Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mic Not Working - No Connector Found In Settings?

Jan 29, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 (although in the System->About Ubuntu is mentioned that I have Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal, I don't know why) and I can not make the microphone from my headset to work. I used to have the Ubuntu 8.04 (I think so) and the mic used to work normally.

Everyone proposes to change the Connector in the Sound Settings but I do not have such option (you can see the attached image). What should I do?

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Ubuntu :: MySQL Connector Not Found?

Jun 20, 2011

I installed Tomcat (apt-get install tomcat6 tomcat6-admin tomcat6-common tomcat6-user tomcat6-docs tomcat6-examples) and it runs without problems.

I installed MySQL (apt-get install mysql-server) and it seems to run without problems too.

I changed the default JRE (update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun).

The weird thing is - if I put the connector-jar into my web application (WEB-INF/lib), the connection works. If I put the connector-jar into usr/share/java, it does not work. If I write the jar location into the CLASSPATH and try "java com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", I get a NoSuchMethodError:Main, which means, that the jar is found?!

The datasource in the tomcat context.xml is:

<Resource name="jdbc/myresource" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="username" password="password" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myschema" />

How can I make the database connection work without putting the jar into the WEB-INF/lib folder of the web application?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Connector Not Showing For Sigmatel Stac 9200?

May 3, 2010

I have tried to ask this question before but was not posting in the right place due to my newness. I have looked hard for a solution and learned a lot over the last week. In fact enough to understand how much I don't know. I do not have a connector available to switch between line and mic inputs and would like help to set them up please.

I installed 10.04 RC to try Ubuntu and had a separate control for line and mic but now only as the screenshot. The first picture is of how I remembered my RC install and is not my original screenshot. The second is how my system is now.

My computer is a Dell Inspiron E1505
My sound card a Sigmatel stac 9200
My operating system Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS

Here are some data from my system:

aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1


I have added this line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf

options snd-hda-intel model=dell-m25

Off topic but if someone could mention it. What is the difference between "capture" and "line & mic" controls. How can I insert code into those scrollable boxes titled Code

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Debian Multimedia :: LXDE Desktop Pager Settings Not Working

Jun 6, 2015

I have installed the LXDE desktop on my Debian Testing setup (It also has XFCE desktop installed). On the LXDE desktop I am trying to increase the virtual desktops from 2 to 4 desktops but every time I right click on the desktop pager icon on the task bar and then click on Desktop Pager Setting (from the menu that appears), nothing happens I don't get any configuration window for the desktop pager. AM I missing something from my install of LXDE??

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Microphone Not Working Playing With Volume Settings But To No Avail?

Sep 13, 2010

I've got openSUSE 11.2 installed. Works quite well in general.Today I tried using my microphone for the first time but had no success. I tried to playing with volume settings but to no avail.I recording something with arecord -f cd test.wavand tried playing it back with aplay test.wavbut got nothing.Then I thought I'd look at my sound card configuration. I selected the "Configure your sound card" from the start menu. And to my astonishment no card has been configured (I was surprised because I am able to hear sounds, play music, etc.).Anyway, I tried configuring my card. I selected Creative Labs | XFi, clicked through the menus, and eventually I got an error:

"The kernel module for sound support could not be loaded. This can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters"Also, the command dmesg | grep soundgives me this[ 35.179567] ALSA /usr/src/packages/BUILD/kernel-desktop- ctxfi: chip 20K1 model Unknown (1102:1003) is found

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nm-system-settings: No Process Found?

May 9, 2010

I'm with new version kubuntu 10.04 after changing managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
I can't execute killall nm-system-settings it says: nm-system-settings: no process found Maybe I'm with the wrong command

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 06a2:0003 Topro Technology - No Camera Found - Skryba Says No Devices Found

Mar 29, 2010

I have been trying to get this web cam working for a long time. lsusb:

Bus 004 Device 003: ID 06a2:0003 Topro Technology, Inc.

[ 1990.570050] usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
[ 1990.751460] usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
Kernel patch: [URL]
Driver project: [URL]

Cheese simply says no camera found. Skryba says no devices found. Since this kernel patch was 2009-04-07 which is nearly a year ago it should be in latest kernel?


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change Login Settings / No Seat ID Found

May 10, 2011

I click unlock repeatedly but nothing happens... I ran it in terminal and got this

sudo gdmsetup
[sudo] password for wordsmith:
** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: init delay=10
** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: "/usr/share/xsessions/une-guest-restricted.desktop" is hidden or contains non-executable TryExec program

** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: "/usr/share/xsessions/guest-restricted.desktop" is hidden or contains non-executable TryExec program
** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: "/usr/share/xsessions/une-efl-guest-restricted.desktop" is hidden or contains non-executable TryExec program

** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: Init default session found:'xsession'
** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: Failed to identify the current session: Unable to lookup session information for process '5106'
** (gdmsetup:5106): WARNING **: Unable to find users: no seat-id found

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Ubuntu :: Opacity Options In Compiz Config Settings Manager - Not Found?

Feb 3, 2011

i wanted to change the opacity settings in compiz config settings manager (i read it in the forum post that i can change opacity using compiz settings) when i opened the ccsm, i did not find the opacity settings in general options...do i have to update or upgrade?

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Software :: Can' Import Old Mail Into Evolution - No Importable Settings Found?

Feb 15, 2011

I (at last succesfully) upgraded my Debian from Lenny to SqueezeEvolution easily imported all the settings from before the dist upgradehowever, only the mail received since then is displayedwhen looking into the .evolution folder, and displyaing Inbox with ledd, I saw mails from last fall, however the evolution client only displays the last few (that I can also find with less in the file)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Tomcat6 Ajp Connector Won't Start?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm trying to do a standard mod_jk setup--get apache to forward requests to Tomcat. I must admit that I'm not so familiar with the details of mod_jk, but I got this working before when I had used tomcat 6 directly from apache's website, but now that I've switched to the version in Ubuntu's repositories I can't get it working.

The log for mod_jk says:

[Mon Mar 15 23:59:41 2010] [5575:3004840816] [error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1359): (ajp13_worker) connecting to backend failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port (errno=111)
[Mon Mar 15 23:59:41 2010] [5575:3004840816] [error]


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Ubuntu :: Way To Turn Off Power Connector Check

Apr 2, 2011

I installed ubuntu 10.10 on a desktop to use for a media server, and plus some. Everything worked! I proceeded to install the nVidia driver for the 9800gt After it was installed I rebooted per the notification after installation.So now my computer loads directly into terminal and I can't start the GUI. I tried startx but it gave that whole warning about the "nopowerconnectorcheck".

So I've done my research and I bought a 650w psu. Still no dice. I know that there is a way to turn off the power connector check but I have no Idea how.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cisco Valet Connector AM10 In 11.04?

Jul 20, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04. I'm trying to get a Cisco Valet Connector AM10 to work. It's one of those ZeroCD USB devices that is both storage and modem. Using this link:


I filled out usb_modeswitch like this:


# Configuration for the usb_modeswitch package, a mode switching tool for
# USB devices providing multiple states or modes


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Hardware :: Connect 3 Pin J2 Serial Connector To Computer?

Aug 11, 2010

making/buying a 3 pin j2 serial connector for my computer to connect to a programable chip

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Programming :: Java Cannot Find Mysql Connector?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm trying to use MySQL's JDBC connector for java but even though I set the CLASSPATH variable, java cannot find the com.mysql.jdbc.Driver class.

[jordan@Jordan-Laptop java-stuff]$ ls /usr/share/java
cal10n geronimo-jta.jar java_cup-runtime.jar


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Hardware :: How To Make Sound Work For Rear Connector Too

Sep 11, 2010

I'm running CentOS 5.5 on a Shuttle SG41J1 PLUS barebones system. All is working well, except the sound. I get sound only on the front connector (meant for headsets). With XP on that box I get sound on both the front and the rear connectors. Under XP I see the dialog as attached to this post. It even knows where I have something plugged in. Under CentOS I have two devices listed:0: HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer) 1: IDT ID 76c1 (OSS Mixer) The second one is marked active (*).Any idea on how to make the sound work for the rear connector too ?

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Debian Configuration :: PIP Installation Fails For MySQL Connector Python

Apr 6, 2016

I got assigned to a project, where the installation is done over ansible. As I'm new in linux, python, django, ansible I wanted to try this out on a empty linux debian.

Code: Select alluname -a

Linux DebianABC 3.16.0-4 amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u4 (2016-02-29) x86 64 Gnu/Linux

When I now run my ansible playbook it tries to install mysql and suddenly I get an error:

Code: Select all:stderr: DEPRECATION: --allow-external has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Due to changes in the repository protocol, it no longer has any effect.

DEPRECATION: --allow-unverified has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Due to changes in the repository protocol, it no longer has any effect.

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mysql-connector-python==1.0.12 (from -r /home/abc/abcTest/requirements.pip (line 36)) (from versions: )

No matching distribution found for mysql-connector-python==1.0.12 (from -r /home/abc/abcTest/requirements.pip (line 36))

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

So I checked the target machine and tried to run

pip install -vvv -r requirement.txt mysql-connector-python

As version 1.0.12 is an old version, I was searching and tried the following: [URL] ....

But also if I run the installation by direct download I have the same error message:

Code: Select allabc@DebianABC:/home/abc/abcTest$ pip install -r requirements.pip -vvv mysql-connector-python
Collecting http://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/Connector-Python/mysql-connector-python-1.0.12.tar.gz (from -r requirements.pip (line 36))
  Starting new HTTP connection (1): cdn.mysql.com
  "GET //Downloads/Connector-Python/mysql-connector-python-1.0.12.tar.gz HTTP/1.1" 200 230923

[Code] ....

I was reading about the version requirements from PEP: [URL] .... but as the version looks ok, this should not be the problem.

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Fedora Networking :: Finding Out If Cable Removed From Ethernet Connector

Feb 2, 2009

How can I find out programmatically if a cable has been removed from an ethernet connector where the interface is "up" ??? Without using ping of course.
Sidebar question, if I have two interfaces on the subnet how can I force a ping out a specific interface? Say, I have and and I want to throw a ping out *.13 and not *.14 ..

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Debian Hardware :: Connector Difference Between 3.5 And 5.25 Drives On Drive Select Line?

May 17, 2010

I am trying to read a 5 1/4 in. floppy disk using an Intel D865 PERL motherboard, at 3 GHz. Bios was set to read this floppy. The system Lenny 2.6.31 i386 can't detect the 5.25 drive. Drive select seems not to be responding on the 5.25 drive. When connecting a 3 1/2 in. drive to the same motherboard connector (after changing the BIOS setting appropriately), r/w is ok under both linux and XP. I have tried three floppy 5.25 drives and different cables. All known to be ok on another box. I have tried XP and another linux, Etch. I have installed the latest available Bios upgrade from Intel. Upgraded from 0061 to 0089 bios versions. Is this a possible connector difference between 3.5 and 5.25 drives on the drive select line? The cable drive end connectors are different between the two drives.

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Software :: Set Mail.jar - JavaMail - And Mysql-connector-java.jar In Class Path

Jan 18, 2010

I want to ask how i set Linux class path for mail.jar and mysql-connector.jar. I have set the class path for java with the command.


when i do java -version it's work fine.

Also if i want to know that what shell i am using how can i find it.Also what is the command for showing class path variables or how can i see my JAVA_HOME class path.Means after setting the class path for above two files how can i see that these files have added.

When i write echo $CLASSPATH or echo $JAVA_HOME it shows nothing no error but again shows the prompt.

One thing more i want to run a java program on Linux it is in a package (named asteriskproject). It consist of 10 java files. I have run this program on windows using netbeans IDE.For this program i need to set my Linux class path for the above mentioned files, and this is my first time that i am running any program on Linux. So i want to ask how can i run my program. Simply put this asteriskproject directory in any folder and run the main file using javac. Is it right way to run the program that consist of package ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP Settings Not Working On Natty Narwhal

Jun 21, 2011

I'm currently trying to setup a static IP address for my computer, but everytime I set the static IP my network does not works.

My lspci -v shows the follow.

Ethernet controller 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)
Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. Device 7529


Even after restart the system my network only works when I use dhpc to resolve my IP Address.

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Fedora :: Brightness Settings Not Working Nvidia Driver

Feb 20, 2010

To use games and other intensive applications, but with the switch I completely lost control of the brightness for the monitor. Is their a way to configure that, through the terminal or external application. If not, is there an experimental 3d version of nouveau I could try. Help would be appreciated, everything else works great so far.

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Configure X-Server - Errors "device Not Found" And "no Screens Found"

Apr 15, 2011

I installed debian 4.0 (etch) on an old computer with some pickled graphics card in it, and then I upgraded the computer to one with slightly newer hardware only without the graphics card (the new one used on board graphics). I moved the hard drive from the old one to the new one but when I booted it up it failed to start the X-server and I got some errors listed for "device not found" and "no screens found".

I tried using "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" however I can't seem to find a working configuration. It seems pretty silly that when installing debian it can detect all this automatically with no problems but when it comes to changing some hardware around you are left in the dark with a complicated re-configuration process. Is there not some way to automate this? I'd rather not have to re-install everything

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Stopped Working, CompizConfig Settings Manager No Longer Accessible?

May 18, 2010

I did a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 on a Toshiba Satellite, Intel graphics card, a few days ago, and had no trouble accessing the CompizConfig Settings Manager. I changed a number of settings, and everything seemed to be working just fine. But two days ago, I noticed that the compiz effects (rotating desktop cube, minimize effect etc.) were gone; and when I now try to access the Settings Manager, I see a "Starting CompizConfig..." appear in the panel and linger for about five seconds; then it's gone. No settings manager, no error message.

The day that happened, I had (to the best of my memory) not installed any updates. I had, however, removed a bunch of applications through the Software Center. I had also launched Ubuntu Tweak and changed a couple of settings. The only option it showed, and shows, under 'Compiz Settings' was then (and still is): "Prerequisite Conditions" : "Install Advanced Desktop Effects Settings Manager". The box was checked. I have since unchecked and re-checked it, thereby uninstalling and re-installing the settings manager. But that hasn't changed anything.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Isn't Working - Found ?

Jun 29, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my netbook (Lenovo S10-2) and everything went smoothly; however, I noticed that my wireless isn't picking up .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mysql Odbc Connector Installation Crash?

Sep 14, 2010

I use ubuntu lucid lynx, LAMP (mysql 5.1 and last php) and tried to install the package from mysql web page (mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.7-linux-glibc2.3-x86-32bit.tar.gz) through alien. Terminal output is as follows:p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }

sudo alien -d -c -k -i mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.7-linux-glibc2.3-x86-32bit.tar
dpkg --no-force-overwrite -i mysql-connector-odbc_5.1.7-1_all.deb
(Lendo banco de dados ... 147517 arquivos e diretios atualmente instalados).


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OpenSUSE :: Display - Desktop Appearance And Theme Settings Not Working

Aug 14, 2011

I've been trying to get familiar with this over the past 24 hours or so. I assume I've been somewhat successful in what I'm attempting to do, as I can work my way around a bit now and use some terminal commands. However, there is this display problem I seem to be encountering with certain windows which is extremely putting off. When I click options like 'File' or 'Edit' in a window, this is what I get. Here are the screenshots below.

This is what I get when I click the 'Volume' button in the Panel at the bottom of the screen. I have tried changing the Desktop Appearance Settings, Theme Settings but nothing seems to work. Although this is not a performance issue, it is hampering my vision of the various available options, and I would like to resolve it at once.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not Working (wlan Not Found)

Apr 19, 2011

I have recently bought a new laptop (medion akoya p761 and I can't get the wireless working... With windows 7 it's working.

I followed the sticky guide but still no success....

The problem is in the first place that it doesn't list my wlan : lspci -nn

:~$ lspci -nn
00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller [8086:0044] (rev 18)
00:01.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Core Processor PCI Express x16 Root Port [8086:0045] (rev 18)


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Ubuntu :: Compile X264 - No Working C Compiler Found

May 13, 2011

I am trying to compile x264 but ./configure returns just Quote: No working C compiler found. Yes, I have installed build-essentials and yes, I have installed gcc Already tried update and upgrade... so I dont know whats wrong my c++ compiler works normally.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Save The VLC Settings

Jan 10, 2010

I found that setting the video output module to opengl works very well. The only problem now is that vlc keeps changing my setting back to "default" rather that "opengl" or "x11".How do I force it to save my settings?

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