Ubuntu Networking :: Starting Out In Networking And Security

Feb 5, 2011

I've wanted to learn networking and security for a while and after speaking with several people I realized that building my own network is the best way to go. I'm pursuing computer security as a hobby and a future career and I'm keeping things on the legal side. So with that stated I was wondering how you all think I should walk down this path.

What ebooks or printed books should I consider reading? Should I buy 1 or maybe 2 computers to go along side my laptop? What type of specs should they have (processor, memory, hd space). I'm on a budget and am simply looking to learn networking and security. Should I install ubuntu on all my machines or is there another distro of linux that's free, easy to install, and security centered? One last question, (and it's a newbie question) why would one want to learn networking and security on a windows machine. I know there's money to be made on installing and managing windows networks, but can't a person connect to windows machine from linux and practice hacking or other securtiy related activities including simply transfering files?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Security Natty 11.04 - Possible To Recovery History

Sep 1, 2011

I have server ubuntu natty 11.04-64 bit, Yesterday, I Think I had been hacked by someone..

How to create report to see log for brute force attack?

I have some port opened 80, 53(bind9), SSH(22), Port Squid & some port java

I am Also worried that Guy is create other username for login

How to check that?

Is it possible to recovery HISTORY at ubuntu..?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not 'starting' In 8.04 Laptop?

Jan 17, 2010

I installed 8.04.3 Ubuntu into a used laptop for a friend, it was an ex business model HP I think, it installed well and wireless was no problem, if the ethernet cable was not plugged in, I could see the wireless signal indicator, it seemed to be there automatically and I could see the available networks displayed.The user has now apparently been using it a lot on ethernet cable for a month or two and wants to begin occasionally to use wireless. She says her daughter gets wireless ok in the house on visits, so I guess that the wifi is always on and available from the (BT, UK) home hub device in the house.

The user is reasonably adventurous, and it is possible that her exploration into a new machine and a new (to her) Ubuntu from previous windows use, she may have inadvertently clicked something and turned off wifi?The user is reporting that without the ethernet cable plugged in, there is no sign of wireless being recognisedA right click on the top panel network icon shows that there is 'no network available' (X sign) and a menu item exists for 'Edit Wireless networks'I have little or no experience about wifi use, so I would be grateful for comments on how I can guide the user to elegantly make use of either wifi or cabled connection

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Ubuntu Networking :: Starting VNCServer Automatically?

Mar 30, 2010

I just installed VNCServer on my Ubuntu box. I've tested the connection on my Windows box and connect fine.If I were to restart Ubuntu, would the VNCServer start automatically? If not, how would I do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stop Wireless Starting At Startup

Apr 5, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10
Acer 7736

This machine has a combined key/indicator light to turn the wireless networking on/off The change of state of the switch is detected by software with the switch off iwconfig shows


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Ubuntu Networking :: Dhcpd3 Server Not Starting On Startup?

May 31, 2010

I currently got Ubuntu 10.0.4 server edition running on my server. I got 2 network cards in it. One for (eth0) the pppoe connection and the other one (eth1) for dhcp and network.

When i installed dhcpd3 server a couple of days ago, it wouldn't start. So i searched the web and came on the conclusion that i have to do " sudo ifconfig eth1 down sudo ifconfig eth1 up"

Problem is i don't have connection with this pc all the time. So if i have to restart it, the dhcp server won't start.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Internet Stopping And Starting 11.04?

Jul 15, 2011

I have a bit off a strange one here, my internet stops and starts. One minute it is fine and the next it will not connect to any web pages or even to the router then its fine again. My machine is a new build Pc were I installed 11.04 as a fresh install, everything was fine till a few days ago when this all started up. I connect to my router via a wired network, the new PC also has a second HD with windows 7 on it and that is fine with the net so I know it must be some sort off software issue but I have not idea what.

Machine setup
Intel 3.3GHz i5 core
4 gig RAM
GeForce GT 220


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Ubuntu Networking :: Linksys AE1000 Not Starting On Start Up?

Jul 29, 2011

I recently purchased the Linksys AE1000 wireless USB network adapter. After some struggles, I found and installed the Ralink_RT3572USB_drv2400 driver for it and it now works, however it won't turn on when I boot up the computer. I have to manually unplug and then plug the adapter back in for it to work again. I followed the instructions on this how to for installing the driver.


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Networking :: Network-manager Not Starting

Mar 25, 2010

recently i did a reinstall of debian lenny with gnome. My laptop has the broadcom wireless chip, and went and got the squeeze broadcom-sta deb packages and installed them, following the debian wiki. Everything seems to be running. iwconfig shows lo, eth0 both with no wireless connections and eth2 that seems to be running.My issue seems to be with the wireless configuration with network-manager. I have used this in the past and like it well enough and didn't have any issues with it. But for some reason, it is not working with this installation. It doesn't show up as a panel addition and when i try to command line call it up (nm-applet), the terminal just sits there doing nothing. I try to call it up as root, no dice - gives me the gtk-warning cannot open display issue that a xhost +localhost doesn't fix. Reinstalling network-manager and associated packages didn't work. So, fine, i tried the network monitor applet. I cannot select eth2, but by typing that into the connection name, i get a signal strength % - another indicator to me that the wireless chip is working - and then i'll click on the configure button, i get the root password prompt and nothing at all. I am currently seeing about setting the network up command line style, but the 'ol command line is not a strong point for me and everything i read sets things up differently. Other gui applications that require root privileges like synaptic work fine.

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Networking :: Starting Network Takes A While...

Sep 18, 2010

I have set up another arch Box... so far so good... enabled my wireless...In fact, I am typing from it right now...But when i boot, network start takes a while...I would like it to be faster...

Here's my rc.conf :


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Ubuntu Networking :: Prevent Apache2 Server From Starting At Boot?

Nov 18, 2010

One of my ubuntu 10.04 boxes starts apache2 server automatically at boot. I know from the output of the command:


sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 status

I can't remember even setting that up, and I don't think it does so by default, since my other box in fact does not even have apache2 server installed. I can stop the server once I login, but is there a way to stop it from automatically starting the server, or even better, completely uninstall the daemon. I tried


sudo apt-get remove apache2

but that does not work. I guess the daemon is part of some bigger package.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stop Network Manager From Starting On Boot?

Jul 10, 2011

I would like to stop network manager from starting up on boot. I have tried moving

/etc/init.d/network-manager stop
to rc.local and it did nothing but boot me into the CLI

I have also tried to put

sudo service network-manager stop and that did nothing also.

After I get network manager to stop on boot up. How do I make it so it will not auto connect to networks? My computer keeps on joining a different network on boot up. And I don't like this as some times I go to my banks website and I am on there network with out realizing it (because of the auto connect) Is there a way to stop this also?

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Fedora Networking :: VLAN Not Starting On Boot?

Jan 26, 2009

I just have installed FC 10 on a box that I will use as a router/firewall box. On the box I have three interfaces (eth0, eth0.704 (VLAN), and eth1). When the machine boots up, only eth0 and eth1 come up. If I run /etc/init.d/network restart, then eth0.704 will come up. If I add that command to rc.local, then all interfaces come up at boot.

I have the directive ONBOOT=yes in ifcfg-eth0.704. What would cause this vlan interface not to start at boot on the machine?

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Fedora Networking :: Starting Wireless From Command?

Oct 6, 2010

I was wondering... if I can "/etc/rc.d/init.d/NetworkManager stop" then, /sbin/service network restart, ifup wlan0. with out using /etc/rc.d/init.d/NetworkManager which other command I can use to get the AP around my place?

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Networking :: HTTPD Not Starting - No Listening Sockets Available

Sep 29, 2010

root@HOST [~]# /etc/init.d/httpd start
Starting httpd: no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open log [FAILED]
root@HOST [~]# /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs [FAILED]
root@HOST [~]# tail -n 10 /var/log/messages
Sep 29 17:59:30 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: New relevant interface wlan0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Sep 29 17:59:30 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address
Sep 29 17:59:30 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: Registering new address record for on wlan0.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: New relevant interface wlan0.IPv6 for mDNS.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv6 with address fe80::223:cdff:fecb:9c5e.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost avahi-daemon[2870]: Registering new address record for fe80::223:cdff:fecb:9c5e on wlan0.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): device state change: 7 -> 8
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Policy set 'Sunsoft1' (wlan0) as default for routing and DNS.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) successful, device activated.
Sep 29 17:59:31 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
What is the problem I have a local server
CentOS Linux

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Dnsmasq Not Starting Correctly?

Nov 2, 2009

Since latest large update to CentOS 5.3, which also upgraded to 5.4, I have problem with dnsmasq. CentOS is real server on real hardware (not virtual). I use dnsmasq as dhcp server as usual. On hardware startup or reboot, these lines are included in /var/log/messages

Nov 2 19:06:16 server avahi-daemon[2965]: New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Nov 2 19:06:16 server avahi-daemon[2965]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address


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Fedora Networking :: Starting DHCP On Command Line?

Sep 25, 2009

I need to start DHCP after booting into run level 1.

So i am going to ....

ifconfig eth1 up

what is the command to start DHCP service?

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Fedora Networking :: Starting WLAN0 On Boot Instead Of Logon?

Nov 4, 2009

I would like to mount a bunch of folders/shares when I start my machine up. I will be adding the mounts into my /etc/fstab folder BUT my WLAN0 only comes "up" and connects to my WAP AFTER logging in.

how I get it to start on PC boot instead of log in?

I think I need to disable network manager but I'm unfamiliar with the procedure in Fedora

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Networking :: Starting Apache Using Someother User And Not Root?

Jun 24, 2010

We have installed apache 2.2.15 webserver on A rhel 5 Linux 64 box using the user wwwadm group www

We can start the webserver using root and it works fine but we dont have root access forever so we want the wwwadm user to have all the rights and we can start/stop/restart the Apache server using this wwwadm user.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Bind9 Not Starting After Changing Config

Oct 15, 2009

I am running centos 5.3 with the latest bind, i have made some changes in the config and now it wont start.

Fel i named-konfigurationen:/etc/named.conf:27: unexpected end of input (last line)
My named.conf looks like this:
options { directory "/var/named/";
view "externt" {
match-clients { any; };
recursion no;
zone "dala.hk" {
type master;
file "dala.hk";
zone "" {
type master;
file "";
view "intern" {
match-clients {;};
zone "intern" {
type master;
file "intern;

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CentOS 5 Networking :: System-config-authentication Is Not Starting?

Sep 6, 2010

I trying to set up a LDAP server using openLDAP / db4. The server runs fine but I cannot get the client to work. Client and server are on the same machine, as for now. The problem seems to be in PAM. However I cannot start the system-config-authentication tool which should do the trick.

CentOS release 5.4 (Final)


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Starting Wireless At Boot Time On SSH Box

Dec 31, 2010

I have a SSH box which is command line only and no X, this will be used remote and i'm trying to get the wireless network configured to start at boot. I'm using wpa_supplicant as the access point is secure with WPA2 At present if I send the following commands the machine will connect to the wifi and be reachable via ssh

ifup wlan0
/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -D wext -dd -i wlan0 -B
dhclient wlan0

This does not start at boot but requires manual input of the above commands. I've just come to a complete blank on geting this to start at boot time. Also I would like to set a fixed IP for this box.

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Networking :: NetworkManager Not Reliably Starting Interface Directly Wired Between Two Computers?

Jun 22, 2011

I have two computers that have a direct ethernet wire between them. The interface is set to a static ip address on each side, and under control of the NetworkManager.

About 1/10 the time the interface does not start. The messages log file will show:

Jun 22 13:01:22 owl10 NetworkManager[601]: <info> (p6p1): carrier is OFF
Jun 22 13:01:22 owl10 NetworkManager[601]: <info> (p6p1): new Ethernet device (driver: 'r8169' ifindex: 2)
Jun 22 13:01:22 owl10 NetworkManager[601]: <info> (p6p1): exported as /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0


So, I imagine there is a race condition where both boxes wait for the other to start the interface.

My question: Is there anyway to force NetworkManager to bring up an interface even if there is no Carrier?

BTW, this problem started recently on Fedora 13 after some upgrades. We upgraded to the latest Fedora 15 to try and solve it, and it now appears more often than it did on Fedora 13.

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Fedora Security :: Backwards Security - Networking ?

Aug 3, 2009

Problem that may require several tools available on Fedora. I don't know if its possible or not.

Given: Surveillance video box based on Fedora & Zoneminder. Internet connection is via a private 10.x.x.x network connection to the local phone company/ISP. That's the only connection available and they are the only ISP in the area. The ISP uses NAT to ultimately provide a routeable IP address, but that only works on outbound initiated traffic.

Problem: How can someone out on the Internet hit this box? i.e Is there any way to rig a method that will ultimately allow a connection initiated from the Internet to see the surveillance video that this box has stored via an http session?

I thought of one idea but don't have the tools to implement it. User sends an email to a server out on the Net somewhere. Surveillance box retrieves mail ever minute. The mail contains the users IP address. Surveillance box sends an outbound packet to that IP address to get NAT functional. The users box then uses that address to hit the box on the private network. The snag with this is that NAT is specific to ports, and I have no sway over the ISP's NAT capability.

Is there any way to push an http session outbound to the waiting end user? i.e. initiate a push of http traffic from the private box to the end user?

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Fedora Networking :: LDAP Enabled - Machine Will Not Boot Past Starting Messagebus

Aug 18, 2009

I have a Fedora 11 PC, which I want to connect to the ldap server at my organisation. When my /etc/ldap.conf file is in place, the machine will not boot past "starting system messagebus" and just hangs there. I have to press the reset button, and boot it into single user mode, and remove /etc/ldap.conf, and only then will it boot. The ldap.conf file is fine, I think, because if you boot the machine up without ldap.conf, then log in.

I can put ldap.conf in place and immediately I can see all the user accounts etc. from the ldap server. If I then reboot, with ldap.conf in place, it hangs on boot again. I found a bug report for FC5 which stated this problem, but there was no solution. There was a workaround, making messagebus starting later in the boot process (move it from S22 to S27 in rc3/5.d), but that didn't help in my case.

My ldap.conf contains this (I've removed my actual ldap info):
host my.server.ip.addr
base dc=my,dc=dn
uri ldap://ldap.mydomain.com
ssl no
tls_cacertdir /etc/openldap/cacerts
pam_password md5
bind_policy soft

As I say, I think the ldap config is fine, because you can start it manually once the machine has booted up without an ldap.conf in place. I lifted it from a Centos client, which works fine and doesn't have the same problem with booting that Fedora does.

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Ubuntu Security :: Starting Up With Auto Password?

Jan 30, 2010

I decided to stop using my password to enter Ubuntu (recently installed) and switch to automatic start up. Hit the relevant key, then restart. Received three notices, closed two, entered pass to get encryption code at third, then nothing but a blank, Ubuntu-colour screen. Unable to open Ubuntu. How the heck to I get myself out of this trap?

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Ubuntu Security :: OpenVas Manager Not Starting

Apr 23, 2010

I'm in the process of installing OpenVAS Manager on 10.04, but when I try to start it nothing happens, no message, nothing. That's quite frustrating, to say the least. And I can't seem to find anyting on the matter when googling.

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Security :: Login Password Upon Starting?

Jan 19, 2011

I installed linux system into a USB stick, but it never asks me to enter login password (i am the default user "root") when booting. I checked the settings in "User and Group" panel, and found everything there is OK. What additional settings should I make to this problem?

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Ubuntu Security :: Gufw Asks For Root Access When First Starting Up?

Apr 23, 2011

I just installed gufw and was in quite a hurry. A root acces prompt came up as I started gufw for the first time, and I quickly responded with appropriate password. All I saw in this hurry was that it had something to do with the usr/share directory.So, here's my question: Does gufw require root access when first starting up

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP Address And The Install Configures For A DHCP Configured Address - Network Not Starting

Dec 16, 2010

Version 10.04 LTS. Installed desktop version and network worked but I needed a static IP address and the install configures for a DHCP configured address. I tried changing to static address using the System->Preferences->Network Connections application but was unable to get the system to come up with the network up.

So I manually modified the /etc/network/interfaces and the /etc/resolv.conf files. I restart the system but when I do an ifconfig, I don't see a configured IP address on eth0 (only the loopback address). If I run /sbin/ifup eth0 everything then works fine and ifconfig shows the correct address bound to eth0.

My files are as follows:

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