Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Connection Lasts A Few Seconds Then Dies?

Jan 31, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 on my new Asus Eee PC 1215T, and I'm having trouble getting Internet access. When I first start up or reboot the PC, I'll have network access, but not Internet access. I'm connecting via a WAN at my university, and so the first thing you have to do is "register" the computer on the network (by visiting a certain website on their intranet) before it will allow you to access the Internet. Takes about 3 minutes to register it. I have enough time to *begin* this registration process, but I've tried several times and I can't get all the way through it before I mysteriously lose all network access. Unfortunately this is a brand new machine and came without any OS installed, so there's no way I know of to test whether this is defective hardware or not.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Only Lasts 2 Seconds?

Feb 27, 2011

So, today I've installed a new splash screen:


And after the burg screen (yes, I have burg installed too) and some other stuff while booting, the splash screen only appears like 2 seconds before the login screen.

Is there any way I can make it last longer?

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Debian Installation :: LXDE Session Only Lasts 10 Seconds?

Apr 18, 2010

I have just upgraded to the latest testing packages with aptitude and now when I log in I get 2 error messages. One is "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace. Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem." and then if I click on view details I get "/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup..." As long if I don't click OK the system (LXDE) is completely usable and the only thing that doesn't seem to be working properly is wifi - I think I was using network manager which doesn't seem to be loading. The other error message is: "GTK+ icon theme is not properly set This usually means you don't have an XSETTINGS manager running. Desktop environment like GNOME or XFCE automatically execute their XSETTING managers like gnome-settings-daemon or xfce-mcs-manager.

If you don't use these desktop environments, you have two choices:

1. run an XSETTINGS manager, or

2. simply specify an icon theme in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.

For example to use the Tango icon theme add a line: gtk-icon-theme-name="Tango" in your ~/.gtkrc-2.0. (create it if no such file)

NOTICE: The icon theme you choose should be compatible with GNOME, or the file icons cannot be displayed correctly. Due to the differences in icon naming of GNOME and KDE, KDE themes cannot be used. Currently there is no standard for this, but it will be solved by freedesktop.org in the future." clicking OK brings up icons etc. and desktop background. I am using an SSD and when I set up the laptop I think that I made /tmp a folder on a ram disk (and maybe a few other temporary files as well). Could this have anything to do with these error messages? (one also pops up about battery empty when the battery is still @ 100% but that is less irritating)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Dies With No Cable

Apr 15, 2010

I recently installed the vt6656 wireless pci card that came with my zotac motherboard. I can associate with my ap and get an ip address successfully. When I disconnect my ethernet cable, however, my wireless interface stops responding (can't ping it). The box itself is in a place where I don't have a monitor connected to it so I cant see anything since my ssh session gets killed as soon as I disconnect the ethernet cable.

What would be the reason why the ehternet cable being unplugged, disconnects my wifi card as well? Does something get triggered? I did some testing with iptables, blocking the 8080 traffic to the wired interface, and noticed that the 8080 traffic also gets blocked to the wifi ip. I'm afraid that this never worked properly to begin with.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Stays Open For Few Seconds And Then Dies And Won't Restart

Sep 2, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and after a recent software update, I found that my web browsers crash constantly. Firefox stays open for a few seconds and then dies and won't restart. Google Chrome keeps giving me the "Aw, Snap!" screen. Seamonkey and Epiphany run for a while and then crash. After some research, I uninstalled Flash, but that didn't change anything.On a possibly related note, I've been informed of disk errors during boot and prompted to fix them twice in the same two week period.

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Hardware :: Ethernet Port Dies After A Few Seconds Of Use (Intel 82583V)

Jul 13, 2010

I have been working with a Advantech AIMB-780W board to be used in the PC's at my company and have recently run into some problems with the on-board Ethernet ports.

I am running Linux on the PC, specifically Fedora 13 (kernel is the latest update I've tested i think).

Originally after installing the PC recognizes both ports and I can use the top port (82578DM) without any problems however the default MAC address comes up as 88:88:88:88:87:88. This MAC address is consistent regardless of which Linux OS I install, I have tried Fedora, Ubuntu and Cent OS.

If I try to use the bottom port (82583V), which has a more logical mac address, it will work for a few seconds. However once I try any extended contact, for example a yum install or file download using a browser, the connection will stop working.

When checking dmesg I am presented with a spam of:

pciehp 0000:00:1c.6:pcie04: Card not present on Slot(134)
pciehp 0000:00:1c.6:pcie04: Card present on Slot(134)
pciehp 0000:00:1c.6:pcie04: Card not present on Slot(134)
pciehp 0000:00:1c.6:pcie04: Card present on Slot(134)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Tweaks - Connection Seems To Pause For About 5-10 Seconds

Jan 7, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu for the first time, and I installed sucessfully World of Warcraft, but I'm noticing some networking issues where my whole network connection seems to pause for about 5-10 seconds at a time, which I finally realized when I played WoW. So i was curious where the settings are that I can change to possible eliminate that, or what others have done to increase their network throughput on their cards.

I'm running Unbuntu 9.10 64bit with the latest version of Wine from the Synaptic Package Manager. The router is a LinksysWRT54G3G-ST and my wireless network card I think is something made from MSI I don't see where to find out what drivers are installed on it I'm probably just looking in the wrong place or I'd give more information on the card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Stops After A Few Seconds?

Jun 30, 2010

Internet connection has been very unstable on my system latley. Think it was because of last update.

Basically for example i watch a video on ..... and it never fully loads. Even when i browse pages dont fully load and i must wait a few seconds before i press reload.

I am connected through cable. Network is working fine on other OS

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Connection Interrupted After A Few Seconds?

Aug 22, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 10.04 on a new laptop siemens xi3650. I have Vista installed on it, and it works perfectly. On Ubuntu the wifi connection stops after a few seconds, and it wont reconnect until I restart the pc. The only mean I have to connect to internet is vie ethernet on ubuntu, or ethernet or wifi with vista. here is the results of the OS information:


genni@genni-laptop:~$ uname -r -m
2.6.32-21-generic x86_64

and the result of commands related to the network manager and the wifi connection. lsusb


genni@genni-laptop:~$ lsusb
Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 007 Device 002: ID 04b3:310c IBM Corp. Wheel Mouse
Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless - Can't Get A Connection For More Than A Few Seconds After Reinstall

Nov 25, 2010

I recently reinstalled 10.04. The wireless worked fine for a week or so, but not it cant get a connection for more than a few seconds. Ive downloaded Wicd, and after an eternity of trying to connect, it tells me that no IP address could be established. I can connect no problem when I plug in via Ethernet cable. Nothing when I try to use the wireless though.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Once I Connect / Within 30 Seconds Lose Internet Connection

Sep 7, 2010

I have an ASUS G50Vt laptop with Ubuntu 10.04 installed on it. I have a WiFi Link 5100 wireless device. I use these settings to connect to it:URL...My problem is, once I connect, within 30 seconds I lose my Internet connection. It goes on and off seemingly whenever it wants. Is there something I'm missing? Some kind of driver issue or something else I need to change?I can connect to the non-secure connections fine, just when I try to use the secure one it craps out. Halp?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wlan Connection Starts And Stops Every Few Seconds

Apr 17, 2011

I have a problem with my wlan connection. it works for few seconds, then stops for few seconds and then starts again (without interaction from my side). I run Ubuntu 10.4 Lucid. The issue started few days ago. Using ethernet, there is no problem. The problem does not exist with other computers i have, there wifi and internet work continuously and flawless. I ping my wlan router. one sees that connection to the wlan router starts and stops every few seconds... (of course, internet connection then behaves analogous)


PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.30 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.21 ms


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Connection Drops 10 Seconds After Boot / Fix It?

Jun 3, 2010

I have had this issue for a while on my centos 5.4 dedicated server with 1and1. If I reboot my system, my connection starts and then drops in about 10 seconds after the system has booted.I connected through the serial console and noticed there was only one thing that seemed suspicious while booting. named could not start for some reason. So my question is - are these 2 problems related? If not, what could be the reason for my connection to drop?At the moment the only way of getting the connection back up is by running dhclient. This works until the next reboot.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Connection Drops 10 Seconds After Boot / Why Is So?

Aug 21, 2010

I have had this issue for a while on my centos 5.4 dedicated server with 1and1. If I reboot my system, my connection starts and then drops in about 10 seconds after the system has booted. I connected through the serial console and noticed there was only one thing that seemed suspicious while booting. named could not start for some reason.

So my question is - are these 2 problems related? If not, what could be the reason for my connection to drop? At the moment the only way of getting the connection back up is by running dhclient. This works until the next reboot.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Networking - Connection Works But No Internet

Jun 1, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 desktop on my desktop in dual boot with Windows 7.

Heres my problem, I am unable to connect to the Internet even though my wired Ethernet connection says it is connected normally. The wierd thing about this is that I also have a wireless card in my desktop and when I connect through that I am able to connect to the Internet. I am connecting to a router that is functioning as a repeater to my main router/cable modem. I have tried to solve this myself but am having no luck. Ironically, earlier today suddenly my ethernet connection worked for a few minutes without me modifying anything.

The output of some terminal commands are below.




However a pint to that ip address (my router) is successful.


Hosts.allow and hosts.deny are both fine (not blank but no entries)

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - No Wired Connection (Now Offline)

Jan 22, 2010

I have two PCs one has Windows XP the other has Ubuntu 9.10 on it, the Windows PC has no problems getting on the Internet (I'm posting this with it) and getting an IP address from the wired router. The wired router I have is ONLY wired it does not have wireless at all, it is currently setup to hand out IP addresses between and

The Ubunutu 9.10 PC worked great last night surfed all over the place for hours, then finally shut it down last night when I went to bed, shut down appeared to be normal like it always does when it shuts down, then this morning when I booted it up it gave error: "WIRED NETWORK - disconnected you are now offline".

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Ubuntu Networking :: 802.1X Authentication For LAN (wired Connection)

Mar 15, 2010

I am using ubuntu in my new office, and I can't get the network working. The "official" OS installed was a Windows, and it has a special "dial-up" app for the LAN connection (not wireless). My network admin is apparently not helpful, since he actually knows nothing about the internals for the "dial-up" app (he did not even ever heard of TTLS, PEAP, MD5, etc), and claimed that no OS except for Windows can work...

Well, I have tested various configurations with my Mac laptop, and apparently the LAN connection requires 802.1X authentication, and it's using a very weird combination "TTLS+PEAP+MD5" (if I check these options in Mac OS X, the connection works). However, in NetworkManager, I can't select both TTLS and PEAP, and moreover, TTLS does not work with MD5. So, is there anything I could try?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Connections Tab - No Wired Connection ?

May 17, 2010

Fresh install of UbuntuStudio 10.04. This is really bizarre.

I can't seem to connect to the wired connection mainly because there is no connections tab (pic attached).

Here's some printouts:



lshw -C network:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Connection But No Internet?

Jun 1, 2010

When I unplug the ethernet cable from this laptop and plug into my Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop I get a wired connection automatically but I have no internet connection in Mozilla

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Connection: WAN Drops But LAN OK

Aug 17, 2010

I've had a computer running Ubuntu connected to my TV for a few weeks now, but as of yesterday, I can't get it to keep a connection to the Internet. Everything works well for an hour or so after a reboot, but then no WAN connections work. When this happens, no sites load in Firefox or Chrome, I can't ping Google, I can't SSH to the box from work, and none of the pages I have running on apache load from remote computers. However, all local area connections seem to work fine. SSH from within my LAN takes much longer than usual, but it does still connect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect Dsl & Wired Connection With NM?

Sep 1, 2010

The situation is I have one machine just installed 10.04yesterday, and I plan to take it as FTP server sharing filesvia LAN and WAN as wellBut after setting up all network withNetwork-Manager found that my dsl connection willdisconnect while my wired connection was connected.

my network-manager setting process is:
1.wired tab:


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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Wired Connection Not Working?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a wired problem in Ubuntu 10.10, My Ubuntu can connect with Wireless network, however it cannot connect to Wired Connection. I installed dual System, one is Ubuntu 10.10, the other one is Win7. Under Win7, I can both connect to the Internet in Wired or Wireless mode.

The more wired phenomenon is: When I plug in the cable, I can see the icon connected in my network manager. But I cannot visit any URLs. By checking the "ifconfig -a", I can see the IP addr was assigned to my eth0.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wired Network Connection?

Nov 19, 2010

connect to wired LAN in ubuntu 10.04? I think I have specified the IP address and everything correctly. But it says no connectivity. In windows it says connected but I am unable to open any webpage.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Connection Not Working-10.04?

Dec 4, 2010

installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my Dell 1564. My cabled netwo connection is not working.buntu has been dual booted with Windows 7. Internet connection on Windows is working. I have an ADSL modem connected to my laptop via the cable.I have given the details of commands asked to be execute(viewed various posts).

isr@ISR:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 12)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor PCI Express x16 Root Port (rev 12)


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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wired Connection On New Install

Dec 16, 2010

I recently did a whole system wipe and got rid of windows all together!! Unfortunately, that means I have to start over with the whole networking thing. I know I have a bcm4311, but I have no idea what I have for a wired adapter. I know that I could search through everything to find what I need, but there is so much info for all the different versions. I have ubuntu studio. Can someone tell me the commands to type into the terminal to find out what I have for the wired network card and recommend a place to get the proper "drivers" to get my computer working again?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Connection Not Working

Jan 7, 2011

Running a wired connection through a Linksys router that suddenly stopped working today.I thought this was a ipv6 issue sinced I enabled some of those settings to share a connection with my PS3.I have since disabled IPv6 in Firefox and through the grub. The RealTek adapter will not even show a connection through the network manager when connected.The onboard adapter will show a connection, give me a ip address and MAC but still will not load the internet. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling both adapters through the network connections, as well as reinstalling Firefox to no avail.I've also tried using Open DNS servers.I cannot ping through the network tools either. Hard for me to paste a ifconfig since I'm on my laptop.I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 (not dual booting).I did some updates this morning but it worked fine for a little while after that, until I tried to connect to my PS3.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Use The Wired Connection

Apr 19, 2011

i got wired connection using Ubuntu 10.10 and im new using ubuntu pls tell me where i must write the words not to write codes and i don't where i must do it.what is the best version of Ubuntu didn't had that problems?as i saw that Ubuntu 10.10 had same problem for all people.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To The Wired Connection Using 10.04

Apr 20, 2011

i can't connect to the wired connection, but i can connect to the wireless... i'm using Ubuntus 10.04. when i run this codes into the terminal it shows:

root@valdivia-laptop:/home/valdivia# sudo lshw -C network
description: Wireless interface
product: AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express)
vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:04:00.0
logical name: wlan0

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Ubuntu Networking :: 11.04 Wired Connection Failed?

May 4, 2011

A while ago i attempted to use ubuntu as my default operating system and it failed, i could not get the shares to work properly and i gave up. Yes i know, may be i should have kept going.

Any way, my problem is, Im attempting to use ubuntu 11.04 now, and this time i am realy keen on going through with this, however... for some reason when i connect my wired connection cable ubuntu keeps failing to connect. this is with the auto eth0.

Can any one help me with this problem? This is one of the major things that i will need to do if i want to switch over to ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wired Or Wireless Connection

May 6, 2011

So I had 11.04 beta and after the official release I updated,rebooted and lost all wifi and wired connectivity.

On an Inspiron 9300
lshw -C network gives
*-network:0 UNCLAIMED

For my Broadcom BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX and *-network:1 DISABLED For my wirless interface Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG

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