Slackware :: Send Audio Over Network

Jun 24, 2011

I have a laptop that I want to connect to my stereo via USB, and I want the other computers on my network to be able to send sound to it somewhat transparently. By "transparently" I mean that I want to be able to send literally any audio that would go through my local speakers to the stereo via the network. As far as I know, PulseAudio can do this without rebuilding any multimedia packages. No one really has anything good to say about PulseAudio, though.

As of now I'm ready to wipe the laptop (Pentium 4) and put pretty much anything (*nix) on it. I know PulseAudio is pretty easy to get running on *buntu, so I might end up doing that. I just want to be able to turn on the laptop and connect the stereo (in any order) and without doing anything else, have it ready to go on the network. Of course, I'm willing to put in some work to get it running. I prefer Slackware and FreeBSD, but the machine will literally just be there to send sound to the stereo.

Someone on suggested NAS as a solution to a similar problem; however, I can't find anything useful regarding how to configure it, troubleshoot it, etc. I've only found random threads on the web by people who know how to use it or by people who can't find any resources for it.

Anyway, I'll be busy setting up PulseAudio to see how that works out. I can always wipe the laptop later, and I have a Kubuntu boot on my main laptop that I don't really care about.

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General :: Windows - Send The Same Audio Output To Two Audio Devices?

Aug 23, 2010

Say I have 2 speakers connected to 2 different sound cards. Under Windows, is it possible to have some sort of virtual device that would forward an audio stream to both sound cards? If this can't be easily done under Windows, a solution for Linux is also fine. lternatively, if the 2 speakers are connected to different channels of a sound card, is there any vendor-independent way to duplicate audio to both channels?

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Ubuntu :: Send Audio Over Ssh?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a puny netbook (deimos) and a more powerful desktop machine (phobos). Sometimes I want to watch a video file on deimos; but it's so puny, the video won't play properly, lagging behind the audio or skipping frames.

A solution I have hit on is to use ssh -X, to use phobos's more powerful guts to send the video over to deimos. This works, except for one annoying problem: the video is coming over just fine, but the audio is played on phobos's loudspeakers, not on deimos's speakers.

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Slackware :: Where I Can Send Bug Reports Or Suggestions About Slackware Distro?

Feb 4, 2010

I found out that package 'qt-4.5.3_063bded-i486-3' in slackware-current has no html docs. I learn qt4 programming and I need this docs. So I got qt-4.6.1 from the official site, built, installed and use the mainline version 4.6.1 instead of recommended qt from the KDE git brunch. Honestly I see no difference between slackware's 4.5.3 and mainline 4.6.1.Is there place where I can send bug reports or suggestions about slackware distro? I really like this simple, fast, reliable and completely clear distributive and I want to help to improve it.

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Slackware :: Send A Fax From Computer With Slackware Or Any Of These Live CDs?

May 21, 2009

Using Slackware 12.2 Also using live CDs Slax 6.1.1 and knoppix 6

Is there a program I can use to send a fax from my computer with Slackware or any of these live CDs?

Is there any special hardware that I would need?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Configure Suse To Send Audio To A Receiver In Some Cases?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm been struggling to find a way to configure suse to send audio to a receiver in some cases. Details: - Did a fresh install - Using an old SoundBlaster card (which worked in my previous version of openSuse) - I do have digital out, but only for Amarok (start menu -> configure desktop -> multimedia -> prefer "SB Live! Platinum [CT4760P], Multichannel Capture/PT Playback (IEC958 (S/PDIF) Digital Audio Output") and Kaffeine (.kde4/share/apps/kaffeine/xine-config -> set "audio.output.speaker_arrangement:Pass Through").
- I have analog sound on firefox and "test volume" on Administrator Settings -> Sound, but just can't find a way to configure those to digital passthrough (tried to copy "audio.output.speaker_arrangement:Pass Through" to .config/ but didn't work)


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Slackware :: Slackware 13.1 VIA VT1708S Audio Driver - Get Working Without Rebuilding The Kernel?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm trying to bring my Slackware system back to life as my XP HDD is dying... I've got everything working except for my audio. I got a new motherboard (ASRock P43DE3) and it has a VIA VT1708S as the onboard audio. Is there any way I can get this working without rebuilding the kernel?

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Ubuntu :: Get Video From Ip Camera (RTSP) And Audio From Netbook Microphone And Send To Rtmp

Aug 16, 2011

I need get video from ip camera (RTSP) and audio from netbook microphone and send to rtmp:// ffmpeg -an -i rtsp://[...] -f alsa -ac 2 -ab 96K -ar 44100 -i hw:0,0 -f flv "rtmp://[...]" It'is not work! Audio get from ip camera If i get only microphone � sound work! ffmpeg -ac 2 -ab 96K -ar 44100 -i hw:0,0 -f flv "rtmp://[...]"

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Alternate Sound Configuration - Computer Send The Audio Out The USB Cable To The Device?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a Dell Inspirion 5150. The onboard sound card was blown 3 years ago. OS is Ubuntu 8.10. I am also a HAM radio operator and use the computer for digital modes using a USB device that acts as an external sound card modem for me.

The program that I use for that is fldigi. The device is Signalink USB by Tigertronics. the device has the ability to have speakers plugged in to it. Question: Is there a way to have the computer send the audio out the USB cable to the device?

I have looked at my sound settings and there are USB devices but none of them are the one(s) that I use with my Signalink device. If it can't be done, no worries -- have not really needed it so far. Just something nice to have.

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Slackware :: Send /var/log/messages To Tty12?

Mar 29, 2010

On RedHat style distroes tty12 show /var/log/messages. How can we implement this feature in Slackware?

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Slackware :: Send The Slackbuild For Openoffice 3.2.0?

Jun 21, 2010

can some one send me the slackbuild for openoffice 3.2.0?

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Slackware :: Send Mail Using Sendmail?

Apr 5, 2011

How to send mail using sendmail on slackware? Can you show me a simple bash program that sends a message to an email? I am new to slackware and I can't send my email using sendmail command. I checked my mail queue on my Webmin and i see this status "access map: lookup [URL]..

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 - No Network Connectivity - Audio To Work On Skype

Oct 16, 2010

I had Kubuntu 64-bit installed and decided to try OpenSUSE instead as I was having problems getting the audio to work on Skype. After installing OpenSUSE 11.3 (64-bit), I do not have network connectivity (Ethernet or Wireless)? Neither adapter can be detected? I thought the install would be fairly straightforward as Kubuntu 64-bit detected all the hardware.

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Slackware :: Automatically Send Mail When Have Errors?

Jan 27, 2010

I have installed slack 13 and I want to configure the sistem to send automaticaly an email to an gmail account when I have some errors like power down for some minutes or a program crash. Can some one tell me exactly what i must do ?

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Slackware :: Send Broadcast Messages From Root?

Dec 24, 2010

i know messages like "the system is going down for reboot now" get sent, and even show up in kde when they're sent. can this be done from a command line?

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Slackware :: Pan Crashes In The Moment When Click The Send-button?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm running Slackware64-current. The newsreader pan crashes in the moment when I click the send-button. The message is sent anyway.

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Slackware :: Set Up Fetchmail And Mutt To Send And Receive Mail From The Terminal?

Mar 28, 2010

In my continuing quest to live without X most of the time, I am trying to set up fetchmail and Mutt to get and send mail. I only want to be able to send and receive text based mail, and so far I am running into trouble with what I think should be pretty simple. For receiving my mail, I believe I only need to create a .fetchmailrc file in my home directory with the entry:

Code: poll [URL] protocol pop3 username "myusername" password "mypassword" But I get:
2 messages for myusername at (7965 octets).
fetchmail: connection to localhost:smtp [] failed: Connection refused.
fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed
fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from and delivering to SMTP host localhost
reading message of 2 (2734 octets)fetchmail: Query status=10 (SMTP)

It appears to me that it is finding mail but does not know where to deliver it and is refused a connection to my machine. Also, I cannot figure out how to set up my SMTP for my ISP in Mutt to send mail. Can someone point me to a simple tutuorial on how to do these things. I really only want to do what you would with Thunderbird, but from the command line.

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Slackware :: Send Email To Gmail Account Directly From Console?

Mar 2, 2011

Is it possible to send an email to directly from Console? If it is possible, do I need to do some 'configuration stuff' to get it to work? How do I start it?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Get Mail To Send Within Network

Dec 16, 2010

I'm a complete beginner to administrating my own box - and have installed Ubuntu 9.04 (Jackalope).

I have it up and running - and have installed the applications that I needed.

However, I am unable to get mail to send within the network - I can send mail to external address, such as gmail, yahoo, etc, just not inside my work's network. This includes forwarding services such a spamgourmet - which redirects to my work's email addresses.

potential set up issues I can check for? I am currently using Postfix as my email server.

note: this is what I found in the syslog:

Dec 16 13:55:55 mica-tools postfix/smtp[4248]: 9E014E409E: to=<>,[]:25, delay=34, delays=0.02/0/33/0.28, dsn=5.7.1, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 5.7.1 <>,... Relaying denied (in reply to RCPT TO command))

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Server :: Cannot Send Mail To Other Network

Mar 23, 2011

I have configured sendmail server configuration & its working but I was not able to send mail to other network e.g., yahoo mail, etc.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can't Send Or Receive Email

Dec 28, 2009

can't send or recieve E-mail. Running postfix , thunderbird squirrel mail. Thunderbird and squirrelmail connect to server but am unable to send or recieve. recieve connection refuses 111 can't open smtp stream. I seen a post mentioning port 25 : 587 for squirrellmail but I do not have exim.conf to update daemon_smtp_ports= 25 : 587 is this located in another file for suse 11.2?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Send Mails From CLI Via Gmail?

Feb 18, 2010

have plenty of experience in ubuntu and mandriva.I am looking for a way of sending emails from CLI via my gmail ubuntu I use mailx+exim4. in mandriva i use msmtpbut in opensuse i cant install exim4, and the installation of msmtp has a completely different architecture and i cant find the configuration file i modified in my mandriva computer to send mails via gmail.Does anyone know of a simple and quick installation of some MTA in opensuse which can satisfy my need?

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General :: Send Mails To Anyone In Local Network

Sep 17, 2010

I want to send mails to anyone in my local network. I have 20 machines with domain [URL]. I have installed sendmail in my machine with name [URK]. in /etc/ i had comment the DAEMON_OPTION line i redirect it to restart the service.

I had mentioned the hostname entry in the host file of each pc.Iam able to send mail to all users in my pc. But I want to send mail from to,station3 etc. When I send the mail, it wont reach at the client side.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Using Mailx To Send Mail To Gmail?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a couple of servers that are scripted to send cron script output logs to my email address (a Gmail address). Mailx is what I am using, but I didn't have to configure anything; I installed it, and it just worked with the following command: mailx -s "SUBJECT" -r FROMMYADDRESS TOMYADDRESS < FILETOCATANDSEND

This occurs every Saturday and Sunday at noon after my backup scripts run.
I noticed yesterday that I did not receive these logs, so I logged into the machine, started 'mail' and saw messages like this: This is the mail system at host media.deagle.lan.


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OpenSUSE Network :: Send Webcam Video To Webpage?

Dec 31, 2009

Have searched and not found much to show/tell me how to go about sending video to a web. The code for the page and the way to tell the camera to send or ftp or ...?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Determine Network Interface That Will Be Used To Send Packet For An IP?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm writing to you because I encountered the following problem. My program displayes all network interfaces that are available in the system, but I would like to adda functionality in which a user can enter a destination address IP (ex. the IP address of the Google search engine) and will get information which network interface will be used to send it. As I know it is associated with reading information from routing table in the system. Maybe you know the API (functions/methods) which I could use to do it in RedHat ? I program in C/C++, but if you know how to do it in other programming languages (Java, Perl, Python) I will be grateful for any information.

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Slackware :: Audio CD Is Not Mounting

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to listen to an audio cd but when I try to find it, either through an ikon on the desktop, (XFCE), or through a media player, -Amarok - vlc, the file manager, (Thunar), nor even ultimately the Terminal, can I find anything in the CD-rom drive when a music CD is played in it.I can easily copy the contents of the CD to my home directory using cdparanoia.When I place a CD with an ISO image or a DVD from Linux Format, for example, I have no problems opening or browsing them.I had also run alsaconf and it completed easily. But still nothing shows up, and the superblock error is still there.

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Slackware :: Cannot Play Audio CD On 13.0 KDE 4.2.4

Feb 24, 2010

I use Slackware full-time on my personal machine, a Lenovo T61, and I've used Slackware happily for the past 15 years. I've always been able to find answers to my questions by searching, but this time I'm stumped and find myself posting my first question ever to a help site. Recently installed Slackware 13.0 out of the box, which has KDE 4.2.4. I've added myself as a regular user, and made sure I'm a member of the audio and cdrom groups. I've configured sound with alsaconf and alsamixer, and sound works fine when playing digital files (audio and video). I can mount data CDs and DVDs, and read them with Dolphin. When I insert an audio CD, I can't get any application to see it, except for the "Last plugged in device" widget, which only gives me K3B as an option to rip the CD - no option to play the CD. If I allow K3B to launch, that application can see the tracks. KDE 4 does not have good support for playing audio CDs. I've seen various suggestions for fixes that relate to udev, HAL and adding actions. I'm out of my league here, as I'm a casual user, not one who can dive into these details. My guess is that udev is OK because K3B can see the audio CD. When I look at /usr/share/apps/solid/actions, I see the following:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2871 2009-03-26 07:42 test-predicate-openinwindow.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2385 2009-04-02 23:16 k3b_videodvd_rip.desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 861 2009-04-02 23:16 k3b_create_data_project_from_blank_medium.desktop


There are no actions that appear to relate to start playing a CD, so I think this is where the problem lies, but I'm not sure, and if it is, I don't know how to fix it. Things have gotten a lot more complicated over the years...Playing an audio CD should be a simple task, and I'm embarrassed that it's taking so long to debug this problem.

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Slackware :: K3B Can't Burn Audio CDs?

May 28, 2010

I had this issue in Slackware64 13 but I had hoped that it would have been fixed in 13.1. I have my permissions setup correctly, I can even burn DVDs just fine, but every audio CD I try to burn in k3b gives me an unknown error with regard to cdrtools (254). It gives me this error at about 200mb of writing every single time, even when simulating the burn. Here is the error log that k3b puts out.

TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C SB02 (/dev/sr0, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R DL, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL) [DVD-ROM, DVD-R Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Sequential, DVD-R Dual Layer Jump, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW Restricted Overwrite, DVD-RW Sequential, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD+R Dual Layer, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW] [SAO, TAO, RAW, SAO/R96P, SAO/R96R, RAW/R16, RAW/R96P, RAW/R96R, Restricted Overwrite, Layer Jump] [%7]


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Ubuntu :: Send Messages To Computers On Same Network With Write Command

Sep 14, 2010

The write command just isn't working for me at all. Am I right in thinking it can even do this function? I am using:
write paul@paul-laptop pts/0
It keeps telling me
write: paul is not logged in on pts/0

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