Fedora Servers :: Create A Backup To A Remote File System?

Jun 26, 2010

Attempting to create a backup script to copy files from one file system to a remote file system.

When I try this I get:


# tar -cf - /mnt/raid_md1 | gzip -c | ssh -i ~/.ssh/key -l user@ "cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz"
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
ssh: Could not resolve hostname cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz: Name or service not known


I know that the remote file system dir is RW and the access is working fine. I am stumped...

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Ubuntu :: Rsnapshot - Automated Data Backup Of Remote File System

Aug 28, 2010

Rsnapshot is a software written in Perl to make backup of local and remote file system. The well proven rsync is behind this utility. rsnapshot does not need root user intervention to restore the data of a normal user. It does not take much space in your Backup server. It can be easily automated (scheduled) to make life easier. Just setup once and forget it configuration. Basically it takes snapshot of file system (or a part of) in regular interval such as hourly, daily, weekly and monthly.

This can be configured easily through a simple text based configuration file. The above task can be setup in a few easy steps in a few minutes. Two major tasks are configuring rsnapshot and openssh automatic login. To make the backup automatically, we need to automate the remote login in a secured way. This can be done through openssh tools. This scenario depicts backup of desktop (assuming that IP address is data to a backup server. My desktop runs on Ubuntu 10.04 and backup server runs on Debian Squeeze. [URL]

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Debian :: Create Full System Backup To ISO / IMG-file

Jan 28, 2014

I would like to create a full systembackup to a ISO/IMG-file. I've been searching and found mondorescue.org, but something is wrong with package for debian 6.

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Fedora Servers :: Create Exact Backup / Copy?

Mar 14, 2011

I want to backup my server that godaddy is hosting and install it on my linux system at home. In other words I want to have a clone of my server at home, like what timemachine does on mac (carries files and programs from one mac to another to make a clone).

How do I do that? I create an image file an iso file? or what? How?

I want to do this incase my server burns up over there. I don't want to reinstall all the programs and do the set ups manually again.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disc Mirroring Between Local And Remote File System

Nov 5, 2010

Is there any software that will do full mirroring between a local and a remote file system. I have a server (9.04) and a laptop (9.10). Each user has shared a shared directory on the server, and on the laptop. Updates to files may be done on either system. I want to keep both copies syncronised. Currently I use a script based on rsync (scheduled by cron) to keep the local and remote copies in sync.

The problem with this approach is that rsync only seems to be able to handle deletion of files if one file system is the master, which is not the case in my set-up. If I move a file to a different directory, rsync will reinstate the old file as well as copying the new one. I was hoping there was some software that could do proper mirroring between the 2 systems, but6 so far I cannot find anything.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dd For Remote Backup / Possible To Use It?

Oct 5, 2010

Is it possible in dd to use it for the output file to be stored at some remote location.
I do not have free space on the LVM partition whose backup I want to have via dd.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Best Way To Remote Backup Of Its Server Disk(mounted)?

Dec 20, 2010

Is possible to backup disk(whole) on remote server which is mounted? If yes how,

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Ubuntu Servers :: Remote Backup Ftp Server With Confidential Data?

Feb 15, 2011

I already have an ubuntu backup server in my location and need this one server to be backed up remotely in another state. this other location is a helpdesk so there's a danger that they can gain access to confidential data. I'll be setting up this new server as an ftp server but need to set the ftp folder to only allow access to the backup server and me. Because its remote on the helpdesk side, they'll need some access to the file system but need to be completely blocked off from the ftp folder where all the data is at. How can I make sure I can keep them away from my data and still be able to retrieve or copy files over without permission issues between both servers?

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Fedora :: Cannot Create Regular File Read Only File System?

Jun 16, 2009

All my torrents go to my home/username/Download/ folder, I could read/write yesterday but now I cant even copy the files to a flash drive.The error i get is "Cannot create regular file '/home/username/Download/file' : Read only file system.

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Debian :: NTFS Backup - Create Ever Expanding (to 320Gb) TAR File That Will Retain All Original File Permissions

Sep 20, 2015

I want to back up an entire Linux system on a 3Tb external Western DIgital USB3 drive.

I do not want to reformat it from what it is, apparemtly NTFS.

Is there a utility that can act like a file manager like mc, that will permit me to create an ever expanding (to 320Gb) TAR file that will retain all the original file permissions. I have had nothing but disappointment with Linux backup utils with a FAT32 external drive, and I am concerned if I just try an tar the entire drive at once, with around 3 million files, I might run out of memory.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Create A File System

Feb 10, 2010

problem that I have in red hat enterprise linux version 5. I intend to create a file system but I'm having troubles because it show me an error after typing the command to create a filesystem:mke2fs �b 4096 /dev/sap (mke2fs �b 4096 /dev/<device>)The error finish with a message: "The device apparently does not exist; did you specify itcorrectly?"
I don�t understand why this happens

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Ubuntu :: Create A Full System Image Backup?

Jul 31, 2011

Well I've decided to move all my data from one VPS to another, and Iwanted to know if there was a way from within Ubuntu to make a full system image backup,ch I can then just transfer to the new Ubuntu VPS, and restore it there ..Unfortunately my VPS control does not have any working backup option right now, so I can only make the backup manually from within Ubuntu, if there is a way to do it

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General :: Create A Backup Schedule For Client Computers And Servers?

Sep 20, 2010

I did a search and came up with many different opinions and suggestions, and I could not find any similar threads for this (if there is I must apoligize in advance and did not look hard enough). I am trying to create a backup schedule for client computers and servers; and I would like your opinion on what I came up with. Here is network infrastrusture setup:

16 client computers
6 serevrs
- Primary and Secondary Web Server (RAID 1)
- Primary and Secondary Domain Controller (RAID 1)
- File/Print Server (RAID 5)
- Backup Server (RAID 1) with USB 2.0 1TB External Drive

Of course I will evetually upgrade to Tape Drives, but I am saving up for that. Anyways I want to backup ALL client computers, Primary Web and DC server, and File/Print Server. This will be done (of course) on the Backup Server) Here is the schedule:


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General :: Create Backup/archive Ubuntu 10.04 System Files?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to create backup/archive my Ubuntu 10.04 system files (so I can restore it in case my system get corrupted). More specifically, I'm trying to zip the important files in my root directory not including my home directory (which includes my documents which I backup separately/more frequently) to an external hard drive attached via USB (called 'My Book').

Since File Roller didn't give me quite the level of control I was looking for, I created a script that I could execute to backup and archive regularly. Here's a snippet:
cd /media/"My Book"/"Linux Backups"
NOW=$(date +"%b-%d-%y")
sudo zip -r -T -v Backup_Root_FileSystem-$NOW / -x /media/'My Book'* /media* /proc* /sys* /mnt* /dev* /cdrom* /home* /'lost+found'* | tee -a $LOGFILE


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Ubuntu :: Backup And Create Restore Images For Operating System.

Aug 17, 2010

I've recently started using Ubuntu as my main desktop operating system and I'm looking for a backup solution that is able to backup not only my documents and various other files that I have on the system, but I also need it to backup and create restore images for the operating system.

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Fedora :: Resizing Partition To Create Another File System On Free Space?

Dec 7, 2009

I have decided that my partition table does not meet my needs Barrymore, and I want to shrink the "/" partition by 80GB, and then create another file system on that space. I did some research on-line, and I'm not sure which way is the easiest and more secure way to perform the change with out putting the "/" file system on risk.

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Debian :: Mdadm Create A Backup File After Grow Command

Feb 27, 2016

I launch a mdadm grow to expand my filesystem but I forget --backup-file.I have my server running and one UPS.

Code: Select allpk25.com:~# mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sde1
mdadm: added /dev/sde1
pk25.com:~# mdadm --grow --raid-devices=5 /dev/md0
mdadm: Need to backup 3072K of critical section..
pk25.com:~# mdadm --grow --raid-devices=5 --backup-file=/root/md0-grow.bak /dev/md0
mdadm: /dev/md0 is performing resync/recovery and cannot be reshaped


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General :: Create A Cron File That Will Regularly Perform A Level 0 Backup Once Per Month?

Mar 3, 2011

How do you create a cron file that will regularly perform a level 0 backup once per month?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Reboot The System With A Linux CD To Do The Backup?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a personal ubuntu server that provides apache, glassfish, firewall, routing, email, CVS, MySQL, etc.... This server has been running for a while with two hard drives configured into a RAID 1 array. The array has two partitions, one for swap and one for the data. I currently back up the data with a removable hard drive. I use dd and create an image of one drive and the MBRs (partition tables) of each drive.In a disaster situation I can use this data to recreate one drive and then re mirror it to the second, or just boot the back up.I like this solution because I can easily recover from bare metal, and the backup is transparent. I can browser it if needed since its an uncompressed image of the drive. The one drawback is that I need to reboot the system with a linux CD to do the backup.

My hard drive space is almost at capacity. So what I want to do is add a third drive to the array and migrate it to RAID 5. However this will cause my current backup method to no longer work. How can I back up this RAID 5 array. I need to back up the entire system, and not just the data. I have made many tweaks to the system over the years that it has been running that I can't lose if a restore is needed. I have seen a large thread here that people have been using tar. My concern with tar is how do you use a tar archive to restore a system to a new array. Im assuming that you would need to setup the array and then just restore the archive? Also, i don't have much faith in using tar on a running system. Doesn't this open yourself up to corrupted backups? My second idea is using rsync. While I consider myself experienced in linux from 10 years of personal and professions use, I have not had much experience with this utility. Would rsync provide a more reliable way to backup a running system that would enable a bare metal restore later? I once read something about people using rsync with hard links to create a backup that could store many incremental backups.My main concern with both rsync and tar is not being able to restore the OS to the state that it was in at the time of the backup.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup System To Hard Drives?

Oct 12, 2010

I currently have an Ubuntu 10.04 Server with 10 2TB hard drives (Hot Swappable). I discovered that having a software raid over 16TB is not supported, so I split the drives into 2 sections and have 2 Software Raid arrays storing my movies, audio, pictures, and other software. The total current usage is around 7TB.
Since backing the files up to DVDs or even BlueRay is laughable, I am going to backup the system to 2TB hard drives probably 4 of them, the problem becomes that I can only hook one backup drive at a time into the system using a hot swap tray. Now I know that I can do this manually by copying the files one at a time to the drive until it is full, switching the drive out and repeating this, but I am hoping for an automated solution, Start backup, plug first drive in, system fills up drive, swap and repeat. Also it would be nice if the system remembered what had already been backed up so when I add files to the system, I only need to attach the last drive and not start the process over.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Web Addresses Of Apache For Backup System?

Dec 12, 2010

I have tried several places for help but I am getting no where...Here is my background.I have spent all weekend to replicate my development server back at home. I have an Apache remote server with 3 IP based virtual hosts pointing to


Now I have been able to set up a VM on my desktop, installed the OS, the applications, the db server, apache etc. Everything is looking good so far. So right now I have,


So when I go to, I go to [URL] so I guess apache is working aswell.What I want to do is, instead of going to [URL] I want to change it to another address such as a.me.add1How can I do this? I am looking through the virtual hosts section, I have changed server name entry etc but its not working.Can you tell me in big picture what I would need to do to set that up? My current set up doesnt really help me much once the site get the www address.tell me if Document Root of IP address points to [URL] will it always resolve into that webaddress. That is if I enter the browser will redirect it to [URL].

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Fedora :: 12 Create Backup Of Current OS ?

Dec 8, 2009

I have installed Fedora 12 and am running it successfully. I have made a few stupid mistakes a couple of times and have had to start from scratch with a complete OS reinstall on a few occassions. I am happy with my current setup and am wondering is it possible for me to create a Live CD that has my exact configuration so that If I make a mess again, I can just stick in my backup DVD/CD's and roll back to my happy (Known to ne Working) sate. Something like System restore on Windows...... Is this possible?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup Including System Files - Boot From Live Cd?

Apr 22, 2010

I am researching how to make an effective backup on Ubuntu Server. This server will have Vsftp, VPN, Samba stuff , many other added packages +many printers, many users + data. I know I can use tar for the data /u no problem. 1. I was testing tar on the /home directory on a few user directories. I then created a new directory and did a restore of the users directories on it. I noticed the /home/user owner and group were root. The files in each directory remained the same. This gave me concern. If I had a crash and had to restore these to a new HD. I would have to change these, what else would I need to change? 2. Since I have many config files, how do I back up them? I know I can do a dump, but then users shouldn't be on the system. The system files will change as they add users, printers, etc, and asking users to not work, is not really an option while dump is running. I thought I could do a tar on whole system. (cron late at night .. not as many users) Then in event of crash of HD.

1. Boot from live cd
2. format the new drive
3. tar back in the whole system

Will this work right? Is there something I am missing?

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Ubuntu :: Backup File System By Copying It?

Jul 3, 2010

basically want i want to do is copy my whole file system to a different hard drive, then reconfigure my partitions and copy it back. then reconfigure grub.

the reason i want to do this is when on dual boot i gave it only 70gb of space and now i want to add 300 more. and since the 300gb of space is a primary partition and this is a secondary i cant extend them or combine them.

so what i want to do is. sudo cp -rP / /home/me/sshfs-folder

also i have raid 0

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General :: How To Get Backup And Restore For F12 File System

Apr 13, 2010

O/S: Fedora 12
I am newbie in linux. What I want to do is: Make backup for my file system, cos I learn how to configure servers. So if I made some thing wrong, I want to be able to restore the default setting for my files. Instated of install new O/S.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Create A Backup Of Centos 5 Server?

Apr 21, 2010

Have been playing with Centos 5 and finally got it installed and have done most of the updates. Before I proceed much further it would be nice if I could create a backup/install disc of how it is now. No Data,just the setup and software used etc.Have a dvd rw on the server.I recall mondo rescue installed years ago on a linux server we used.

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Debian :: Best File System For Backup / Media Drive?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm setting up a Backup & Media server, which will be running debian. I will setup a small HD or SSD/CF card for the OS, and a MD raid for the data drives.The total size of the raid will be either 3 or 4TB, depending. Now, I need to figure out what filesystem to use on top of this raid.My criteria is as follows:

1. Support for large files. I can't imagine anything larger than about 1.2TB, but the 4GB of, say, fat32 just isn't enough.

2. Robust. I don't want it falling apart on me; nothing too unstable.

3. (and this is most important): Good Undelete support. I got burned recently when a software glitch managed to rm -rf my EXT4 drive. All the file data is still there, but all the metadata is gone. I *DO NOT* want that happening with this. I want to be able to do a "RM / -RF", immediately unmount it, and then recover *all* of the deleted data. Obviously, when data is overwritten it's overwritten, but I don't want to lose all my metadata if a "RM -RF" happens. FAT-32 is the model I'm looking at: You can usually recover deleted files if anything happens to the drive.

So, what are my options?EXT2 looks like a possibility. EX4 is *clear out*, unless there's some nice utility/mode that keeps a backup of all deleted metadata etc.

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Ubuntu :: File System Recommendation - Backup Volume

May 2, 2011

System76 laptop, 10.04, 320GB HDD, VMware with Win7 in one VM; want to use Clonezilla as am using it to back up (bare metal backup image) another older smaller dual-boot Ubuntu/XP machine. This System76 laptop is a work machine that I control; the Win7 VM only does a couple of things but they're necessary for work and I don't want to lose the configuration. The reason for the bare metal backup is so if I have to, I can restore and get back to work - something I've had to do on some previous occasions back when I used Windows. Data is no problem - I back that up separately on an hourly basis.

My question is what FS to use on the backup drive; for instance, for the dual-boot XP/Linux work machine I'm currently backing up, I'm using a 30GB external HDD formatted in FAT32. That's OK because 30GB is below the limit for FAT32. But for the newer laptop I'll need a much bigger backup partition. I chose FAT32 for the old one because I know everything on the computer being backed up, Windows & Linux both, is compatible with it. But what FS should I use to back up the new laptop, considering that I'll be backing up the Win7 VM as well as the main Linux part of the machine? I plan to use a backup partition of about 160GB. Could I format it NTFS and have it work with Ubuntu 10.04? Or, conversely, if I format it EXT, will it back up the Win7 VM OK?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Create Trashing Info File: Read-only File System

Jul 21, 2010

I plugged in my USb drive into my computer yesterday and tried to delete a folder. I was unable to do so and got the following message

Cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately? The file "my file" cannot be moved to the trash. Show Details Unable to create trashing info file: Read-only file system

So when I click on delete I get another error message:

Error while deleting.
There was an error deleting Case Study Database. Show Details Error removing file: Read-only file system

At this point I can only click on Skip, Skip All, or Cancel.

I have not changed anything on the stick recently so I dont know what is causing the problem.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup MySQL To A Date Named File?

Sep 23, 2010

I am manually backing up my server now with mysqldump and that works but I was wondering about mechanizing the process.

Nirvana would be to dump to a file named with the date

This way I have backups going back over time

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