Ubuntu :: Send Audio Over Ssh?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a puny netbook (deimos) and a more powerful desktop machine (phobos). Sometimes I want to watch a video file on deimos; but it's so puny, the video won't play properly, lagging behind the audio or skipping frames.

A solution I have hit on is to use ssh -X, to use phobos's more powerful guts to send the video over to deimos. This works, except for one annoying problem: the video is coming over just fine, but the audio is played on phobos's loudspeakers, not on deimos's speakers.

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General :: Windows - Send The Same Audio Output To Two Audio Devices?

Aug 23, 2010

Say I have 2 speakers connected to 2 different sound cards. Under Windows, is it possible to have some sort of virtual device that would forward an audio stream to both sound cards? If this can't be easily done under Windows, a solution for Linux is also fine. lternatively, if the 2 speakers are connected to different channels of a sound card, is there any vendor-independent way to duplicate audio to both channels?

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Slackware :: Send Audio Over Network

Jun 24, 2011

I have a laptop that I want to connect to my stereo via USB, and I want the other computers on my network to be able to send sound to it somewhat transparently. By "transparently" I mean that I want to be able to send literally any audio that would go through my local speakers to the stereo via the network. As far as I know, PulseAudio can do this without rebuilding any multimedia packages. No one really has anything good to say about PulseAudio, though.

As of now I'm ready to wipe the laptop (Pentium 4) and put pretty much anything (*nix) on it. I know PulseAudio is pretty easy to get running on *buntu, so I might end up doing that. I just want to be able to turn on the laptop and connect the stereo (in any order) and without doing anything else, have it ready to go on the network. Of course, I'm willing to put in some work to get it running. I prefer Slackware and FreeBSD, but the machine will literally just be there to send sound to the stereo.

Someone on forums.freebsd.org suggested NAS as a solution to a similar problem; however, I can't find anything useful regarding how to configure it, troubleshoot it, etc. I've only found random threads on the web by people who know how to use it or by people who can't find any resources for it.

Anyway, I'll be busy setting up PulseAudio to see how that works out. I can always wipe the laptop later, and I have a Kubuntu boot on my main laptop that I don't really care about.

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Ubuntu :: Get Video From Ip Camera (RTSP) And Audio From Netbook Microphone And Send To Rtmp

Aug 16, 2011

I need get video from ip camera (RTSP) and audio from netbook microphone and send to rtmp:// ffmpeg -an -i rtsp://[...] -f alsa -ac 2 -ab 96K -ar 44100 -i hw:0,0 -f flv "rtmp://[...]" It'is not work! Audio get from ip camera If i get only microphone � sound work! ffmpeg -ac 2 -ab 96K -ar 44100 -i hw:0,0 -f flv "rtmp://[...]"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Alternate Sound Configuration - Computer Send The Audio Out The USB Cable To The Device?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a Dell Inspirion 5150. The onboard sound card was blown 3 years ago. OS is Ubuntu 8.10. I am also a HAM radio operator and use the computer for digital modes using a USB device that acts as an external sound card modem for me.

The program that I use for that is fldigi. The device is Signalink USB by Tigertronics. the device has the ability to have speakers plugged in to it. Question: Is there a way to have the computer send the audio out the USB cable to the device?

I have looked at my sound settings and there are USB devices but none of them are the one(s) that I use with my Signalink device. If it can't be done, no worries -- have not really needed it so far. Just something nice to have.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Configure Suse To Send Audio To A Receiver In Some Cases?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm been struggling to find a way to configure suse to send audio to a receiver in some cases. Details: - Did a fresh install - Using an old SoundBlaster card (which worked in my previous version of openSuse) - I do have digital out, but only for Amarok (start menu -> configure desktop -> multimedia -> prefer "SB Live! Platinum [CT4760P], Multichannel Capture/PT Playback (IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output") and Kaffeine (.kde4/share/apps/kaffeine/xine-config -> set "audio.output.speaker_arrangement:Pass Through").
- I have analog sound on firefox and "test volume" on Administrator Settings -> Sound, but just can't find a way to configure those to digital passthrough (tried to copy "audio.output.speaker_arrangement:Pass Through" to .config/kde.org/Phonon-Xine.xine.conf but didn't work)


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Fedora :: Sendmail - Setup To Send / Send Emails With It?

Aug 17, 2011

I'm writing a script that will send an alert email given certain conditions. I have the impression that sendmail is what I need to do that. I just don't know how to use sendmail at all. I assume I have to set it up like a typical mail client so that it has a mail server to log into to send from.

I've looked through the man pages, but I can't find anything in plain English there on how to set it up, or how to use it once it is set up.

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General :: Send The Output Of Send Command To A File?

Jan 20, 2011

in the middle of script, i need to send the output of (send command on line 8) to a file

spawn telnet
expect "ENTER USERNAM <"


i treid the below on line 8 :

1- send "show command;

" > logfile.txt : gives an error extra character after the "

2- logsave logfile.txt 'send "show command;

" ': error invalid command

3- i simply tried to send the output of the whole script to file logsave /home/logfile ./script : seems that logsave work under root only

4- ./script > logfile : the problem with this is that the output of echo or (read "enter your id") command will not be displayed on the screen (actually nothing will be displayed, i have to open the log file to see the output). is there any way to save the log of the "send" ? or to save the log of the complete script without hiding the output on the screen?

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Server :: How Long Normaly Keep The Mail Server Send Mails On The Outbox Queue And Try To Send

Apr 8, 2010

How long normaly keep the mail server send mails on the outbox queue and try to send? What about hotmail, gmx and gmail mail server?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gtk-RecordMyDesktop - Capture On-screen Audio And My Webcam Audio At The Same Time

Jan 10, 2011

How I would capture on-screen audio AND my webcam audio at the same time.(My webcam seems to rely on pulse).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error - Audio Codec Missing And Doesn't Play The Audio

Jan 30, 2011

I want to listen to this audio file: [URL] but my real player gold desn play it, it says that there is a codec 28_8 missing, I go to relaplayer page, download the last release available for linux systems, but the message is the same : audio codec missing and doesn't play the audio.

I havev tried to play the audio with smplayer (not luck), vlc can play the audio but the pause button doesn't work so I have to listen the entire audio all the time I stop it playing. Is there any audio player capable od reproducing in the proper way this audio in ubuntu? No one of my video players totem, smplayer, realplayer or vlc are capable of playing this video: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Streaming Audio - Capture Outgoing Audio On Windows Computer - Stream It Across Wifi To Netbook

Sep 20, 2010

I am fed up of listening to my (Windows XP) gaming computer through headphones so I want to get it hooked to the stereo.

Rather than use a heck of a lot of wire, I can sit my Ubuntu 9.10 netbook on top of the stereo and stream the audio across WiFi.

So, ideally what I am after is something to capture the outgoing audio on the Windows computer, stream it across the wifi to the Ubuntu netbook and finally play it through the speakers.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ripping Audio CDs Besides Rhythymbox And Audio CD Extractor?

Apr 9, 2011

What is available for ripping audio CDs besides Rhythymbox and Audio CD Extractor?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Why Alsamixer Recognize Default Audio Device As HDA Intel Not USB Audio

Aug 7, 2009

I have behringer UCA202 usb card, after plug to usb, it just works , I have only small problem with alsamixer, which still shows by default my integrated HDA Intel, I could switch it by F6 or by alsamixer -c 1no problem, but I expect that default card is now plugged "USB audio", so why alsamixer recognize default audio device as HDA intel and not a USB Audio ?anyone who has two or more sound cards with the same issue ?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.1 Updates To Pulse Audio In Gnome Improve Audio Functionality ?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm thinking of installing openSUSE-11.1 Gnome on a Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo 7400M laptop because the wireless in Gnome is much more user friendly than KDE3/KDE4 in openSUSE-11.1. The idea is to give this laptop to my 84-year old mother and things need to 'just work' for her (she currently has a desktop running openSUSE-11.1 KDE3 that uses a WIRED interface to the web).

I refuse to update this laptop to openSUSE-11.2 nor 11.3 (nor other recent distributions) because every kernel update after the 2.6.27 kernel has broken the Intel i855GM graphics drivers for that laptop. There are many bug reports and none have fixed the problem for this Fujitsu-Siemens implementation of the i855GM graphics.

Hence I am looking at Gnome.

I booted the laptop to a Gnome openSUSE-11.1 liveCD and wireless is easy and works great. But audio is very very VERY bad. It is incredibly user unfriendly and it does NOT work well. I assume that is because pulse audio in openSUSE-11.1 was very immature.

I note these updated packages in the openSUSE-11.1 update repository:


So my question is, did the updates to pulse audio (in the openSUSE-11.1 update repository) fix the pulse audio situation? Are there ANY helpful views on this?

Currently my wife is using this laptop with KDE-4.4.4 (and openSUSE-11.1) so I can't just install Gnome and play with it without taking the laptop away from her for a while (note the hard drive is too small for a dual boot of KDE/Gnome).

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General :: Unable To Listen To Any Audio File Due To Lack Of Corresponding Audio Driver Programs

May 10, 2011

I have been using windows operating system for a long time now, but I am not well familiar with linux. Whenever I used to install Windows, I used to install the corresponding audio drivers(in order to listen to the music). The problem I am facing is that I do not know how to install the audio drivers(if they really exist in linux Mint 10 operating system). As a result I am not able to listen to any audio file due to lack of corresponding audio driver programs. make proper configurations settings so that I can listen to audio files in Linux Mint version 10.

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Fedora :: Getting The Pulse Audio Server To Find The Hw0 With The Common M-audio 24/96 Audiophile

Nov 18, 2009

I am having trouble getting the pulse audio server to find the hw0 with the common m-audio 24/96 audiophile. This card worked with previous versions of all forms of pulse but seems to bork on the HW0 function for audio out...which is a stereo analogue simple output. Audacity sees the HW functions but pulse does not! Here is a screen shot of the pulse crap. And another screen shot of what the real card at "alsamixer -c 0" sees. There is no dac or adc detected or configured with pulse. This does not make any sense as alsa and alsamixer has all the correct device controls available to any other software that uses the ice1712 driver.

I am using Fedora 12 amd 64 as a live usb on a 16 gig stick and want to be able to record and mix audio on to HD with my reliable high end m-audio pci sound card without having to mess with the pulse crap or having to install a full HD option. BTW in the pulse sound configuration gui dropdown list there is no indication of HW0 and the only devices that are available in pulse are digital outs.....go figure, so essentially I can see all the correct connections and use programs that access alsa directly eg: audacity but have no sound through the crappy and ever borked pulse audio server! Any suggestions as to how to remove all the pulse stuff that comes with most distros that use gnome? I have done this deed before with Ubuntu but do no know how to do the deed with an rpm based system. If I install a non pulse version of xmms and let it use jackd then I should have reliable sound for cd audio etc and should be able to configure VLC, Ardour and Nted well without pulse getting in on the action and screwing up my sound.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Choppy - Can't Play Any Audio With Amarok When Desktop Effects Are Enabled

Jun 7, 2011

to start off, i'll post the specs of the machine:

dell inspiron e1505
3.2 gb ram
1.86 ghz intel core duo
ati x1400 gfx
opensuse 11.4 kde 32 bit.

okay, here are the details: can't play any audio with amarok when desktop effects are enabled because the minute a window is moved, it will distort the audio. even when disabling desktop effects, some applications still cause this. can't play videos videos even with desktop effects disabled because of the same reason.

i just switched from ubuntu and when i ran version 11.04, i had to disable kms to do anything. i tried on opensuse 11.4 and the audio was flawless but the gfx went all to hell.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: M-Audio Delta 66 And ATI HD Audio?

Jun 1, 2010

I am having some issues with getting Ubuntu Studio 10.04 to work correctly on my system. Everything works fine except sound. I have a M-Audio Delta 66 audio interface and my onboard sound is disabled. When I run the command alsaconf I can see the ICE1712 card without issue. However when I run alsamixer the only option it is giving me is my HD sound from my ATI video card. For some reason it seems the ATI card has locked the audio to it with no way to remove it. I have reinstalled the alsa drivers for my card and can only see it through alsaconf. When I tell alsaconf to configure the ICE1712 card it says it configured it properly.When I run the command envy24control it says no ICE1712 cards were found.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flv Video + Audio To Ogg Audio Only?

Dec 22, 2010

Is there an application that anyone knows about that I can use to convert either an .flv or .ogg file that contains both audio and video to just an audio .ogg file (preferably vorbis+theora) without audacity? I'm fairly certain audacity could accomplish this but it seems like overkill for what I'm trying to do and the computer I'm trying to use does not run it so well.

::EDIT:: I should also mention that I've tried looking on google. I did find downloadhelper extension for firefox which uses ffmpeg to convert the files but I don't see any obvious way to strip the video.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 2 Audio Cards - How To Redirect Audio Streams

Feb 7, 2010

on my PC I have 2 sound drivers, one from the mainboard (AC97) and one PCI card (ES1969). Because the mainboard sound path did not recording, I installed the PCI sound card and with 11.1, I managed it to play and record all audio data. With 11.2 the PCI sound path plays the system sounds (suse start-up or shut-down sounds) but not the streaming audio data (skype, flash player). But these are played by the mainboard audio instead. The audio-tests from yast->hardware->sound work for both paths. How should I configure the system to redirect the audio streams to the desired (PCI) audio path? The PCI audio is set as primary sound card and is not muted.

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Fedora :: Audio In - Audio Out Passthrough - Manage The Volume ?

May 18, 2011

The workstation is running FC14.

I have the audio out of the media machine passed into the line in on my workstation. It's just handly to have the audio pass in this way so that i can manage the volume or headphones or whatever from one machine.

This worked, and worked well, for a very long time. I recently reinstalled the workstion, FC14 still. After the reinstall, my passthrough doesn't work.

If i start up some media on the media machine, and then open up the volume control on the workstation, i can see the volume meter moving along with the audio, but nothing plays out of my speakers.

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General :: Audio Card - Unable To Get Streaming Audio

Oct 29, 2010

i have opensuse 11.3 (64-bit) installed. kde version. my sound card is a creative labs sound blaster x-fi xtreme audio, pcie interface. i am able to listen to cd music without any problems but i am unable to get streaming audio when i visit any internet radio site, videos, yahoo!tv, etc. etc. for instance, when i visit videos, the video part is ok but i cannot hear anything through the speakers. something similar happens when for instance i go to [url] and select any of the music channels. a new window pops up but the music never even starts to stream.

i know for a fact that both sound card and speakers work fine because i've tested them with windows xp. so there must be some setting in opensuse that i've missed. the weird part is that i can listen to music cds without any problems...

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Fedora Hardware :: Audio Devices Gone - No Audio With F12

Apr 3, 2010

Right after I installed F12 on my desktop (using KDE), System Settings showed 4-5 audio devices.

At the beginning, sound wasn't working, so I promoted the Intel audio device to the top of the list and then I got audio.

Next login, the system complained that there were unmanaged audio devices and I chose to keep the configuration (or something like that...).

However, now only the "Internal Audio Analog Stereo" device is listed and I have no sound again

I also tried to promote the GStreamer backend over Xine, without luck.

Here are some specs:

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use In Kubuntu 9.10 Audio Codec - <voxware Metasound Audio Codec>?

Jan 26, 2010

how I can use in my Kubuntu 9.10, audio codec - <voxware metasound audio codec>? P.S. Sorry for my bad english. I look forward to an answer,

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Route Audio Out Into Audio Into Microphone Or A Virtual Microphone

Sep 29, 2010

I"m running an online radio station and would like to run my headphone audio into my microphone or a virtual microphone, either way, I would like my audience to hear what I hear without having to hold the Mic to the speakers.

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Software :: Lmms - No Audio-driver Working - Falling Back To Dummy-audio-driver?

Jan 18, 2009

In lmms there is no sound and it says:

No audio-driver working - falling back to dummy-audio-driver

in the command prompt. Sound works everywhere else just not lmms.

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Software :: Setting Up A Church Server - What Software Is Best For Recording The Audio Or Audio-video Files

Jun 12, 2010

Setting up a linux based church server to be placed with a collocation host.

-- Server will be used for:
--- providing .pdf files
--- live streaming of church services (audio for now audio video soon)
--- providing audio files
--- providing audio-video files
--- our internet web site

A. Is there a preferred Linux distribution that will make this easier?

B. What is the best format for audio and video files that will be viewed variously on Linux, Mac, and Microsoft operating systems? Files will need to be played on older versions of operating systems and may need a free or very low cost software to play (e.g. play on Win2k)

C. What software is best for recording the audio or audio-video files? Some additional funding might be justified for this software, particularly if it can also support live streaming.

D. What software is best for live streaming both on the file creation and the listening-viewing sides of the process?

Ideally we would like to have a single software suite to live stream, and make downloadable audio or audio-video files for later download, and not require those listening and viewing to have to install additional software. Keeping file sizes small is also desirable because some of our users will probably only have dial-up internet.

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Ubuntu :: How To Send A Big .PDF File

Feb 27, 2010

I'm trying to send a .pdf file but before it completes sending I get an error "The server responded: 5.2.0 message size exceeds fixed maximum message size: 15728640 bytes E9210. Please check the message and try again."

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Ubuntu :: How To Send A FAX With Xsane Image

Jan 7, 2010

I want to send a fax using xsane image scanning program.I've captured the image of the document I want to fax , but I just don't see any option to fax it.

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