Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Ssh Tunnel From Machine A To Machine B?

May 29, 2010

I can set-up an ssh tunnel from machine A to Machine B:-

fred@my-linux:~$ ssh -P myport fred@myserver.homelinux.com

I can successfully logon to machine A to Machine B.

what address and port will my tunnel 'appear' on machine B? I want to send a stream back from B to A up the encrypted tunnel, not over the open network.

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General :: Setup A Machine Running Drupal CMS On A Debian Machine?

Aug 13, 2010

I'm know very little about Linux but decided to set up a machine running Drupal CMS on a Debian machine and it won't go. The folks at Drupal have tried to help but it seems the Debian OS won't do it's PHP thing for Drupal.

That means i'll have to start at the START I guess.

how to become a master of Linux if one is starting from ABC (I can add and subtract, that's what it feels like)

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Security :: SSH Tunnel Not Accessible From Different Machine On Same Network

Dec 16, 2010

I have an SSH tunnel setup between a local server and a remote postfix relay VPS. This is so we can route all our outgoing mail through this SSH tunnel to a private relay VPS, this seems to give us much more consistent mail delivery than using our ISP's relay. So the SSH tunnel is set to route port 1025 on machine A to port 25 on the VPS This part of it is working perfectly and has been for months. However today I wanted to set our e-mail newsletter software (on the same network as the SSH tunnel start-point) to send through the SSH tunnel. So I punched in the IP/port... but it doesn't work. Is there something I need to do to allow connections from other machines on the LAN to access the start-point of the SSH tunnel? Or are SSH tunnels restricted to localhost connections only?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Machine Via Windows Machine - Samba Password Reset?

Feb 13, 2011

I try to access my ubuntu machine via my Windows Machine (Samba Server on Ubuntu Machine). Anytime I try to access the machine it asks me for my password...I enter it but it says it is invalid....is there anyway to reset it? I have already tried to remove and purge everything Samba related and then tried reinstalling, but that still didn't do anything

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Ping KK Machine, Internet/network ON Machine Works?

Mar 18, 2010

I have an ubuntu kk laptop connected via wireless to my mixed network (xp, win7, other ubuntu), but i can not ping said machine or connect via ssh. Internet and smb-browsing ON this machine work, as does pinging FROM it. If this was a windows machine, I'd say a firewall is in the way, but since it's a vanilla karmic install, this should not be the case (or should it?).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Change Folder Names Over A Network On A Machine Using A Mac Machine

Jul 24, 2010

It seems whenever i create a folder it creates the folder as untitled folder, but i can't change the folder name it just says "you don't have permission to rename item" but yet i created the folder and it is there. One thing i have noticed is that once i enter a folder it won't even let me move the folder.

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Ubuntu :: Virtual Machine Networking / Network Not Working After Copied Machine?

Dec 3, 2008

I have ubuntu-8.04.1-server installed on virtual machine. It works perfect. Now, I made copy of this virtual machine. I started that copied machine and it works fine, except one thing: network does not work!
I have several others VMs with freeBSD, openBSD or Windows on it, but only ubuntu machine hes network problem after coping. I tried some other VM with ubuntu on it - same problem! I downloaded VM with ubuntu - same problem.I take a look into /etc/network/interfaces file and it looks just as it should (same as before coping) but ifconfig command returns parameters for lo only (before coping there was eth0 and lo).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Way To Share Folder From Machine To Windows Machine

Aug 28, 2010

I am trying to establish the easiest way to share a folder from an Ubuntu machine to a Windows machine.In the past I have added things to smb.conf and that has all worked fine but what I am trying to do is to figure out what the "new user" way of doing this is so that when I am helping other people I know I am getting them to do the simplest thing.I completely removed samba and reinstalled it so that I didn't have any configuration. Right clicked on a folder and selected "Sharing Options" ticked the "Share this folder box" gave it a name and a comment and ticked the other two boxes.

When I went to the windows laptop then it kept asking for a username/password and nothing worked.Back on the ubuntu machine I did sudo smbpasswd -a [username] and created a blank password. Now from the windows machine I can access the shared folder.Is the smbpasswd step still required? It's very confusing for a new user as there is no suggestion that anything other than right clicking on the folder and choosing the options you want would be required. Is it something to do with the fact that this is an ubuntu machine that has gradually been upgraded through versions and this problem wouldn't have been there from a new install?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup SSH To Connect To Machine Externally

Mar 21, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 x86_64 and trying to setup SSH to connect to my machine externally. The open ssh server is already installed and I can using ssh localhost. Moreover, I also forward port 22 to my machine and check using [URL] Everything seem to be ok, but when I trying to connect using ssh -vvv <ip-address> I receive the following common error:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Virtual Machine On It Using Vmbuilder?

Jun 8, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04, 64-bit. I am trying to set up a virtual machine on it using vmbuilder. As I understand, I need to set up bridging. If I set up br0, then I cannot get out of the machine. Even a ping to (my gateway) comes back as network unreachable. If I comment out #auto br0, then I can get out (on eth0), but i get an error from libvirt. My /etc/network/interfaces file (eth0 networking works, but libvirt does not):

#auto eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


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Fedora Networking :: Getting A Machine To Update Its Machine Name In The DNS ServerSounds Doesn't?

Feb 20, 2011

I have an issue with the manner in which Network Manager is configuring the network and short of ditching Network Manager I can see no solution.The issue : Getting a machine to update its machine name in the DNS serverSounds simple doesn't it I operate a FreeBSD based firewall / DHCP / DNS server, using a default Network Manager DHCP configuration the Fedora clients do not register their names with the DNS server when they obtain an address.

I have traced the communications with Wireshark and the Fedora clients are NOT supplying the PC's hostname as part of the exchange so this is NOT a DNS server configuration issue. If I uncheck the option 'Automatically obtain DNS information from provider' under the DHCP settings the Fedora clients DO register the hostname that is put into the Hostname (optional) databox. They do NOT however store the DNS server IP address or any other records defined by the DNS server.

Is there some hidden settings or is this a bug because it isn't acceptable 'DHCP' behaviour if it isn't possible to automatically set DNS server IP addresses and at the same time register the hostname during the DHCP negotiation. Before it is said I know I can use a fixed DNS IP address but am not prepared to long term, I am also not prepared to define the Fedora clients with a 'static' IP. I am similarly not interested in playing around with scripts or any other such 'frigs' to achieve what should be a standard activity - registering a host with DNS during the DHCP negotiation.

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Networking :: Access A Windows Server 2000 Machine Using A Machine Via KDE?

Apr 9, 2010

I need to access a Windows Server 2000 machine using a Linux machine via KDE, but that will migrate to Gnome. The Linux user to connect to Windows machine, you should open an application 'XYZ' automatically, and only this, denying any unauthorized access. When you close the application 'XYZ' communications (RDP?) Should be terminated. Do I need a log of accesses and possible attempts to circumvent the system and access other application.

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Networking :: Transfer Files From A Machine To A Windows Machine Which Are Not In The Same Network?

Jul 6, 2010

I had run one script in unix machine and want to copy the results to a windows machineBoth the machines are on different networksIn linux machine trying to do the ftp to the windows machine its giving connection refused. How to chech whether ftp is running on that linux machine or not?Also tried scp and ssh , both are failing

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Networking :: Setup Machine As DNS Cache Server?

Jun 10, 2009

I have set up a gateway machine in debian lenny

internet is shared to the localnetwork by using squid as proxy server Can I improve the performance if I set up this machine as DNS cache server?

What is the result if I set this machine as Primary DNS?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Cron Job Creates A Tunnel To Remote Machine To Work Correctly On 9.10?

Jan 12, 2010

I am having some trouble setting up a cron job that creates a tunnel to my remote machine to work correctly on Ubuntu 9.10. The setup looks like the following:

(1) myscript.sh (executable)
ssh -2 -x -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.prv -L 3128:myremotemachine:3128 myaccount@myremotemachine
(2) crontab -e, added the following lines:


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Networking :: Can't Ping CentOS 5.3 Machine To XP SP2 Windows Machine

Oct 31, 2009

I have two machines, one has XP service pack2, second one has CentOS 5.3 (Linux), they are connected through crossover cable. I have configured everything fine but don't know why till now can't ping!

A. Windows machine settings as follows:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gatway:
+ Firewall is turned OFF.

B. For Linux machine, I will list everything stored in network files, logged as [root@localhost ~]# :

1. /etc/sysconfig/network:

ifconfig eth0 netmask up
route add -net netmask eth0
route add default gw eth0

2. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0


3. /etc/resolv.conf

search locadomain

4. I restarted network service using this command:

/etc/init.d/network start

everything is fine. When checking using ifconfig command. I get the following:

eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:0D:EE:19:66
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr:........


I mean I assigned the IP: to Linux machine (Eth0). I did everything above and can't ping till now, when pinging from windows or Linux I get a message "destination host unreachable" restarted Linux many times but same result. NETWORK CABLE is working fine I tested it.

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Networking :: Machine A Can't Access The Network When Machine B Goes Offline?

Mar 1, 2011

I've run into a weird problem. Two of my linux machines (A and B, both running CentOS 5.5) are connected to the same wall ethernet socket via a hub. Bothf them are configured for static IPs. The trouble is that when machine B goes offline or hits a kernel panic, machine 1 goes offline too. What I've noticed is that in this condition the "route" output from machine A does not show any entry for the default gateway either The contents of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 for machine A are:

# Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller


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Networking :: Setup Network Printer To Combination Machine

Apr 11, 2010

I have two Linux machines both running Debian (I do not want Windows to be involved at all). One is a desktop and one is a laptop. I desire to connect a not-yet-purchased printer/scanner combination machine only to the internal LAN via my router (Linksys WRT54G) via Ethernet cable, or via wireless if the printer/scanner has that capability. I want to be able to print to that printer (and scan from its scanner) by only having to turn on the printer/scanner and only one of the other computers, and not have to have both Linux machines turned on in order to print and/or scan.

So my questions are:
When I look at specific models of printers, what should I be looking for in their specifications that indicates that this configuration is possible (i.e., should I be looking exclusively for printers that say they are "wireless printers" or "network printers")?The reason I ask this question: In my online searching, I thought "networked printer" or "stand-alone network printer" meant just that, but what I found instead are pages and pages of instructions on how to connect the printer locally to a Linux machine, with the associated setup to allow that Linux machine to serve print requests coming from other machines on the LAN. And that approach is not what I want to do (with the notable exception of temporary setup to validate that the printer is responding to requests for printing and scanning from Linux).

Are there particular brands, makes, or models that I would have better luck in getting to work in this manner (i.e., "better stick with HP or Xerox")? Am I kidding myself that a combination printer/scanner would work in the same fashion and still be relatively easy to set up on both Linux machines without resorting to some Windows-centric approach? Result of my searching so far (I have not worked my way through all of these in detail, but plan to): References to local printer connection which is not what I want:
Set up a network printer using cups
Set up a printer

The post inside Setting_Up_a_Network_Printer_using_CUPS that starts with "running an HP Photosmart 8450 as a stand-alone networked printer" (where is the permalink?) is as close as I could get, but I am concerned that the instructions given are specific to the HP Photosmart 8450, or specific to the HP vendor, versus for all printers that can be connected to an Ethernet network (not that being locked into HP is going to be a problem necessarily, but I would like to know why if that is the case). Linux compatible printers says "Have a look at LinuxPrinting for known working drivers for printers data base. Also buy from a linux friendly company, ie HP, Brother, Epsom." Later in that thread, someone said Definitely don't buy canon.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To See Machine From Any XP Machine?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a ubuntu 9.04 machine i'm using as a file server. I'm able to see that machine from any XP machine, connect to it's shares play music, movies, work off of it NO problems. But i can't view the shares from a windows 7 home edition PC (garbage). AND, from the ubuntu PC, i can't see any of the other shares on network. I get "Fail to receive share list from server".

NOTE: Originally i had this machine connected with wireless card because of location. and I was able to see all shares then - both ways (still not from Windows 7 PCs though). However, when I moved to hard wire connection, the network disappeared. I've tried changing IP addresses, changing switches, but no network. I'd like to keep it hard wire. Can anyone point me in right direction or am i missing information?

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Ubuntu Networking :: [10.04] Netgear WPN311 Setup In EVGA-based Machine

Nov 18, 2010

I should preface this by saying I'm pretty much new to ubuntu. I was a nerd back when I used windows, so I'm fairly knowledgeable about it, but I lost interest right before switching to linux, so I haven't learned much past basic navigation.

I bought a WPN311 wireless card for my homebuilt machine a while back and still can't seem to get it to work. One person told me that after upgrading to Lucid it should work out of the box but that's not the case. It seems my computer doesn't even recognize that the card is plugged in. When I open the drop-down menu to choose which network connection to use, any sort of wireless option doesn't even show up.

My machine:

EVGA 112 CK-NF68-T1 motherboard
Intel Core 2 Duo E6750
Two sticks OCZ DDR2 PC2-6400
ATI Radeon X1650 Pro
And the Netgear WPN311 in question

lspci output:


00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation C55 Host Bridge (rev a2)
00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
00:00.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)
00:00.3 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C55 Memory Controller (rev a1)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Mercurial Code Sharing Server On A Machine

Feb 2, 2011

I'm trying to setup a mercurial code sharing server on an Ubuntu machine but I can't figure out how to get it running. I'm setting up this server on a LAN so I don't want any security. Another thing I should mention is that I'm using Netbeans to code in Java. how use mercurial and tortoise (I've got them installed).

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Networking :: Setup A PXE Kickstart Installation - File (ks.cfg) Not Picked The Machine

Aug 4, 2010

I am in a VMware environment, and using RHEL 5.4. I am trying to setup a PXE Kickstart installation. For this I have configured DHCP and TFTP, made a kickstart file and shared it in the network through HTTP. My problem is that somehow kickstart file (ks.cfg) is not picked by the machine in which I am installing the OS. Although, the contents of my kickstart file can be viewed over HTTP. Please see KS_Error.jpg.


However, I believe DHCP and TFTP is working fine as I am getting the correct IP which I have set in /etc/dhcpd.conf. Also, my label 1 which I have set in /tftpboot/linux-install/pxelinux.cfg/default is working fine as I able to locate initrd and vmlinuz. Please see attached Image_1.jpg how to troubleshoot this. I need to paste any of my configuration files?.

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Networking :: Samba Setup - Windows 7 Host - CentOS Machine Using VirtualBox?

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to set up samba in my CentOS virtual machine that is running on a Windows 7 host. I have found a tutorial in the How-Tos on this site but I'm not sure if they are exact and I'm paranoid about messing something up. The link to the tutorial is below. Is there anything that I should do different or anything that I should be aware of? Also, once this is set up, how do I transfer files between the two machines? Please note: I am very inexperienced in the IT field. [URL]...

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Fedora Networking :: Setup A LAN With An FC14 Laptop - FC15 PC And A Windows Machine Running XP?

Jun 27, 2011

Trying to set up a LAN with an FC14 laptop, FC15 PC and a Windows machine running XP. I have SAMBA installed on both FC machines, but neither of them can see shares on each other or the XP machine. I can ping between all of them. The Windows machine sees all of the SAMBA shares.

When I attempt to Connect to Server under Places on the FC15 PC, I do not have a Windows share option to choose from as I do on the laptop, suggesting smbclient isn't configured correctly on that machine. SMB, NMB and WINBIND are installed and activated on startup on both FC machines. Although I have the Windows share option on the FC14 laptop, it will only connect with the IP address.

Firewalls and SELinux on both machines are disabled. Here are some configuration details:

rpm -qa | grep samba


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Get WIn XP Machine To See Machine

Jan 25, 2011

I am a new user trying Ubuntu 10.Got it up and running.Can connect to the internet.Can send and receive E Mail.Can see my Win XP machine that is also on my home netwook.Can transfer files from my Win XP machine to my Ubuntu Machine but just cannot work out how to get my WIn XP machine to see my Ubuntu machine.

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Ubuntu :: Use VMWare's Converter To Convert A Physical Machine Into A Virtual Machine?

Jan 3, 2010

I read once that you could use VMWare's converter to convert a physical machine into a virtual machine to run in VirtualBox. Can someone point me in the direction of a tutorial or just give me instructions on how to do this? I was very confused by the converter and how to get the image to work with virtualbox.

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Ubuntu :: Numbers To Put In Linux Machine Can Connect / Print To Windows Machine?

Apr 16, 2011

I remember it being really easy to add a printer attached to another computer using Ubuntu, but I don't remember exactly what made it so easy. All I know is that now that I have switched to Kubuntu the process has become much harder because now I have to find out some special locations, numbers etc. for it to connect to the printer. It's connected to a Windows XP machine on the other side of the house.
It says alot about 'contacting the network administrator' if I am unsure about what to put in. But I am more or less the network administrator. how to find out what numbers to put in so that my Linux machine can connect and print to the Windows machine? Or maybe someone knows a few commands to share? I go to Applications > Settings > System settings, Printer configuration, New Printer, New Network printer, and then there are a few options but I don't know which one to choose. Windows Printer via Samba, I guess? Then in the box that says smb://[enter stuff here] I need to put in info but I don't know how to find that info.

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Security :: Centrally Control Several Ubuntu Machines / Each Machine Should Get Permit From Central Machine Before Installing Any Software?

Jul 31, 2010

I have several (say, 50) machines running ubuntu.I want them to be centrally controlled.That is, each machine should get permit from central machine before installing any software etc.I googled quite a lot but could not find the solution...

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Ubuntu :: Copy SCP A Couple Files From 10.10 Machine To A Fedora 12 Machine

Dec 8, 2010

I have been trying to SCP a couple files from my Ubuntu 10.10 machine to a Fedora 12 machine. Before today, did it with out any problems, always worked. Today however; after the SCP is complete from my machine, the file on the other machine is zero bytes, an empty file. The only thing I can remember getting changed was the new kernel that was in the update I did today. But I don't think that would have changed the SCP works.

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Fedora Networking :: Can Access Unix Machine From Another Unix Machine?

Feb 23, 2009

i have been using samba to gain access into windows computer through my pc which has fedora 8 ..can i access the unix machine from another unix machine? is yes then what is the procedures ?

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