Ubuntu Networking :: Netbook Is Not Capable To Deal With Some UTP Cables

Feb 18, 2010

I have a strange problem regarding the connection to a LAN. I have a asus eeepc 1000H with Ubuntu netbook remix 9.10 (dual boot with WinXp). I've discovered two days ago that one of the pins from the ethernet port is pushed inside. This led to the fact that my netbook is not capable to deal with some UTP cables in the sense that it won't connect at the network through this cables. These cables work perfectly for any other computer.This is true for XP - for Ubuntu I found that it is not possible at all to connect through any cable at a LAN. There is an exception to that - my internet connection at home is done through PPPOE and I am able to access the internet through Ubuntu and WinXp.

Asus Romania won't honor the warranty (in their opinion I abused the product and it is my fault - fair enough - it is my fault since I am the single owner of the product - and I am connecting it in various locations to various ethernet cables) and in order to fix it they told me they will need to change the entire motherboard - which I guess it will cost me a price close to the price of the netbook itself - and I don't want to pay that much just for a pushed inside pin. (I wrote these to avoid questions regarding the warranty).I can live with the fact that some of the ethernet/UTP cables won't work with my netbook - but I can't live with the fact that the Ubuntu OS is not capable to connect to the internet through the ethernet port in any other locations besides my home. I require help in order to establish if there is something wrong with the Ubuntu ethernet settings or the Ubuntu OS is not capable to connect to internet through the faulty ethernet port (WinXp can).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Identify CAT 5 And CAT 6 Cables ?

Jun 14, 2010

The way to identify CAT 5 and CAT 6 cable?What are the differences between these two cables..?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Card Not Detecting Lan Cables?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a 64 bit install of Ubuntu 10.04, I was surfing up to 11:30pm EST last night, shut down for the night, upon reboot am unable to connect to the internet or my local network. Ubuntu seems to think that I have no ethernet cables connected.My networking is controlled by my motherboard (Gigabyte P55A-UD4P) and the problem is not on my cable modems side. The modem has multiple wired jacks, all of them are unresponsive with my Ubuntu PC while my roommate can connect to all of them with his Windows 7 PC. Both network cables (the one connecting to his box and the one connecting to mine) are interchangeable: They both work on his and neither on mine, so there is no broken cable.I've followed the troubleshooting in other posts, here are some commonly requested diagnostics:

ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 6c:f0:49:53:1f:c0


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Networking :: Slackware 12.2 -- Connecting Two Machines With Crossover Cables?

Feb 12, 2009

I have dell dimension 4700 I installed slackware 12.2 onto with the of making it a headless home network jukebox that I could ssh into and control via a crossover cable.From other posts I've seen, it looks like I just need to set up the IP addresses under the same netmask, and can use ssh then. On the slackware machine, it does not seem to recognize an eth device.


# dmesg | grep eth
Driver 'st' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Deal With A Windows/ Networks

May 21, 2011

All the Ubuntu networking info I can find online talks about Samba and how to deal with a Windows/Ubuntu networks.

I have 4 computers for my family, I just installed Ubuntu (10.04 lts on 2, 10.10 & 11.04) on them. They are all dual boot with XP.

Is there a tutorial that talks about just dealing with an Ubuntu network? I would assume you don't use or need Samba if windows isn't involved?

Also it looks to me that the work-group name is more important to windows. Is it even necessary with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Grub2 Is Unable To Deal With Mounting The Samba Shares On Lan At Boot Time

Oct 15, 2010

I've been having terrible trouble with my 64bit Desktop v10.04 ever since I upgraded it. Has been a long battle - but I think I have it down to just one remaining issue which I suspect is more related to the network than to the upgrade. So I'll ask here also... The old system always used grub as the bootloader, and has always worked just fine. I have now had to do a complete fresh install, which incorporated a change to grub2 (first time I have used it).

It would seem now, that grub2 is unable to deal with mounting the samba shares on my lan at boot time. The boot always fails, dumping the user to the cli rather than the gui desktop. The error given indicates that the network is unreachable. Most users of the system have given up on Ubuntu altogether because of this, and fallen back into the clutches of the evil empire (the machine dual boots XP). If I log in, and manually startx to open the desktop, the network is there, and the shares are mounted just fine. Everything seems to be working ok - but for crashing out of the boot process with network errors. The fstab file follows, in case there is some cause there I'm not seeing (I have edited names and passwords prior to posting)...


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Networking :: Getting A VLAN Router With A Wan Interface Capable Of Ethernet And AMT?

Oct 30, 2010

getting a VLAN router with a wan interface capable of Ethernet and AMT? something under $80-$100 pref.i need to segment a client on my home network.

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Ubuntu :: TV Output Using Svideo Cables?

Jan 12, 2010

how to connect using my TV as a monitor using SVideo cables. I connect the computer and it boots up fine so that I can see it booting up with Grub until Ubuntu loads then the screen goes black and starts to flicker. I was previously able to connect using Windows can I do the same with Ubuntu and do I need to upload drivers.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Build A Streaming Box Or Cables ?

May 19, 2010

So I'm sitting on some components from my old pc build and am looking to stream over my tv once again. My decision rests on do I build the box, run Boxee and/or Windows Media Platform to keep the box with my TV or do I buy the 35ft RCA video cable and dvi composite out adapter for my video card and go that route? All my music and media is stored on a external backup drive so the box I build would not have access to the media unless I could create a wireless network but I do not know how to do this with Ubuntu. Anyone willing to hold my hand and help me walk through this to get a decision made?

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Ubuntu :: How To Deal With Tar.gz

Jun 17, 2011

i have been using linux for about 2 months now , and still can't deal with tar.gz files! i extract the achieve , open the folder , open terminal in that folder , then make and..... nothing i didn't find the make file in firefox 6 tar.gz for example , for other files there was missing libraries , is there a compiler that can do the job simply like synaptic? it is really stupid that every application should have its installation instructions!!!! why there isn't some standardization for all linux distro in this point? deb packages are simple to use , why there isn't a general package system for all linux distro ? or at least a unified system for compiling where i can use the tar.gz files like .deb files?

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Hardware :: Switching Acer Aspire One Ssd To 1.8" Hdd - Cables Are Different Sizes ?

Jul 24, 2010

I have a broken ssd in my acer aspire one. I bought a Toshiba MK3006GAL 30 GB 1.8" iPod laptop HDD, and planned to make a switch. however, the zif or tif cables are different sizes. the ssd has a way smalled cable it looks like. I know nothing about switching these...i thought i could just plug it in and be ready to go. I also ordered a ZIF/LIF Ribbon Cable FFC for Toshiba 1.8"HDD Drive 56mm, i dont have it yet.

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Ubuntu :: What's The Deal On Adobe Flash Player

Jan 10, 2010

A couple of the sites I go to, very professional and legit sites, tell me I need Adobe flash player. Now that I don't run anything with Ubuntu other then a FW is this safe? What about "NoScript" for Firefox?

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Ubuntu :: What's The Deal With Firefox Security Patches On 9.10

Jul 6, 2010

It's starting to feel like Ubuntu 9.10 users have been left out in the cold, or at least forced to fend for themselves. I'm referring to the publicly-known vulnerabilities present in Firefox 3.5.9 (the version currently in use by Ubuntu 9.10). Ubuntu 10.04 (which uses Firefox 3.6.x instead of 3.5.x) users received their package updates June 29th, yet Ubuntu 9.10 seems to have been placed on the back burner. So basically, my questions are: Does anyone know what's going on? What's taking so long? Has security support for Firefox been terminated for Ubuntu 9.10?

PS: I can sort of understand how Ubuntu isn't able to provide Firefox patches for Ubuntu 9.04, as it uses Firefox 3.0.x (which isn't supported upstream anymore) and the distro release is so close to EOL. But, surely Ubuntu 9.10 doesn't need to be treated the same way, given that the 3.5.x branch it uses is still supported upstream and the distro release won't reach EOL until Q2 2011.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Is It A Big Deal To Upgrade To KDE 4.4?

Dec 23, 2009

Is it a big deal to upgrade to KDE 4.4? I am using 11.2.

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Software :: Deal With An Existing WDS PXE Directory?

Jun 28, 2011

An existing Windows 2003 Server hosts a WDS pxe role. A networtk shared directory provides some customized OS.

I have to migrate this server without altered the WDS directory. Is it possible to deal with this stack under Redhat with pxelinux ?

Actually, my tests are negative. But I definitively have to deal with as a requirement. Otherwise an update will be made for each alteration of the OS.

POC : Red Hat 5 64bits, Apache2, Samba3, pxelinux, tftp-hpa.

I had successfully boot a virtual pc under Red hat. But I'm alaways game over with the corporate OS. When I load a pxeboot.n12 file there is an invalid file or corrupt error. When I rename this file as pxeboot.0 (to use pxelinue) the next step is a boot menu. I load a BCD file but after a boot.ini file is required but not present. This file doesn't exits in the current directory.

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Software :: How To Deal Files With Space In Names

Jul 15, 2011

I have a bash file as following:


printf $1


so the for loop spilt the file names if containing spaces, how can I fix the bug?

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Programming :: App To Deal - Work With Requirements Management?

Jan 15, 2010

What is the application you are used to work with (if any) to deal with requirements management?

Anyone but doors or osrmt?

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Ubuntu :: Hardware Capable Of Playing Sound?

Feb 1, 2011

I have been having a problem since I switched to Ubuntu a month or two ago; infrequently, my sound will stop working. It looks like when this happens Ubuntu doesn't even recognize that I have hardware capable of playing sound, even if I just was. It replaces the Audio Output options with "Dummy Output" and has no other options.I have tried doing some research on why this is happening, but all the issues I found were the audio output never recognizing any hardware, not just stopping after a while. I tried some of those fixes anyway, but the problem just came up again today. The only way I know how to reset it is to restart.

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General :: Deal With Job That Stop And Cannot Continue Unless Made Foreground?

May 23, 2010

Recent example: mountlo (using UML):

vi@vi-notebook:~/b$ mountlo -m 16 -d /dev/uba1 /home/vi/mnt/usb -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,allow_other&
[1] 32561
vi@vi-notebook:~/b$ Checking that ptrace can change system call numbers...OK
Checking syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking advanced syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking PROT_EXEC mmap in /tmp...OK


Also happens with Gimp (when it does run it's plug-ins). Parts of Gimp started by `gimp q.jpg&' freeze and cannot continue unless "killall -CONT" or made foreground. Is it a bug? How to reliably start things in a background?

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Server :: MySQL Backup - Deal With Large Amounts Of Data?

Feb 15, 2011

we've been trying to become a bit more serious about backup. It seems the better way to do MySQL backup is to use the binlog. However, that binlog is huge! We seem to produce something like 10Gb per month. I'd like to copy the backup to somewhere off the server as I don't feel like there is much to be gained by just copying it to somewhere else on the server. I recently made a full backup which after compression amounted to 2.5Gb and took me 6.5 hours to copy to my own computer ... So that solution doesn't seem practical for the binlog backup.Should we rent another server somewhere? Is it possible to find a server like that really cheap? Or is there some other solution? What are other people's MySQL backup practices?

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Debian :: PC Not Capable To Shutdown Or Reboot?

Aug 10, 2010

I am facing the issue that the PC not capable to shutdown or reboot; In order to debug that, htop tells me the running processes but all seems normal, I killed few but still cold reset is needed.There is certainly a problem somewhere. the best would be to know which process are weirdly hanging. It could make this testing debian bit better to know which package has these issues.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Script To Deal With Pseudo-hardlinked Directories In Time Machine Backups

Jun 16, 2010

Just wanted to share a script that I wrote to migrate data off of a Time Machine backup. As anyone who's tried this knows, it's not straightforward because most directories are pseudo-hardlinked according to some hare-brained scheme Apple came up with. (Hard-linked directories actually show up as zero-length regular files with bizarre link counts greater than 128. The link count corresponds to a directory called "dir_$N" (where $N is the link count) inside of a special directory at the root of the Time Machine volume called ".HFS+ Private Directory Data^M" (where the ^M is a literal carriage-return character).)

Here's the script (it's also attached, for convenience). It works pretty much the same as "rsync -av <SRC_DIR> <DST_DIR>" would, if the pseudo-hardlinks weren't in the way. In other words, it just recursively copies the first directory to the second. So the first argument (the source directory) is typically something like


if you want the entire latest backup. It can also be a relative path, if you've already changed to a directory inside the backup.


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Ubuntu :: /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There Are No Pwm-capable Sensor Modules Installed

Feb 20, 2010

Im trying to setup pwm config on this computer so that the fans wont come on to loud. Motherboard is DFI lanparty JR p45-t2rs. there is pwm hardware, as i have used pwm config in arch on the same computer. any pointers you can give me to get pwm control working on this pc? edit: during sensors detect. im told that the it87 module is needed. but i cannot load it:

mark@torrentslave:~$ sudo modprobe it87
FATAL: Error inserting it87 (/lib/modules/2.6.31-17-server/kernel/drivers/hwmon/it87.ko): Device or resource busy

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Ubuntu :: Build Some Form Of PC Capable Of Running Basic Dev Tools / Scm?

Feb 14, 2011

I need a dev setup which is external to the box I work on at home. I.e. I need to build some form of PC capable of running basic dev tools / scm.Given its very basic needs, was thinking of finding a fanless, probably atom based, micro-itx solution. I.e. small, silent, can just sit somewhere all day with a nightly backup to a NAS. (it would be really cool then as well because I can throw it in a bag and take it places when I need to -- its wrong I get excited about that...).Just wandering if anyone has done anything similar?lightly worried about the performanceWas thinking something like the Shuttle XS35GT:but have a gut feeling I could build something better for 2/3's the price.

Friend suggested buying a simple netbook as its probably one of the cheaper ways to getting an atom powered system, and has a screen for setup. ll it needs to run is a web server, SVN/GIT, Trac, maven, hudson and artifactory. I.e. it does not need to be capable of streaming video content etc (i.e. its not a media box) for 1 user at a time. Projects are not going to be the smallest for home projects, but really in the grand scheme of things its going to be small.

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Fedora :: Graphics Not Capable Of Hardware Accelerated 3D

Oct 19, 2009

"Your system currently is not capable of hardware accelerated 3D." stupid error. anyway i finally installed fedora 11 and thought i had everything working and then i go to play a game and.. "Your system currently is not capable of hardware accelerated 3D" in ubuntu it had an alert that installed the correct graphics driver and everything was fine but fedora doesn't do that. i've been messing around with it for three days now and i'm giving up. my chipset is nvidia nforce 430(mcp61)

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General :: Make Grub Capable Of Booting Two OS?

Apr 8, 2010

I have FC8 on my laptop and then I wanted to test Ubuntu 8 so I installed Ubuntu and it removed the grub loader of Fedora then I repaired fedora with DVD and then it removed Ubuntu Grub. So how can I have two OS in one grub loader.I found grub.conf file in FC but couldnot find it in Ubuntu.

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Software :: Is There A More Stable But Equally Capable Alternative?

Jul 11, 2011

VLC does what I want, however, it often freezes up my system so that it's difficult to even kill itself. I have to do a hard reset because while playing something it gets stuck. If there's something I can do to stop that, what is it?If not, is there a more stable but equally capable alternative? I don't want to hunt for codecs.

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Ubuntu :: Installing 10.10 Netbook Remix Edition Onto A Acer Aspire One Netbook?

Jan 18, 2011

I am having trouble installing Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix edition onto a Acer Aspire one netbook. I am attempting to install the OS from a 16GB PNY usb drive w/ the usb-universal installer and ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix .ISO

The reoccurring problem that I am encountering is that when I boot from the USB-drive and begin to install everything seems to be working, and then it is stuck at the menu where it asks who are you?; and of course i have filled in everything asked and at the bottom where you can look at what its doing in the terminal/detail section all it says is ready when you are, and the forward tap is unselectable.

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General :: Resolution Overclocking Using Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 On An Asus Eee 4G Netbook

Aug 30, 2010

Why i cant change from 800x480 to 1024x600, that this model of EEE pc doesnt support anything higher than 800x480 at the 10:1 ratio...

Firstly my question is, is it ACTUALLY possible to 'overclock' this type of netbook to run a higher res?

Im running ubtuntu netbook remix 10.04 and am new to linux (again, so sorry) so be nice, and ive tried getting my head around this 'sudo' stuff, and the xorg.conf file (which is nowhere to be found) and ive even tried a program calld astray but im pretty sure ive exhausted my patience as trying to self-teach . . .

And ive also tried to much around with xrandr or whatever that command was.. but i cant really get my head around it, and it kept telling me the resolution didnt exist ect...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Not Capable To Sync Artwork Correctly To IPod?

Feb 16, 2010

I've started using Banshee to sync my ipod lately. There are a few issues with it that I can bear - having to killall natutilus every time I reconnect my ipod being one. But I'm getting a bit peeved with Banshee being apparently incapable of syncing my album artwork correctly. It downloads the correct artwork perfectly within banshee, but at the minute about half the albums on my ipod have REM Monster cover art beside them. Is there any way I can force Banshee to reset the artwork?

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