Ubuntu Networking :: Nm-system-settings: No Process Found?

May 9, 2010

I'm with new version kubuntu 10.04 after changing managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
I can't execute killall nm-system-settings it says: nm-system-settings: no process found Maybe I'm with the wrong command

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Killall Nm-system-settings?

Apr 18, 2010

in my case it says..

sidhu@sidhu-desktop:~$ sudo killall nm-system-settings
[sudo] password for sidhu:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for sidhu:
nm-system-settings: no process found

why is this error..?

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Ubuntu :: Reset Compiz Settings From Command-line To Default System Settings?

Jan 31, 2010

Did you play too much with compiz and after-a-while you realize that certain functions are not working anymore?

Well, just follow the steps below:


gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz



Restart your PC / lappy


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Fedora Networking :: Yum And System Proxy Settings

Feb 19, 2010

how do i get yum, KPackageManager to use System Proxy Settings for there network access ? by proxy i mean it's a program that uses my phone as the proxy.here is the command adb forward tcp:8080 tcp:8080

now i got it to work for firefox like this localhost 8080 for all protocols.did the same in KDE proxy settings localhost 8080 for all protocols..just need to know hot to configure yum and kPackageManage
to use it as well?

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CentOS 5 :: Settings Of Networking For Guest System (KVM)?

Aug 13, 2010

My problem is next: I have Public IP-addresses (ex. 80.237.x.x) and this IP-addresses join to network interfaces (eth0:0, ... eth0:5) and I have local IP-address of Guest System of NETWORK I can do here if I want assign Public IP-address for Guest System? Because if I want connect to my Guest System through any computer in world (ex. through SSH) I should have public IP of guest system (not private, ex.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Configure Proxy Settings For Whole System In F12

Nov 24, 2009

The problem is that he did not specify exactly where in /etc/profile. I am trying to make a custom spin of F12 but I cannot do it behind the proxy as it is now.

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Networking :: Changing System Internet Connection Settings?

Mar 28, 2010

Failed to fetch [URL] Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused)----when tor and polipo are not running---

Possible causes:

I just installed tor, privoxy, and polipo and set them up for web browsing anonymity. Other than that I don't recall making any system wide changes.

Other Info:

I can access the internet via a web browser and other programs just fine because i can manually edit each program's internet connection settings. apt-get works when tor and polipo are running. I have used tor and privoxy/polipo in the past and this has never been a problem, so I must have done something different this go around. Obviously I am not sure what that is. Attached are the applicable config files.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Saving System Settings (yast Settings)

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way I can save system settings and have yast revert to a config file in case I ever need to reinstall the system again? I hate having to configure the firewall, runlevels, samba shares, samba workgroup, apparmor, and all the other junk after every install. It's not like I install often, but should suse 11.5 or 12 roll out, I'd like it to be a snappy upgrade.

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Networking :: Error: Vty Needs Libreadline But Was Not Found On Your System

Oct 26, 2010

I have a problem when install quagga-0.96.1 error: vty needs libreadline but was not found on your system.

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Networking :: Iptraf Command Not Found In System (RHEL5)

Apr 11, 2011

I got iptraf and netconfig command not found in my system(RHEL 5 ).

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Ubuntu :: Accessories > Settings > Appearance Process Doesn't Seem To Stop Even After Close It

Jan 30, 2011

i have a habit of frequently changing my desktop themes in gnome desktop. off late i found that whenever i close the appearance settings window, the process diesnt seem to stop and it becomes a runaway process, increasing fan speed in my laptop and ofcourse the temp that shoots beyond 70, every time i change the theme i have to issue top command in terminal, identify the gnome-appearance process id and kill it. the instant i kill it, temp drops down to 32 / 32....

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Ubuntu Servers :: No Logfile Lines Found To Process?

Feb 4, 2010

I think I miss something here(Ubuntu 9.10 server 64bit):



##### SRG Example Configuration File #####
# Squid log file to process
# Defaults to access.log in the srg directory.
# e.g. log_file "/usr/local/squid/logs/access.log"


WARNING: Configuration file not found!

No logfile lines found to process!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mic Not Working - No Connector Found In Settings?

Jan 29, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 (although in the System->About Ubuntu is mentioned that I have Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal, I don't know why) and I can not make the microphone from my headset to work. I used to have the Ubuntu 8.04 (I think so) and the mic used to work normally.

Everyone proposes to change the Connector in the Sound Settings but I do not have such option (you can see the attached image). What should I do?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change Login Settings / No Seat ID Found

May 10, 2011

I click unlock repeatedly but nothing happens... I ran it in terminal and got this

sudo gdmsetup
[sudo] password for wordsmith:
** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: init delay=10
** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: "/usr/share/xsessions/une-guest-restricted.desktop" is hidden or contains non-executable TryExec program

** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: "/usr/share/xsessions/guest-restricted.desktop" is hidden or contains non-executable TryExec program
** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: "/usr/share/xsessions/une-efl-guest-restricted.desktop" is hidden or contains non-executable TryExec program

** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: Init default session found:'xsession'
** (gdmsetup:5106): DEBUG: Failed to identify the current session: Unable to lookup session information for process '5106'
** (gdmsetup:5106): WARNING **: Unable to find users: no seat-id found

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Ubuntu :: Opacity Options In Compiz Config Settings Manager - Not Found?

Feb 3, 2011

i wanted to change the opacity settings in compiz config settings manager (i read it in the forum post that i can change opacity using compiz settings) when i opened the ccsm, i did not find the opacity settings in general options...do i have to update or upgrade?

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Software :: Can' Import Old Mail Into Evolution - No Importable Settings Found?

Feb 15, 2011

I (at last succesfully) upgraded my Debian from Lenny to SqueezeEvolution easily imported all the settings from before the dist upgradehowever, only the mail received since then is displayedwhen looking into the .evolution folder, and displyaing Inbox with ledd, I saw mails from last fall, however the evolution client only displays the last few (that I can also find with less in the file)

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Ubuntu :: Backup Everything The System With Its Settings?

May 9, 2010

easy way to backup everything the system with its settings. I have seen many posts regarding this on google and in this forum but it was a bit hard for me.[URL]...

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Ubuntu :: How To Backup System Settings

Aug 11, 2010

I would like to reinstall my whole 10.04 system, because I feel, that it is pretty massed up, as a beginner I also made some mistakes and there are some unnecessary errors.
I would like to mostly keep my installed apps and settings. Is there any way to recover/export them? home folder?

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Ubuntu :: Editing System Settings From CLI

Aug 19, 2010

I have a box that is setup for a Desktop environment. I've full screened terminal, but it still try to sleep the display every few minutes. How do I change this? Or better yet, just boot up in console only mode.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access System Settings?

May 10, 2011

I installed 11.04 last week and have been really happy with it. However, yesterday I somehow changed something that removed the "system settings" option from my power-button menu. I cannot access it via the super-button search either... So I can't access compiz, or any other settings now. It was there a couple of days ago... What did I do? How can I get it back?

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Ubuntu :: System Settings File

Oct 26, 2010

I hacked up all my previous linux ubuntu files to my external hd. Now I want the previous system settings back How do I do that? What is the name of the old system config file ? Where is it stored ?What path?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 System Settings Don't Start?

Apr 29, 2011

When I try to launch gnome system settings, I get segfault:

georgii@gleontiev:~$ gnome-settings-daemon
** (gnome-settings-daemon:2599): WARNING **: Ignoring unknown module 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.gconf'


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Ubuntu :: Settings Not Saving In System / Get That To Work?

Jun 28, 2011

Ok, let me explained what I did. I was curious and decided to try out Gnome 3. Big mistake. I did a purge to get rid of it and now Unity comes back up. So far so good. Now none of my settings save... my "keep in launcher" apps do not stay there, my settings (accounts work fine) in Empathy don't stay and the weather settings reset. How do I get things to save when logging out or rebooting?

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SUSE :: Shows Message "Warning: No Target Process Found. Waiting For It."?

Jun 9, 2010

I have installed cpulimit tar archive software on my suse linux DesktopI can limit any process upto a max cpu percentage uses with its pid with below command.# cpulimit -p <pid> -l <percentage>It is working i have tested.But when i run this command for a executable script with following command# cpulinit -e /<path with script file> -l <percentage>it shows message "Warning: no target process found. Waiting for it." though thatscript is running at that time.what could be the issuse.How can i rectify that problem

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Ubuntu :: Process Without Name Or Description Shows On System Monitor

Oct 4, 2010

there's this process on my system monitor that opens and closes by itself it does not have a description or a name and makes my hard drive spin like hell

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Ubuntu Security :: Locking System Proxy Settings

Mar 3, 2010

I installed DansGuardian. In order for it to work I set the system wide proxy. However it is really easy to get around DansGuardian by going to preference proxy setting. How do I password protect this setting so it requires a password to change proxy setting? Preferably a different password than the normal sudo password if possible. If not I at least want the sudo password protecting it! I run multiple browsers so doing it via the system rather than the browser made the most since.

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Ubuntu :: How To Use System Settings > Advanced > Device Actions

May 25, 2010

I am trying to use the Device Actions under System Settings > Advanced to automatically copy image files from my CF-card from my camera. I home someone has a few minutes to help me. I am not sure how do identify my device.

I have watched udevadm monitor, while I insert the card into the card reader. One of the lines that appear is this: UDEV [1274814950.587968] add
/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.7/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc1 (block)

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Ubuntu :: System Settings For Proxy Username And Password?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm trying to use Kubuntu 10.04 in a corporate environment. Our environment uses an internet proxy that requires a username and password.Under Ubuntu 10.04, I can use the GUI to set the proxy host, port, username and password. When I do this, all the web browsers work, Snyaptic works, etc.However, under Kubuntu 10.04, the GUI lets me specify a proxy host and port, but doesn't appear to save the username and password. Because of this, I have to manually set the proxy information on my web browser, but the package managers don't work because they can't access the internet. Apparently the ability to specify proxy username and password is either broken or unfinished.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Change Settings Of Read Only File System

Oct 2, 2010

When trying to copy files from a local folder into a directory that is a mapping of my QNAP server I get an error message " Read-only file system" - and this only since a couple of days.Trying to change ownership with sudo chown also failed.

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Ubuntu :: Natty System Settings Missing All But 1 Icon?

Jun 19, 2011

My gnome-control-panel (or System Settings) only shows a 'Users' icon, all the rest are gone. I've tried reinstalling gnome-control-center and all related pkgs, so it's a configuration problem of some sort. I see this if I enter a Unity session, Gnome Classic, or Gnome-Session.Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:

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