTemple (dv) 3.0 box with CentOS 5 Final.I've spent a full workday on the forums, trying to troubleshoot the issue, and I'm running out of ideas.The server on which I'm having the mail processing problem is a mediaTemple (ve) running Ubuntu 10.04 x64 (Linux 2.6.18-028stab070.7 #1 SMP Fri Oct 1 13:53:00 MSD 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux), with ISPConfig 3. Here's how I setup the mail-related aspects of the Ubuntu box:

apt-get install postfix postfix-mysql postfix-doc mysql-client mysql-server openssl getmail4 rkhunter binutils dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d


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CentOS 5 Server :: Home DNS Server Refuses To Answer Requests

Aug 25, 2009

I have a home DNS server that has been working for some time today. Today I restarted to restarted it to clear the cache on it and now it refuses to answer and requests. Named starts fine with no errors. Here is named config file that worked for about 2 weeks fine and now doesn't want to work.

options {
directory "/etc";
pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid";
forwarders {;
forward only;
zone "." {
type hint;
file "/etc/db.cache";

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Ubuntu Servers :: Deciding File System For File Server (samba)?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm planning to add 1tb sata disk to my lovely file-server under ubuntu 10.10,what i want is use this disk as additional storage for network user,indows and ubuntu?I mean when my ubuntu server down (worse case) I can easily take out the disk from ubuntu machine and plug in on windows machine

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Refuses To Boot From HDD - Error 15: File Not Found

Jan 20, 2011

When I boot my computer (emachines E528 laptop), it gets to the BIOS loading screen (the one where you have the option to press a function key to get to the BIOS settings), then it goes to a black screen and looks like it is going to load GRUB, but instead of loading GRUB, the computer reboots. It does this endlessly, unless I insert a LiveCD. So, it's not the BIOS. That's good. When the Mint GUI (Linux Mint was the LiveCD I was originally using as I just happened to have it on hand) loaded for the first time, I checked all of the hard drive partitions and they all seemed to load fine. So, it's not a mechanical problem with the HDD. That's good.

At this point, I figured the MBR had become corrupted somehow. Now I wasn't really sure exactly where the MBR was, or how it all worked, but I was pretty sure that if I just reinstalled GRUB, everything would be hunky dorey. Unfortunately, I hit a road block when trying to install GRUB. That's not good. I am trying to follow the instructions in this thread, but I get the following error:


grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
Error 15: File not found

So then I tried following the instructions here, but I don't know how to tell which drive is sda1, sda2, etc. I'm guessing there's some terminal command to figure it out, but I don't know it and Google was less than helpful. I feel like something that basic should be easy to find, but I digress.i am getting very close to backing up everything and reinstalling everything. Only problem with that is that I am not sure how to access the files on my Ubuntu partition as they are encrypted (I wrote down the key when I started it up, I just don't know how to bring up a prompt that will let me enter the key). I really don't want to reinstall and set everything back up, but if I have to I will. how to tell which partition is associated with which sda#, or how to access the files in my encrypted Ubuntu home folder. How do I tell which partition is associated to which sda#? How do I open my encrypted home folder from my Ubuntu partition?

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Server :: BIND Refuses Queries ?

Feb 15, 2010

I am currently running the latest version of Bind, and for some completely unknown reason I can NOT get queries to work for PTR records. All queries to the servers for reverse name lookup get query denied:

Using domain server:

Host not found: 5(REFUSED)

And it shows in my logs:

I am at my wits ends with the piece of crap. Can anyone shine some light on why this damn Bind install won't respond to these queries?

For reference here is my named.conf:


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Server :: Samba Refuses To Establish

Jan 5, 2011

I recently upgraded my flavor (Arch, latest version) and now I am unable to connect to samba (latest version; obtained through pacman) either through Windows or Linux. My error logs reveal: (/var/log/samba/log.smbd)


nmblookup shows what it should but smbclient -L gives the generic "Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL". I also tried to reinstall Samba. I am not sure why it continues to try for CUPS, as I do not have printers listed in smb.conf.

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Ubuntu Servers :: FTP From Server To Remote File Server?

Jul 6, 2010

I support a small business which runs a headless Ubuntu Server (10.04 32bit) as a file server which is accessed by Windows machines.Although the company has it's own back-up procedure they have decided to back-up some (none sensitive) files online. The have chosen FileFactory (http://www.filefactory.com/) as the host for this. FileFactory allows files to be uploaded to their server by FTP however I do not know how to set this up on the server.

The idea, if it is possible, is to connect to FileFactory through FTP and then synchronise the data using an Rsync command.I normally access the server through Webmin and it has vsFTP installed. I can access the company's server by FTP from inside and outside of the network so I know that vsFTP is working for incomming connections however I cannot work out how to configure it to connect to the FileFactory server.

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General :: Changing Directory - Saved File On The Desktop - Cannot Seem To Get That File To Execute It

Mar 10, 2011

I was doing a tutorial on scripting in bash. I saved my file on the desktop and I cannot seem to get to that file to execute it. Here is what I have been using:

I try cd Desktop says that there is no such directory.

I tried /home/me/Desktop same thing.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Machine Refuses To Allow VNC Server 1 To Start

May 24, 2010

I have one machine (out of a couple dozen) that continues to refuse to allow "vncserver :1" to start. It is perfectly happy with :2 - :9 but tells me :1 is already running - yet ps tells me that there is no running
Xvnc instance.
What have I done here and how do I get that session back? I've cleared the /tmp/.X11-unix entries but that did no good. Could I have checked something in Yast that is launching an invisible session?

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Server :: Lost Array Now System Refuses To Shutdown

Apr 24, 2011

I need to force a shutdown. It seems I have lost an array and now the system refuses to shutdown.
echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger
gives the warning but no dice.
reboot -f = nothing.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Named Refuses Connect From Outside Localhost

Aug 23, 2009

I have installed bind from the repos and am trying to setup a caching name server. After copying the stock name-cachinging.conf to named.conf, I tweaked named.conf to reflect my LAN:

options {
listen-on port 53 {;; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };


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Security :: File Permission - Read An Execute Only File

Dec 16, 2009

Suppose I have a binary program with only execute permission enabled for the current user. How (in general) would I be able to obtain a core dump of the file? I think I have read it somewhere but I want to know if there are more ways of doing it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Execute .sh Script

May 13, 2010

I have a Dell PowerEdge 2850 running Ubuntu 10.04 Server with SSH and Samba. My problem is that I am unable to execute my adduser.sh script which reads from a text file and adds users to the box and Samba. I have ran chmod a+x to make it executable and placed it in /usr/local/bin.

When I run sudo adduser.sh I get "sudo: unable to execute /usr/local/bin/adduser.sh: No such file or directory".

When I run adduser.sh I get "-bash: /usr/local/bin/adduser.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory " I have been using Kubuntu as my home workstation for some time now but I have managed Windows servers but since I was given the freedom to setup this server I chose Linux.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use F12 To Execute Script Even When Not Logged On

May 28, 2010

how to bind a script to a F key (F12) that will run as root even when not logged in. I have a headless server on client premises where it'd be easier for them to press F12 to run this script that will be rarely needed than to give them SSH instructions etc. I know this must be do-able, but I can't get my Google-fu on for this question. The only way that I can possibly think of doing it is to touch a file whenever that key is pressed and have the script idly checking for that file every few seconds in a loop.

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Fedora :: Evolution Refuses To Connect Localhost IMAP Server

Nov 21, 2010

I have a strange problem with evolution in Fedora 14. I run my own mail servers (Postfix and Dovecot) on localhost. This all worked great in F13 but now evolution refuses to connect to the localhost imap server. If I connect from my laptop (also F14) i.e. not from the localhost all works fine and great with evolution. I deleted all the config and started again to no avail. I also created a new user and logged in with this user and I still get the same so looks not to be user config issue.
evolution --debug=evo.debug.txt returns nothing useful.
Dovecot is listening on localhost as I can telnet to the imap port. Also other imap clients like Thunderbird work fine.

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Server :: Apache Refuses To Start Using PerlModule And Virtual Host

Nov 12, 2009

I'm trying to install two instances of OCS Inventory on the same machine using virtual hosts in apache. The apache configuration for it is in it's own file and it works fine without any virtual host. If I add it apache refuses to start without giving any error message. I narrowed it down to some lines loading perl modules, and if I comment them away apache will start again. Some of the modules work, but some of the ones specific to OCS Inventory will not work. I can't understand what the difference is between loading it in a virtual host or not, it doesn't make any sense to me!

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Server :: RAID5 Refuses To Start After Yanking Drive From SCSI Bus

Mar 23, 2010

I am setting up a new server and am in the midst of testing RAID. This is an Ubuntu 9.10 server. RAID1 (/dev/md1) is spread across 12 one-terabyte SCSI disks (/dev/sdi through /dev/sdt). It has four spares configured, each of which are also one-terabyte SCSI drives (/dev/sdu through /dev/sdx). I have been following the instructions on the Linux RAID Wiki ([URL]....

I have already tested the RAID successfully by using mdadm to set a drive faulty. Automatic failover to spare and reconstruction worked like a champ. I am now testing "Force fail by hardware". Specifically, I am following the advice, "Take the system down, unplug the disk, and boot it up again." Well, I did that, and the RAID fails to start. It outright refuses to start. It doesn't seem to notice that a drive is missing. Notably, all the drive letters shift up to fill in the space left by removing a drive. The test I did was to:


Is removing a disk from the bus a reasonable test in the first place? Meaning, is this likely to happen in a production environment by other means than a human coming by and yanking out the drive? Meaning, is there a hardware failure that would replicate this event? Because, if so, then I don't know how to recover from it.

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