Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Not Bringing Up Console?

Aug 7, 2011

I'm having an issue with Ubuntu 10.04 server, where it is not bringing up a console on the local machine.

The only display on the local screen (and in /var/log/boot.log) is:

fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
/dev/sda1: clean, 100725/2342912 files, 781590/9357824 blocks
init: ureadahead-other main process (595) terminated with status 4

Hitting <alt>-<f[anything]> just brings up a blank screen with a single flashing cursor, and no login prompt.

The ureadahead message sounds like the classic Windows error: "The operation could not be completed because of the following error: The operation completed successfully." So ureadahead isn't the problem.

Also... ssh works, but other services (apache, mysql, smbd, nfs-kernel-server, etc) need to be started manually.

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Installation :: Bringing Ubuntu Into Network And Thus Online

Jul 31, 2010

I have an old computer with 128 megs of memory and one hard drive of 120 gigs. I have gone back and forth between installing Ubuntu and Puppy. Right now, despite advice against it because of the limited memory, I am thinking of sticking with Ubuntu. Puppy has some problems but that is not what I want to address right now. What I want to ask about in this discussion thread is how to get Ubuntu onto the Internet.

I think I get it, but I want to be sure. There is a menu option called "Network Connections" and it opens a window that has several tabs. Since I have a wired connection, I click on the "Wired" tab where it shows my connection in a list box. When I click on Edit it opens another window that displays a MAC address and there is an "Apply" button. When I click on this, there is an Authenticate window that opens up and it prompts me for a password. Is this password that it is asking for the same thing as the password that my router uses?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Disable Console Screen Shutoff

Mar 6, 2010

I have my headless server, and just plugged a spare monitor into it, opened up screen, ran htop on it, so I can see the system status, but the screen keeps shutting off after so long. The only way to "wake it up", is to use a local keypress (which means I have to hook a keyboard back up to it). I have already tried 'setterm -powersave off -powerdown 0', but it didn't affect it any. Is there any way to disable this powersaving mode?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Starting GUI Desktop In Serial Console?

Feb 23, 2011

I have installed KDE and all the software for it to run on my server through the serial console but when I go and run "startx" I get the following and KDE doesn't start running.

root@u15434060:~# startx
X.Org X Server 1.7.6
Release Date: 2010-03-17
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.24-28-server x86_64 Ubuntu


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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Console Output Over A Serial - COM - Port?

May 28, 2011

Is there a way to get console output over a serial (COM) port? I have a box that I use as a NAS, DNS, DHCP and mt-daapd server, I don't have a spare monitor and it is not worth buying one just to use it once or twice a year.

I found this guide [url] but it doesn't work with Natty

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Fedora Servers :: RDP As Console Session?

Aug 29, 2011

I have RDP working fine on my machine, however when I am signed in locally to the machine, I get the "console" session, which is fine, but when I want to RDP from another machine, I am put into a separate session, instead of "taking over" the console session.Is there a way to do this, similar to how RDP works on a windows machine?I have tried running the mstsc /console command, but I still get stuck into a non-console session.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Disable GUI Console On 10.04 - Get Traditional Messages When Booting?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to know if there is a way to disable the GUI console on 10.04 Server I want the traditional pure text console ... no plymouth, no plymouth-theme, just 80x24 console. Another question, Is there a way to get those traditional messages when booting? Like 8.04 Server does?


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Ubuntu Servers :: Connect To Serial Console And Check It Remotely?

Jan 18, 2011

I am trying to connect to serial console, local one, just to verify than it works, is is possible?Well, I configure serial console


# ttyS0 - getty
# This service maintains a getty on ttyS0 from the point the system is
# started until it is shut down again.


It is started, now I am trying to connect to the console via minicom, is it possible from machine where the console is running?If not, how could I check it remotely?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Find The List Of CLI / Console Commands For Deluge

Jun 27, 2011

I for the life of me can not find the list of CLI/console commands for Deluge. I'm trying to at least find the command to change global download speed.

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General :: Bringing Up Oracle XE Listeners

Oct 23, 2010

Instead of using sudo to start the listener, first use su - oracle, then start the listener.

su - oracle
password: oracle
lsnrctl start LISTENER
lsnrctl status

I was then able to bring up the Oracle home page a few minutes later with: [URL]

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General :: Bringing Pages For A Particular Process Out Of Swap?

May 21, 2010

I'd like to know if it's possible to bring pages from a particular process into main memory, or to set parameters for a given process, or class of process so that it will not be swapped out.

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Hardware :: Bringing Power Down On Home Server?

Sep 19, 2010

I just got my electricity bill for July & August and noticed a dramatic increase in my consumption. Basically, the amount of electricity has almost doubled (from 433 to 748kWh) and the increase happens mainly between 5pm and 11pm, as well as during weekends... I did not have to search for too long before I pointed out the issue... My new home server. It is configured to auto WOL at 5PM and auto shutdown (Cron) at 11PM. It also runs 24h/day on weekends...

Here's the server's config:

MSI Platinum K9N mobo
AMD Athlon64 CPU
1GB DDR2 Ram (2X 512MB)


Everything else is only "run-on-demand" or scripts... I am searching for suggestions on how to minimize the power requirements. The video card is going to be replaced soon, by a standard PCI 4MB videocard. Next I will get rid of the 80GB & 750GB HDD's to be replaced by a 1.5TB HDD...

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Slackware :: Wicd No Longer Bringing Up Wlan0?

Jan 15, 2011

I have recently started using this laptop as a host for tinkering with vmware. I have wicd installed on it, which normally brings up wlan0 and connects to the nearest configured wireless lan automatically.

Vmware has installed another, virtual, NIC on the host, called vmnet8. I configured it in /rc.d/rc.inet1.conf with a static IP.

Now when I boot up the laptop vmnet8 starts up and running and correctly configured, but wlan0 doesn't. I have the wicd icon in my systray but it doesn't find a network, even when i click on it and refresh etc. I have to open a terminal and "ifconfig wlan0 up" in order to get the NIC up. Then wicd works fine.

Networking configuration in Slackware looks like a bit of a nightmare frankly (why i usually use wicd!) so I thought i'd ask you chaps before messing about too much.

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Fedora Servers :: Idm-console Login Connection Reset

Jan 23, 2009

I am trying to get fedora-ds running on a machine. I can't log onto the console at all. If I use the command line below the log shows multiple instances on the following lines. fedora-idm-console -D 9 -x nologo


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Ubuntu Servers :: Blinking Cursor On Console Can't Login But Ssh Works And System Is Running?

May 23, 2011

I built a 11.04 server system in vmware workstation a few days ago, set it up for something and now I have a strange problem. It boots without problem. I can login via ssh, the services run and everything is OK from the outside. But on the console there's just a fast blinking cursor on the screen, no login or anything to that affect. Just blank and a blinking cursor.

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Debian Configuration :: Bringing Up Wireless Interfaces At Boot Also

May 11, 2010

My new Squeeze machine detects all of my hardware including the LAN and WLAN cards, but only brings up the LAN card. There isn't even an entry for it in /etc/network/interfaces for me to modify. I tried adding the info manually but then the entire network wouldn't start. I had it configured as a static IP and I know the commands were correct due to them working on the LAN card. I believe that the name "wlan0" was causing the problem, but how else can I bring it up at boot?

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Fedora :: Bringing Up Wlan Interfaces Failes On Boot?

Sep 27, 2009

Recently (I can't put an exact date on it but its been within the last few weeks) on boot I've had to wait two or three minutes for my system to bring up my network interface, in a way its never done before...The output of /var/log/boot.log is as follows:

Welcome to Fedora
Press 'I' to enter interactive startup.


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Networking :: Will Bringing Down Loopback Interface Make Whole Server To Go Down?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a client's linux server where someone added a script which sends spam mails from the server's local loopback address ( all my seniors worked on it and couldn't trace the script on the server this issue was going for a week, now I have an idea to bring down the loopback interface of that particular server(ya, that was not a permanent solution but just had an idea), but my support manager told that it will bring the whole server down(so far as i have learn't loopback address is used only for testing the NIC card's functionality), is that really bring the server down.?. How ever i tried this using a test machine all the connections works fine even after i bring down the loopback interface. As my client's server is a production server i can't test it there without clear knowledge, can any one help me out whether will it bring down the server or will it cause any side effects on it(i know that you guys are experts so i am asking it here)?

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General :: Booting (system Hangs For 2 + Mins When Bringing Up The HDD)?

Mar 15, 2010

I have never had this problem before but when i boot the system hangs for about 2 mins when brining up my harddrive I am using scsi disk support and the newer ATA driver for my Harddrive (the same as ive always used but for some reason the system just hangs for like 2 mins then boots normally

this is somthing that urks me and i know im missing somthing the platform is a hp nc8230 notebook please request any information or how to provide it as i am new to linux (kinda) but for the life of me i can't figure this one out


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Server :: Using Amavisd With Postfix - Bringing Up A Temporary Failure

Jun 22, 2011

I am running or was running a mail server. It used the titles service to scan emails but keeps bringing up a temporary failure right. But when I run the command 'amavisd' It brings up this error here:


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Ubuntu Security :: Prevent Fork Bombs From Bringing The System To Grinding Halt?

Mar 18, 2011

So I am basically just curious about this, but is there a way to prevent fork bombs from bringing the system to grinding halt in Ubuntu, without setting hard limits on the resources available to users? I read about fork bombs on Wikipedia, and being the masochist I am (and not having any unsaved work), I tried entering those 13 characters into terminal. Wow. I have never seen a computer freeze up so fast.What really peaked my curiosity is that the same fork bomb has almost no effect on the performance of Mac OSX (10.6). I know that one can limit the availability of resources to specific users. Is that essentially what Snow Leopard is doing?

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Debian :: Boot Directly To Desktop Without Bringing Up Login Screen?

Mar 30, 2011

How can I boot Debian 6 directly into the desktop without bringing up the login screen or login password?

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Slackware :: High HD Activity Bringing System To Crawl When Browser Is Open

Apr 24, 2010

I'm running Slackware 13 with a custom kernel based off of I tend to leave my system on 24/7, as well as my web browser. Originally it was Firefox and now it is Google's Chrome. Usually about a day of leaving the web browser open my HD activity spikes so high that I can barely do anything on the system until I kill the web browser. This has been happening with both Firefox AND Chrome! As soon as the browser processes are killed, the system returns back to normal.

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Software :: Start A Program From Tty1 Console To Be Executed In Tty2 Console?

Sep 8, 2010

How can I start a program from tty1 console text mode to be executed in tty2 console text mode? Actualy I would like to start a program (chat client cli program) in tty8 automaticaly when linux PC boots.

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Ubuntu Servers :: "Multiple Terminals" On The Server's Console Screen?

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to learn to set up code and web hosting etc and learn about server admin so I've been resisting the urge to install a gui. However, I would like to know if there is some way to make the console (I think that's what its called - basically its like a single terminal window) have two "multiple terminals" similar to how I can open multiple terminals in the desktop version?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Kernel Rpm Install After Error "Bringing Up Interface Eth0: Device Eth0 Has Different MAC Address Than Expected, Ignoring"

Dec 26, 2010

i install kernel rpm after i boot that kernel network not working kernel name : kernel-rt-trace- [URL] error "Bringing up interface eth0: Device eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring."

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Run Binaries From Console

May 24, 2010

After upgrading to Lucid I can compile but not run binaries from the console. I have build-essentials installed. When I try to run a compiled program I get this error:
bash: .: ./main: cannot execute binary file

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Ubuntu :: Logoff From DE From Console?

May 10, 2011

Sometimes my Ubuntu keeps hanging when Unity crashes, or due to some other reason.
Logging out and logging in again seems to solve this problem, but sometimes I cannot even access the terminal from the Desktop.
Is there any command that I can use from the console so that my session at the desktop environment ends and I log out?
I already tried gnome-session-save --logout but it doesn't work

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Console / Where To Get That?

Jun 18, 2011

I have just got my lovely new installation of ubuntu up and running. First cab off the rank I updated before anything else. This is really embarrassing, but I cant find a console to make a few adjustments.

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Software :: Get C++ Console In Ubuntu 9.10?

Mar 25, 2010

I have to do the c++ programs .in window it is quite simple to get c++ console where we can easily write c++ program ,compile and execute it..but in ubuntu i dont know how to get c++ console pls help me for this... so that i can get same console as in window ,,, is there any package to installed for it or anything else

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