Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Works Great -- Except For At Msnbc.com?
Jul 15, 2010
i'm running ubuntu 8.04 with firefox 3.6.6 and the add-on shockwave flash 9.0 r277. my video works great at sites like videos, abcnews.com, and cbsnews.com. but it does not work at msnbc.com. i just get a blank, black panel with the label "msnbc.com video player" at the top.
the problem appears unique to the msnbc.com web site. any idea what it could be? i've used other machines running different versions of ubuntu and ff and have had no problems viewing msnbc.com video.
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Mar 5, 2011
Exactly as the topic says; running a MIDI file through Timidity in command-line works fine, but doing it in Rosegarden just outputs silence.
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Jun 6, 2010
Cheese seems to work great OOB on my HP probook 4510s using the internal webcam and OpenSuSE11.1 (11.2/11.3.6 don't install). Anyway - I would really like to have a simple way to send either the video stream or periodic snapshots out over the internet, either to a website or a chat client or? I am going to be doing a field experiment and will want folks to be able to see what I'm doing. I have set up servers before and it can get way too complicated for the amount of time I have left to get this going..
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Nov 23, 2010
The problem I have is when I install 10.10 I get no wired connection my wifi works great, just no wired connection. I don't have WiFi where I am right now. It works fine when I run off the dvd , but when I install it i get nothing. I have tried static ip, reinstalling, reinstalling drivers. Don't know what else to do. I have a Dell Inspiron 1720. The ethernet is a broadcom 440x.
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Feb 10, 2011
No Bootup just a Black Screen with a frozen cursor after install, but LIVE CD works in 1024x768 mode? Well, I have a Sony Bravia 32xTV with HDMI input coming out of a ZOTAC nvidia type of card. The live CD will recognize the HDMI graphics card and Sony TV/monitor and thus works like Ubuntu normally does. But when I go to install to a hard drive and try to boot up I get just a Black Screen with a frozen cursor. I even have another Ubuntu 8.04 version running on the Sony Bravia TV , so no problem with TV end of things. what do I do now, oh great Ubuntu gurus out there in cyberland? what could I possibly do , what do I read, where do I go , what, where, who, how, when ,which way?
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Jul 21, 2010
I tried visiting the link in the sticky, to report this, but it was empty.
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May 14, 2010
Ok, so eth0 is up and working great. eth1, however, comes up with a link light, however the packet counters in ifconfig remain at 0. Appears that eth1 isn't working.
Here's my setup:
-Dell latitude CPi laptop with 2 PCMCIA network cards and no built-in ethernet.
-Slackware v11
-eth0 is connected inside my router on my 192 network. Static address with good connectivity
-eth1 is connected on the other side of my router in promiscuous mode in order to listen to the traffic coming into my network.
Troubleshooting so far: I have switched the pcmcia cards between slots and regardless of which card is in eth0 or eth1, eth0 works and eth1 does not. I have also switched the card dongle between cards as well as the ethernet cabling between the cards. With any of the combinations eth0 works like a champ but eth1 does not, so I think I've ruled out hardware problems.
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Apr 30, 2010
Using Lucid Lynx 10.04. Is your software center/ synaptic package manager working properly for you?
I just got Lucid installed after some minor troubles last night, but with the help of great people, I have it installed now (thank you!) and it all *ok, most* works beautifully!
However, I have been downloading/installing "Ubuntu restricted extras" , for the last 20 minutes now, and it is only at 12% .
In karmic koala, these things happened pretty quickly, but now it is just soooper slooooowww.
Before I started the restricted extras.. I installed VLC player, and that took about 15 minutes just for that. and now it is nowhere to be found!
It does not show in USC under installed software, nor does it show in synaptic..and it is in no menu, anywhere.
Speaking of synaptic...I cant get VLC, or Ubuntu restricted extras to show up, it does not 'find' them when I type their name into the search bar..it acts as if they don't exist.
I havent attempted to find, or install anything else that I had on my karmic box yet...only these 2 things, vlc and restricted extras....and both have been ..well.....painfully slow..... and vlc doesnt even seem to have installed, after it took 15-20 minutes, and said it was finished.
If this was "back to normal"...this would definitely be the best OS i have ever seen/used.
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a Gateway ML6721 laptop that uses a Realtek RTL8187B for wireless comms. I am very new to Ubuntu and Linux. I am trying out linux using a usb stick, 16Gb with a 4Gb persistence. If I stay in the same room as the router there is no problem. If I walk too far, I get disconnected. Works fine in windows throughout the whole house. Is there a setting I can change or do I need to use a different driver?
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Apr 27, 2010
I have been using a ARM device with 512MB ram and flash to send messages via Bluetooth to everyone in the proximity. I am doing this with OpenProximity (Python) and it worked for the last week, it did stop for two times but since I didn't have time to find the cause, I just rebooted it (Windows style ) and it worked again, but suddenly it stopped working again last Saturday. When I did /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart it did not say it failed or something, but when I did /etc/init.d/bluetooth status it said "bluetooth is not running ... failed!". This is what I got in the syslog:
Apr 27 13:52:45 debian bluetoothd[31243]: Bluetooth daemon 4.60
Apr 27 13:52:45 debian bluetoothd[31243]: Starting SDP server
Apr 27 13:52:45 debian bluetoothd[31243]: Starting experimental netlink support
Apr 27 13:52:45 debian bluetoothd[31243]: Failed to find Bluetooth netlink family
Apr 27 13:52:45 debian bluetoothd[31243]: Failed to init netlink plugin
Apr 27 13:52:45 debian bluetoothd[31243]: Can't create GN bridge
You'll probably note that the first message is version 4.60 and the second one 4.63, this is because I tried to upgrade, but that did not work completely, but the error above is the same as first before the upgrade.
Don't know if it matters, but I am using Debian Squeeze and the output of uname -a is: Linux debian #1 PREEMPT Fri Dec 18 22:54:28 MST 2009 armv5tel GNU/Linux. Hope someone know how this could happen suddenly, and even better, knows how to fix it
EDIT: Forgot to say, I am using a SENA Parani UD100 Bluetooth USB Adapter which uses the Toshiba Bluetooth stack.
UPDATE: It won't crash until the Bluetooth stick is inserted, so it should be a driver problem?
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a Zune and I know of the issue of not talking well w/ linux... What portable video / MP3 player works well w/ Ubuntu w/o going the route of wine or Virtualbox as I do not want to waste a day or two getting those hacks to work
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Mar 15, 2010
I have no problem playing all videos and sound files. I have installed most codecs and propriety software. I can play all downloaded .flv videos from all the sites except one. When I open the .flv file from this site, I get "internal data stream error."
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Jul 2, 2010
If you go to [URL].. and pick any video it will play the commercial but not the video. I have 64 bit version of flash installed on ubuntu and it plays fine. Any ideas why it does not play. I chose a random video to see what I mean. You can post the link below to see.[URL].. how to make it play on Debian. I have flash and sun java plugin installed.
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Nov 13, 2010
I been struggling with this since Karmic and I know others have as well. This is really the only thing making me keep a Windows install around for my personal stuff.
Problem: Convert .TS files to iPod or really any smaller format keeping A/V sync after edit. I can covert my .TS file perfectly if I do not edit it but I want to just do a simple, quick trim of 2 mins from beginning and end.
HandBrake with convert the file perfectly but cannot trim. Avidemux does a great job on the video but I always have to play with the audio shift to get it in sync. It is usually betwenn -250ms to -1000ms off but I cannot count on it. If I run the video through DGIndex in Wine or view it with Mediainfo both programs detect the an offset problem but they are always wrong by almost 500ms and it is never constant.
Regular video editing I have pretty good luck with my normal DV files and I could even run the .TS files through other programs but it is too time consuming to be useful form this simple task. Anytime I want to take my recorded TV .TS files I cannot edit them quickly without making a full project out of it in Openshot Cinelerra, etc.
Has anyone found a quick, reliable way to do some lite video trimming in Ubuntu and keep A/V sync without having to resort to any Windows programs?
EDIT: Also I really do not want to resort to have to demux separately either. I know I am asking a lot but I got spoiled with a couple of Windows programs that will edit without reencode programs like VideoReDo can do the editing and converting all at once (for $100 !).
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Jan 7, 2011
I have a vx-6000 and the video and pictures actually works good but there is no sound can you get sound to work and how?
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Feb 12, 2010
i'm using ubuntu since 8.04, and the current (9.10) is a fresh install on new hdd.the problem was the same each version (8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10) - while i'm playing the video (no matter if i use mplayer [smplayer], gstreamer [totem] or adobe flash plugin [videos]) the playback freezes randomly for about 5-10 sec. during the freeze the movie is still played, i can hear the sound is ok. if i press [space] in smplayer it pauses the playback, so the responses for keyboard actions are ok. not for the mouse clicks however. i can still move the cursor around the screen but it seems the system is not aware of it (clicking on the "pause" button doesnt pause the movie). except the cursor, nothing changes on the screen (if the im [pidgin] window was blinking because of new message, it freezes etc etc).
is there any kind of log i could look into just to try figuring out the problem?it is impossible to watch any movie on my pc (currently i don't have tv)i installed windows on external hdd once and it played videos fine so i suppose it's not hardware problem .
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Jul 8, 2010
Does anyone know if there is any Internet Cafe software a small internet cafe can run on Ubuntu that works great?
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Feb 11, 2011
Since I'm having such a hard time getting drivers for my VIA/s3g unichrome pro igp k8m800 built in video card. I was thinking about getting the least expensive video card possible that will work with Ubuntu 10:10 in my Emachine T3104. I don't need any more card then the one that is built into this motherboard. So cheap is the word.
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Sep 25, 2010
I used to be able to watch Streaming Video from this site (It flowed continuously):and now that I have upgraded the speed of my DSL Internet Connection from 512kbps to 1 MBPS the video no longer flows. My problem with Video Streaming is only with the above site, all other similar web sites work perfectly. I have spoken to my internet service provider and they say there is no problem with my connection.The web site is a 24 hour news media site from Australia and contains no offensive material.
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Feb 22, 2010
I want to watch a certain video on [url]...., but I get an error message instead. Some videos can be played, so I'm thinking it's a form of restriction, but I can't be sure.I tried using a few proxies, but on some the error message persists and on others the video doesn't load. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and Firefox 3.5.8.
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Jul 14, 2011
I have two seperated video clips, that captured same event from two cameras. i would like to create one clip, that will show one on the left side, the second on the right side, and play together.
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Oct 17, 2010
When I play large HD videos in mplayer, the video and sound frequently get out of sync, and the video plays a little strangely (occasionally speeding up and occasionally slowing down).
I think it's because mplayer is only running on a single core. As I've got a quad-core processor, it seems inefficient. I've seen that there is theoretically a way to get mplayer to work with multicore setups, but it requires compiling with different options. That'd take me a little while to work through.
Ideally there would be a pre-compiled version in the software centre, or a player which has support built in (again, ideally in the software centre). Is there such a thing available?
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Nov 13, 2010
is this possible? Or does one have to use the binary blobs?
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Apr 20, 2011
I have a video file in which the audio runs faster than the video, so they quickly go out of sync. The way to fix it would be to separate the audio and video streams, speed up the video (the audio is FINE, it's the video that's wrong), and then recombining them. What is the easiest way for doing that?
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Feb 26, 2010
video playback is like I have applied a blueish sepia filter over it. And this is just the playback from totem player or mplayer, and not the playback from ..... (and generally online streaming) - this works just fine. this messy video playback also appears when I use cheese to capture video with my webcam. Note that the preview picture of the video file on nautilus has the natural colours it should have.
at first when I installed the os this particular problem didn't exist, but it came up the time I decided to follow the "comprehensive multimedia guide". So now I have all the pros of following the guide, but this is a major con...
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May 30, 2011
this happens with both VLC and Totem, when in either of those programs playing a video, if I click on one of the top menus, say View in Totem, the video stays on top of the drop down options. In order to see the options I have to hover over them with the mouse at which point they become momentarily visible. I read a post somewhere where someone had a similar problem and it was solved by reinstalling Compiz, but I've tried uninstalling it entirely, reinstalling it, etc. and none of it works. It doesn't happen with flash videos in firefox, it does happen with visualisations in Totem, and it only started happening since I upgraded to 11.04.
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Jan 26, 2010
the movie i downloaded plays for only 19 sec and stops saying you will be redirected to microsoft download page. the file is 700 Mb. i installed w32 codecs after searching through many threads but still my vlc doesnt play the file.
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Apr 3, 2010
I'm using 9.10 on acer aspire one (not the netbook remix).im using the default messanger client empathy.everything else works fine but when i try to video chat the video chat begins but if the other person even moves a litte or even nods his head then the video becomes so choppy that u cant see anything and then after 5 min comes back to normal for a second or two.i have all the latest updates and gstreamer0.10-ugly-multiverse which is required for video chat b/w empathy and gtalk.
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Jun 12, 2010
My system: Pentium 4 3.6 GHz, 3 Gb DDR ram, GeForce 210 video card, Ubuntu 10.04.
I have previously used Cinelerra-cv (on Karmic) and recently Openshot (on Lucid) with not much trouble. I have been sampling other video editors (Kdenlive, avidemux, kino etc). Now I have my video card crashing whichever I use, mainly when trying to load clips. I have disabled Compiz, uninstalled all video editors and then reinstalled one at a time. I still get early video crashes whichever I try.
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Apr 11, 2011
I am setting up a MythTV environment to switch from Windows based MediaPortal (with a high number of disturbing bugs). Yet, I have three difficulties, which I want to discuss with you. They are:
- No audio via HDMI see [URL]
- Video resolution seems to change during video playback
- Channels cannot be found via DVB-S [URL]
As you can see, I have created three posts to keep discussions focused.
Alltogether I have the following setup:
- AMD 5050e CPU
- 8 GByte RAM
- Biostar TA890GXE
- Samsung LE40M86BD, connected via HDMI (and only HDMI)
- Mythbuntu 10.10 with proprietary drivers installed
- Technisat Skystar HD2 DVB-S card (two times)
Now, here is the problem:
Whenever I playback any video material using e.g. VLC, the screen resolution changes. This also applies when playback the video in a window and not fullscreen. The problem is that whenever the screen resolution changes, short time later the TV set blanks screen and show the TV set specific information "unsupported video mode".
How can I enforce to stay in the configured video mode?
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