Ubuntu Security :: 10.10 Vs RHEL 6 For Wireless Cracking?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm in the process of building a Linux server using spare desktop (HP dc 7700p PC with USB wireless adapter) and of course it will be used as the wireless security training exercise so I just wondering if Ubuntu or RHEL is suitable for me to learn ?BackTrack Linux is too hard to use and doesn't automatically detect the USB wireless network card usually.

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Ubuntu :: Security Distro Or Cracking Tools?

Mar 25, 2010

I want to see how secure my company is. I am not too concerned about over the wire, more about someone hacking our wireless.

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Security :: Cracking SHA1 With EC2 GPU Instances?

Nov 28, 2010

Had to happen I guess - cheap cracking on the cloud; see here

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Ubuntu Security :: Distro Used For Cracking Win XP Admin Passwords

Jul 25, 2010

I think ubuntu/canonical should start releasing a new flavour geared towards meeting needs of computer security professionals just like backtrack distro

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Security :: THC Hydra And HTTP Brute-force Cracking?

Mar 29, 2011

I set up an ASUS WL-500gP with original ASUS firmware to my LAN with IP address If I navigate to address [URL] in my Firefox address bar, an Authentication required window opens up asking for "User name: " and "Password: ". Correct "User name: " is "admin" and correct "Password: " is "pA55w0Rd". They work fine if I type them in manually to the Authentication required window, but for some reason I can't get in using the hydra with words.txt password file, which contains "pA55w0Rd":


[root@ ~]# cat words.txt


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cracking WEP Protection

Apr 2, 2011

I was wondering how to crack WEP WiFis.I have a WEP connection and was wondering how easy it would be for others to use my internet. I have Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx. If anybody could me a link to a tutorial, it would be great. I googled it up and currently have aircrack-ng installed and am installing SWScanner.What other tools/dependencies do I need?

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Security :: Enable ACL In RHEL 5?

May 26, 2011

I am using RHEL 5, how to enable ACl in /etc/fstab

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Security :: Enabling SELinux On RHEL 5.4

Feb 25, 2011

We have installed RHEL 5.4 on our servers and everything is running fine. Now I have gone through various server hardening checklist and most of them suggest to enable SELinux. We have several services running on Linux box. Now my question is, do we have to make any chagnes to the existing configurations if we enable SELinux. Or we just enable SELinux and leave it as it is. Because I have had prior experiences where SElinux will stop many services and restrict access to many libraries when enabled.

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Software :: Getting Cracking Sounds In Audacity

Jun 5, 2011

The previous install went down the drain because the harddrive failed. So: a new install. Due to some limitations, this is the setup (it is for a hobby, nothing pro) P4 with Debian 5, Alsa and OSS installed, Audacity (I know, Ardour, but that thing had the same issues) and a soundblaster as in/out. On the in-plug, there is a mixer panel, there are some synths hooked up. The out goes to PC speakers.

Yea, I know, nothing fancy, but...when I play, I can hear everyhting tru the speakers at pretty good quality. Given that my synth makes some white noise itself, but that's besides the point... So, I hit the record, play and hear everything crystal clear, then I rewind and hit record to record the next track and the previous track has a lot of distortion... Same with the previous setup: Jack and Ardour on a Debian 6... By the way, yes, I do have a LynxOne lying around, but I cant get the drivers...they're not free, unless I missed something...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xonar DS - Oxygen HD Audio - Spdif Cracking

Jan 22, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 x64 worked out of the box for me but there is one irritating issue.

I have Xonar DS(Oxygen HD Audio) with analogue 2.1 speakers and spdif passthrough to nvidia GTX260 hdmi output for my tv.

It makes random cracking noise on tv unless something is played, no matter on analogue or digital output, then is noiseless.

Alsa 1.0.23, kernel 2.6.35

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Security :: RHEL Root Password Automatic Change?

Jun 1, 2010

To comply with standards I need to change the root pw every so often. However, I really don't have a need to know the root password; as the only thing using root, is for ssh authenticating via ssh keys. What I want to do is automate the root password change monthly via a cron job, to a random value. Is there a way to do this without knowing the previous password?

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Security :: RHEL Server Is Broadcasting On LAN And Choking The Network?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a RHEL 5 Server dedicated to web hosting. HTTPD 2.2.x.x is running on it with PHP and MySQL. The machine is not a server system (hardware wise, a C2D 2.66 with 2GB RAM and 2 x NICs). I have a CIR Fiber link with a pool of live IPs. The machines including this web server is plugged into a switch which has all the live interfaces and is separate from the LAN switches. The problem i am facing is that, when ever this web server is plugged in, the traffic on live switch is choked. Internet slows down to a halt (as live interface of proxy is plugged in this switch. DNS stops resolving name due to time outs. Mail delivery is slowed and the mail ques pile ups. The moment i get this machine of the switch, all the traffic becomes normal. Therefore i have deduced that this is the faulty server. I do not know if this server is hacked and working as a bot or it is a mere hardware problem(faulty LAN Card).

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Security :: Grub.conf File Has Been Cleared On RHEL V4.7 Server

Mar 26, 2010

I am running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 7). The server was recently rebooted and wouldn't come up. After some investigation we found that the system would not boot because several files had been zero'd out (not deleted):

* All of these files had a date of March 11, 2010 with a time 03:46
* A zero byte file called /halt was also found with a date of 08:46

We could manually boot to the latest kernel, but none of the startup scripts would run. We analyzed the system looking for any file created on March 11 that were also 0 bytes. Once we had a list, we were able to determine that the system could be recovered without a full blown reinstallation of the OS.

We did a rescue boot from the installation CD, mounted the system volume privately, and edited the grub.conf file. We then brought up the network and copied the needed files from another RHEL v4.7 system. Rebooted the server and check the OS, databases, and apps.

My question is - Has anyone seen this behavior before? I seems like we may have been cracked or at the very least someone has cleared the files needed to recover the system smoothly.

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Security :: RHEL 6 - Minimal Install Image To Be Used As Generic Node

May 3, 2011

I'm playing around with the RHEL 6 install so as to create a minimal install image to be used as a generic node for a cloud. I posted this in the security section as reducing the number of services etc seems like a security activity, i.e. reducing the running processes to minimize the attack surface.

Anyways, looking through linux from scratch etc, and the NSA hardening list I'm a bit overwhelmed. Anyone have hints on any good documentation saying what is really needed for a basic system with network/ip/arp/eb rules? The RHEL 6 minimal basic puts in a c/c++ compiler along with other things. that seems unnecessary to me for a basic minimal install.

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Security :: Configure RHEL 5.5 Syslog To Accept SNMP Traps?

Jul 14, 2010

Is it possible to configure the RHEL 5.5 syslog to accept SNMP traps? That is I want to use a central logging server to pick up other systems syslogs, and SNMP messages from systems that cannot use remote syslog functions.

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Debian Multimedia :: K3b Makes Strange Cracking Noise

Jul 1, 2011

I have just installed squeeze 6.0.2 amd64 and noticed when I use k3b to burn/verify a disc, when it has finished burning the media it plays a sound, and rather sound is played which sounds very crackly/muffled.I do not remember this on ubuntu, and I cannot say for sure but I dont recall this happening on squeeze 6.0.1.

Sound plays perfectly in all other applications, no problems whatsoever.This is not a big deal, I just dont remember this happening. I know this isnt the most detailed posting but does anyone have any idea what this could be? I even tried to reinstall k3b through synaptics and the problem still persists.

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General :: Cracking WEP With Aircrack And Kismet / Use It Peacefully In Unison?

Dec 25, 2010

Just a minor question, but I notice with aircrack when it lists networks, it does not list the encryption type of each network.

Which seems fair enough, as you can use Kismet, however on my machine when I end kismet and the server, the monitor interface is not removed and I cannot remove it manually, which screws with aircrack.

SO, is kismet needed to view encryption types of networks, and if so how do you use it peacefully in unison with aircrack?

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General :: Cracking An AT&T Sim Card To Remove Pre-formatted Contacts?

Feb 17, 2010

I have AT&T as a cellphone carrier, using the Pantech Breeze unit.

The SIM card is really annoying, as it has in the Contacts section seven or nine AT&T contacts and services that I do not want, but I cannot delete. I have to scroll through these annoying contacts in order to get to contacts that I really care about.

1. Does anybody know how I can delete these contacts short of using cloning software?

2. If I did use cloning which Ive never done before can I remove these AT&T contacts as part of the cloning process and use the cloned card in the phone?

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General :: Wireless Drivers Of RHEL 5 Server?

Aug 18, 2010

I have installed RHEL 5 server in Hp 520 Laptop Wireless is not working. I required a driver for this.

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Hardware :: Wireless Intel 2200bg Is Not Detected In RHEL 5.0?

Jan 8, 2010

what to do for the wireless

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Server :: Edit The Default RHEL CD To Have It Automatically Install RHEL Based Off Of A Kickstart File

Mar 2, 2011

is possible to edited the default RHEL CD to have it automatically install RHEL based off of a kickstart file that I will store locally on the CD. My plan would be to put a cd in a server and have the OS automatically being installed.

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Server :: Configuration Difference Between RHEL 3 To RHEL 5 For Webserver Installations?

Feb 1, 2011

We are planning to migrate our LINUX server from RHEL 3to RHEL 5. What are the configuration difference between RHEL 3 to RHEL 5 for webserver installations?

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Software :: Unable To Boot To RHEL 4 32bit After Installing RHEL 64bit - Error 13: Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Apr 27, 2009

I have 4 partitions in my system, out of which two(sda1, sda2) have windows on them. I have installed RHEL 4 32 - bit on sda3 and after that , installed installed RHEL 64-bit on to a partition sda 5. Now i am unable to boot into RHEL 32-bit. The error i am getting is Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format.

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General :: Cannot Ping From Host (RHEL 6) To RHEL 5 In (virtual)?

May 1, 2011

can not ping from host (RHEL 6) to RHEL 5 in (virtual)? I have stopped iptables on both machines. But still not able to ping from host machine to virtual.

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Software :: Uninstall RHEL 3 And Install RHEL 9 Without Affecting XP?

Jul 13, 2009

I have RHEL 3 and Win XP Installed in my P.C?I want to uninstall RHEL 3 and install RHEL 9 without affecting XP.how can i do this and also where can i download free RHEL 9 version or any other latest linux distribution for free?

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CentOS 5 :: Pirut/yum: RHEL 5.1 - Maintain An Unregistered RHEL Box?

Feb 16, 2010

A client has sent me an RHEL 5.1 box for me to do some work on, but it's not registered with Red Hat. This is causing me problems, because it's a minimal installation, and I need some more dev software.My immediate reaction was to install various bits (emacs, and so on) from my Centos 5(.0) DVD.The base RHEL system only had one (disabled) repo entry,so I added a yum DVD repo entry in yum.conf.d.

This looked good to start with, but it doesn't work. Something in RHEL's pirut/yum/rpm/whatever is getting confused, and can't work out what is/isn't installed.

Question - how do you maintain an unregistered RHEL box? Has RH done something to make life difficult? Is my problem simply that I'm using a Centos 5.0 DVD, instead of Centos 5.1? Am I stuck with downloading lots of rpms from the net and doing everything manually? I really don't want to do that.

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General :: Downloading RHEL 5.4 AS From RHEL Website?

Dec 23, 2009

I am trying to download RHEL 5.4 AS version for testing..But under [URL] There is no specific link for AS version or ES version..How can I detect which iso is for AS and which one for ES..? There are separate links for AS and ES version for RHEL 4.x version but why is it not available for RHEL 5.x versions?

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Server :: Major Differences Between Rhel 5.2 And Rhel 5.4?

Dec 14, 2010

what are the major differences between rhel 5.2 and rhel 5.4

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Red Hat :: Duplicating A RHEL 5.1 32bit Server On RHEL 5.4 64 Bit

Dec 9, 2009

I have a database server running RHEL 5.1 32 bit that suffered some catastrophic failures about 6 months ago. We were able to patch it back together and keep it running, but now the manufacturing site it supports is going to shut down for two weeks and I would like to replace it permenantly. Does anyone have any guidance for that sort of thing? I'd like to have the new server up and running before hand, basically changing the hostname/ip and restoring the databases only on conversion day. I've done this in the past with HP UX - Red Hat conversions, but this is my first red hat to red hat move. Any advice or shortcuts?I forgot to add the other wrinkle. The new server will be running 64bit linux.

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Red Hat :: Install Dmidecode And Procinfo In RHEL 4 / RHEL 3?

Feb 6, 2009

I have RHEL 4, RHEL 3, i need install dmidecode RPM packet and procinfo packet... exist this packets for this linux versions?

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