Ubuntu Networking :: SSH And Deleting Files To The Recycle Bin?

Apr 18, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04. I have set up a pc to act as remote storage. I connect my desktop pc to it. I have done the following:

sudo apt-get install sshfs
sudo adduser fuse
sudo mkdir /mnt/remotedir
sudo chown username /mnt/remotedir
sshfs username@remote_computer_ip:/path_on_remote_comp /mnt/remotedir

(obviously replacing the username and paths with my information)

I can connect to the remote computer however I cannot delete remote files to the recycle bin. What do I need to do in order to delete files to the recycle bin?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Move Files To Trash / Recycle Bin Does Not Retain Stuff

Jul 23, 2010

When I try to move a file to trash, it doesn't retain anything. I drag a file to the trash bin icon, I open the trash bin, its' empty. How do I make my trash bin retain some trash?

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Ubuntu :: Empty Trash Command For Files (Desktop Recycle Bin)

Aug 28, 2010

I mount /home on a logical partition. Files and directories that I trash from here go nicely into the recycle bin, and I can right click on it and choose "Empty Trash" with no problem. Files off of the root directory in directories that I "own" (i.e. /mydir/*) do not play as nicely. I went ahead and followed instructions from another post, namely:

sudo mkdir /.Trash
sudo chmod 1777 /.Trash

And after trashing some files from /mydir, there is indeed a subdirectory with my uid (1000) and files that I trash from /mydir are going in there. However, the recycle bin on my desktop remains empty, and the only method I have for deleting said files is by deleting them from the /.Trash/1000 folders through the command line. So my question is: Is there anyway that I can trash files from /mydir, see them appear on the desktop recycle bin, and empty the trash without the need to rm them directly through the command line? Not sure if it will help, but here is my fstab:

# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=4129f389-92be-459e-8bbc-928c1440f718 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /home was on /dev/sda6 during installation
UUID=6a30914d-04a3-4b03-85bd-2bf16a68a41a /home ext4 defaults 0 2
# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=f388cf04-bbd6-4bf9-9d69-0778b0f158fd none swap sw 0 0

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Ubuntu Networking :: Deleting Files Off A Samba Share From A Windows Box?

May 17, 2011

I'm trying to make my music directory, located on my Ubuntu box, available to all the windows clients (Windows 7, to be specific) located around the apartment. It seems to work fine, I can see and read from the shares from my windows box, but deleting files doesn't work, I just get a permission denied.I've tried being as lenient as I can in the smb.conf, as well as setting 777 on the affected files, nothing changes. I've read, from my various googling, that the octal file permissions aren't as important as the samba permissions. Okay fine, but how do I tell samba to ignore permissions and let everyone delete files? I've read that samba works with samba users, but again, I don't care about users, I just want a global share that anyone can connect to and read (and delete) files.

Here's my smb.conf file: http:[url]...As you can see, I've played around a bit with options, but I just can't seem to get anything to work.

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Ubuntu One :: Deleting Files From Web Interface Erase Files From Computer?

Nov 27, 2010

Does deleting files using the Ubuntu One web interface delete the files stored on my computer?

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Ubuntu :: Recursively Deleting Files From Within Archive

Feb 2, 2010

I've got a directory of geographic data with ~2,000 archives. Each archive (e.g. foo.zip) has two files, the second of which I'd like to remove:

Now, I can remove the _num.tif file with the command:

How do I do this with ALL the files in the directory? If I try the -r (recursive) option, that fails with -d.

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Ubuntu :: Completely Deleting Files & Virtualbox OSX

Feb 27, 2010

It turns out I caught the Linux bug. I'm now completely obsessed with it. Most of the time if I can't get something to work I do a quick web search, and I find the solution to my problem in the first link or three. This is the exception. I wanted to install XP or 2000 using Virtualbox OSE just in case I needed to look up something on Windows or print something off (can't find any drivers for my Lexmark printer). I tried XP first and it gave me an error. Then I tried 2000. At this point I went to delete the program and try again. The first thing I tried was sudo apt-get remove virtualbox. Then when I re-installed it, I still had my settings and partitions on there. I then went to the add/remove programs. Same thing after the third install. I then went to the Synaptic Package Manager and clicked completely delete files (or however it was worded). After the install it still did the same thing as the previous times. When I try and load Virtualbox it says "FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted.". Also sometimes my pointer will get locked inside Windows. How do I get out of that? The only thing I was able to find was hit CTRL + ALT + Back and it exits both Windows and Linux.

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Files On A Windows Share

Mar 17, 2010

I am connecting to a Windows 2003 server share from my Ubuntu 9.10 machine. This is not a problem & deleting normal files is fine. What I am actually trying to do is remove a virus from this server. If I have AV software running on the server it is constantly picking up the virus & eventually this kills the server. The AV software is unable to remove the virus on the server, but is able to on desktop machines.Anyway, I thought use Linux to do the job & get the AV software back on the server. No go. I get a permission denied error when trying to remove the files with rm -f "filename"Is there anyway around this? I am reluctant to start the server with the Ubuntu live CD as it is in use as a file server. If I could remove the files manually this would be good.

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Files On Flash Drive

Jul 8, 2010

When I delete files from my usb flash drive on my Karmic laptop (press del key), the properties of the drive remain unchanged (available space/used space). It looks like the files/folders have been deleted, but when I go to my windows machines, the files and folders are now in a folder marked "Trash".Am I missing a step when attempting to delete the information when connected to my ubuntu laptop?

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Individual Files From Disk Image?

Mar 23, 2010

Recently, I made a disk image of my external hard drive (as it had recently failed). I have yet to get it replaced, so I have a .dd file sitting on my computer. Now, I can mount the .dd file so I can access the files, but I cannot delete any of them. I want to be able to copy the files file by file to my normal folders and delete them from the backup file, as my disk isn't large enough for me to copy them all to the folders and just delete the entire file.

TL;DR = Can I/How do I delete individual files from a .dd backup.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Deleting Unneeded Upgrade Files

Jul 2, 2010

I just upgraded from 8.04 up to 9,04 but have only 1.5GB left after having about 6GB before the upgrade. Where are these upgrade files saved?

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Ubuntu :: Accidental Deleting Window Os - Recover Files?

Sep 21, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.10 beta. But i thought it replaced ubuntu 10.04, well it did but i whiped my whole harddrive instead. Can I recover my window 7 that i once had? I accidental installed my linux using up the whole drive. i have alot of server cfg and other stuff such as pic and document.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Deleting Files That Meet Certain Criteria?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm here of course because I would like to know what would be the SSH command to issue if I need to delete certain files that meet certain criteria. For instance, in this case, I simply have files that almost bear the same name but still have some very minor differences.

Let me give you an example:

Those in bold are those I'd like to have removed, while the "L0619004.log" is obviously to be left intact.

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Software :: Deleting Delay From Mp3 Files?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a large collection of CDs that I ripped to mp3 a few years back. I would like to go sell them to a store and get some money for them (I haven't used the physical CDs in years). The deal is that when I started ripping the CDs, the program I was using would insert a 2 second delay between songs. I would like to know if there is a program/command that I can use to remove this delay between songs. Some of them have 0 delay, so songs that fade into each other sound correct. Other albums have songs that are supposed to seamlessly fade into each other, but they don't because of this delay. Is there any way to remove that delay between songs or do I have to re-rip the CD? Figuring out which albums have that problem and re-ripping the CD is going to take a very, very long time.

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General :: Deleting Iframes From Files

Apr 25, 2009

my website was recently infected with this stupid malware lotultimatebet .cn...there is a hidden iframe on almost all the 6000 pages of my site.can you please advise, if it is possible for me to remove this line from all pages by executing some command?

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General :: Deleting All Files From Directory Except For Two

Nov 25, 2010

I'm writing a Perl script which performs linux commands.I have a directory with a load of files.

Code:exec_cmd('rm $(ls * | grep -v file1)');
This command will delete all except for file1. How can I modify this to delete all files except for file1 & file2?

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General :: Deleting Files By Date

Nov 5, 2009

I had a program run riot and it has created hundreds of spurious files in one directory. Fortunately they are all dated 4th November so are easily identified. What bash command can I use from the console to delete them all?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Log Entries - Script Deleting The Previous Log Files

Sep 20, 2010

I am using UBUNTU Karmic Koala 9 .10 . Recently I have noticed certain errors with my LOG Files. My Log files are just logging the events for that particular day.All the logs of the previous days are lost. It happens to almost all categories of log.Every log just shows one particular days log. I have not done any changes to any settings on this machine as Ubuntu on my laptop is very stable and totally hiccup free. Previously, the log file viewer used to show logged information from over a week or so.but..now every other days log files just vanishes. I am just concerned

1)Is it because of any rogue script that is deleting the previous log files.
2)Has my machine is getting compromised in anyway as I am using it extensively for Internet.[ I have the normal Firewall enabled already] With regard to this I have a few questions

1)Is it Ubuntu's default behavior?Does it back up the old log files everyday?

2)If it is not the way Ubuntu treats Log files.How can I correct this?

3)Does apt-get clean or apt-get autoclean delete log files?

I have searched Google for past 3 days for a possible solution to this problem without yielding much result.

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Files / Trash Empty / Disk Still Full

Sep 27, 2010

I've been getting this error message:"The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator."a few times, and it turns out to be because of low disk space. No worry, I empty the trash uninstall unneeded programs and clean out the downloads folder that filled up my disk. And all is ok. But not this time.Since I can't use X, I delete stuff from the terminal, and also make sure to clean out the .Trash in both /home and /root. But still the disk is full. I delete more stuff, but it doesn't even seem to go to .Trash. It disappears, but no more disk space.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Finder Freezes When Deleting Files Across OS X Network?

Apr 16, 2011

I have my MacBook 5,2 hooked up to an Ubuntu 10.10 'server' via ethernet.

I've installed netatalk and avahi-daemon on the server. I've disallowed Spotlight (OS X's search utility) from indexing the networked drives.

Everything works as it should, however, from time to time when I delete files that reside on the Ubuntu server from my MacBook, Finder (OS X's file manager) will freeze. I can kill the Finder process. I then try to restart it from the Terminal from the command line but I get the following error message printed:

LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app.

The only solution I know of at present is to reboot the MacBook.

So I guess I need to know what my options are here. Is it better for me to use SMB? Or is there a config file I can alter? I have a feeling this bug may be linked to certain disallowed characters in file or pathnames as it doesn't happen all the time, although this is just a hunch.

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Ubuntu :: Commands For Batch Deleting Folders/files By Name/type?

May 18, 2011

I'm trying to clean up a few hundred thousand mp3 files and I'm dying to find a way to automate some of the mechanical tasks I keep doing. It seems like at least two of these tasks could be easily accomplished with something at the command line, but I don't have the chops/know-how to figure out how (and would really rather not trial and error with batch deleting files & folders...).

1) Delete all folders named "_MACOSX" (and all subfolders/files contained therein) -- Basically, I'd like to apply this command to a few hundred directories that may or may not contain a subfolder called "_MACOSX" that I'd really like to get rid of.

2) Delete all files named "*.m3u". -- Similar to the first, I want to automatically scan all directories and subdirectories in a given location for all instances of this file-type and delete them wherever they're found.

3) Move all files named *.txt", "*.doc", "*.pdf" to a specific location. -- Similar to the last, except instead of deleting, I'd like to just move them, so that if there is anything worth keeping, I can keep it.

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Ubuntu :: Searching For And Deleting Duplicate Files That Exist In Different Paths?

May 30, 2011

Is their (I assume their is) of searching for and deleting duplicate files that exist in different paths?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Finder Freezes When Deleting Files Across A OS X Network

Jun 22, 2011

I have my MacBook 5,2 hooked up to an Ubuntu 10.10 'server' via ethernet.I've installed netatalk and avahi-daemon on the server. I've disallowed Spotlight (OS X's search utility) from indexing the networked drives. Everything works as it should, however, from time to time when I delete files that reside on the Ubuntu server from my MacBook, Finder (OS X's file manager) will freeze. I can kill the Finder process. I then try to restart it from the Terminal from the command line but I get the following error message printed:


LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app.

The only solution I know of at present is to reboot the MacBook. So I guess I need to know what my options are here. Is it better for me to use SMB? Or is there a config file I can alter? I have a feeling this bug may be linked to certain disallowed characters in file or pathnames as it doesn't happen all the time, although this is just a hunch.

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Ubuntu :: Deleting Files Based On Number Created (or In Folder?)

Jul 21, 2011

I'm dipping my toes into some bash scripting and was wondering if there was a way to delete a file not based on how old it is, but rather how many other files are currently in the folder... or something to that effect....

What I'm doing is creating a script to back up a folder nightly. I'd like to keep a maximum of 3 backups. However in case the script for some reason fails to run one night (computer turned off possibly) I don't want to set the condition for deletion to be the date.

I know that if I run:

find /path/to/files* -mtime +3 -exec rm {} ;
that it will delete everything older than three days. -atime and -ctime don't seem to be what I"m looking for... is there another command I can use to achieve what I"m trying to?

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Fedora :: Tool For Deleting Useless Files?

Aug 3, 2010

I want to get rid of all my useless files. It seems like my hard drive space keeps on shrinking also..& sometimes my PC freezes also..it hard to work on it.. so need a tool that can delete junks out ..

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Deleting Files On A USB Harddrive?

Dec 4, 2010

I got an external enclosure to use an old hard drive as a usb external hard drive for backing up files to.mI tried deleting all the files but there are quite a lot that cannot be deleted Nautilus saying "permission denied".

The harddrive had/has ubuntu 10.4 on it.

Do i need to delete all the files & folders from terminal? I'm running OpenSuse 11.3 in gnome. So i've got Gnome Terminal.

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General :: Rsync Not Deleting Files On Target

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using the command below to sync two directories. Problem is insted of deleting the files on the target directory it simply appends a ~ character at the end of the file name. Not sure why this is happening?I'd like to have all deletes on the source replicated on target.

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General :: Deleting Files Older Than 1 Hours

Sep 8, 2009

on my site now I'm using cache and need me cron script that will delete files older than 1 hour I have feature in my kloxo control panel just need me the command .

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General :: Deleting Lines From Text Files

Sep 17, 2009

Is there anyway to delete certain paragraphs within a text file and then insert the paragraph into another text file.I just cannot figure out how to remove the specific lines from the file and then insert them into another file at a certain line within that new file. Thanks again

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General :: How To Delete All Files In Directory Without Deleting?

Feb 9, 2010

I know that rm -i will prompt wether you want to delete each file.But rm -i -r will prompt for each file in each subdirectory recursively. How to make it prompt just for the directory itself, and then delete its contents without asking?How to delete all the files in a directory without deleting . and ..?How to recursively delete all tilde files in a directory?How to GUI file managers delete files to Trash? Where is this "Trash" located? Can you delete to trash in the command line?

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