Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy To USB Device?

May 2, 2011

i'm looking for a media player (or even better a plugin for Rhythmbox) that can send files from the playlist directly to a mounted usb device (not an ipod, an android phone's sd card)

used a plugin in foobar on windows, is there anything like that for rhythmbox?

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Ubuntu :: Dd - Device Copy.... Low File System Space?

Mar 17, 2011

So I wanted to copy a copy-prod disk and decided to try dd after reading some information about it. after running dd for about a minute, I got a warning that I was low on disk space. I stopped dd and found I had only 200 MB left of 200 GB free space (originally having over 220 free). I deleted the 1/2 finished backups but cannot find the data which was written to the drive. It is hard to think that that much data could be written with my slow pc in under one minute.here are the commands I performed if that helps locate the data:

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/mnt/disk/home/mark/pccheck.iso
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/pccheck.iso
sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/pccheck2.iso

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Open Device /dev/dsp - Device Or Resource Busy

Apr 13, 2010

All my music editing software programs say, "unable to open device /dev/dsp.Device or resource busy." How can I fix this?

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Debian :: Copy The IMG To The USB Device And Make It Bootable?

Feb 1, 2011

I've done an image according to:


then I've copied it using:


# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/hda: 81.9 GB, 81964302336 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9964 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x1145fa35


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General :: Copy Directory Files To Bootable Flash Device?

Jul 26, 2011

copy a compact flash card with a form of Linux on it (Found out it was custom version based on Fedora Core 3). The flaky USB card reader seems to have hosed the flash card, it shows up with unknown volume after ejecting the card and reinserting it. My troubleshooting: I have Ubuntu on a flash drive that I used to start all this to read the flash card.

- I tried Disk Utility to reformat the card as Master Boot Record and the volume as ext3 with flag set to Bootable and copied the files using cp in command line.

- I tried ISO Master & mkisofs to make an ISO that the USB thumb drive tools can use, but it wouldn't copy all the files. Looks like symbolic links either were ignored or couldn't find the source file with -f.

- I learned that I might need a boot partition with a boot image, which I think I have in initrd-, but I don't know how to do that. Do I also need a swap partition?

My updated goal: using the files from the flash card, make a bootable compact flash card with Fedora Core 3.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy The File Into Hdd?

Apr 12, 2010

I have an old collection of SVCD disc, and I was wondering how to actually play it in Ubuntu. I tried Totem and VLC, it won't work. I tried to located just the file contained in SVCD folder, won't work either. Tried to copy the file into Hdd, won't work as well.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Copy The Audio CD

Apr 19, 2010

Im using Ubuntu 9.10 with the latest updates. It doesn't do anything when I try to copy it with Brasero, and when I try to go the the audio folder it gives me:

Could not display "cdda://sr0/".
Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.81 was not provided by any .service files
Please select another viewer and try again.

By the way, GnomeBaker doesn't even detect the folder.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy Files To Camera Via USB?

Apr 1, 2010

I deleted files from my camera (SDHC via USB) which I now want to copy back but I don't know how.

The camera is mounted in ~/.gvfs and the target folder is owned by my user with read/execute permissions. Couldn't change the folders permission.

I tried to mount the camera using 'gksu nautilus', but the camera didn't show up in the side panel. Unfortunately I don't know how to mount the camera from the command line, so I'm stuck.

PS: the only available card reader doesn't recognize SDHC cards, so that's not an option. And no, I won't boot Windows for that task.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy Of Encrypted DVD Won't Play?

Apr 19, 2010

I attempted to make a copy of Saw V and Saw VI using K3B. In both cases, the copy did not play on a stand-alone DVD player. The menus worked, but the movie would not play. In Kaffeine, I got an error stating that the NAV could not be found. The original DVD plays in Kaffeine, so I know that libdvdcss is is installed. What needs to be done in order to successfully copy a newer DVD? Is there a deeper level of encryption beyond CSS?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: K9copy Does Not Copy Sound From DVD To AVI?

Feb 17, 2011

I want to copy one track/chapter from a DVD to an AVI file, but the sound is not copied only the video. I

- selected track/chapter by clicking checkbox
- selected 'MPEG-4 encoding' for output
- used default settings (codecs were 'copy' for video and audio)
- clicked DVD copy action


1. Movie Player: no sound
2. VLC: Error message 'No suitable decoder module: VLC does not support the audio or video format How can I get sound and video?

Using k9copy version 2.3.5. I tried all audio codecs available in the k9copy Audio tab. They failed in the same way as before. The chapter list contains 'audio 1 Unknown pcm 2ch 48kHz 16bps'. I don't know how to interpret that. Also installed and tried AcidRip and Dvd:rip. Sound worked fine for both. AcidRip did not show any audio settings. Dvd:rip showed:

Select track: 1: xx lpcm 48kHz 2ch => 1
Codec: MP3
Bitrate: 128 48kHz
Quality: 2
Filter: None, volume rescale only
Volume rescale: 0

Again, it does not mean much to me.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy Audio CD In Banshee?

May 2, 2011

Using Natty Narwhal and have tried to duplicate CD in Banshee. Tells me that I will need to put writeable CD in Drive after copying but nothing seems to happen. Completes copying but then does not ask for CD and seems to just stop. Am I doing something wrong? I guess I could import and then burn to CD.I am not wedded to Banshee and am happy if anyone has better recommendation. Currently using Ripoff then Brasero to copy audio CD. not compressing - straight to WAV. Would like to get CD-Text on tracks if I could.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: DRM On BD 'Digital Copy' Of Owned Movie.

Jan 2, 2010

I have a "Digital Copy" of District 9 that came with my Blu-Ray disc. My problem is that the file is a DRM encoded .wmv so that I cannot play it back in totem on my 32-bit Karmic system. VLC plays it back as distorted noise.I know this BS is because of the files 'Digital Restrictions Management'. My Question is: What programs should be used to break DRM and re-encode the file, and HowTo?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Brasero And Lucid - Cannot Do Disk Copy

May 2, 2010

I'm running Lucid RC with all updates and Brasero 2.30.0. I can't do a disk copy with this program. It gives me an error that not all libraries are installed. It first gave an error that cdda2wav was not installed but that is not true and now I get this general error. I'm installing K3B as we speak but I prefer to keep a straight Gnome installation.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Brasero Doesn't Copy Audio Cds?

Jun 23, 2010

I tried to make a copy of my Audio CD and it asked me to install some plugins, so I installed them. After installing them, it still doesn't copy any audio cd. Can someone tell me how to fix this problem, because GnomeBaker takes long time to copy an audio cd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flashdrive Files Don't Show Up On Ps3 When Copy?

Nov 8, 2010

I am using the 32bit version of ubuntu desktop 10.10. When I download a video on transmission and copy it to my 2gb iball pendrive the movie file doesn't show up on ps3. The file is compatible with my ps3 no question about that, it works fine when i re-downloaded it and copied the file to the same flashdrive using xp.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Completely Copy A CD Including Track Spacing?

Jan 7, 2010

I have some cds that have tracks that run right into each other (ie one finishes and seamlessly moves into the next one without pause). How can I backup my cds retaining their original sound?Prior to Ubuntu days, I used to just rip in mediaplayer in windows and then use then use that playlist to burn to a cd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Zune Won't Work - Can't Copy / Erase The Files?

Aug 22, 2010

There are many Zune threads - all stating that zune won't work with ubuntu - so I get that. But I am curious... Why can I mount the zune player and see the files on the zune - and then when I try to add to the zune or remove them get an error message. Ubuntu can see what is on the Zune, so why can't it copy/erase the files?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Software To Burn DVD (Remove Copy Protection)

Oct 17, 2010

I am helping a friend switch to Ubuntu Linux 10.10. She used Windows Vista to copy her own DVD's using DVD43 [URL] to remove copy protection and 1Click DVD Copy to burn them. She would like to do the same on Ubuntu. Can some one recommend alternative software for Linux that can do the same thing as what she did on Windows?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy DVD To Hard Drive In Mpeg Format?

Nov 26, 2010

I want to copy my home video DVD's to my hard drive and I want the format to be in an mpeg format (I suppose I should want mp4). The DVD's are in some sort of VOB, IFO format....or whatever they're called.There are many chapters on each of the DVD's and I want each of the individual chapters copied to the hard drive so I can rename the files something like, "fishing.mpeg" or "skiing.mpeg" and not some huge 3 gb file.

K9copy does a fair job but won't complete it. That is- k9copy gets 86% encoding done (I think that's the word for it) but won't finish copying the remainder of the chapters.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy Movie From DVD To External Hard Drive

Dec 12, 2010

I would like to copy some of my dvd movies to my external 1tb hard drive what program should I be using or is there a work around I should follow.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Copy Video To IPod?

Oct 21, 2010

what software there is to be able to copy videos to my iPod, and have it show up on the iPod?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Brasero Failed To Copy DVD With Input / Output Error

Jul 9, 2010

Working on backing up my DVD library. Anyone know why Brasero would fail to copy data due to an input/output error? Movie was Toy Story 2, disc 1.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy Playlist Tracks And Rename According To Track Order?

Oct 2, 2010

I'm currently running Meerkat beta AMD64. I've been using Audacious in Ubuntu for years, before that I used XMMS.

In Windoze I used to use Winamp. Winamp has a plugin called gen_yar. Gen_yar would allow you to right-click on the playlist and copy your current playlist files in track order to any folder on your hard drive, or to a USB mounted mp3 player/thumb drive, whatever.

It had several checkboxes in the settings.

1) Rename the files adding the track number as the prefix (01_, 02_, etc).

2) Create a .m3u playlist of the tracks in that new folder using #EXTINF: instead of the full path. That way I can copy that folder to any gadget or another computer and the playlist will still play those files.

Here is the Winamp Plugin: gen_yar (Yar-matey!_Playlist_Copier) [URL] There's a link to the source code at the bottom of that site if that helps.

Here's another: Winamp Plugin Save Playlist In Order [URL]

I have yet to see this feature in any Linux media software. I've tried just about all of them. The only thing close would be drag-n-drop playlist files from Rhythmbox.

Does anybody know of a plugin for Audacious or Rhythmbox that will do this?

Alternatively, is there a Nautilus script that when I right click on a folder full of mp3s, it will create a playlist of files in that folder, and save that playlist file inside the folder (without the full paths as mentioned above)?

I hate having to boot into Virtual Box just to use Winamp to create portable playlists.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Syncing IPod With Banshee Merely Copy The Songs Onto Partition?

Dec 6, 2010

A friend of mine has a 1st generation iPod touch, and wants to switch completely to linux, but is concerned how the songs currently on his iPod will be handled when he switches. He has many songs that are only on the iPod; he has purchased them from the iTunes store directly on the device, not through iTunes on his computer.

When he syncs his iPod with Banshee, will Banshee merely copy the songs onto his linux partition? Is there any chance that Banshee will remove the songs from his iPod? He obviously dosen't want to lose any of his music. A slightly lesser concern as well... will Banshee be able to play these protected files?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Copy Paste Videos From Parttion To Partition?

Mar 17, 2011

i have been a user of ubuntu 10.4 for the past year them the partiton crashed and then i recovered and got a new machine then got ubuntu 10.10, Iam VERY HAPPY USING UBUNTU,,,AND BIG THANK U TO ALL WHO ARE CONNECTED

NOW THE PROBLEM i have a copy paste problem of my video files from downloads folder to the other partiton and the error says INPUT/OUTPUT error, now after googling an awful lot as per my searching skills,,,i havent received any any answer that solved my problem,,,i am helpless pls help me solve this

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Jailbreak IOS Device In OS

Apr 12, 2011

Is it possible to jailbreak an IOS device(specifically Itouch 4G, 4.3.1) using a Linux OS such as Ubuntu? I just spent quite a bit of time searching the forums and am very surprised there doesn't seem to be an answer already out there. I would think Linux and jailbreaking go together like peanut butter and jelly, but everyone who's done it seems to have used Windows or Mac.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC Always Changes The Output Device

Jul 23, 2011

I am using a sound card with the C-media CMI8788 chip. This card has both analog and digital outputs, which Linux sees as two different output devices.

The Problem I am having with VLC is that it always changes the output device in its settings to analog. I constantly have to be going into VLC advanced settings and picking Alsa: Digital for the output.

After that the sound outputs fine.

This only happens with VLC. All other programs on my pc output sound perfectly fine. I am using Lucid.

How can I set the default to be the digital output?

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Debian Multimedia :: Copy Set Of Photos Out Of Digikam (on Mate)

Nov 15, 2015

This is probably a bit of an unusual combination, but I'm using Digikam on Maté. Maybe the problem I'm about to describe just isn't an issue on KDE.

I have my photos in digikam, separated out into various folders. I use the timeline view or the tag view to show just a subset of photos, where the photos are scattered across different folders. Then I want to take those photos and make copies of them onto somewhere else outside of digikam's control, like a USB stick or an external drive or even just another folder. I do not want to change the photos which are in digikam, and I don't want to lose the folder information, tags etc.

I select the photos I want, and choose "Edit"->"Copy". But in my file manager Caja there is no "Paste" command available. I guess that Digikam has copied them into a KDE clipboard and Caja can't find them.

I can drag them into another folder of digikam, and that offers me a pop menu - do I want to move or copy? I can also cancel this if I realise it's not what I want to do.

I can also drag them to Caja, but then I have to be really careful. If I just let go (expecting the move/copy prompt), then it just goes right ahead and moves the pictures out of digikam, which is absolutely awful. The photos are gone from digikam, I lose what folders they were in, I lose what tags they had, and there's no confirmation. I have to spend ages moving the photos back where they came from, trying really hard not to lose any, and even then the tags are gone. I guess the file timestamps are destroyed too but I guess that's not so important. It's just a difficult task depending on how many photos there were and how many different folders, and how jumbled the filenames were.

Ok, so now I know that I have to hold the Ctrl key down when I drag, but still the mouse can accidentally let go before I press the key (I can only press the Ctrl after I start dragging, otherwise it deselects the photo I drag with).

The whole thing just seems fragile and error-prone, and there must be a way to make this less painful.

Maybe I can use something other than caja which handles the drop bit of the drag-and-drop better?

Maybe I can configure digikam to temporarily "lock" the photo database to prevent any accidental changes to the files?

Maybe I can configure digikam to confirm before moving files like this, so I can say "cancel"? (I already have "confirm when moving to wastebin" and "confirm when permanently deleting")

Maybe there's another mechanism for copy/paste from digikam to the file system which is more reliable? Some kind of export with a plain copy?

I'm guessing one popular response might be "don't use digikam with Maté", but I like both so that's tricky to resolve.

Failing any of those, is there any separate tool to search through a tree of photos, select those from a given timerange, and copy them to somewhere else? Either keeping the original folder structure or flattening it?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Brand New CD Not Copy Protected - Two Tracks Will Not Rip / Any Fix?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a brand new 3CD opera and two of the tracks on the last CD will not rip.
I have tried on two different machines with the same result. (Grip/cdparanoia)
The tracks appear to play OK on CD player.
Any solutions available?
Can I return disks as faulty?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Take Screenshots And Copy Image Files To Clipboard From The Command Line?

Feb 17, 2011

install imagemagick python, and pygtk.


sudo apt-get install imagemagick python pygtk

Now save the following script somewhere as imgclip.py. This is a simple python script which takes an image file and puts it in the gnome-clipboard.


#! /usr/bin/python
import pygtk


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