Ubuntu Multimedia :: Downloading Video From Handycam Via USB?

Apr 5, 2010

Just bought a sony HDR-XR150 high def handycam. Thought since it had a USB connection (no firewire) that it would just mount as a drive and I'd be able to download the videos no problem. Well, it turns out it's a big problem... all the apps capable of talking to video cameras seem to only be able to use firewire. The camera does indeed mount as a drive but none of the video files I found seem to work... I get some video on some of the files from vlc but no sound and nothing seems to be able to transcribe the video. I'm currently on kubuntu 9.10 64 bit (2.6.31-20-generic)

Update: Found a series of .mts files on the camcorder. Nothing would read them properly except kdenlive -- seems to be the only thing that works!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playing Video Rather Than Downloading ?

Nov 11, 2010

If I try to download a video for later use Ubuntu streams the video instead. How can I get around this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Downloading & Editing Raw Video Footage

Jan 8, 2011

I frequent a website features live video streams. Afterwards, they also uploads the videos for playing online. When videos are played Flash files accumulate in /tmp which I save and edit.RECENT PROBLEM:

1) When I play the videos online, they never "start". I just get that typical circling arrow that general indicates the file is downloading to a buffer before playing. but even after 5 minutes...it never starts. While this is happening, a file is accumulating in /tmp.

2) As a test, I tried editing the temp file that appears in /tmp using OpenShot. The file is very large (on the order of 800Mb). But in the editor, only a few seconds of video appear. The rest is a blank white screen. I examined the file in a hex editor and it all "looks" the same (I can't read the Hex of course...but nothing obvious appears like lots of 00 bytes).

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Fedora :: Downloading Adobe - Unable To Use It And Watch The Video

Jun 21, 2010

I've just downloaded fedora 13 and wanted to watch a video on ...... I needed to download the latest version of adobe. So I was able to download it but not able to use it and watch the video. Watch should i do? Is there another program I can use to watch the video or am i doing something wrong.

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Software :: Ubuntu - Does Not Recognize Sony Handycam

Jul 6, 2010

I am running xubuntu 10.04 under wubi. I have a Sony Handycam 700x Digital8. It is plugged into the USB port and not recognized. Nothing shows for it with lsusb.

How do I get the files off it? And once I get them, how do I edit?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Sony Handycam In 11.2?

Dec 5, 2009

I have problem connecting a sony handycam DCR-TRV270E PAL via firewire.The system cannot detect the camera.I tried kino,gimp,kdenlive nothing happens. When i plug in the camera nothing happens.

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General :: Usb - Fetch Videos From Sony Handycam?

Apr 8, 2011

I've got a Sony Handycam DCR-DVD101. When I plug connect the USB cable to my laptop (Ubuntu 10) it doesn't mount any storage device.

If I run usb-devices, I see:

T: Bus=02 Lev=02 Prnt=02 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#= 6 Spd=480 MxCh= 0
D: Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs= 1
P: Vendor=054c ProdID=00c1 Rev=01.00
S: Manufacturer=SONY


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Hardware :: Setup Sony HDR-HC5 Handycam On Mint 8?

Nov 3, 2010

Is there a GUI package out there that will allow me to setup handycam to allow download of photos to my Linux OS? Also would like a library and Editing software. I cant find my camera on the HCL list

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Downloading Odd Formats In Firefox?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a Firefox addon called Download Helper that lets me download many of the videos I see on the internet. Sometimes, I run into something I can't. I'd like to know exactly how to download these files: [URL]. It seems they are encoded with their own player, but mousing over them also brings up Adobe Flash Player 10.0. Download helper normally gets this stuff. Is there a Firefox extension or a program that would let me capture these videos? Or, for that matter, one that could succinctly tell me upon mousing over a video exactly what kind of file it is?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Authentication For Downloading MP3 Codecs

Jan 13, 2011

I wanted to listen to some of my MP3's to see if they worked. So I double-clicked on one of them and got a message saying "search for suitable plugin?"

I clicked on "search." It then searches plugin packages and tells me to select the packages for installation. The available packages are:


I checked off all of them and then clicked "install." I then get a window to "confirm installation of restricted software." I click on confirm and then get a window saying "authenticate to install or remove software, you need to authenticate" and it asks for a password. I'm assuming they mean my login password. I enter my password and click "authenticate" but then nothing happens. The password entry space goes away but the authenticate window remains. I don't know if I'm supposed to manually close it after clicking authenticate. But I tried that. What happens when I close the "authenticate" window is that another window appears saying "applying changes" but then I get a message saying "requires installation of untrusted packages. The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources." The details lists these: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly liba52-0.7.4 libavcodec52 libavformat52 libavutil50 libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 libgsm1 libid3tag0 libmad0 libmpeg2-4 liboil0.3 libopencore-amrnb0 libopencore-amrwb0 libpostproc51 libschroedinger-1.0-0 libsidplay1 libswscale0 libtwolame0 libva1 libvpx0

If I click on ok. Another window appears saying: "none of the selected packages were installed."

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: KTorrent Very Slow In Downloading?

Jan 22, 2011

I am trying to download the same torrent from Win7 and from Ubuntu 10.10..

In Win7, am gettingg a download speed of 102Mb/s whereas in Ubuntu only 40 Mb/s...

Do i need to configure something..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Downloading Is Not Playing With The Correct Colours

Jul 10, 2010

I have moved over to Ubuntu 10.04 from vista.Got only one slight problem- the media I am downloading is not playing with the correct colours. As far as I know all the codecs are installed.I have done a screen shot to explain because I don't know what isn't working. [URL]...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Downloading Previous Version Of Banshee?

Nov 23, 2010

upgraded to Banshee 1.9 and now I can't get my podcasts to play on my iPod Classic. I've purged banshee, searched on-line how to download previous versions but I just can't figure it out.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming And Downloading Remotely Via HTTP?

Mar 16, 2011

As a former TVersity user, I enjoyed being able to remotely access my server on my phone outside of my home network to search for and download/stream songs. The ability to search for a song and download it to my phone (via HTTP) was my favorite feature. Looking through the popular media servers available for Ubuntu Server, I have not found anything that can accomplish this (they are meant to just stream on internal network).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Shotwell 0.7.1 In 10.04 / Downloading Including The Launchpad Ppa But Getting Error?

Sep 8, 2010

I have tried downloading including the launchpad ppa and wanted to install shotwell, but get the following error:

libgexiv2-0: Depends: libexiv2-6 but it is not installable
shotwell: Depends: libexiv2-6 but it is not installable
Depends: sqlite3 (>= 3.5.9) but it is not installable
Depends: libraw-dev (>= 0.9.0) but it is not going to be installed

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Youku Video Error Message - Video Doesn't Load?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to watch a certain video on [url]...., but I get an error message instead. Some videos can be played, so I'm thinking it's a form of restriction, but I can't be sure.I tried using a few proxies, but on some the error message persists and on others the video doesn't load. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and Firefox 3.5.8.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Merging Two Separate Video Clips Into Single Clip Video?

Jul 14, 2011

I have two seperated video clips, that captured same event from two cameras. i would like to create one clip, that will show one on the left side, the second on the right side, and play together.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: HD Video Playback - Video And Sound Frequently Get Out Of Sync

Oct 17, 2010

When I play large HD videos in mplayer, the video and sound frequently get out of sync, and the video plays a little strangely (occasionally speeding up and occasionally slowing down).

I think it's because mplayer is only running on a single core. As I've got a quad-core processor, it seems inefficient. I've seen that there is theoretically a way to get mplayer to work with multicore setups, but it requires compiling with different options. That'd take me a little while to work through.

Ideally there would be a pre-compiled version in the software centre, or a player which has support built in (again, ideally in the software centre). Is there such a thing available?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gmail Video Chat With Opensource Video Drivers?

Nov 13, 2010

is this possible? Or does one have to use the binary blobs?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Separate The Audio And Video Streams, Speed Up The Video?

Apr 20, 2011

I have a video file in which the audio runs faster than the video, so they quickly go out of sync. The way to fix it would be to separate the audio and video streams, speed up the video (the audio is FINE, it's the video that's wrong), and then recombining them. What is the easiest way for doing that?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Messy Video Playback Also Appears When Use Cheese To Capture Video With My Webcam

Feb 26, 2010

video playback is like I have applied a blueish sepia filter over it. And this is just the playback from totem player or mplayer, and not the playback from ..... (and generally online streaming) - this works just fine. this messy video playback also appears when I use cheese to capture video with my webcam. Note that the preview picture of the video file on nautilus has the natural colours it should have.

at first when I installed the os this particular problem didn't exist, but it came up the time I decided to follow the "comprehensive multimedia guide". So now I have all the pros of following the guide, but this is a major con...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Totem - Video Stays On Top Of Drop Down Menus And Video Remains When Change Windows?

May 30, 2011

this happens with both VLC and Totem, when in either of those programs playing a video, if I click on one of the top menus, say View in Totem, the video stays on top of the drop down options. In order to see the options I have to hover over them with the mouse at which point they become momentarily visible. I read a post somewhere where someone had a similar problem and it was solved by reinstalling Compiz, but I've tried uninstalling it entirely, reinstalling it, etc. and none of it works. It doesn't happen with flash videos in firefox, it does happen with visualisations in Totem, and it only started happening since I upgraded to 11.04.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playing ASF Video (video/x-ms-asf) In Karmic Koala

Jan 26, 2010

the movie i downloaded plays for only 19 sec and stops saying you will be redirected to microsoft download page. the file is 700 Mb. i installed w32 codecs after searching through many threads but still my vlc doesnt play the file.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Choppy Video During Video Chat / Resolve This?

Apr 3, 2010

I'm using 9.10 on acer aspire one (not the netbook remix).im using the default messanger client empathy.everything else works fine but when i try to video chat the video chat begins but if the other person even moves a litte or even nods his head then the video becomes so choppy that u cant see anything and then after 5 min comes back to normal for a second or two.i have all the latest updates and gstreamer0.10-ugly-multiverse which is required for video chat b/w empathy and gtalk.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Crashing When Using Video Editor?

Jun 12, 2010

My system: Pentium 4 3.6 GHz, 3 Gb DDR ram, GeForce 210 video card, Ubuntu 10.04.

I have previously used Cinelerra-cv (on Karmic) and recently Openshot (on Lucid) with not much trouble. I have been sampling other video editors (Kdenlive, avidemux, kino etc). Now I have my video card crashing whichever I use, mainly when trying to load clips. I have disabled Compiz, uninstalled all video editors and then reinstalled one at a time. I still get early video crashes whichever I try.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Resolution Seems To Change During Video Playback

Apr 11, 2011

I am setting up a MythTV environment to switch from Windows based MediaPortal (with a high number of disturbing bugs). Yet, I have three difficulties, which I want to discuss with you. They are:

- No audio via HDMI see [URL]
- Video resolution seems to change during video playback
- Channels cannot be found via DVB-S [URL]

As you can see, I have created three posts to keep discussions focused.

Alltogether I have the following setup:

- AMD 5050e CPU
- 8 GByte RAM
- Biostar TA890GXE
- Samsung LE40M86BD, connected via HDMI (and only HDMI)
- Mythbuntu 10.10 with proprietary drivers installed
- Technisat Skystar HD2 DVB-S card (two times)

Now, here is the problem:

Whenever I playback any video material using e.g. VLC, the screen resolution changes. This also applies when playback the video in a window and not fullscreen. The problem is that whenever the screen resolution changes, short time later the TV set blanks screen and show the TV set specific information "unsupported video mode".

How can I enforce to stay in the configured video mode?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Boxee Video - When I Open A Video It Opens In A Tiny Box In The Upper Left Hand Corner Of My Monitor?

Feb 7, 2011

Phenom 9500+ quad core, 3GB RAM, Nvidia 8800GT: 260.19.36 driver.Installed the latest Boxee for Linux. Got my remote setup. Everything works except when I open a video it opens in a tiny box in the upper left hand corner of my monitor.Is there any way to get Boxee videos to play full-screen?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Choppy Skipping Video On All Video On 10.10?

Nov 22, 2010

Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on an old Dell Dimension 8400 with an ATI RV370 Radeon X300 video card and 512MB of Ram. The video seems to go very fast and skips. I followed the Comprehensive Multimedia & Video Howto but still have the same issue. I have also read many posts but I have trouble understanding some of the responses. Could it be the low amount of RAM?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia G8800GTS Proprietary Driver Not Downloading / Installing - Solve This?

May 20, 2010

Very new to linux, just downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 and installed it, dual boot, no problems with initial installation.

Trying to install graphics card driver for:
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce 8800 GTS 512] (rev a2)

Using Administration -> Hardware Devices

I selected the recommended driver and clicked activate. Download started then failed with error message:

SystemError: Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/...ntu3_amd64.deb Connection failed [IP: 80]

Screenshot attached.

Tried several times now and the download doesn't even seem to start any more.

My Internet connection is 3 mobile broadband, which may have something to do with it, bit it seems to be working well at the moment.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Warnings About Legalities Of Downloading The Codecs/files?

Apr 12, 2011

I put a few Itunes songs into my music folder and tried to play them. It didn't. Then, I got to reading in the forums and noticed that there was a "one click" configuration for Gnome users. After doing some more reading, I saw a lot of references to restricted codecs and things of that nature. After beginning the one-click process and then aborting midway through installation, three questions come to mind:

1) Why all the warnings about legalities of downloading the codecs/files? If I bought the music and I use the codecs to listen to it, where does legalities come into play?

2) While installing some of the different files, etc in the one-click process, I received a few warnings that a particular file was not from a trusted source (I don't remember the info verbatim) and then it gave me an email address, presumably from the developer, and asked if I wanted to install it anyway.

3) If I do go through the one-click process, will I be able to listen to I-tunes or am I pretty much screwed on I-tunes on linux?

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