Ubuntu Servers :: Create A File Server Of Over 24TB+?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm looking to create a file server of over 24TB+ and was wondering if anyone knew of any barriers to doing this in Ubuntu.

I am considering limiting each server to 8TB, and creating 4 of them. I think once I take into consideration the hardware limitations, and backup (I will need a RAID configuration (still deciding)) then perhaps 24TB in one box is possibly a little unlikely!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Headless Media Server Create M3u File?

Mar 13, 2011

Any command line tool to create a m3u file from directories?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create Directories From A .txt File?

Feb 8, 2011

quickest way to create directories from a .txt or .csv file. A single command would be great but I can use a script as well.

The windows equivalent would be:

FOR /F %n IN (newfolders.txt) DO MKDIR %n

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create A New File/dir - Get Permission Denied Message

Apr 22, 2011

I am in the www-data group...

mike@webserver:/var/www$ groups mike
mike : www-data adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin sambashare admin
when I run ls...

mike@webserver:/var/www$ ls -la
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2011-04-22 09:30 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 2011-04-20 18:22 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2011-04-22 09:24 index.html

I assumed that means that the users in the www-data group can read, write and execute within this folder?

But when I try to create a new file/dir I get permission denied message.

I'm having fun messing around with my new LAMP server, but this problem is annoying me now .

(Oh and the index.html file was created by root, it's a blank file and can be deleted)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create A Name And Password For Ftp Server?

May 15, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.4 i set up the ftp server and config it. i'm trying to created name and password for my sister so she can login into my ftp server.

I also have one more problem, at this point i can only login into my internal ip, and when i try to login with the external ip, it wont let me in. so at this point i can only login on my local network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create Samba File Share To Windows Domain Clients?

Apr 28, 2010

I feel ashamed for even asking this, since it seems like there's about 3 samba questions here every day. However after an hour of searching, I keep finding strange variants that aren't what I need.

My Goal: Create a single file share on an Ubuntu Server - share it via samba to Windows clients that are on a domain with active directory. It sure would be nice if AD authentication would work - so users don't have to type in a linux user/passsword each time they want to access the share.

In my adventures, I've found the following items (which may overlap)

1. Joining the server to a Windows Domain

2. Turning the server into a Windows Domain Controller

3. Authentication with LDAP (still not quite sure how/what this would do)

4. Stuff with Kerberos

5. Lots of people bickering about Samba 3/4 & how it's impossible to make Samba a PDC.

I'm not sure if I need to make the ubuntu server a domain controller or not...all I want to do is create a file share and share it on the domain...I don't need to make the ubuntu server a domain controller for that, right? Maybe just a member? Maybe nothing at all?

I guess if I want to authenticate stuff correctly (or forward authentication requests? Not sure), I probably need to join the ubuntu server to the domain...I think.

But let's say I do join it to the domain...then how to I create a file share that is authenticated via active directory rather than a local ubuntu server account? I see a dozen guides on joining the server to the domain, but nobody ever mentions sharing the folder over the domain.

The lines are also blurred between joining Ubuntu to the domain and making it a domain controller. What should I keep an eye out to avoid in these tutorials?

I get lost between the Kerberos/LDAP/Samba/WinBind etc...and I have a feeling I don't need all of these for something this simple.

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Fedora Servers :: Create A Backup To A Remote File System?

Jun 26, 2010

Attempting to create a backup script to copy files from one file system to a remote file system.

When I try this I get:


# tar -cf - /mnt/raid_md1 | gzip -c | ssh -i ~/.ssh/key -l user@ "cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz"
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
ssh: Could not resolve hostname cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz: Name or service not known


I know that the remote file system dir is RW and the access is working fine. I am stumped...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Modify FTP \ Managed To Create A FTP Server By Using Apt-get Vsftpd?

May 13, 2010

I'm completely new to Linux/Ubuntu, but I managed to create a FTP server by using apt-get vsftpd or something.I followed a tutorial and modified a file called vsftpd.conf.I tried to disable all kind ofblocking/permissions. From a Windows client, I can connect to it without any login (I enabled anonymous) and I can download from it, but I am unable to modify it or upload files. Unless there is a better way to transfer files between the computers, how can I enable writing on the FTP server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create A Multi-user LAMP Server?

May 25, 2011

I am looking to create a multi-user LAMP server. For example the domain name behind my curent server is [URL] I would like user1 to have [URL] and user2 [URL]

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create A Detailed Guide For A Postfix Server Running On At&t Internet?

Apr 18, 2011

I currently have a personal use server setup in my home and would like to be able to send emails from my domain name.

At&t blocks the standard ports used so some form of forwarding would have to be used. I've looked at other guides and followed them to the key but it appears I'm always missing something.

So my question here is could anyone write a detailed guide from start to finish on how to install a postfix server behind an at&t connection complete with MX record and firewall configuration information?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Deciding File System For File Server (samba)?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm planning to add 1tb sata disk to my lovely file-server under ubuntu 10.10,what i want is use this disk as additional storage for network user,indows and ubuntu?I mean when my ubuntu server down (worse case) I can easily take out the disk from ubuntu machine and plug in on windows machine

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Server :: Create A Zone File?

Nov 12, 2010

1.How create a Zone file
2.Named.conf file conf...
3.Dig check is not working......

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Server :: VSFTPD - 553 Could Not Create File

Dec 18, 2010

I am trying to use cron and FTP to backup files regularly from my main server to a backup server. The backup server was a "bare bones" setup with no control panel or even FTP. It is running CentOS 5.3.

I installed VSFTPD which appears to be running OK and I can connect via FTP from my other server, but when I try to run my backup script (it uses mput) I get a "553 Could not create file" error.

Some relevant info:

The user I have created for this is "ftz" with home directory /home/ftz/

Running ls -l shows: drwxrwxrwx 3 ftz ftz 4096 Dec 18 07:46 ftz

so permissions and directory ownership don't seem to be the problem.

vsftpd.conf was left in default form:

# Example config file /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
# The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file
# loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable.
# Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults.


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Server :: Create Log File In Shell Script ?

May 7, 2011

I tried to create logfile for the below shell program but i was not able to get log file,can anyone help me for the below program to create a log file for the shellscript.

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CentOS 5 :: Create A Server For A Database That Has A .db File

Jan 25, 2010

I need to create a server for a database that has a .db file that is over 800Gb. now my first disk is 50Gb and i do the standard

100m ext2 boot
2000m swap
* / ext3

now I have a second 1.2T that i want to be /opt is there a way to set up 4kib block size in ext3 in the os install? or should I do it after the install? Is this block size even big enough?

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Server :: Create VirtualHost In Apache Configuration File?

Dec 16, 2010

I created VirtualHost in apache configuration file.

DocumentRoot "/var/www/host"
ServerName host.t2p.lt


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Server :: Unable To FTP - Access Failed (553 Could Not Create File)

Jun 14, 2011

I'm unable to ftp from one server to another server.
Getting the below error:
put: Access failed: 553 Could not create file

ftp script :
echo "starting Secure FTP ..."
lftp -u ${USER},${PASSWD} ftp://${HOST} <<eof
cd /home
lcd /home
put /home/test3.csv
echo "I have get all csv files

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CentOS 5 Server :: Create A,NS And MX Record - Where The DNS Zone File

Apr 11, 2011

I just ordered a new unmanagd VPS I have already Apache, PHP and Mysql the only problem I have now is how to create a A,NS and MX record in CentOS. I dont know where the DNS zone file is in CentoS

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Ubuntu Servers :: FTP From Server To Remote File Server?

Jul 6, 2010

I support a small business which runs a headless Ubuntu Server (10.04 32bit) as a file server which is accessed by Windows machines.Although the company has it's own back-up procedure they have decided to back-up some (none sensitive) files online. The have chosen FileFactory (http://www.filefactory.com/) as the host for this. FileFactory allows files to be uploaded to their server by FTP however I do not know how to set this up on the server.

The idea, if it is possible, is to connect to FileFactory through FTP and then synchronise the data using an Rsync command.I normally access the server through Webmin and it has vsFTP installed. I can access the company's server by FTP from inside and outside of the network so I know that vsFTP is working for incomming connections however I cannot work out how to configure it to connect to the FileFactory server.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create File Server - Install Hardware Raid Controller

Jun 18, 2010

I want to create a file-server with Ubuntu and have two additional hard drives in a RAID 1 setup. Current Hardware: I purchased a RAID controller from [URL]... (Rosewill RC-201). I took an old machine with a 750GB hard drive (installed Ubuntu on this drive). I installed the Rosewill RAID card via PCI port. Connected two 1TB hard drives to the Rosewill raid card. Went into the RAID bios and configured it to RAID 1.

My Problem: When I boot into Ubuntu and go to the hard drive utility (I think that's what its called). I see the RAID controller present with two hard drives configured separately. I format and tried varies partition combination and at the end of the day I see two separate hard drives. Just for giggles, I also tried RAID 0 to see if they would combine the drives.

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Server :: Create A File From Two Files With Specific Search Conditions?

May 5, 2010

I need to create a report ,

The data is spread across two files in below format,

File 1
<Class Name1>
Ph: 001
Place: place001


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Ubuntu Servers :: Create Ubuntu DNS Server Into Existing Windows Domain

May 2, 2011

I have an existing windows domain set up, Server 2008 R2.My active directory server doubles as my DNS server. I would like to add an Ubuntu DNS server to the domain. So far, I have installed the server and installed bind9, webmin, and a static IP.However, I'm not sure where to go from there, I would really like to find a way for all of the information on my Windows server to replicate to my Ubuntu server. Is that possible?

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Software :: Create Server Program That Will Stream Contents Of File To Any Client

Apr 26, 2011

I need help to do a program that emulates the following shell command line:"sort </etc/passwd | less".Using a socket in a connection-oriented setup.First the contents of the file /etc/password are being fed into the sort program. The sort program is then sorting the contents of the file and sending it to another programm called less. Less is paging the results so that you can see one page of the results at a time.I know that i can solve the problem this way:

1. Create a server program that will stream the contents of a file to any client that connects to it
2. Create a client application that will connect to the server and download the contents of the file. The program should then sort the file. After sorting the file the client should connect to the "less" program and send the sorted results
3. Create a server program that will listen for connections and download whatever is sent to it. It will then display that data one page at a time.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Create A Seperate X Server On 11.2 Without Editing The Xorg.conf File?

Apr 24, 2010

Is there a way to create a Seperate X Server on openSUSE 11.2 without editing the xorg.conf file? I red on this forum that should not be used any longer.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Reverse Name Resolution Zone File Didn't Create By Default

Oct 19, 2010

I install a Bind 9 with chroot in Centos 5, but the issue is the Reverse Name Resolution Zone File didn't create by default like other zone files, so i look into /var/named directory i don't find the reverse name resolution zone file even if i add this zone on named.conf

zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" IN {
type master;
file "1.168.192.testsip.com.zone";
allow-update { key "rndckey"; };
notify yes;

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Ubuntu Servers :: Create A New Server Package And Leave Minimal Minimal?

Feb 17, 2010

After a long time I tried ubuntu(9.10) again on my fileserver, I have some remarks; why does a minimal server installation include X/openoffice? I don't need document conversion on a fileserver and I bet a lot of people don't. Wouldn't it be better to create a new server package and leave minimal minimal? low memory installs (64mb) don't work unless you configure swap by hand in between things, 64mb ram is a lot in my eyes. I mean, not to be rude but if I wanted all this I could've better installed Solaris.

That said it's stable and running fine. Since it's my home fileserver I tried to convert my previously created raid10 mirror on an adaptec 1200 card to a softraid 5 solution. This is wat I did:


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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Copy File From Server

Jun 10, 2010

Being fairly new to navigating around Linux in a server environment, I simply want to copy a file from the server to a file in my home directory on my laptop. I connected successfully using vpnc and then used ssh to connect to the server. Now, all I want to do is copy a file that I see on the server's home directory to my home directory on my laptop.However, I don't want to use these commands unless I am comfortable with them because the file that I am copying is a big file and I don't want to lose it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Authentication - Set Up A File Server?

Oct 30, 2010

I have set up a Ubuntu server to handle Dan's Guardian for protection of the children. I need next to set up a centralized file server and some kind of authentication method.

We are dual booting the computers just now since we need to use "Rosetta Stone" language software and they will not release a certain plugin for Linux according to our assigned help person. We also use pure Windows XP in some classrooms for now, and will do so until the school's children gets used to Ubuntu.

So, what is the best authentication method for a mixed environment? Where might I find a Ubuntu "howto" on the method?

What is the best way to set up a file server? Howto? Can the box running Dan's Guardian also be the authentication box and file server? (it is our newest box, only 2 years old and has a large hard drive)

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Ubuntu Servers :: File Permissions Server 10.10 ?

Mar 16, 2011

Trying to setup a file server for a small group of users and I am in need of help with file permissions with Ubuntu Server 10.10.

I have a single share mapping (ex /media/hdd1/share1). There are several folders that everyone will need read/write/edit permissions and there will be a few folders that all users will need read permissions and a couple of users will need read/write/edit permissions.

I have tried several things and as long as I create the folders/files through ssh using sudo, the permissions are fine, but when the users create file and folders through their computers (mixture of Windows and Mac) that user becomes the owner and no one else can write or edit those files.

I am using SAMBA and though it was a config issue with that but I logged each user directly into the server with the same issue.

I tried sudo chmod 777 /media/hdd1/share1 but all newly created files have the above issue.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Refuses To Execute A File?

Feb 28, 2010

started setting up my 3rd ubuntu server under the OS of Ubuntu Linux 9.04 64 bit. I have configured the server to allow root access and am using this to execute this file. As you can see from the screenshot of PuTTy, the file exists but is refusing to load up. I am also able to nano the file. I have tried moving the file to /root/ and still had no luck.

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