Ubuntu :: Natty And Compiz Blur Plugin Doesn't Work

May 2, 2011

I did a clean install and mounted my user folders/partitions back after removing everything else from the Home drive to ensure no incompatible leftovers from Maverick.Now, I am dissapointed to see that I can't get blur on my transparent windows. This worked like a charm in Maverick and it looked brilliant but now it's often hard to tell windows apart if there are windows below the active one. So I had to turn down transparency... I have D-bus enabled, proprietary drivers installed and I have been Google-searching like crazy to find a solution. None.. Do any of you know the status of this plugin in Natty? Should it work, does it? Or not?I have Focus blur activated and working, it helps but not enough. My videocard is Radeon HD 4650 (AGP).

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Doesn't Work On Natty?

May 25, 2011

I just insatlled Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits and I've got one big problem. In fact, I tried to install Emerald and it crashed immediatly. Since that I can not have any effects on my computer. I tried

compiz --replace
but nothing happened really. I just have a lot of errors I don't understand.
Backend : gconf
Integration : true


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SUSE / Novell :: Flash Plugin For Mozilla Plugin Doesn't Work

Nov 26, 2009

I am using openSUSE 11.0. This OS installation gives firefox 3.0.5 Beta. I had installed new version of firefox at /usr/local/bin/firefox. I had placed link of this firefox at /usr/bin using this command ->


linux-snvz:/usr/bin # ln -s /usr/local/bin/firefox/firefox firefox My older firefox contains the flush plugin. So i can easily played ..... video's in my browser. But now my new browser saying that it doesn't have flash plugin. I was tried to install flash plugin once again.


Even after installation also my browser is again without flash plugin.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre Doesn't Work - Error "sudo Apt-get Install Vlc Vlc-plugin-pulse Mozilla-plugin-vlc"

Jan 31, 2011

I have just installed the newest version of ubuntu (10.10 the maverick meerkat) and im struggling installing any programs, wine and vlc arnt appearing on synaptic package manager and anything i try to do in either the command promt or ubuntu software centre doesnt work either. On the command promt when i follow the commands as seen on various tutourials the command promt comes back with an error. VLC example given below.


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Ubuntu :: Compiz Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Jul 29, 2010

I'm having trouble getting compiz to work on my Laptop. It worked for a while and then I turned on Shift Switcher and a message popped up saying..."The new value for the button binding for the action Terminate in plugin Shift Switcher conflicts with the action Zoom Window of the Scale Addons plugin. Do you wish to disable Zoom Window in the Scale Addons plugin?" I was given the option of Set Terminate anyway, Don't set Terminate, and Disable Zoom Window. I clicked Don't set Terminate and ever since the only thing that works in compiz are the bindings in the general options. I've used synaptic to completely remove and then reinstall compiz but the problem persist. Something else weird, all of the changes I made are still there, even after complete removal, but they don't work?

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Ubuntu :: Backintime Doesn't Work On Natty?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm having trouble making a back-up of my system through back in time. I use the sudo option because I need to back up my mysql and apache configurations apart from the usual home directories. My back up runs to an external hard drive.

Now every time I run the back up, it takes 45-90 minutes to do its thing but at the end in the left bottom corner comes a message saying that the back-up couldn't be done.

I have tried several things, like making more space in the hard drive, running without sudo but to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Doesn't Work In KDE / But Does In Gnome

Sep 4, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.4 Running in Virtual Box 3.2.8 on Windows 7.I have managed to get Compiz to work for gnome, and upon installing the KDE packages for Ubuntu 10.4 compiz does not work in KDE, but does in Gnome.How do I fix this?Also if I update to 10.10 Beta, will the update manager tell me when the next beta, rc or even full version is released?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VTK Blender Plugin Doesn't Work

Jul 16, 2010

install it on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04? I put the VTKBlender.py under ~/.blender/scripts, trying to add this :


but it doesn't work !

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Do Rhythmbox Plugin Doesn't Work

Dec 28, 2010

So I've been using Rhythmbox and Gnome Do for quite some time now, and this problem has persisted for about as long

So I've got the Rhythmbox plugin enabled in Gnome Do. Awesome. I can invoke Gnome Do (Super + Space on my system) and start typing up some music I want to hear. This morning I wanted to listen to Buck 65's album Vertex. So I start typing "Buck 65" and the artist is listed in Gnome Do as expected.

I hit the right arrow to see a listing of his albums. I arrow down to Vertex and press Enter. What I expect is that Rhythmbox will start playing that album. However, there is simply no effect. This occurs at all levels of music browsing with Gnome Do. I can select an artist, album, or specific song, and no matter what I select, Rhythmbox doesn't respond at all. This is true if Rhythmbox is already running or not, whether it's already playing music or not. There's just no effect.

In short, Gnome Do correctly sees Rhythmbox's index of my music, and I can traverse the artists, etc with it just fine, but it will not actually make Rhythmbox play that music.

That said, other functions of the Rhythmbox plugin work fine. I can pause and play music just fine using Gnome Do.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Works Fine In 9.04 / Doesn't Work In 9.10

Mar 18, 2010

I've got 9.04 and 9.10 both installed on the same machine. The /home directory is on a separate partition, so both OSes use the same /home.I can't get Compiz to work at all in 9.10, even though it's been perfectly fine in 9.04. Is there a backport of some sort that i should install?The fixes I've found all point to editing the xorg.conf file, but of course, Karmic doesn't have an xorg.conf file.I've tried reinstalling the Compiz files, reinstalled the open-source video drivers, installed/uninstalled fglrx drivers a few times, rebooted dozens of times.

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OpenSUSE :: Java Plugin Doesn't Work In Firefox 3.6

Mar 14, 2010

It seems that there is no way for me to install java plugin in firefox 3.6. I've already read some threads about similar problems but none of the solutions that worked for other people work for me. So I decided to open a new thread. Following instructions of other threads, I uninstalled all java packages and installed again just the three that you can see below, but nothing changed.

Opensuse 11.1
KDE 4.4.1
Firefox 3.6

# rpm --query --all '*java*'

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Doesn't Work - Software Rendering Enabled?

Feb 9, 2011

I know this is a common issue, but I've looked all around and troubleshooted this for days with no luck.I recently re-installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop. Upon attempting to enable compiz, it would not work. I received the standard error - "software rasterizer in use."Quote:

compiz (core) - Fatal: Software rendering detected.
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
compiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.0


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Software :: Flash Plugin Doesn't Work - Error Installing VLC

Sep 19, 2010

i installed the adobe flash plugin (for linux) following adobe's instructions (download, decompress, and copy the correct ".so" to the plugins directory).

however, the plugin is not detected by either videos or firefox (checked using "aboutlugins"). something must be wrong with adobe's plugin version 10.x!

i want to try a firefox extension called "download videos videos as mp4 and flv," which rewrites the videos pages to include a download button which allows you to directly download the video in mp4. however, it requires vlc media player on linux.

i have slackware, and followed the instructions on this page [url] to use the slackbuild from alienbob. i set require_yasm=no.

however, the build produces the errors below (it tries to build with yasm, and it doesn't find "libvpx.a"):


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Software :: Gedit Elastic Tabstops Plugin Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2010

I followed the instructions here:


But the checkbox to enable it in gedit becomes grayed out once I click it and it doesn't enable. (note that I used "pip install ElasticTabstops" instead of "easy_install ElasticTabstops", because that's what Arch uses)

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Software :: Synaptic: For AdobeFlash Plugin But Firefox 3.6.12 Doesn't Work

Dec 9, 2010

On Ubuntu 10.04, Synaptic indicates that current version { for AdobeFlash plugin} is latest but websites appear to indicate that latest version is 10.0.45-1. Synaptic Upgrade button is grayed and I am stuck! All came about by accessing following site: [URL]... Had to revert to Firefox on XP (!) to see diagram. Is there a more current (latest) version for Firefox under Ubuntu 10.04 and if so, how do I go about installing it? I tried to download and got a "Status: Error: Conflicts with installed package 'flashplugin installer'" when I clicked on the .deb file.

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General :: Flash-player - Firefox Crashes On Open - Adobe 64 Bits Plugin Simply Doesn't Work On Any Browser

Sep 18, 2010

I use slack 13.1 64 bits on my intel i7 machine. That is I can't find a flash-player plugin that works on all browsers. The firefox crashes on open. The release of adobe 64 bits plugin simply doesn't work on any browser. I use slack 13.1 64 plus kde. Anyone knows some that works?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flash Doesn't Work In Firefox After Most Recent Flash Plugin Update (10.10)

May 19, 2011

Flash is no longer working in Mozilla Firefox after the most recent flash plugin update. I couldn't find any information on it.

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Fedora Installation :: Flash Plugin Installation Doesn't Work - F11 - Mozilla 3.5

Oct 7, 2009

I have already downloaded and installed the latest version of Adobe Flashplayer...


But flash still doesn't work - there is no flash plugin in Firefox plugin list also.

I've tried to close-open Firefox, log out-log in, reboot - nothing.

OS Fedora 11 x64. I don't know, what am I doing wrong?

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Fedora :: "yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves" - Doesn't Work With Graphical Front Ends

Sep 19, 2010

I'm trying to switch from debian to fedora (13) and I'm stuck at getting yum to remove leave dependencies.

So far I've installed "yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves" and I'm able to remove leave dependencies if I invoke yum with the "--remove-leaves" argument from command line.

But this doesn't work with graphical front ends and I want to remove unused leave dependencies every time if I remove a package not just if I remember to invoke yum with the "--remove-leaves" argument.

Later on I discovered an option in "/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/remove-with-leaves.conf" named "remove_always = 1" and uncommented it. But yum doesn't seem to care. I still need to add the "--remove-leaves" argument otherwise yum isn't going to remove the leave dependencies.

How to configure yum to handle dependencies the way I used to know from apt under debian? Install a package with a graphical front end and dependencies get pulled in as needed. Uninstall a package later on and dependencies installed in the first place are removed as well if not needed by anything installed in between.

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Ubuntu :: Able To NOT Run Compiz Under Natty?

Mar 22, 2011

I read that Natty will use Unity as the preferred desktop environment, together with Compiz. I found that on my system Compiz - while very neat - will cause instability so I'd rather not use it. How would the desktop stack look for a user not wanting to run Compiz under Natty? Can I use Mutter with Unity? Or maybe I should replace Unity with Gnome? Will my Ubuntu like this (replacing Unity with Gnome)? Will Ubuntu make it easy for users to dump Compiz if they want to do so?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox 4 - Natty - Adobe PDF Plugin

Jun 18, 2011

I am having problems with the Adobe PDF plugin to load and display PDFs within the browser.

This is a plain Natty-installation with Firefox 4. Adobe Reader 9 is installed with the deb package from the adobe - homepage.

The PDF seems to load when the file is actually stored on a webserver. But when the PDF is kind of dynamically generated, the file is not opened by the plugin but a file-save/open dialog appears.

Can reproduce this behaviour? To test, for example, to


If you click the PDF button unter "cached", the PDF is not loaded within the browser on my system.

If you however click, for example the second link under "Downloads" everything works as should.

Things I tried that failed:
- completely removing Adobe Reader 9 and the plugin and try to use Reader 8 + plugin instead
- using Mozplugger/evince instead of the Adobe Reader 9 plugin

In all cases, the PDF under "cached" is not loaded within the browser.

As comparision, for example in Windows 7 using Adobe Reader X, everything works as should.

I am not sure which one is the culprit here, my suspicion is Firefox 4...

Do you know of existing bugreports either in launchpad, firefox bugzilla etc?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz So Slow In Natty / Cause Of This?

May 4, 2011

I am dual booting natty and linux mint debian edition. I have noticed in LMDE compiz is far, far, far, far smoother. In natty scrolling, resizing, and animations are all noticeably laggier. In LMDE I can use the normal resize with no problem, in natty its so laggy I need to use rectangle or stretch. Animations are also glitchy (fade animations have white flicker) In lmde there are no visual hiccups.

I am using the same driver and kernel in LMDE, the major difference is LMDE has a much older compiz (0.8.4, before the compiz++ rewrite I believe.) Does anyone know why the newer compiz in natty is so much slower? Does anyone else expereince this? my video card is an hd2600 using the cat 11.4 driver, but I experience these same issues with the oss driver.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Java Plugin Working On Natty?

May 17, 2011

I am just trying out Natty for the first time. I'm having trouble installing sun-java. The iced-tea plugin which comes with firefox just doesn't cut it for pogo card games.I seemed to have installed it correctly because when I check my Software Manager there is a green check on all of the sun java6 stuff. But when I go to tools/addons/plugins the only thing there is the icedtea (no sun java6 plugin). I may have to go back to using linux mint.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Wallpaper Plugin Broken With 10.10

Oct 13, 2010

After upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10, I've noticed (as have others) that the Compiz plugin for multiple wallpapers on different desktops is broken. If I wish to move to a new screen with the Expo feature, the graphics behave oddly (i.e. things become blurry or windows look terrible). I found a work-around on Launchpad, but this is only a temporary fix to a long-term solution. Has anyone else here had this problem or figured out a way to solve it?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Seem To Find The Grid Plugin For Compiz?

Oct 15, 2010

I just installed 10.10 this morning. No major complaints at this point, but I can't seem to find the Grid plugin for Compiz. Is it missing in 10.10? If not what do I need to do to activate it.

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Ubuntu :: Unity & Compiz Scale Plugin

May 10, 2011

How can I get the scale plugin to show windows from all workspaces like I could before with 10.04 and Gnome?With Unity the scale plugin only "scales" windows that are on the current desktop/workspace.

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Ubuntu :: Should Unity/Compiz Be Removed If Using Gnome 3 In Natty

Apr 22, 2011

I've played around with both Unity and Gnome 3 and I love them both. I've decided for now I'm using Unity on my laptop but I was thinking I'll use Gnome 3 on my desktop for particular reasons (I may switch to Unity if I find I'd like it better). My question is, if I install Gnome 3 via the ppa, wouldn't compiz no longer be supported with Gnome 3? Matter of fact I probably wouldn't use anything from compiz even if it could. Hence would it be safe to remove unity and all of compiz or do things in Ubuntu still depend on them? I also wouldn't want them still running in the background or anything. Perhaps now that Ubuntu decided to go the Unity way, that they should support a Gnome-shell build? Like Kubuntu/Xubuntu, even though regular Ubuntu still uses Gnome.

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Ubuntu :: No 3d Effects, No Unity, No Compiz After Upgrading To Natty?

Apr 28, 2011

After rebooting, the first message i've been shown was: "Your hardware doesn't support Unity". First strange thing: Unity was working perfectly on all the Beta live versions I've tried before the upgrade.

Well, not a big problem, I didn't really like Unity. Let's stay with Gnome + Compiz, I said.. but Compiz effects don't work anymore. When I try to do System --> Preferences --> Appearance, the "effects" tab doesn't show anymore. The file named "screenshot1.png" will show you this problem, even if it's in Italian: there are only the Theme (tema), Background (sfondo) and Fonts (Tipo di carattere) tabs. Also look to the strange, fuzzy right corner of the themes previews. This didn't happen on 10.10. 3d rendering should be working, since I get

glxinfo | grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes
But nothing works.

System->Administration->Hardware is empty, but it has always been empty, even on 10.10 (but Compiz effects were working). When I try to set Compiz as windows manager in Compiz Fusion Icon, sometimes the title of the windows disappear, along with the minimize, maximize and close buttons. Do you think there's something I can do to fix all these things?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Config Trouble On 11.04 Natty Narwhal?

May 10, 2011

I am having some trouble using the compiz config settings on the new "Natty Narwhal" 11.04. On 10.4, it worked seamlessly; the 3D desktop cube worked, 3D windows worked, and rotating desktop cube also worked. On Natty Narwhal, nothing works-- at all. It may seem kind of childish for me to download compiz config just for the cube, but the fact that compiz config alone isn't even working is kind of making me nervous. Though, it would be great if someone could help me with the cube.

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Ubuntu :: No Menu Bars In Compiz After Natty Upgrade?

Jun 8, 2011

After upgrading to Natty from the previous version and switching to Ubuntu Classic my compiz settings were completely wiped out. No problem, I just re-entered them. The problem is that I don't get any menu bar on my windows. It also happens once in a while in Metacity but using the compiz fusion icon utility to reload the window manager will usually fix the issue. I have had this problem intermittently in the past but have always been able to resolve it by reloading the window manager. Now when I'm using compiz I ALWAYS have this issue and it makes compiz unusable. Compiz is not just eye-candy for me, it has become integral to the way I use my computer. If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears.

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