Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copy Playlist Tracks And Rename According To Track Order?

Oct 2, 2010

I'm currently running Meerkat beta AMD64. I've been using Audacious in Ubuntu for years, before that I used XMMS.

In Windoze I used to use Winamp. Winamp has a plugin called gen_yar. Gen_yar would allow you to right-click on the playlist and copy your current playlist files in track order to any folder on your hard drive, or to a USB mounted mp3 player/thumb drive, whatever.

It had several checkboxes in the settings.

1) Rename the files adding the track number as the prefix (01_, 02_, etc).

2) Create a .m3u playlist of the tracks in that new folder using #EXTINF: instead of the full path. That way I can copy that folder to any gadget or another computer and the playlist will still play those files.

Here is the Winamp Plugin: gen_yar (Yar-matey!_Playlist_Copier) [URL] There's a link to the source code at the bottom of that site if that helps.

Here's another: Winamp Plugin Save Playlist In Order [URL]

I have yet to see this feature in any Linux media software. I've tried just about all of them. The only thing close would be drag-n-drop playlist files from Rhythmbox.

Does anybody know of a plugin for Audacious or Rhythmbox that will do this?

Alternatively, is there a Nautilus script that when I right click on a folder full of mp3s, it will create a playlist of files in that folder, and save that playlist file inside the folder (without the full paths as mentioned above)?

I hate having to boot into Virtual Box just to use Winamp to create portable playlists.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Brand New CD Not Copy Protected - Two Tracks Will Not Rip / Any Fix?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a brand new 3CD opera and two of the tracks on the last CD will not rip.
I have tried on two different machines with the same result. (Grip/cdparanoia)
The tracks appear to play OK on CD player.
Any solutions available?
Can I return disks as faulty?

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Software :: Amarok Doesn't Advance To Next Track On Playlist Automatically

Mar 24, 2011

Usually when I install a sequence of tracks in the Amarok playlist, it plays them in order, advancing to the next track after each is played. But it seems now to be in some state where it doesn't automatically advance -- after completing a track, it just stops. I can manually start the next track, however. What is needed to cause the automatic advance? (I'm running Amarok 2.3.2 under KDE 4.5.1 and Kubuntu Maverick 10.10.)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Completely Copy A CD Including Track Spacing?

Jan 7, 2010

I have some cds that have tracks that run right into each other (ie one finishes and seamlessly moves into the next one without pause). How can I backup my cds retaining their original sound?Prior to Ubuntu days, I used to just rip in mediaplayer in windows and then use then use that playlist to burn to a cd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rip A CD Of 16 Tracks Into 8 Tracks Mp3?

Aug 21, 2011

I use abcde to rip and encode all my music. It works great especially the option of ripping an entire cd to one flac or mp3 file, this was great for Sleep's Jerusalem. Anyway I have a cd by the Melvins (the Maggot) which they famously split each track into two tracks midway through the song. I would like to know if there is a way to rip them into "whole" tracks?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Another Music-player That Can Make A Copy Of The Playlists Song Order And Use It With New Links On A Usb-memory?

Dec 13, 2010

I have some playlist I want to keep the songorder, but I have the files in another file-structure.( I have the songs ordered in folder by artist and album, cos all songs are note tagged correctly or in the same way.)I want to use the playlist with the songs in copied to an another plays, for instance an usb-stick.Is there an application who fix mass change of all links to the songs?

for instance I have in m3u-files:
#EXTINF:268,Salt Fare North Sea[code]....

Or Is there a way in Amarok or another music-player that can make a copy of the playlists song order and use it with new links on a usb-memory? I don't now how sync to media-player and such things work.

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General :: Rename Images So They Burn To CD In Order

May 7, 2011

I have a bunch of images named:

317 (2)a.jpg

In my file browser (Nautilus), they are displayed in the correct numerical order. However, in Brasero when I order them, it orders them strangely (correctly, but not the way I want them to). They order like this:



Can someone recommend a naming convention to rename all these files to so they are in the correct order (for example, cameras use IMG_xxxx.JPG, which is nice)?
Can someone give me a Linux command line rename command for these files so they are renamed to display and therefore burn in the correct order?

They're standard JPEG files, so ordering them by the date in the EXIF data might work. I just need the correct commands, or GUI - I don't mind - to get them in order.

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Ubuntu :: Command / Script To Rename Files In Datetime Order?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm trying to rename all files in a folder as such:


Renaming them is no problem, the problem I have is, they need to be in order of the datetime that they were taken, so that the 1.jpg would be the oldest file there. The difference in filetimes is going to be very small, around 3 or 4 tenths of a second.

The reason I need to do this is that I have another script (not quite finished yet), that takes the next three files in a loop and applies qtpfsgui to them to output an HDR image to another folder, then move on to 4,5 & 6, and: repeat.

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Ubuntu :: Rename A List Of Files In Batch In Order To Maintain The Last Part Of Them?

Dec 1, 2010

possible to rename a list of files in batch in order to maintain the last part of them, then purge a central section and then again maintain the extension?I.E.:



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Programming :: Bash: Rename Files In Alphabetical Order And Make Extensions Uppercase?

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to write a bash script that will extract a .cbr (.rar) file, traverse the extracted files in alphabetical order and rename them 001.JPG, 002.JPG, 003.JPG, etc.So far I only have this much to extract it:



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General :: Copy To A New Directory And Rename With Date Stamp

Oct 25, 2010

Newbie 1st post here. Trying to find the most efficient way to copy a file to a different directory and rename it with a date stamp extension. Looking to accomplish this with one command if possible.

File = make_file
Full path /home/user1/bin/scripts/make_file

would like to move to the following directory /home/user1/bin/scripts/archive/

I'm trying to find out how to use command substitution along with the date command that when I copy the file to the archive directory it gets renamed with a time stamp extension. It should look something like "make_page_12:00:00-24-10-2010" I've tried a few different combinations using the cp and mv commands but can't seem to get it to work the way I want to.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rip Some Tracks From A CD

Jul 6, 2010

Why are things so difficult using Linux/Ubuntu? I'm trying to rip some tracks from a CD, I've looked at various threads telling me how this might be possible. I've tried RipperX, installed it, used it, and the resultant track I was told couldn't be played because I didn't have the necessary files installed. Funny because I have quite a number of MP3's which play quite happily I tried RubyRipper, couldn't for the life in me work out how to install, never mind use it. I then switched to Windows, Googled CDex, downloaded it, installed it and ripped the three tracks in less time than it's taken me to type this. Don't get me on the subject of cropping photos in Gimp or F-Spot.

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General :: Copy A File And Rename It At The Same Time While Copying It To The Same Exact Directory?

Jun 26, 2010

Create a copy of the file above and call it commands.sorted. Use the vi command to manually sort this file. I.e. use yy to copy a line, P or p to paste a line, and dd delete a line. Order the commands with the two lines starting with double quotes first. Then list the rest of the command in alphabetical order.

Anyone have any ideas what he's talking about? Can I copy a file and rename it at the same time while copying it to the same exact directory again? Now sure what the two lines things means either. I have an email out to him but it usually takes a long time for him to answer me. I got alot of work to do so everytime I get hung up it kills me.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Uniting Names Of Tracks?

Aug 3, 2010

I am a Musician and thus have a quite a large collection of mp3 tracks.Having put my collection together over the years and from various sources, the artists' names differ quite a lot, thus Michael Jackson is any of the following:

Jackson, Michael
Michael Jackson
M. Jackson
Jackson, M

Is there any way to see the list of names in a way like in Rhythmbox/ipod [so I would immediately see at least some of the differences], but at the same time having access to the tags in order to edit them [like in EasyTag]?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ripping CD's With Tracks That Blend Together?

Nov 14, 2010

I've been ripping some of our CD's to .ogg and .mp3 for listening at work with a Sansa Fuze. Have used RubyRipper but lately been using Rhythmbox. The app finds titles online, and it's all pretty easy.

Some rips are louder or quieter and that's a little annoying. But the biggest problem is with tracks that blend together and the app can't figure out how to dissect them. The Eagles "Dalton" CD is a mess. Also some Don Henley tracks, Creedence Clearwater, Stone Temple Pilots, etc.

I could use RubyRipper to rip the entire CD as one file. Or use RubyRipper to rip just the troublesome tracks as one file. Or maybe screw around with the tracks in Audacity? Was hoping that some of you have better fixes.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Banshee Sometimes Won't Play Tracks

May 21, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 on a Virtualbox VM under a Windows 7 host.Sometimes Banshee won't play anything. The play button doesn't change, the progress bar doesn't start moving, and Banshee says it's idle. This doesn't always happen, sometimes I can play a few tracks fine and then suddenly in the middle of a track Banshee will stop and nothing will get it going again. Other times it happens from startup. Neither restarting the player nor rebooting the VM necessarily helps.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Save Playlist With VLC-1.0.2

Jan 7, 2010

I am running VLC release 1.0.2 and I am unable to save a playlist. Does anyone else have this problem and/or know of a fix?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Online Playlist For Songs?

Apr 28, 2010

is there a way of playing songs that are available in the internet using totem music player, or any other application. for example, this link http://fizy.com/s/1ai91v refers to a song that is present on a web page. i want to play it on a music player, and many other songs also. my aim is to create a playlist of songs that are available on the internet. so i can listen to those songs whenever i am online.

what is a smart way of doing it.? i dont mean downloading, because those songs cant be downloaded but can only be listened.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Will Not Burn Playlist?

May 19, 2010

A severe problem with Rhythmbox. You cannot burn playlist. I've looked at bug reports and they just give you the run around. Nothing in the forums except to go to something else. That is no solution to the problem. I can't believe this problem is being ignored. Nothing comes up on search.how these applications got so screwed up from one version to the other and what the cure is?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Not Loading The Playlist?

May 30, 2010

On Ubuntu 10.04, when I select Playlist -> Load From File and select a .m3u file in Rhythmbox, the playlist shows up but is totally blank. This is an m3u file exported directly out of windows media player 12 on a different computer, and when I open it with gedit, I can see all the tracks listed. Why is it blank? I've relied on this feature for almost two years and now it's suddenly gone!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC Under Lucid - How To Load Playlist

Jul 17, 2010

I have used VLC player in the past to play music under certain conditions, but am having a bit of a problem. I have Googled this problem to no avail. Nowhere in the menus can I find a way to load a playlist. This playlist was generated under and saved from VLC. When consulting the documentation at the website, it says to load the playlist from the "Playlist" menu, but there is no "Playlist" menu present, as shown in the screenshots from the site. I can find the "Save Playlist to File" option under the "Media" menu, but nowhere can I find a "Load Playlist" option. I have read that the playlist can be dragged and dropped (specifically, directly onto the player), but VLC won't play the playlist. How to load a playlist into VLC?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VCD With Multiple Tracks Not Playing In Totem

Apr 3, 2010

I'm trying to get Totem to play VCD's. There are many complaints about this not working, but since they're all really old and dealing with different problems, it's hard to tell if this is an issue with me, or with the totem package. When I put a VCD in the computer, I expect it to pop up, (as it does) and prompt me to open the CD with Totem (which it does). When Totem tries to play it, though, it throws this error:

Code: An error occurred. Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.

Interestingly this is the same error I get when I try to play DVDs on a separate computer with the same ubuntu software. The CD plays, however. If I click ok, and go to:
Movie > Play Disk '<disk name>'

The problem is:
1) I want it to be automatic, without errors,
2) These VCD's have several tracks and after the first 30 second track, it stops. It won't play any other tracks.

I tried a few other pieces of software just to see if other things worked (as I'm looking for user friendly-ness, I doubt the others will be a final option):
VLC: (No apparent activity. Disk spins)
gxine: Autoplay input plugin 'VCD' failed: Check engine output for further details.
Mplayer: Error!: Failed to open vcd://2.
K3b seems to have no problem, but it's not really a media player...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Hides CD Tracks - Cannot Play

Mar 30, 2011

I've got a cd from China. Wanted to open it with rhythmbox. For seconds I see the tracks (track 1 etc., instead of title) and then music brainz pops in suggesting me adding tracks to db... But the tracks are gone and I can't play cd then. How to get it to work?

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OpenSUSE :: Copy Files In Alphabetical Order?

Feb 8, 2010

I need to copy my music to a portable HDD in alphabetical order. My headunit in my car will only display the folders and files in the order that they were written to the disk so to have any form of logic to the album / track listings they need to be written to the disk in alphabetical order.

how to do this in openSUSE? I know dolphin doesn't do this.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Open VLC's Playlist From A Script / Terminal?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm trying to write a script that opens up vlc, opens up the playlist, and then opens up my music folder. So thus it looks like this so far;


vlc &
# command to open up vlc playlist
gnome-open /media/files/multimedia/music
However, I seem to have no clue as to how to open vlc's playlist from a command. I know the hotkey for opening the playlist is "ctrl + L" but I don't know if this is useful at all.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Not Writing Playlist To IPod?

Feb 28, 2010

I love how Rhythmbox connects quickly and easily to my iPod, and how Rhythmbox does a pretty solid job of keeping track of changes to my library, though it is large. But I cannot seem to create playlists on the iPod through Rhythmbox. When I create them, I can see them in Rhythmbox, but when I unplug the iPod and try to play them, they don't show up. I plug the iPod back in, and Rhythmbox acts like they're there - I can even play the Playlist from the iPod in Rhythmbox.

Is there something I need to do to "write" the Playlist to the iPod from Rhythmbox? It is so irritating to have to create an "on the go" playlist on the iPod and then fire up Rhythmbox and rename it what i want it to be.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Whenever Click On Some Of Playlist / Banshee Crashes.

Nov 16, 2010

I just started having a problem tonight with Banshee. Whenever I click on some of my playlists, Banshee crashes. Can anyone tell me where I would find the error log for this so that I can fix it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cover Art In Banshee For Tracks With Non ASCII Characters

Jan 16, 2010

Banshee (Version 1.5.2) doesn't seem to support cover art for tracks that include non ascii characters in any way. All manual methods that work with ascii tracks failed (folder.jpg in album folder, copying appropriately named jpg in ~/.cache/album-art, embedding jpg in mp3 metadata). This is really quite a drawback for users who don't have an English-only music collection. Is there any workaround or bugfix that I missed or do I have to go back to Rhythmbox to have non-English cover art?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rip Cd Tracks With Abcde But Ogg Quality Always Shows 112kbs

Mar 8, 2011

I have used abcde with lots of success in the past and I always grab the a config file off the net (I think andrew's web page or something).

Anyways, I went to rip a few cd's to OGG today and my quality setting is: OGGENCOPTS='-q 6' but when I play the ogg's (using audacious or gnome player) the kbs always shows 112. I know OGG is not a bitrated encoder, but rather uses quality levels 1-10 (I think?), but I always got ~192kbs using quality level 6, but now it does not seem so.

Anyone know of something I might be overlooking her, perhaps something not quite set right... here is the confg I am using in my home dir... actually I did notice there is an /etc/abcde.conf file, but all options are commented out. I wonder if perhaps there is another abcde.conf file being used somewhere and not the one i created in ~/.abcde. I think that is how the file should be named; does that look right does anyone know?

# -----------------$HOME/.abcde.conf----------------- #
# A sample configuration file to convert music cds to
# Ogg Vorbis using abcde version


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - M4a Tracks Unplayable From Upnp Server ?

Apr 1, 2011

Rhythmbox plays local m4a files no problem. I have a few upnp servers running on other machines around the house, mediatomb, tvmobili, vuze, mythtv. Rhythmbox is setup with the coherence plugin and happily plays mp3 from these servers but it cannot 'see' any m4a files via upnp, even though it can play the same files if i copy them to the machine that is running rhythmbox.

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