Ubuntu :: Partitions And Screen Capturing Software

May 6, 2010

I have four primary partitions currently. I need to keep all of them. I need to make a fifth that is also a primary partition. Is there a way to somehow make a partition into a partition that's in an extended partition without losing any data? Maybe you know of another solution to my problem, but this is the only one I can conjure up. The second problem is much less severe. I can't find any screen capturing software for Ubuntu that will record my desktop and simultaneously record sound from a microphone.

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General :: Video Capturing Program To Record Computer Screen

Jul 10, 2011

I'm just wondering if there is a video capturing program that can, at the least record what is on my computer screen (including what is on Wine) and at the most capture what is on my webcam as well.

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Rid Of Dual Boot Screen And Partitions

Jan 24, 2011

My brother installed ubuntu earlier this year, ended up not liking it, and somehow managed to delete all the Ubuntu folders from Windows XP without deleting neither the partition nor GRUB (which is what I'm assuming is keeping up the dual boot screens).

Dual boot - windows xp (SP3) and ubuntu
Laptop - Dell Vostro 1510

How do I get rid of the dual boot screen? AND how do I get rid of the partitions? I already tried to run Mbr fixer, but it hasn't worked. When I boot from the Windows XP CD I have, the recovery console doesn't detect the hard drive and therefore can't repair windows. I have the latest version of Kubuntu on hand - will installing this alongside or inside Windows XP wipe out the Ubuntu partitions or will it just create more partitions in the disk?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Webcam Isn't Capturing Video?

May 4, 2010

Since I upgraded to 10.04 my Webcam (a logitech Quickcam Pro 4000) won't capture video.Ubuntu see it is there, but aMSN, Google Talk, Skype, and Cheese all give me nothing.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Capturing Output With Luvcview?

Jan 7, 2010

According to 'man luvcview', if I do this:

luvcview -o testvid.avi

then luvcview should capture the video to the .avi file. However, when I try it, no output file is created. Grabbing a raw stream or raw frames works fine, but not the creation of AVI files. Am I missing something?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Capturing Sound Playing From Web?

Feb 17, 2010

I've tried to look up different programs for this but can't find anything. I'd like to be able to open my recorder on Myspace for instance and capture any sound playing through my speakers. I used to have a little program for this, but its windows based and won't seem to install correctly in Wine.

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Ubuntu :: Capturing ALL Output From Terminal To File?

Apr 17, 2010

I would like to capture all output spewed to a terminal session including processes that are terminated that were invoked from a script running in a terminal window. this is beyond capturing just stderr and stdout . for example

} 2> stderr.cap 1>stdout.cap

if script is terminated (including because of memory violations) I get spewed output to the terminal I would like to capture that spewing to a file automatically or to a bit bucket /dev/null Is there another filehandle which can be redirected to do this? If so how or is there another way???

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Ubuntu :: Apps Capturing All Keystrokes / Change This?

May 14, 2010

So I've noticed that some applications block keystrokes and input from reaching Ubuntu. Most recently I got the Linux version of Unreal Tournament 2004 running. Problem is that when I'm playing Unreal it captures all input, so when I decide the game is too loud or too quiet, rolling my volume wheel doesn't adjust the volume. I either have to pause the game so it releases my mouse(only in windowed mode), or exit altogether, adjust the volume, and restart the game. Is there a way to change this?

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Ubuntu Security :: Wireshark Not Capturing Properly?

Jan 23, 2011

Was trying to use wireshark to pen test my network and I can't get it to work properly.When capturing on my main wireless card wlan0 atheros ath9k the program freezes after a short while and I can't even access the web anymore. Not to mention it stops capturing. I have to disconnect and reconnect to get back on the web. Not sure what is going on here. I get the following output in terminal:

(wireshark:2240): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.26.0/gobject/gsignal.c:3081: signal name `depressed' is invalid for instance `0x2142cb68'


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 - Capturing DV Video Through FireWire

Apr 8, 2011

I want to capture DV-video through IEE1394 (FireWire) with Kino and Ubuntu 10.10. Seems I can't capture... When I plug in the camera there is no hot plug message (if there should be one? I've read it should...). The DV-out on the camera is enabled There is no option to enable/disable the port in my BIOS.

Some information:
a~# lspci | grep 1394
07:09.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Ricoh Co Ltd R5C832 IEEE 1394 Controller (rev 05)
Hope there are some command to check?

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Ubuntu :: Capturing Command Output Response

Aug 5, 2011

I run a 3rd party command line utility and it works fine, but sometimes it says "Error blah blah blah... Connection timed out"

I want to script this utility, but I need to not execute the commands in the script if it gives me that connection timeout error.

bash code to capture that response from the utility? Something along the lines of:


3rdpartyutil > /tmp/temp.txt
if [ ! -f /tmp/temp.txt]; then
echo no error, run whatever you need to man
rm /tmp/temp.txt

Unfortunately, that doesn't work because the utility outputs non-error information to the screen even when it is successful, so it always outputs something, I never need to see it, but I do need to be able to act upon if some of that text says "error" or "connection timed out"

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Software :: Capturing SCP Output With PHP?

Jul 20, 2011

I've made a simple php wrapper around scp. It works fine, but unlike when I run the scp command straight from the console, there is no output returned. I've tried using passthru(), exec(), system() and shell_exec(), all to no avail. I'm redirecting stderr to stdout already.

For example:
PHP Code:
$command = "scp -C -r $files $target 2>&1";
exec($command, $result);

Will scp the files correctly to the server, but doesn't print any output - $result is just an empty array. I'd like to see the output so I can visually confirm that the files have been transferred correctly.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Capturing Video With Cheese Does Not Work

Sep 2, 2010

I've been trying for a while now to capture videos with my webcam of my samsung n110 netbook, I am running ubuntu 10.4 and cheese 2.30.1. I can take pictures fine, with effects and everything but when I press "start recording" the webcam seems to turn off or all I see is a black image, then when I press stop recording the camera picture comes back on and then the program freezes. I've tried turning down the resolution, I've tried all the possibilities in gstreamer-properties but nothing helped so far running from terminal didn't give me a clue on what the problem might be either. I would like cheese to work to have photo and video in one program but if someone has a good program to capture video I am willing to try it out.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unlisted Remote - Capturing IR Code

Mar 1, 2011

I have a unlisted remote which I can't find a lircd.conf for. Have tried irrecord with a mceusb receiver and have had no success. I am running maverick on a fresh install. LIRC is install and functions correctly for MCE remote and sending dishnetwork ir codes. I have found the hex codes for it but have no idea what to do with them even if there is anything to do with them. My question is this, is there any other way to capture the remote codes other than irrecord? Is there a way to manually build the codes?

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OpenSUSE :: KRDC Not Capturing Keys Using RDP

Jan 20, 2011

I can't seem to figure out the secret to send ctrl-alt-del to a remote Windows box using KRDC 4.4.4. Tried in windowed and full screen mode - no difference. Tried enabling "Grab All Possible Keys" in KRDC tool bar - nope. In all cases, ctrl-alt-del and alt-tab are sent to localhost. There are some mentions of a "config special keys dialog" for KDRC in a few places, though I don't actually find this anywhere in KRDC itself. Documentation for KRDC at the KDE site is very minimalistic. This should be super simple, but I can't quit seem to get it.

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General :: Capturing From Line One Input?

Apr 23, 2011

On my first card of ALSA (alsamixer -c 0) I would need to record the Line only.

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General :: Capturing PID And Killing Process

Oct 9, 2010

I want to capture PID of a program and kill it using the PID if the program is been executing beyond 5 seconds.The problem I'm facing is I have another copy of the same program running under different shell script, and the above code is killing both the process. How do I specifically kill the program which has started under the current running shell script.

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General :: Capturing URL Response Using Command

Aug 6, 2010

I am capturing the response of three URLs which are in file named urls.txt using following command and write response in output.txt file.

wget -i urls.txt -q -O - | tee output.txt
###########End of code
Now i am finding the case where url is not responding and that output is not available to me in the file and on console i am getting "Could not connect to host".

Now I want to modify my urls.txt to have two fields:
Name and URL
URL1 |
URL2 |
URL3 |

I want to execute each url and print there response against each name

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Red Hat :: Capturing Start Up Messages In System Log

Jul 17, 2010

Is there any way to capture the "[OK]" or "[FAILED]" messages? I would like to know which daemons starts successfully and which ones fails. Any way to tell the system to save those messages in /var/log? I could do CTRL-Print Screen but I would rather not.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Capturing Data On .pcap File And Piping It

Jun 22, 2011

I have a GPS device which sends in data on port number 5000, i am able to capture the data into a pcap file using tcpdump. Now my problem is, i need to pipe the data into a text file as and when data arrives into the pcap file continuously.I did extensive search, but to no avail. been trying to solve this for the past 3 days. I use the following commands to capture and pipe the data, but that happens only once when i issue the command. I want this to happen continuously as and when the data arrives.

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Fedora :: Capturing Old Config Setting On New Install?

Aug 9, 2009

I never upgrade from one release to the other but rather do a completely new install. How can I keep my Gnome settings from the current release and somehow impose them after a new install. I am not sure which files/hidden files I should carry, save, possibly to a USB stick or whatever and a reasonable procedure to copy/impose them after the new install is stable.

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Networking :: Packet Capturing On Remote Machine

May 19, 2010

How can I configure, the packet capturing mechanism to allow non - privileged users to use it...

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General :: Capturing Output Of Command In Vim Editor?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a file which contains a table

row1 ✔ no ✔ no
row2 no ✔ ✔ no
... so on

I want to prefix the number of ✔ to corresponding row If I use the command :.s/✔//gn I get output written like '2 matches on 1 line' How can I extract the '2 matches' in above case ?

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Fedora :: MozPlugger Not Capturing Adobe Reader In Firefox 4

May 25, 2011

I thought I solved this in one of the earlier RC for my guide buy it seems to have regressed. It loads adobe reader, but then it only has a grey screen that turns white eventually.

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General :: Capturing Remote Output Locally In Mac Terminal?

Jun 2, 2011

I want local programmatic access to ssh output in Mac Terminal. First, I tried redirecting the output of each command to a file. The file was perfect, but of course it was on the remote server, and an sftp for each command output seemed a little.. Next, I tried to Applescript Terminal, but it only gives access to the currently visible text in a tab (i.e. if half the output has already scrolled out of sight, it doesn't get returned - useless).

Last, I tried piping ssh to tee (e.g. ssh user@host | tee output.txt). This almost worked. I have the output in a local file, but there are a lot of unwanted characters mixed in. For example, every time I hit backspace, there's a ^H in the file. There's also text like "[0m[K" which is harder to get rid of.

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General :: Capturing And Parsing Xterm Cut Buffer In EMacs

Jan 17, 2010

I'd like to make an indirect control for Emacs (in Ubuntu Linux) so that I can swipe some text in an xterm with the cursor, cutting it into the X cut buffer, then run a macro in Emacs to parse the cut buffer text to look for text saying "line XXXX" where X is all digits, then go to that line in the current Emacs buffer. I think this is possible by using emacsclient to get emacs to run a macro, then the macro parsing the cut buffer, then issuing a goto-line command to the number that's been parsed. My problem is I don't know how to write the emacs script to read the X cut buffer and parse it.. I've been going through cookbook examples but none seem to fit.

My goal is to ease development. When I have an error/information/status message printed in an xterm, I want to swipe the error message which says something like "syntax error on line 2776" then press a keyboard shortcut which Ubuntu will interpret to launch emacsclient, which causes my already-open Emacs to grab that text, parse it, and go to the line number I just swiped. Only this last step of parsing is the hard part. (Yes, I know you can run a shell INSIDE of emacs, but this is doesn't fit my workflow). How would I make emacs look at that X cut buffer and parse out the line number and issue the "goto-line" command to the current buffer?

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Programming :: Capturing Short Randomly Occurring Events

May 8, 2011

I want to capture short randomly occurring events such as Sudden Interstellar Disturbances, Lightning, ion counting, etc. To do this I wish to use the LINE-IN port. My sensor would feed a signal of less that 2 volts but could be submitted via a voltage divider. Since the sound card captures 44100 events per second this should capture events I am looking at, I think, but maybe not. I would capture the sound buffer to a string or memory buffer every second (and half second so I can prevent overwriting of its buffer, then merge the two).

Every 60 seconds (for validation) I would run "time" and count full buffer transfers in between to time events. By effectively counting characters from the beginning of the processing buffer to the beginning of the event I could further refine the "time to event". I think I could then save a decent number of values or until no data received from the processing buffer to preserve the event. This I would output with event time (to within 1/44100 sec) along with the data points captured to a file.

Except for the outputting of info to a file I think I can scan a buffer for events within a second (while LINE-IN continues capturing data on that port). I believe I have a way to handle the outputting. I am asking if any of the processing of the previous buffer would interfere with the sound cards data capture on LINE-IN? There would be no disabling of interrupts. I am presuming that system interrupts would not effect the LINE-IN data capture. Is this true?

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Security :: Use Of System-config-users Not Capturing Activity?

Dec 15, 2010

I have an auditing problem. I am required to be able to track user account modifications (creates, deletes, password changes, etc.) My team and I implemented auditd 1.7.17 and borrowed an existing rule set from /usr/share/doc/audit-1.7.17/nispom.rules. What we're seeing is that user account activity from the command line is retrievable by doing an 'aureport -m'. However, doing the same through the GUI, 'aureport -m' does not display the activity. So I have two questions:1. Is there another location I should be looking to find the user creation activities when using the GUI?2. Is there a way to make the activity using the GUI be captured in /var/log/audit/audit.log so 'aureport -m' can report it?Someone suggested a PAM configuration change, but was not able to tell me what change to make.

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Software :: Audio Capturing - Internet Radio Recorder

Feb 15, 2011

Is there any software for Linux that functions like Internet Radio Recorder and captures audio? If so, how come I cannot find anything in the Arch (ArchBang) repositories (seeing as though both distros use the same package manager and repos)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Won't Recognize Partitions - Error Message Saying Partitions Over Sized

Mar 22, 2011

I used Ubuntu before, without problems but since the 10.04 version it won't recognize my partitions. I formated my laptop and partitioned it, installed Windows 7 64bit, which I need for my work, and wanted now to install Ubuntu 10.04/10. I then used GParted to check my Harddisk and it is having troubles to recognize my partitions, too while Windows finds them. GParted is giving me an error message saying my partitions are oversized. I am still in the beginning of my Linux experiences and so I don't know what to do. I have two 250GB harddisks (how Windows recognizes them),


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