Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Security Natty 11.04 - Possible To Recovery History

Sep 1, 2011

I have server ubuntu natty 11.04-64 bit, Yesterday, I Think I had been hacked by someone..

How to create report to see log for brute force attack?

I have some port opened 80, 53(bind9), SSH(22), Port Squid & some port java

I am Also worried that Guy is create other username for login

How to check that?

Is it possible to recovery HISTORY at ubuntu..?

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Ubuntu :: Clearing ALT+F2 History In 11.04 / Natty

May 12, 2011

How do I clear the ALT+F2 'run a command' history that appears in Ubuntu Natty? The Terminal command I used to use in 10.10 to clear the history no longer works in the new Unity command launcher. I've tried searching within files on my hard drive to see if I can find where the data is stored, but no such luck.

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Networking :: Looking For Way To Log Users' Browsing History

Nov 2, 2010

I've searched these forums as well as Firefox's site, as well as searching on Google Linux but can't find what I'm looking for.In a nutshell, I want to keep a log of my users' browser history so that even if they clear history or set Firefox to not keep history, I can still view a log of what site they have visited.My hope is that I can write a script(although I'm a BASH newb it would be a nice little real-world project for me to attempt) that would keep info such as user,visit date,ip of visited site, just the basics. A great feature would be for the logs to be emailed to me for inspection but that isn't vital if I can navigate to the log myself.

For all I know this is already available somewhere in the log folders I just can't find anything. If it helps I'm running Mint 9 Isadora and Firefox 3.6.12

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Ubuntu Networking :: Check The Login History Of System?

Jul 26, 2011

i am using ubuntu 11.04.i can do remote login using rlogin.now how can i check if anyone have remotely logged in my system?where is the login file is saved?i also want to know the ip address of that system who had remotely logged into my system.

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Ubuntu :: Crashed My Natty Desktop With Metacity - Never Get GRUB Screen That Allows To Boot Into Recovery

Jun 4, 2011

I seemed to have crashed my X desktop and I never get a GRUB screen that allows me to boot into recovery. Long story short, I accidentally used metacity --replace (out of habit) when I lost my window decorations. This caused the panel and dash to crash and I couldn't get a terminal. So I forced a reboot and now I boot into a black screen every time. GRUB doesn't even give me my normal recovery mode option. After my BIOS posts it just shows me the purple splash screen then blackness. I have a LiveCD standing by but don't know where to go from there.

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Ubuntu Security :: See History Of User Logon's

Aug 6, 2010

I think someone hacked my server and I'm wondering if it's possible to view the possible the past user logons?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Only Connect To Internet In Recovery Mode

Jan 27, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and the internet doesn't work in normal mode, but it works fine in recovery mode. I can't find the network icon on the menu bar of the desktop in either modes.

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Ubuntu Security :: View Browsing History Remotely?

Jan 9, 2010

What are all the ways you could think of that someone could view your browsing history, upstream from your machine? They don't have physical access, there's nothing on the computer itself and the person trying to hack has skill so I'm thinking like monitoring a proxy somehow, using the ip address somehow, compromising the modem in some way, possibly having access to google account etc. I am new to ubuntu and have really dug it so far but I want to figure how this is/was being done

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Fedora Security :: Delete Input History?

Oct 18, 2010

What command is used to delete input command history in terminal ?I am afraid my friend will trace what been inpu

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Ubuntu Security :: History Exposed My Rdesktop Domain User Password

Mar 7, 2011

May i ask if how or should i concern about my history records my rdesktop full cmd. I dont want to disable my history in the cmd and want to use it.

Im using rdesktop cmd since it more easy and direct to connect to a terminal RDP. I noticed the history records all my full command rdesktop which state the domain, user ,password. in txt mode..May i ask if this has any problem should i concern with..

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Ubuntu Security :: IMDB Remembers Pages History - Cookies Disabled

May 29, 2011

IMDB gives me a "recently viewed" list of pages I viewed recently (and a few of them were months ago, since I don't go there too often) at the bottom of every page I view. My cookies are enabled for session-only, have adblock plus, my ip changes every day, how are they doing that? How can I prevent it? What other websites are using the same trick? At this page [URL] there's a link there that says "Clear entire history", but I want to disable them from being able to track me like that, if they can track me, so can others.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Wireless Speed In Natty?

Mar 28, 2011

How do you set wireless speed in natty? I've tried

sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M

but nothing happens. I've tried this with wireless enabled and disabled (using network-manager), with and without the module loaded (ath9k) and using the solution provided in some forums (adding the command in /etc/rc.local and in a script in /etc/network/if-up.d) but to no avail... link speed always shows up as 65M.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Natty Broke My Hostapd?

May 4, 2011

I use an Atheros AR922X wireless card in my router/access point and everything was working fine under maverick. Now when I try and start hostapd I get this:

root@puffin:~# hostapd -d /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

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Ubuntu Networking :: No More Wireless Upon Natty Upgrade?

May 8, 2011

I just updated my work laptop to Natty: perfect. My home server: perfect. My oldish home laptop: no more wireless. [I use wicd instead of Knetwork (or whatever it's called) because I want a permanent connection no matter the user]

I have a D-Link DWA-645. I get the whole stage: connecting, authenticating, etc... and bad password at the end. The password is correct (hasn't changed during upgrade). I also tried disabling WPA and it still won't connect. That's wlan2.

I also tried with an older PCMCIA card that _used_ to work on ubuntu 9, but stopped on version 10: a D-LinkDWL-G650. It doesn't even show up as wlan0 as it used to. I also tried with a USB-wifi DWL-G122 which has always worked on every version of Ubuntu [I don't normally use it because it's not practical on a laptop]. I see it as wlan1, but same thing: won't connect. Note that like with wlan2 I can scan for networks and see several around. For instance:

$ iwconfig
IEEE 802.11bg
ESSID: off/any
Mode: managed
Access point: not associated
Tx power: 20 dBm
Retry long limit: 7


Some more info: the access point works fine, I can connect with another device. The driver in use by Ubuntu is ath9k. Using KnetworkManager instead of wicd doesn't change anything.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Apache And Php Working On Natty?

May 18, 2011

I want to try and get apache and php working on Natty. I have got apache displaying an index page but when i try to show a php file firefox just asks me if I want to save the file and doesn't display the file in the browser.I installed using some info from websites to install al LAMP Server which seems to have finished ok.I have tried using php from the command line to see what happens and it seems the html is being generated ok.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Vista And Natty To Work Together?

Jun 5, 2011

I have spent the last two weekends trying to get Vista and Ubuntu(natty) to work together.From Ubuntu:

- I have disabled ufw

- setup a shared directory at /mnt/public (Permissions on public are 777)

- Ubuntu can access Vista shares.

- From the GUI, the "Network Servers" directory contains a "Windows Network" directory, but the Windows Network is empty.

- I can ping the Vista machine

From Vista:

- Nothing is visible. The ubuntu PC itself is not listed in the "Network" folder or map.

- I have disabled all firewalls (including the router)

- I can ping the ubuntu machine by IP address but cannot access it by IP address through

- "Run" - I enter \, then get the logon pop-up. I enter the ubuntu creds, then receive a "Windows cannot connect to \" error message.

- "Command Prompt" ftp (or sftp) - I get connection refused.

- via "Web Browser" - I get the following message: "It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet." The problem is that it doesn't work.

Everything I have googled up so far has been problems connecting in the opposite direction. I am trying to get to the Ubuntu machine. Although I checked all the smb.conf, inetd.conf and a few other files that I've seen mentioned, I cannot get the Vista machine to connect to the ubuntu machine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Connections Using 11.04 (natty)?

Jul 8, 2011

i've installed ubuntu 11.04 on a friends Asus Eee pc 1005HA netbook. after the installation i tried to connect to the router using wireless, and when i enter the key, it fails to connect, so i tried using an Ethernet cable to connect but that doesn't work either,the network devices on the computer are:

Atheros AR8132 PCI-e fast ethernet controller
Atheros AR 9285 wireless network adapter

It lists the wireless device and the solutions to the problem, however, the solutions seem to be for Ubuntu 10.04 and also 10.10, and im not sure if it will work for 11.04 so far i have been unable to find out anything on the forums about the ethernet

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Ubuntu Networking :: Very Slow DNS Lookups With Natty 11.04

Jul 15, 2011

I work in IT, but networking is my weakest area.I'm getting very slow DNS lookups (60+ seconds with lots of page timeouts)in Firefox and Chromium on my Kubuntu laptop. Windows clients (xp and 7) work fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get WPC54G Ver 3.1 To Work In Natty

Aug 4, 2011

I have an old ibm thinkpad R40. I did a fresh install of natty. Cannot get wireless or wired to work. I just want the wireless to work first if possible. So I have no Internet access. Can't upgrade etc. I am a noob and need to be hand held and walked through process.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configuring Huawei E173 On Natty

Apr 28, 2011

Where can I find details of how to set up a Huawei E173 on Natty? The network interface's status icon shows first "waiting for authorization" then it goes to "not connected" The modem hardware is showing up when it is plugged in:

$ ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 2011-04-28 19:18 /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 1 2011-04-28 19:18 /dev/ttyUSB1
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 2 20$ lsusb|grep Huawei

Bus 001 Device 013: ID 12d1:1436 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11-04-28 19:18 /dev/ttyUSB2 What needs to be done to get it working?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Natty Lost My Wifi Card / What To Do?

Apr 29, 2011

Reading recent posts, it seems that 11.04 has seriously screwed wifi.
I have an Advent QRC430 laptop which worked perfectly until I upgraded to Natty. Now wifi is broken. The wifi driver is rt73usb.
When I run lspci in terminal, no wifi card is listed. Running rfkill shows wifi hard blocked, but the switch on laptop makes no difference.
I've installed and run Hardware Lister - this shows wireless interface "has been disabled"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Natty Upgrade - Lost Wifi ?

May 2, 2011

After being prompted by UpdateManager, I upgraded my Compaq Presario CQ71 from 10.10 to 11.04 yesterday. Most things seem fine, except that my wifi is disabled (it was working fine in 10.10).

Here are some details:



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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Find Network After Upgrade To Natty 11.04

May 5, 2011

I have two laptops, both with broadcom drivers and in both it's working pretty well with my university network but I can't find my home network on the list (I can see my neighbours network). It was working perfectly before the upgrade, and of course, I can connect on windows to my home network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Natty Can't Connect To Wireless Networks?

May 8, 2011

Got Ubuntu 11.4 installed on my Lenovo Thinkpad X220.Except very very rare cases i'm not able to establish awlan connection.Scanning is possible at all times, monitor mode works as well.Network Controler (lspci)

03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [8086:0085] (rev 34)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Natty Narwhal Wireless Disconnects?

May 8, 2011

I recently upgraded from Maverick Meerkat to (classic) Natty Narwhal Ubuntu Linux. I am running on a Toshiba Satellite A665 (Intel i7). I use a wireless internet connection. Under Maverick, I had no issues. Under the update, I am finding that occasionally things stop working: The indicator Applet looks fine, but from a terminal, I find that I am no longer able to ping my own router (less than 10 feet away.) This behavior occurs after working fine for a few hours. I am unsure if anything in particular triggers it (I will report back if I determine a particular cause). I have a few other computers (2 running Windows, and the other Maverick Meerkat) -- and they are unaffected. Turning wireless off and on resolves the issue for me on Natty. Rebooting also works. Here's some hopefully relevant technical details about my system:

~$ rfkill list all
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unstable Wireless Connection On Natty 11.04

May 19, 2011

I'm using an Atheros ath9k wireless card that has been pretty stable since Ubuntu 9.04. I did a clean install of Natty and ever since my wireless connection has been pretty unstable.

It doesn't actually disconnects but I lose all connectivity. The wifi card continues loaded with a static IP Address assigned to it but I cannot connect to anything. The only way to fix it is restating the network manager and I have to do it at least a couple of times every day.

I tried to whitelist ath_pci on /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf but the problem still persists. Also yesterday I enabled the ubuntu backports on my software sources but so far no kernel updates.

Here are some of the messages filling up the logs:

I added all this info to this bug as well: [url]

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Ubuntu :: Wired Networking Stopped Working (11.04 Natty)

May 26, 2011

I have been running Natty on my MacBook Pro for a while now and then suddenly while just using it normally (not installing etc), my skype crashed and would crash again on restart of the program. Now this could be a red herring, but though I'd include as much info as pos.

I installed all the updates the system told me to, to see if this would help and restarted.

On restart, the wired network would not connect. I get the following errors in my log:

May 26 12:46:40 richard-MacBookPro NetworkManager[763]: <info> Saved default wired connection 'Auto eth0' to persistent storage
May 26 12:46:41 richard-MacBookPro NetworkManager[763]: keyfile: updating /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Auto eth0
May 26 12:46:41 richard-MacBookPro NetworkManager[763]: Ifupdown: get unmanaged devices count: 0


ipconfig does not exist on my computer, otherwise I would echo this for you also.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using A USB Winmodem With A Conexant Driver In (K) 11.04 (Natty)?

Jun 13, 2011

With the information given by Diaco, Lamp20, Shizeon, Backu and the writers of ttp://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dia...Howto/Conexant I have used a USB winmodem with a conexant driver in (K)Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty).When I plugged that modem, I executed

and it said:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Natty Upgrade With Lost Wifi?

Jun 19, 2011

Our Acer 5820T handles Natty nicely in all respects except for the wifi not working. It was fine under 10.10. It uses the Atheros ath9k driver ... details:

rick@pond:~$ uname -a
Linux pond 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Not Working On Natty Narwhal?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a Broadcom BCM4318 that isn't working with the B43 or the other (I tried installing both and while they supposedly installed successfully, neither shows up in the Additional Drivers tab for me to enable.) I tried using both sets of directions stickied up at the top of this forum. Neither seems to be working for me (no guarantees on whether I did it right) though the B43 is apparently the one I need.Disclaimer: I'm a total newbie to using command line and a new convert from Windows so I'm rusty at navigating and making things work, though things are finally starting to make a little sense after two days of hacking at it.

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