Ubuntu Security :: Gain TEMPORARY Authorization For Action?

Nov 19, 2010

My 2wire only allows HTTP/HTTPS access and this is my home office network.

I was checking my auth.log for a previous question I posted and this popped up:


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Slackware :: Unable To Gain Authorization For Org.kde.kcontrol.kcmkdm.save (KDE 4.6.3)

May 19, 2011

Im running KDE 4.6.3 build from source. Everything works, but when going to system-settings, trying to change some stuff at Login Manager, for example AutoLogin to enabled, I get the following error:


polkitd(authority=local): Operator of unix-session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 FAILED to authenticate to gain authorization for action org.kde.kcontrol.kcmkdm.save for unix-process:21517:43051441 [/usr/bin/systemsettings -caption System Settings --icon preferences-system] (owned by unix-user:robert)

I get the prompt to authenticate with a user, and of course I get user root and user robert, but when I select user root, it automatically closes with error: Unable to authenticate/execute the action: (code 4) and then of course I get the above error in /var/log/messages. I know this issue is somehow related to polit setup and/or KDE, but can't figure out what. Please if someone has some ideas, let me know

NOTE: The system is slackware-current, 32bits.

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Security :: Using The Ubuntu Gateway To Gain Information About A Physical Burglary?

Jun 15, 2010

We've had a site broken into, and several of the desktop computers physically stolen. The Ubuntu 9.10 router/gateway/firewall/web filter box has however NOT been stolen. I'm wondering if there is any information we can get from this that would help the police.

NAT and firewalling are handled by firehol. It runs a DHCP server to provide the desktops with IP addresses. It runs a Samba server with some file shares. It runs Squid and Dansguardian in an intercepting-proxy configuration. Of particular interest might be whether the MAC addresses of the stolen desktops can be obtained, which might help with tracking them down. Also anything to narrow down the time of the break-in.

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Ubuntu Security :: AppArmor Failed To Load - Could Not Allocate Temporary File

Jan 7, 2010

I get the error message in the subject line, followed by a red failed message.

However, once the system is finished booting, I can log in and

sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor start
and it starts normally.

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Fedora Security :: Why Gvfsd-computer Accessing The Internet Without Requesting Such An Action?

Aug 9, 2009

Today I noticed my sdl modem flashing away when I had no internet access programs active as far as I was aware. I did a 'ps ax' to see what was running. I saw nothing that warranted internet access. I didn't recognize the gvfsd-computer process and tried finding documentation about it on my system. I began to feel uncomfortable when I couldn't find anything showing what it was. Finally, I killed the process and the internet access immediately stopped. Research on the net showed that gvfsd-computer is a file browser. I find this very disturbing. Why was a file browser accessing my disk drive (the light was flashing) and why was it accessing the internet without my requesting such an action?

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Security :: Make A Choice On What Authentication Protocol To Use For Authentication And Authorization?

Jan 17, 2011

I need to make a choice on what authentication protocol I want to use for Authentication and Authorization. I was looking at Radius and then literature suggested that Diameter was a better protocol. Keep in mind I need this on a hetrogeneous setup ( linux & windows together). Diameter seemed like a good fit until I discovered that the open source code no longer seems to be maintained ( C/C++).

I was also looking at Kerberos as an option though there is alot overhead with the server. SSL/TLS or EAP? I am looking for simple but secure and am new at the security protocols.

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Ubuntu :: Authorization Failure On Maverick / Fix It?

May 9, 2011

I'm trying to run update manager and when I try to update applications the authorization box shakes, says Authorization Failure then goes away. Same thing happens when I try to change my login settings.

This is a new problem, I haven't done anything to my system since I upgraded to 10.10.

how can i fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Gain Root Access?

Aug 29, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 32bit on my laptop. I am trying to learn the command line and also install software via the command line. I type in su and hit enter it asks me for my password and I type that in. The password fails, why is this? I am the one who set this up and installed the OS. Now I am logged in using my normal user account when doing this from the GUI

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Ubuntu :: How To Gain Access To Pdf File

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to email a .pdf file that I created on a mac system, and I am being told after attaching the .pdf to the email that: Quote: Unable to save your message as draft. There was an error attaching . Please check if you have access to the file I found an evince tutorial on line to try and resolve this on my own, however I am still getting the same error. This is the link: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Gain Printing Job Over Network?

Mar 23, 2011

How can I do the printing job over the network .I have only one printer on my firm
Its not network printer here whole system are in LAN how can i gain the printing job

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Gain Access To Terminal

Apr 7, 2011

I've recently created a new user's account in Ubuntu because of some difficulties I was having with network communications. Apparently this has affected my ability to get into a terminal because now, when I submit my user name I get the following:

--single "single crack" mode
--wordlist=FILE --stdin wordlist mode, read words from FILE or stdin
--rules enable word mangling rules for wordlist mode
--incremental[=MODE] "incremental" mode [using section MODE]
--external=MODE external mode or word filter
--stdout[=LENGTH] just output candidate passwords [cut at LENGTH]
--restore[=NAME] restore an interrupted session [called NAME]
--session=NAME give a new session the NAME
--status[=NAME] print status of a session [called NAME]
--make-charset=FILE make a charset, FILE will be overwritten
--show show cracked passwords
--test perform a benchmark
--users=[-]LOGIN|UID[,..] [do not] load this (these) user(s) only
--groups=[-]GID[,..] load users [not] of this (these) group(s) only
--shells=[-]SHELL[,..] load users with[out] this (these) shell(s) only
--salts=[-]COUNT load salts with[out] at least COUNT passwords only
--format=NAME force hash type NAME: DES/BSDI/MD5/BF/AFS/LM/NT/mscash/NETLM/NETNTLM/bfegg/DOMINOSEC/lotus5/raw-MD5/raw-sha1/IPB2/nsldap/openssha/HDAA
--save-memory=LEVEL enable memory saving, at LEVEL 1..3

I've always been able to just install my name and password and things worked smoothly. What is this about and what do I need to do to restore my ability to use a terminal?

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Ubuntu Servers :: SSH Setup - Login With Key Authorization

Apr 5, 2010

I just got unbuntu server edition installed on my server along with openssh-server. Now I am trying to set ssh so I can log in with a key authentication. I am using this guide to do it through putty on my windows machine. [URL]. After I installed ssh I logged in correctly. I then proceed to generate a key in putty. Now my problem starts when i try and put that key onto my server.

The tutorial says to type in
mkdir .ssh

My server says it cannot make that directive because it is already created. So I proceed to the next line. I believe this code sets permissions?
chmod 700 ~/.shh
Nothing happens just goes to a new line

Then I did this
cd .ssh
nano -w authorization_key
then I copied and pasted the key I got from putty gen into this file pressed ctrl o and then ctrl x

When I try logging into my server using the key auth it simply asks for my login, once it is input it says authorization invalid then ask for my password.

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Ubuntu :: Unknown Program Seeking Authorization?

Jun 25, 2010

Every now and then a window titled 'authorization dialog' pops up. It says "you need to supply a username and a password to access this site". Please view the screenshot of that window in the attachments. Even if I cancel it, the program seeking it seems not to terminate. It returns repeatedly...in every log in also. I am pretty irritated.how to terminate this appending agony.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Partition Mount Authorization?

Jul 27, 2010

Normally when you have a partition that isn't mounted, when you try to mount it, it asks you for the root password.

I have two partitions. One that I wanted mounted at boot, one that I wanted you to have to know the root password to mount. In the process of trying to setup that one partition to automount at boot, I accidentally changed something (through Pysdm) that made it so the other partition no longer displays that root password verification screen. Now all it does is give me an error saying I have to be root. How can I restore that screen?

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Ubuntu :: Ssmtp.conf Authorization Failed

Feb 20, 2011

This is my ssmtp.conf file:

root=[my address]@gmail.com
AuthUser=[my address]@gmail.com
And this is what I do on the command line, and what I get in response:

:~$ ssmtp [recipient address]
To: Some guy
From: Another guy
Subject: testing

essmtp: Authorization failed (535 5.7.1 [URL])

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Ubuntu :: Only User Cannot Gain Sudo Access

May 11, 2010

I'm the only user, can login (meaning I know my pass). But cannot Sudo. I'm on Ububtu Studio, the latest release. Doesn't make any sense.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find The Server Of Country A Gain

Dec 10, 2010

i had a problem in software sources so i changed the server to main server now i can't find the server of egypt in the list of servers

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Ubuntu :: Gain Access To A Failing Partition?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm working with a laptop that will not boot into windows (the sole partitionI'm working on a laptop that recognises that a windows partition is present in ubuntu live CD but will not mount it so that I can gain access to the system to recover files. I get this error:

Failed to mount: '/dev/sda2': input/output error
What I want to know is how to force mount the partition so that I can gain access or any other method that will allow me to recover those files

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Fedora :: Can't Even Gain Access With The DVD?

Jul 20, 2009

After installing Fedora 6 (and probably any later version) I find that access to the add/remove section is denied unless I have an Internet connection which I don't have. I just do not see any reason why this is done this way! One can't even gain access with the DVD Is there a way to circumvent this nuisance from the terminal Does anyone know why this is put into the installation in the first place.?

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Ubuntu :: Authorization - Cd To /media Does Not Work - Blank Response

Jan 19, 2010

As a administartor I can do ls on root, but when I cd to /media ls does not work - blank respoonse. I have to sign in GUI file manager and authenticate to make ls work. Do I need to be at root?

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Ubuntu One :: Forces Separate Device For Tomboy Authorization

Jul 29, 2010

Before I submit a bug, I wanted to see if anyone can tell me why this happens. When I first start using UO, it requested that I add my computer to my UO account. I entered the name of my machine, ie. "desktop-name". Once I did that, the music store worked properly, and I was able to use the Evolution Contacts sync and regular files in the ~/UbuntuOne folder. These all showed up in my web interface.

Now, when I set up Tomboy to sync with UO (Tomboy Web), it sends me to the Confirm Computer Access page again, asking me to put in my device name again. So I enter again "desktop-name" and it logs in and Tomboy syncs. The problem is that two devices now show up under Machines, and also under System > Preferences > UbuntuOne > Devices. I've tried deleting both devices, and starting from scratch as described here but it always does the same thing.

Is there a reason I must have two devices listed when I'm on the same system? Has anyone else noticed this? FWIW, each confirmation request lists a different token, it just seems that once I have authorized my system, that all the sync connections should auth under the same credentials.

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Ubuntu :: Somehow Lost Ability To Gain Admin Rights

Feb 2, 2010

I am semi new to linux and i was getting the hang of it until just recently. I'm trying to do some web design using php and mysql. In my reference material (the all in one desktop reference {for dummies}). At some point I needed to do something in /var/www but I ran into a permissions problem so I typed:
chgrp -v -r guy0203 /var/www
405 chgrp -v -R guy0203 /var/www
406 chown -v -R guy0203 /var/www

Afterwards in some subsequent step it suggested putting the files in /usr/src/mysql. Since I didn't have that folder I used mkdir and created it. Then I tried adding the files I needed to that folder and got denied on the grounds of not having permissions once again. So tried something like this:
451 chmod 777 /usr/
452 sudochmod 777 /usr/
453 sudo chmod 777 /usr/

It was a 755 originally but I couldn't copy those commands. It turns out as that I had two terminals open in different desktops. one of them was a root terminal. It was at this point that realized that I was in that root terminal and decided I was done 'learning' for the day. I decided to listen to some music (which is located in my windows partion) and ran into a problem. The prompt that pops up to normally asks me for my admin PW to mount the drive. Now just vibrates like an incorrect entry was received, says authentication error and says I am not authorized to mount that drive then I went back to terminal to fix it, and when I tried to elevate myself to SU:

I got this:
guy0203@guy0203-laptop:~$ sudo su
sudo: must be setuid root

I don't know what to do now but I think I totally killed this OS. If so is there anyway to save things if I have to reinstall?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Could Not Gain Access To /dev/sound/dsp For Writing

Feb 9, 2010

I have installed transcriber from the ubuntu repositories the version is listed as

I am trying to use this program on Ubuntu 9.10 (64bit), and when attempting to play the audio file (standard mp3 format) I get the error message:


could not gain access to /dev/sound/dsp for writing

Everything else I have tried for sound works fine and The mp3 file I'm transcribing plays fine in any other application eg movie player and rhythm box etc.

the full error message is:

Could not gain access to /dev/sound/dsp for writing.
Could not gain access to /dev/sound/dsp for writing.
while executing


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Ubuntu Networking :: 8.04 - Gain IP Address At Machine Boot

Mar 9, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 8.04, and I am able to access my machine via SSH, but I only want the log in screen visible on the machine itself, yet still able to work with the SSH. But to do this, I have to log in, get the IP address, log off, then log in via SSH. How do I make the machine receive an IP address during the boot-up!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Hwdn2 Gain Wireless On 10.10?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm trying to install hwdn2 gain wireless on ubuntu 10.10 but no luck y follow some post here but nothin.

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Fedora :: Gnome Package Kit Authorization?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm having issues with the gnome-packagekit not working as a user. It runs fine as root but I don't want to have to login each time to run it.

The gnome-packagekit used to ask for root password but has stopped doing so. Anyone remember or have a fix for this?

The cancel button does not work either, I need to close with the X for the window...

It now gives this error.. Authorization Failed You have failed to provide correct authentication

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Fedora :: CUPS Admin Authorization?

Apr 6, 2011

I just discovered that using the web interface to CUPS on my localhost I cannot apparently, authenticate. The dialog pops up, but will not accept my root user name or any other. I tried using lppasswd to create add root, but it just keeps failing. Don't remember having this problem with F12, but I recently upgraded to F14...

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CentOS 5 :: GDM Could Not Write Authorization File

Dec 22, 2009

On Monday i had Centos 5.3 with / and /home in ext3, with no problems (at least i don't remember any problem).But as I decided to use XFS (I have a SSD , and i use a 3D Modeling software called Maya , that it's quite sure it could take advantage of use XFS), i decided to create in my new Solid State Disk , that i recently bought , a swap , a / partition formated in XFS , and a /home partition in XFS too.Then I used a Live cd to copy the contents from the old HDD to the new SSD , using find and Rsync --> (cd /mnt/oldroot/ ; find . -xdev -print0 | rsync -avHx --exclude-from /mnt/rsync-filter . /mnt/newroot/)

Once done , i edited fstab,Menu.lst , install grub in the MBR and i had to use mkinitrd to load the XFS.ko so be able to boot with the new system.All worked fine , although i only could log with the root , my normal user could not log , and a error appeared : GDM could not write your authorization file.This could mean that you are out of disk space or that your home directory could not be opened for writing.In any case it is not possible to login. Contact system administrator.But i remember that prior to Copy all to the new SSD , and use XFS , all was fine, and i was able to log with my user.

So thinking that perhaps the copy did by Rsync was not ok , or something i decided to reinstall Centos, now in a partition in my SSD and try another time , but without using a /home partition neither a normal user ,only using root.The SSD had a Swap , a 32 GB XFS partition and the / of the new Install in ext3 (20 GB ).Once installed Centos 5.3 , I updated only Glibc , yum and Python packages (like said in Centos 5.4 Release notes recommends , but not doing the final yum update)Then i updated only the kernel , to have a XFS supported Kernel , and then i rebooted (I would update all once migrated to xfs)

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Ubuntu :: Fetchmail Setup - Authorization Failure On User Domain

Oct 24, 2010

I have setup the fetchmail as below:
poll domain.com
proto pop3
via domain.com
user "user@domain.com"
pass "123456789"
is user@domain.com
no fetchall

When I try to login it gives the following message:
fetchmail: 6.3.8 querying domain.com (protocol POP3) at Sun 24 Oct 2010 10:51:52 AM EEST: poll started
Trying to connect to domain.com/110...connected .....
fetchmail: domain.com: upgrade to TLS succeeded.
fetchmail: POP3> USER user@domain.com
fetchmail: POP3< +OK
fetchmail: POP3> PASS *
fetchmail: POP3< -ERR Authentication failed.
fetchmail: Authentication failed.
fetchmail: Authorization failure on user@domain.com@domain.com
fetchmail: POP3> QUIT
fetchmail: POP3< +OK Logging out

Although I'm able to login to the webmail of my domain.com cpanel with the same username and password, please note also that it some time working smoothly and most time it gives login authentication failure:

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General :: Does Performance Gain Is Noticeable Regarding Gcc

May 8, 2011

Does anyone here has any experience with the proprietary compilers? OpenWatcom, Intel and Pathscale? Does the performance gain is noticeable regarding the gcc...?In number crunching applications, i may say that ifort/ icc/ mkl yeld faster binaries than gcc.has anyone here already tinkered with OpenWatcom/PathScale...?

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