Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI HD3300 And Samsung SyncMaster T220HD?

Jan 12, 2010

I've installed my mythbuntu 9.10 and the ati driver 9.11 via DVI connection to the monitor and all work correctly. Today I bought an HDMI cable because I want to use only this cable to send video and sound to the monitor and as so I connected via HDMI and I started the PC. After the computer starts, it showed correctly the booting information and mythtv but as soon as I exited from mythtv to use the pc as a desktop I found that the chars, the icons as so on were very big. I've tried to run the Ati contol center and the resolution of the monitor was correctly 1680x1050. I've tried to restart the computer with the DVI and all come back to usual, so I tried to switch off the monitor unconnet the DVI and connect again the HDMI and when I switched on the monitor the display was again ok. After a restart of the system the situation was the one I've told before (big chars, etc.).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Set Max Resolution For Samsung SyncMaster 943

Apr 30, 2010

I've a Samsung SyncMaster 943, widescreen I also have a GForce 8400 GS This monitor supports (as seen on website) a 1440*900 resolution. I've installed the nvidia driver (from homepage) with version 195.36.24 The NVidia X Server Settings shows only a 1360*768 as max possible resolution. So, I've edited xorg.conf, restarted PC but got no luck... here it is my xorg.conf


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Ubuntu Installation :: Samsung SyncMaster 2333 After 9.10-->10.04 Upgrade?

Apr 30, 2010

I upgraded my system to ubuntu 10.04 last night. After the process completed, I restarted my system and there were 2 problems:

1. No flash plugin was found and adobe could not find one on their site.*
2. my flatscreen monitor (Samsung syncmaster 2333) was detected, but the display is fuzzy. I have tried lowering the resolution but this does not work. Is there a fix for this?

Alternately, is it possible for me to revert back to 9.10? I am a Linux novice and I'd rather stick with what works, even if it means I am a release behind.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mini DisplayPort And Samsung SyncMaster 2433?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a MacBook Pro 5,2 with the Mini-DisplayPort for external video. I have the displayport-VGA adapter which works (albeit sometimes at an unideal resolution) with an array of projectors, LCDs and other stuff. Everything except for my nice Samsung SyncMaster 2433. When I plug it in, I get the weird rainbow screwed up look with only the far left hand column looking normal and the rest looking like I've got the wrong refresh rate or something. However, the same setup works when I boot from Karmic to OS X. Note this also didn't work in Jaunty. I'm using the NVidia 185.18.36.

It also did not work through a KVM switch (long shot) but oddly the "Monitor Out" works when I run this monitor through my Dell projector. if I unplug the projector and then plug the monitor in directly without rescanning for displays, the monitor continues to work.

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Hardware :: Samsung SyncMaster 2343 - Blank Screen Ubuntu 9.10

Jan 16, 2010

I've read about a half a dozen threads now on various problems such as mine but haven't found a solution which worked. I recently purchased a new LCD screen which has a native resolution of 2048x1152. After I plugged it in via DVI cable windows 7 picked up on the new display immediately and adjusted my resolution, but when I booted into Ubuntu I don't see either the circle thingy (initial splash screen), I don't see the Ubuntu with the slider deal flashing, and I don't ever get to the desktop. The hard drive is not active and all that happens is I see a flashing cursor then even that goes away after a second or so. I can get to Ubuntu's desktop if I boot to the recovery mode, login, then run "gdm", then it starts up just fine and defaults to the native resolution of my new monitor. How can I fix it so I don't have to do that?

- Bought new LCD screen, SyncMaster 2343, resolution 2048x1152 via DVI
- Will not boot normally to Ubuntu 9.10
- See a cursor for 2 seconds, then goes away, no HD activity occurs
- Can boot to recovery mode, type GDM, everything is great
- Windows 7 picked up the new monitor right away, no problems
- Video card is ATI x850
- Running in a dual boot config, partitioned out to win7, winXP, and Linux Ubuntu 9.10

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Hardware :: GeForce NV34 FX-5200 Versus The Samsung SyncMaster 731N Monitor

Apr 13, 2010

I have changed to Debian 5.0 on this old Gateway box, and the video is the GeForce NV34 FX-5200. I set it up with a Dell monitor and everything works great, I have several screen resolutions avail. But now I changed to the Samsung SyncMaster 731N and now I have only 2 resolution choices. 600x400 and 800X600. Besides move back to the Dell, how can I get the card to work with the monitor?

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General :: Rhel5 - Cannot Configure Samsung Syncmaster 632nw Monitor To Display Full Screen At 1360X768

Dec 15, 2009

I am new to this forum. I am a both rhel5 and fedora user.I can not configure my Samsung syncmaster 632nw monitor to display full screen at 1360X768.There is huge blank space on left and right portion of the monitor.The maximun resolution is 1024*768 and minimum is 640*480.

I have tried many times to solve it using xorg.conf but still unable to do it.

Here is xorg.conf's content :

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Syncmaster 171v Auto-shut Off?

Oct 17, 2010

I have a syncmaster 171v, 17 inch monitor which is pretty nice, except that it auto-shuts off after every 2 minutes. Only associated drivers I have found at samsung are for magictune which seems to only work for a 'certain' list of video cards. me not having one for my ubuntu machine. When i plug it into my XP machine (which has one of the special cards, (AGP, ugh), it seems to work, but haven't tested out the long duration.

My current fix for the problem right now is taking the power cord out and plugging it back in. All the buttons on the monitor will not respond after the auto shut off of a whole two minutes. Seems i have a pretty useless monitor if it only works for my old XP machine, and im getting really tired of unplugging it and plugging it back in.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung LED TV And HDMI Connection?

Jan 13, 2011

Just thought I might save someone some time if they are trying to use Mythbuntu with a Samsung LED TV. If you run into the issue where the desktop is larger than the screen even with everything set to 1920x1080i and you tried a customized EDID file to no avail. Go into the menu on the TV and select Source List, Edit Name, then chose the HDMI and change the name to be either PC, DVI or DVI-PC. Either of these three setting should correct the over sized display issue.

Now if you happen to want audio over HDMI and are using the HDMI Computer connector that Samsung so nicely provides. Make sure you don't choose either of the DVI options above as these mute the audio coming over the HDMI connector and instead enable the pin audio jack next to the HDMI connector.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung IPOD YP T10 Dont Work On 9.10?

Feb 13, 2010

My samsung ipod yp-T10 works fine on windows but it does not on ubuntu.I have not installed any software to run it on ubuntu except there is Rythmbox and it does nothing when i scan the removable media.Whenever i try to open the music folder of my ipod it gives this error:The folder contents could not be displayed.orry, could not display all the contents of "Music": Failed to get file list: -8: Fixed limit exceeded.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung Intensity Only Recognized In MP3 Player

May 28, 2010

I'm currently in the process of seeing if I can finally make the switch to linux from windows. So far everything is good, except for my MP3 Player. I use a Samsung Intensity with a 16gb microsdhc card, connected to my computer through a USB. The problem is that Ubuntu doesn't recognize it. Now rhythmbox will recognize it if I have it set to MTP mode, but you ubuntu itself never mounts it. I need it to mount so I can drag and drop files into specific folders on the card. Otherwise I doubt rhythmbox will know where to put the files. The addition of another person to the linux family depends on it. Since I only want to use windows for certain games and not any more than that.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install New Printer Samsung ML 1665?

Aug 31, 2010

i dont know how to install my new printer samsung ML 1665. Please help someone. I have downloaded the driver.tar.gz from samsung

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Changing The Screen Resolution In 9.10 Samsung Monitor

Jan 27, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on a new HP PC (Pavilion p6240f PC).This came with an Intel GMX X4500 Integrated graphics.My monitor is Samsung SyncMaster 2333. Initially I got a very bad resolution, Later I edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf (created the file) and added the following.

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Generic Monitor"
HorizSync 30 - 75
VertRefresh56 - 61


With both 1600 x 1200 and 1680 x 1080 I get the resolution but I see lots of shadowing.(The letters are not crisp) Do I need to upgrade any driver ?

~$ lspci | grep -i vga
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 X64 - Samsung LN40C530 - Screen Lock Up And Become Inactive

Apr 15, 2010

Video card: nVidia G86 GeForce 8500 GT (rev a1) (lspci | grep VGA) Monitor: Samsung LN40C530, recently switch to from a generic Gateway 17" monitor that worked fine I've been using 9.10 x64 from a clean install since it came out and it's been working great. I recently upgraded my monitor from a generic 17" Gateway monitor to a Samsung 40" widescreen HDTV (LN40C530), and that's when the trouble began. At first, the screen would lock up and become inactive. I could move the mouse, but clicking did nothing and the clock wouldn't update. I also could not switch to a terminal via Alt+F1, I could only do a hard reboot.

Then, when it started booting up, I would get horizontal black and white lines (which I'm still getting). Usually, it boots to the white glowing Ubuntu logo as files load in the background (@ 640x480, 60hz). When it tries to bring up the login screen (autodetected 1920x1080, 60z), I get horizontal white lines across. (see pics) Happens booting off both Live CD and HDD. When I use safe graphics mode on live cd, it boots okay @ 1600x1200, 60hz. After installing under safe graphics mode, it gives me a message "no modes available, resolution unsupported".

Right now, I'm back at trying to install 9.10 x64 (Karmic Koala) with either 1920x1080 or 1360x768 @ 60hz. I'm using a DVI out to a DVI/VGA adapter, and a VGA cable between the adapter and the PC port on TV. I've tried default configurations, restricted drivers 173, 185, and nVidia's 195. When I'm able to get to a terminal, I've tried sudo X -configure, but testing w/ X -config yields the same broken result. When I Alt+k+PrntScr, it does refresh but brings up the same white lines. Sometimes it boots just fine and even autodetects as "Samsung 40", but not as of the last 30 or so boots. Let me know where I can start for proper troubleshooting; I'm not sure which log files are important for this issue. Do you think I might just need to create a customized X config with exactly what I need?


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung U5 Sync Crashes Using Rhythmbox Or Banshee?

Jun 15, 2010

I just got a Samsung U5, and although I could drag and drop, it's not as good as syncing. I've tried using both rhythmbox and banshee to sync my music from a playlist. It only happens when I set it to MTP, that both programs tend to crash. If I set it to MCS none of them will even detect the device, but will both work fine as music players. So far, rhythmbox just freezes and won't let me do anything with the device. Banshee only syncs half of the music files and comes up with this error.
LIBMTP_Send_Track_From_File_Descripto():subcall to LIBMTP_Send_FIle_From_File failed
I've tried several times and it'll only add a couple of more songs.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung R580 Laptop Camera Not Working In 10.10

Nov 7, 2010

I just upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) from Ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit) on my Samsung R580 laptop [URL] So far all my hardware seems to be working except the laptop's integrated camera. In 10.04 the camera worked and I could use the program "Cheese" to take photos and videos with the camera. In 10.10 I installed Cheese and tried to use my laptop's camera but it didn't work. I installed all the available updates for 10.10 but still the camera wouldn't work. The only information about the camera on the laptop's webpage is that it is a 1.3 MP Web Camera.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung P3 - Get Rhythmbox Or Any Other Music Player To Run Without Crashing When The P3 Is Connected

Jan 2, 2010

I bought a Samsung P3 portable audio player I chose it because it had bluetooth support and also appeared to support open audio formats like OGG and FLAC. The only other bluetooth player was the iPod touch. The unit mounts in Nautilus fine and I can read/write files fine. I can even play audio files from it with Movie Player. Here's the problem: I can't get Rhythmbox or any other music player to run without crashing when the P3 is connected!

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung SH-S222A Optical Drive Locks Up System?

Oct 27, 2010

The culprit is a Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology 222A CD/DVD RW drive, aka SH-S222A, sold under the Samsung brand. It occasionally locks up my entire system when I'm ripping an audio CD to a *.toc/*bin image with Brasero. I've had this happen with several different audio CDs, while ripping discs using both Imgburn under Windows XP and Brasero under Ubuntu 10.04. The display freezes completely, the mouse cursor doesn't move, and I can't get any response to keyboard input. Any sounds playing loop endlessly, repeating the last 0.5 sec or so before the cursor freeze. Meanwhile, the hard drive activity light stays on, but the optical drive light does not. I've let the system sit this way for several minutes, with no sign of change. To recover, I must press the system reset button.

I ripped the same discs without incident, using my other optical drive. It is a different brand, Lite-On, but otherwise similar to the Samsung drive: PATA interface, CD/DVD RW, etc. Anyone else have the Samsung SH-S222A? I'm wondering whether there is a bug in the drive's firmware, or I just have a defective drive. It works for other things. I can play audio CDs, access CD-ROMs, and rip audio CDs to individual tracks (rather than a disc image). I can also rip DVDs. Is there some way to recover my system when it locks up from drive misbehavior? I haven't found a way so far. I'm surprised that Ubuntu can be incapacitated so easily.

The SH-S222A has the most recent firmware revision, SB01. I tried to install the newer ID01 firmware from Samsung's website, but got a message that the installer couldn't find a "suitable" drive. I take that to mean that the ID01 firmware is meant for a slightly different variant of the -S222A, perhaps one only sold overseas. Yep, that's pretty much it. My drive's customer code is BEBE. Firmware ID01 is for drives with a different customer code.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung ML-2580N Printer Driver Not Listed In List?

Nov 8, 2010

using Samsung ML-2580N printer driver out of the box from Ubuntu 10.04 or Ubuntu 10.10? I couldn't find the driver in the Samsung driver list.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Configure Samsung FX2490HD - Define The Screen Resolution

Mar 12, 2011

I'm trying to configure my display on Ubuntu, but I'm getting problems to define the screen resolution. The native resolution for FX2490HD is 1920x1080, but Ubuntu only recognizes 1360x768. Following a recipe[1] that uses xrandr I can setup 1920x1080, but the image looks strange. In this mode, I see shadows behind the blurred letters. This is the code that I typed to follow the recipe:


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Debian Multimedia :: Streaming Movies To Samsung Smart TV

Mar 18, 2015

I often use popcorn time [URL] .... to watch some movies. It allows me automatically to stream a movie to my samsung smart TV (which is connected to the network, but I do not have anything like chromecast connected to it).

Now, seen that it is possible for popcorn time to stream to my TV, how can I do it myself e.g. in the case of a video file or some pictures which are on my PC?

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Debian Multimedia :: Keyboard Not Working In A Samsung Netbook

Sep 29, 2010

I just installed a minimal Debian Testing on a USB stick to be used with my Samsung N220 netbook. I installed X and noticed that about half of the keys are not working. I fail to find any configuration tips on google

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Camera And Mic On Samsung NC10 - TokBox Gives Be A Devices Disabled Message

May 31, 2010

I have a Samsung NC10 and want to use my built in webcam on TokBox. However, when I try to use it, my camera and mic do not work. TokBox gives be a "Devices Disabled" message. It says set to "allow" and click ok, but there is nothing to click. I also can't get the camera to work with video chat in Gmail.

I know the the camera works because I can get it to work in Cheese. The mic, I can't get to work at all. I have gone to the Macromedia site and set the settings to "allow", but still no go.

Both work fine in XP (I have a dual boot), so it's not a hardware problem.

OS: EasyPeasy 1.6 (same as latest Ubuntu Netbook Edition)
Adobe Flash Player:
Browser: Firefox & Chromium (didn't work in either)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unnable New E2120 Samsung Phone As A Mass Storage Device?

Jul 17, 2010

I need to enable my new E2120 samsung phone as a mass storage device. but I think I need a USB driver. Had a good look round the forums but can't seem to find any posts. Its quite a new phone but hopefully the solution is already about. When I plug it into the USB the phones screen has a hashed out 'mass storage' option.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Mediatomb On 10.04 Lucid - Fast Forward Not Working (Samsung UE-32B7020)

Sep 3, 2010

i followed this thread and got mediatomb on my ubuntu 10.04 lucid running. i have a samsung UE-32B7020 tv.

the only problem is that for .avi and .mp4 movies (these are the ones i tried), fast forward and rewind do not work. transcoding is not enabled.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung TV , Connected Via DLNA With XP Machines Wirelessly - System Cannot Be Recognised By The TV?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a Samsung TV that can be and is connected via DLNA with my XP machines wirelessly. There is NO WAY I can make it see my Ubuntu machine though.I have the 10.04 and I have tried almost all the available programs for this OS.Name it and I have tried it: Mediatomb,ushare, PS3MediaServer and others that I cannot recall right now.These programs are installed with no errors and they look like they run correctly, their web interfaces work fine but that's all.None of them has been ever found by the TV,-but it can see the native Samsung program PC Share runnning on the XPs.What's the problem with my Ubuntu system and it cannot be recognised by the TV?It's not that it won't play this or that file. It's that it won't see the server AT ALL.

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Debian Multimedia :: Very Slow Samsung Camcorder Video Playback ?

Jul 31, 2011

A relative of mine who uses Debian 6.0.2 has bought a Samsung HMX-H300 Camcorder which records videos in:

1. H.264 (MPEG4 part10/AVC) format

2. High Definition Video (HD-VIDEO)

3. Standard Definition Video.

I notice that the PC requirement for the camcorder's bundled software, apart from the usual Windows XP SP2/Vista/Windows 7, lists an Intel Core Duo 1.66 minimum CPU and an NVIDIA GeForce 8500 or higher or ATI HD 2600 series or higher.

My relative has an old Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.30GHz computer which only has an AGP GeForce FX 5200 but after copying the videos from the Memory Card to /home it is just about possible to play them using Totem Movie Player and VLC but, although the audio is OK the video is painfully slow or almost stationary.

Is there a way to view the videos recorded in these formats with this hardware? Can they be converted to another format? Or should he consider buying a better computer?

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General :: Monitor - Using 1920x1200 Mode On SyncMaster T260HD?

Feb 22, 2010

I just got a Samsung SyncMaster T260HD monitor. It works straight out of the box with Windows but I can't seem to get it to work with Linux, which is my primary OS for day to day work.

The computer boots up but when going into graphical mode on Linux the monitor gives me a "Mode not supported" error and doesn't display anything.

I booted up windows and, using PowerStrip, grabbed the exact ModeLine that should be used to get the equivalent setting in Linux and added it to my xorg config file but it doesn't seem to help. the ModeLine is:

ModeLine "1920x1200" 153.9 1920 1984 2016 2080 1200 1203 1209 1235 +hsync -vsync

This is the modeline for the working display settings in windows but it doesn't seem to work in Linux My complete entry in the xorg.conf file for the monitor is

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
ModelName "SyncMaster"
DisplaySize 518 324


I'm running Scientific Linux 5.4 (clone of Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.4) but I've tried booting with a recent Linux Mint Distro as well as Ubuntu 9.04 and had the same problem.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Nvidia 9500 GT & Syncmaster 570b - Change The Frequency

Dec 22, 2010

so I've got a openSuse 11.3 machine with KDE. As graphic card I've got a 9500GT and as display a syncmaster 570b. Now both work fine with other products (9500GT works fine on my other display and my Windows laptop works fine with the syncmaster 570). I beleive it's because of the frequency. here's a list of frequencies supported by the 570: Technische Daten zu Samsung Syncmaster 570B - TFT Monitor bei dooyoo.de

I also installed nvidia drivers via yast2. But how do I change the frequency? I've been trying to solve the problem for hours. Oh yeah when I connect my 570b to my 9500gt, I sometimes get a picture and sometimes don't. However when I get a picture colors are very strange and it flickers hardly.

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Ubuntu :: How To Connect With Samsung S5230

Mar 12, 2010

I've just gotmy new phone a SamsungGT-S5230! My problem is:I can't transfer any file from my ubuntu desktop over to my phone. On the CD it came with there is only a windows software called "PC Studio" and Windows drivers. As I plug in the phone via USB to the PC it offers 3 options: PC Studio, Media Storage, Background Storage. If I pick one of the first 2 options my phone says it is connected, and charges via USB. The third option says "Please Insert a MicroSD card". (I don't have such at home). Ubuntu can't see my phone, none of the options seem to work. Maybe I should buy a MicroSD card? Or is there a workaround for the windows software to run ubder Linux? I tried to install t with WINE, but it froze during the installation.

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