Ubuntu Servers :: SSH Setup - Login With Key Authorization

Apr 5, 2010

I just got unbuntu server edition installed on my server along with openssh-server. Now I am trying to set ssh so I can log in with a key authentication. I am using this guide to do it through putty on my windows machine. [URL]. After I installed ssh I logged in correctly. I then proceed to generate a key in putty. Now my problem starts when i try and put that key onto my server.

The tutorial says to type in
mkdir .ssh

My server says it cannot make that directive because it is already created. So I proceed to the next line. I believe this code sets permissions?
chmod 700 ~/.shh
Nothing happens just goes to a new line

Then I did this
cd .ssh
nano -w authorization_key
then I copied and pasted the key I got from putty gen into this file pressed ctrl o and then ctrl x

When I try logging into my server using the key auth it simply asks for my login, once it is input it says authorization invalid then ask for my password.

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Ubuntu :: Fetchmail Setup - Authorization Failure On User Domain

Oct 24, 2010

I have setup the fetchmail as below:
poll domain.com
proto pop3
via domain.com
user "user@domain.com"
pass "123456789"
is user@domain.com
no fetchall

When I try to login it gives the following message:
fetchmail: 6.3.8 querying domain.com (protocol POP3) at Sun 24 Oct 2010 10:51:52 AM EEST: poll started
Trying to connect to domain.com/110...connected .....
fetchmail: domain.com: upgrade to TLS succeeded.
fetchmail: POP3> USER user@domain.com
fetchmail: POP3< +OK
fetchmail: POP3> PASS *
fetchmail: POP3< -ERR Authentication failed.
fetchmail: Authentication failed.
fetchmail: Authorization failure on user@domain.com@domain.com
fetchmail: POP3> QUIT
fetchmail: POP3< +OK Logging out

Although I'm able to login to the webmail of my domain.com cpanel with the same username and password, please note also that it some time working smoothly and most time it gives login authentication failure:

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Phphmyadmin Login To Use Ssl?

Mar 5, 2010

I am having trouble finding a guide for setting up Apache and Phpmyadmin to use https with the Phpmyadmin login. I can only find snippets of config files in answers here and there, but I can't see the whole picture of how to setup everything from a fresh system. Know a were to find a guide?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Diskless Login - Setup A PXE Boot Environment?

Nov 24, 2010

how to to setup a PXE boot environment. The server contains a LUbuntu 10.10-installation the client is Ubuntu 10.10 Server (I didn't mix up those two...) So, everything is going fine; the client gets an ip-adres, and boots over PXE. The login-prompt is shown. Problem: I can't login. It seems my users are deleted (better not copied). Of course the system (client) works fine when I boot the system from it's harddrive. The only thing I can guess, there going something wrong with:


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General :: SSH Login - For Additional Users After Password-less Login Setup

Feb 10, 2010

I've set up password-less login for user1 on a Ubuntu machine to login automatically into a Fedora box using the publickey authentication method. Everything is working smoothly. Now, there is a user2 on Fedora but he does not have an account on Ubuntu.

I tried to login as user2 from Ubuntu to but got the following error :


Predictably neither scp or sftp work either. I have several questions as a result.

1.Is the SSH server rejecting user2 login because I am inadvertently using user1 keys (as I am logged in as user1) ?

2. Do I need to have a user2 account on Ubuntu and public/private key authentication setup with Fedora for user2 to be able to login ?

3. Is there a method I can use to password login as user2 from Ubuntu to Fedora (even though there is no user2 account on Ubuntu) AND still keep password-less login for user1 or do I have to have password-less login for both ?

At present the only way to access the user2 account from Ubuntu is to SSH using the user1 account and then su to user2.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup New Remote Office - Setup Domain Trust Between Two Sites?

Mar 14, 2010

I ended up setting up a basic linux file server as a pdc for that office. Our main office is a windows 2000 ads domain. The two offices are connected with a vpn. I only have two users at the new location so I simply have the linux and samba usernames/passwords setup manually. I would like to know if it is possible to setup a domain trust between the two sites so I don't have to create a username/password in the remote site for every user at the main office to access. I did some searching but came up empty.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Login With The Same Username And Password - Invalid Login

Apr 18, 2011

I have a problem regarding the ubuntu enterprise cloud. I have installed CC,CLC,SC,NC and a client and logged into thje user interface using my browser for the first time with bith username and passwd as admin and downloaded the credentials.But now as I try to login with the same username and passwd, it says that its an invalid login. I understand we have to change the password on the first login but i don't remember doing the same.

I tried recover password option and gave the user name as admin and email address as my gmail id. It says that I have to follow the instructions sent to the mail, but there is no mail sent I have done it like 5 or 6 times with different mail ids

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Ubuntu Servers :: Login Timed Out When Trying To Login At Reboot?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm hosting a server with Ubuntu 10.04. I've stumbled upon a strange problem.The server seems to refuse any login attempts, either with SSH or via a TTY after a reboot. After a couple of minutes (about 10 minutes or so) I able to login. The memory usage isn't high at login nor the system load. The auth.log doesn't show any login attempt before.problem? Or does anybody have a suggestion I could try to fix this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Setup The Network Before Login

Aug 23, 2010

I was wondering if there was some "clean / easy / official" way to enable networking during boot up and before a user logs in, other than editing /etc/network/interfaces by hand? Could be useful when away and in need of rebooting and still be able to access the computer, etc. I wouldn't mind doing it by CLI but just wondering if there is a GUI / simpler solution.(On Ubuntu 10.04.1)

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Ubuntu :: Authorization Failure On Maverick / Fix It?

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to run update manager and when I try to update applications the authorization box shakes, says Authorization Failure then goes away. Same thing happens when I try to change my login settings.

This is a new problem, I haven't done anything to my system since I upgraded to 10.10.

how can i fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitor Setup Clones On Login ?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm using the proprietery nvidia drivers on 11.04. I have a dual monitor setup with xinerama. The login screen appears to work fine, I can move my mouse between screens, and only one screen (right) has the login prompt. When I login, both screens show the same thing. While I can move my mouse across, I can only interact when it's on the left side.

I found this: [url], but I cannot start the display settings in the XFCE control center due to "missing randr extentions". Yesterday, I was using Kubuntu 11.04 on this same machine, and the dual monitor setup worked fine.

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Ubuntu :: Unknown Program Seeking Authorization?

Jun 25, 2010

Every now and then a window titled 'authorization dialog' pops up. It says "you need to supply a username and a password to access this site". Please view the screenshot of that window in the attachments. Even if I cancel it, the program seeking it seems not to terminate. It returns repeatedly...in every log in also. I am pretty irritated.how to terminate this appending agony.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Partition Mount Authorization?

Jul 27, 2010

Normally when you have a partition that isn't mounted, when you try to mount it, it asks you for the root password.

I have two partitions. One that I wanted mounted at boot, one that I wanted you to have to know the root password to mount. In the process of trying to setup that one partition to automount at boot, I accidentally changed something (through Pysdm) that made it so the other partition no longer displays that root password verification screen. Now all it does is give me an error saying I have to be root. How can I restore that screen?

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Ubuntu :: Ssmtp.conf Authorization Failed

Feb 20, 2011

This is my ssmtp.conf file:

root=[my address]@gmail.com
AuthUser=[my address]@gmail.com
And this is what I do on the command line, and what I get in response:

:~$ ssmtp [recipient address]
To: Some guy
From: Another guy
Subject: testing

essmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.1 [URL])

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Login Information That Gets Displayed When You Login To A 10.04 Server ?

Apr 9, 2011

I like the server login information that gets displayed when you login to a 10.04 server. It lists disk usage, CPU usage, Temperature etc...

Unfortunately I had problems installing 10.04 from a USB. At the end of the process the master boot record was stored on the USB and not the hard disk.

But now when I login to my server I don't get the server information.

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Ubuntu :: Authorization - Cd To /media Does Not Work - Blank Response

Jan 19, 2010

As a administartor I can do ls on root, but when I cd to /media ls does not work - blank respoonse. I have to sign in GUI file manager and authenticate to make ls work. Do I need to be at root?

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Ubuntu One :: Forces Separate Device For Tomboy Authorization

Jul 29, 2010

Before I submit a bug, I wanted to see if anyone can tell me why this happens. When I first start using UO, it requested that I add my computer to my UO account. I entered the name of my machine, ie. "desktop-name". Once I did that, the music store worked properly, and I was able to use the Evolution Contacts sync and regular files in the ~/UbuntuOne folder. These all showed up in my web interface.

Now, when I set up Tomboy to sync with UO (Tomboy Web), it sends me to the Confirm Computer Access page again, asking me to put in my device name again. So I enter again "desktop-name" and it logs in and Tomboy syncs. The problem is that two devices now show up under Machines, and also under System > Preferences > UbuntuOne > Devices. I've tried deleting both devices, and starting from scratch as described here but it always does the same thing.

Is there a reason I must have two devices listed when I'm on the same system? Has anyone else noticed this? FWIW, each confirmation request lists a different token, it just seems that once I have authorized my system, that all the sync connections should auth under the same credentials.

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Ubuntu Security :: Gain TEMPORARY Authorization For Action?

Nov 19, 2010

My 2wire only allows HTTP/HTTPS access and this is my home office network.

I was checking my auth.log for a previous question I posted and this popped up:


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Fedora :: Install Login Theme / How To Setup Them

Jan 13, 2010

I recently downloaded a login theme, extracted the archive and in the INSTALL file it says: Use 'gdmsetup' to install.I typed gdmsetup in terminal but command not found message returned. Anyone knows how to set up this theme?

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Server :: (Kerberos Setup) Cannot Login With Kadmin

Oct 20, 2010

I'm setting up kerberos and I can't login with kadmin but I am getting tickets with kinit, my princs are valid, and my dns resolves with dig/ping, am I missing something?:


home-plug:/home/steven# kadmin
Authenticating as principal root/admin@SOUR-LAN.LOCAL with password.
Password for root/admin@SOUR-LAN.LOCAL:
kadmin: GSS-API (or Kerberos) error while initializing kadmin interface

Oct 20 22:18:13 home-plug kadmind[8935]: Seeding random number generator
Oct 20 22:18:20 home-plug krb5kdc[8778]: Interrupted system call - while selecting for network input(1)
Oct 20 22:18:20 home-plug krb5kdc[8778]: shutting down
Oct 20 22:18:20 home-plug krb5kdc[8939]: setting up network .....

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Fedora :: Gnome Package Kit Authorization?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm having issues with the gnome-packagekit not working as a user. It runs fine as root but I don't want to have to login each time to run it.

The gnome-packagekit used to ask for root password but has stopped doing so. Anyone remember or have a fix for this?

The cancel button does not work either, I need to close with the X for the window...

It now gives this error.. Authorization Failed You have failed to provide correct authentication

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Fedora :: CUPS Admin Authorization?

Apr 6, 2011

I just discovered that using the web interface to CUPS on my localhost I cannot apparently, authenticate. The dialog pops up, but will not accept my root user name or any other. I tried using lppasswd to create add root, but it just keeps failing. Don't remember having this problem with F12, but I recently upgraded to F14...

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CentOS 5 :: GDM Could Not Write Authorization File

Dec 22, 2009

On Monday i had Centos 5.3 with / and /home in ext3, with no problems (at least i don't remember any problem).But as I decided to use XFS (I have a SSD , and i use a 3D Modeling software called Maya , that it's quite sure it could take advantage of use XFS), i decided to create in my new Solid State Disk , that i recently bought , a swap , a / partition formated in XFS , and a /home partition in XFS too.Then I used a Live cd to copy the contents from the old HDD to the new SSD , using find and Rsync --> (cd /mnt/oldroot/ ; find . -xdev -print0 | rsync -avHx --exclude-from /mnt/rsync-filter . /mnt/newroot/)

Once done , i edited fstab,Menu.lst , install grub in the MBR and i had to use mkinitrd to load the XFS.ko so be able to boot with the new system.All worked fine , although i only could log with the root , my normal user could not log , and a error appeared : GDM could not write your authorization file.This could mean that you are out of disk space or that your home directory could not be opened for writing.In any case it is not possible to login. Contact system administrator.But i remember that prior to Copy all to the new SSD , and use XFS , all was fine, and i was able to log with my user.

So thinking that perhaps the copy did by Rsync was not ok , or something i decided to reinstall Centos, now in a partition in my SSD and try another time , but without using a /home partition neither a normal user ,only using root.The SSD had a Swap , a 32 GB XFS partition and the / of the new Install in ext3 (20 GB ).Once installed Centos 5.3 , I updated only Glibc , yum and Python packages (like said in Centos 5.4 Release notes recommends , but not doing the final yum update)Then i updated only the kernel , to have a XFS supported Kernel , and then i rebooted (I would update all once migrated to xfs)

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General :: Check If Ssh Automatic Login Is Setup Between Two Machines?

Jul 22, 2011

I have a cluster of 50 machines and some machines already have ssh automatic login setup but I want to be able to check this with a script.

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Background Automatic Login Account To Start Wifi And Prey

Dec 24, 2010

If I understand correctly Ubuntu does not allow a wifi connection until a user loges in. That makes it so that prey (see preyproject.com) cannot send notices until someone has logged onto Ubuntu.what I would like to do (but I have no clue how) is to set up a user account that automatically, in the background, logs on at start up. Then this little user login would establish any Internet connection that is possible (wifi or lan) and start the program 'prey'. This should all be totally transparent to the user that would just see the regular log in screen.

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Fedora :: Vnc Policy Authorization Failure When Trying To Add Packages

Aug 24, 2009

It took me a while to get VNC going. It was easier with FC8-10. Once I got finished and was actually able to log in and see my remote desktop I tried to add some software... virtualbox.When I double click on the RPM I get popup that states."The action could not be completed. Failed to install file. You do not have the necessary privileges to perform this action" When I close that dialogue another one pops up that states" "The action could not be completed." When I click on more details the dialogue states. "Policykit authorization failure" How can I make this work?

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Fedora :: Remembering Authorization For Mounting Partition?

Nov 20, 2009

Every time I reboot PC I have to enter the admin password to mount ntfs partition. Is there any way to avoid this. In Fedora 10 there was remember authorization option, is there any option like this in F12?

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Fedora :: Add / Remove Software Authorization Failed?

Mar 11, 2010

Whenever I try and add software through packagekit I get an error telling me that Authorization failed. I would assume that I need to enter my password before the install begins but the utility never asks for it. I am able to start package kit with sudo and it then adds the software but that keeps most of the packages from running as they were added as root.

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Fedora Networking :: Copying Authorization Keys?

Dec 12, 2010

Using SSH all the time on my home network. I use ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id to generate and then copy the key file. On one of my computers I've changed the default ssh port and see no way to copy the key without reverting the configuration to port 22 temporarily. This is not a big deal and would probably take less time than it has taken me to type this message.

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Fedora :: Cannot Install Flash (Authorization Failed)

Jun 11, 2011

The short story: I am trying to install Flash, and get this error:

I tried from the terminal, starting with su and authenticating myself, then running the .rpm file, and I get this:

[jason@Jaslinfed temporary_downloads]$ su
[root@Jaslinfed temporary_downloads]# ./adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
bash: ./adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm: Permission denied
[root@Jaslinfed temporary_downloads]#

The long story: I used to use Ubuntu religiously, but with the more recent updates it's become somewhat buggy, and too Microsoft-like for me, so I decided to try a different distro. I heard Fedora was supposed to be really good, so I went ahead and snagged it. I'm relatively familiar with Linux in general, but know nothing about Fedora specifically. So far I've just had a couple of minor issues (my panel crashes and then disappears, for example) but this one is kinda big. If I can't arbitrarily install software on a whim, I might as well be using Windows.

For the record, yum seems to be working just fine; I've already installed several other applications, but for some reason I cannot install Flash. I've tried from both Opera and Firefox, and again, I even tried straight from the command line as root, but still no luck.

In case it helps: Linux Jaslinfed #1 SMP Fri May 27 06:02:17 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

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