CentOS 5 :: Move System And File Structure To New Box

Feb 7, 2011

I am new to Linux and not sure how to explain what I want to do, but I will give it a try. I have a system running CentOS 5.x on a system the is dying. Is there an easy way to migrate the system over to a brand new system that I recently purchased? I only have / and swap partitions, so nothing fancy; however, I have read that Linux is nothing like Windows when it comes to applications, and I could simply drag and drop files on the new server; however, I suspect that there is more involved than that. I hope I can just move the files over, and the system will boot; however, I am worried about new hardware on the new system. I am looking for recommendations to this issue. I am not sure if I have described it correctly; however, just point anything out that I need to change.

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General :: Move Large Amounts Of Music Within A File Structure?

Dec 20, 2009

i have a car stereo that reads a USB drive with all my music on it, however to sort through the music it uses a method of finding folders containing music, then displaying them all in a list. i find this interface annoying because in order to sort the music by artist i have to go and manually move it out of the album folders by hand, this takes a long time for 11+ GB of music so i was trying to use the linux CLI to quicken the process. use a command like this


mv /media/usb/music/*/*/* /media/usb/music/*/

but for some reason this moves all my music into the last folder alphabetically in my drive, the music is all pre-arranged like this /media/usb/music/artist/album/song

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CentOS 5 :: Need To Move Space From Root File System To Swap

Apr 7, 2009

I currently have a server with the default VolGroup00 that contains logical volumes for the root file system and swap using logical volumes LogVol00 (root) and LogVol01 (swap.) I need to take space from LogVol00 and move it to LogVol01. I have found documentation for increasing the swap, and the resizing the logical volumes. However in the documentation and the man pages it says that I have to reduce the size of teh file system on the logical volume I am going to shrink. I have found documentation resizing the logical volumes but not the file systems.

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Software :: Convert Directory Structure From Long File Names In System To DOS 8.3?

Sep 2, 2009

I've been looking high and low for a utility program or perl script or something that can take a linux directory structure as input and convert it to MS-DOS 8.3 directory structure.

The purpose of this is to conform to the path format that is expected on my rather old Creative Zen Neeon MP3 player for m3u play lists.

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Server :: Move File System Content Between 2 Disks?

Oct 14, 2010

I have to move all the files and directories between 2 file systems. Is it good practice to move them at once or first copy them and then move ? How to do this to preserve the permissions and directory structure ?

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General :: Copy Certain File Types Recursively While Maintaining File Structure On Destination?

Jun 14, 2011

I have just been bothered by a fairly small issue for some time now. I am trying to search (using find -name) for some .jpg files recursively. This is a Redhat environment with bash.

I get this job done though I need to copy ALL of them and put them in a separate folder BUT I also need to keep the order intact after copying.

For e.g - If I get a JPG file under /home/usr/new/1/ then the destination also needs to be /test/old/new/1/.

At the moment, I am simply putting all files under /test/old/ and I can't somehow get the later /new/1/ folder path created under /test/old/

I understand this could well be done using while OR if else loop, though if someone can just guide me with a hint, I would be really grateful.

I will complete the rest of the steps and was asking here since I am still not comfortable with the shell/bash scripts yet and planning to be really good at it over the next couple of months.

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Debian :: Moved Whole Root Structure - System Inaccessible?

Aug 14, 2011

I was looking for some way to make 'watch folder' and I found and installed inotify and incron. Explanations were perfect and everything seemed great. So I made test script and it worked as expected.

Now, bash script that was evoked by event by incron consisted this terrible line:

mv * /some/folder/

which I expected to be run from watched folder, but instead it is run on holy root /

Rest is tragedy: everything was moved to this folder and I can't access any command. Terminal was opened but it did not accept commands. I cd to '/some/folder/bin' then tried to execute command but no luck. I tried also Ctrl+Alt+F1 - same.

What can I do except reboot. Now what? Grub rescue failure prompt. I went in BIOS to make it boot from separate SATA HD with Windows 7, but it somehow isn't listed there. I can't think why. I tried from this Live CD to move folders to correct location, but it's Permission denied

[edit] Re-reading now, in terminal command 'cd' (change directory) was working, but sure not ls, mv and others. Maybe I could have done something, but probably not, network connection was lost, music stopped playing everything was vanishing...

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CentOS 5 :: Error 16: Inconsistent Filesystem Structure

Aug 13, 2009

Error 16: Inconsistent filesystem structure I was making my first system update yesterday, and had to restart after 6 hours of downloading, while the indication bar was about 60%.

Today, I was booting into Centos 5.1 and GRUB gave me this screen:
root (hd0.0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type is 0x83
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6 18-53.e15 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quite crash


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CentOS 5 :: Strange Files In Folder Structure All Around ( -z )?

Feb 10, 2011

I am currently seeing strange files in the folder structure on one of my servers * CentOS release 5.5inal)* #1 SMP Tue Jan 4 17:11:58 EET 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/LinuxThe files in question are as follows : -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 117 Feb 3 16:57 -z present in too much random directories when i list a file structure even in a directory i have not been in there is such a file in it.Has anyone ever encountered this type of factor and if possible i would like some advice on dealing with the removal of these files and rectifying the settings that are making them / creating them.

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General :: Recommended Directory Structure For Application System Development?

Apr 27, 2010

I have to set up my development environment under OEL 5.4. The internal directory structure is more or less fixed, the question is where to put the whole application tree in standard FHS for the development phase.For production, the system will be deployed on a server where data is kept with an Oracle 11g database. Development goes with JDeveloper which has its own internal application/project directory structure; however, I whould like to be independent from this. Unfortunately, by carefully studying the web for FHS, if I will adhere to it I only find ready-made packages to put under /opt, for example. No development aspects are mentioned. make some proposal, possibly with respect to best practices.

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Programming :: Book Which Explains System Library Structure In Depth?

Sep 7, 2010

Has any one ever come across a book on Linux programming which explains a Library structure in depth?

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General :: Ubuntu - Rename Home Folder Structure To System Language?

Oct 14, 2010

I have installed the Ubuntu distro first in Portuguese. Then, I decided I wanted the English language. I would like that the default folders like "Desktop" and "Documents" were renamed to this names, instead of staying in their Portuguese equivalent.

I can not guarantee this, but I am almost certain I did successfully convert the folder names from Portuguese to English on a previous install when I decided to change the language. So, I suppose this is possible.

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General :: Quick File Structure Question For Any User?

Aug 10, 2009

I have used linux for a web server but only installed a couple items on top of the OS but would like to begin using linux more often on my own home machine. However, I also like to keep things clean and organized, and know what is going on when I do something. I have some sample C scripts for network programming, and they came as a downloadable package with a readme including the make / configure instructions to get it all set up, and then I can compile individual scripts as needed.

I was wondering - when I run make and those first few commands - where does it all go? Will all the new activity be confined to the folder I am in, meaning I can easily remove it all by simply deleting the folder when I am done (I won't want all this sample networking stuff forever, you know). Or, does it get placed into other directories throughout the file system?

I know when installing some apps that the files are placed in directories such as usr/bin and the like - my assumption is this happens when running make and make install commands - if so, how do we get rid of them when finished?

I just want to keep the system somewhat clean if possible, and the very least like to know what is being installed and to where - and have the option to remove it easily at a later date if I choose to do so.

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Programming :: C++ - Store A Text File In A Data Structure?

May 25, 2009

I am writting a program that reads a text file (music.txt) & stores it in a Data Structure. I am a novice learning over the internet so I this is something I have never done. How do I do this?


Write a program that reads the data from the music.txt file and store it in a data structure. To implement this data structure you must use an array of songs and each song must be represented by a struct with appropriate fields. So far all I can do is open to file to read it (very simple I know) but so far is it correct?


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <strstream>


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cache Directory And File Structure In Memory?

Aug 11, 2010

i am running Ubuntu Lucid x64 as a fileserver that shares its files via SFTP, NFS and Samba. Currently the hard disks are configured to go to standby if they are not needed. This works perfectly as long as no one browses the shares or my HTPC is running: That one repeatedly looks through the shares for new music or movies. In other words my problem is that the disks are spinning up a lot more often than they should have to. Additionally the spin-up time delays the response time while browsing. Since the machine has a lot of unused RAM i want to tell the kernel that it should keep the directory structure in memory. That way the disks would not need to spin up every time someone browses through the directories.

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General :: Creating A Directory Structure - And Setup File Security?

May 15, 2010

jump into a Linux class in college with only 3 weeks left in the course. I thought I would be able to catch on, and go figure, it didn't exactly happen that way. I was given an assignment to do, and I am so far lost it isn't even funny. I need to create a directory structure, set up file security, create a step by step instruction manual on how to copy/delete said files, and create a guide to common Linux commands. How would I create these files in root and share them with the other users? and where can I find a list of common commands and their functions?

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Programming :: Bash Script To Download A Directory Structure And A File?

Mar 20, 2009

I want to read an ftp site [URL]...and download the sub-directory structure and ONLY the tagfiles to the local directory.



| |aaa_base-12.2.0-noarch-1.tgz
| |aaa_base-12.2.0-noarch-1.tgz.asc


I tried wget + grep but that didn't work too well.

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General :: Copy File Recursively Ignoring Destination Directory Structure?

Jul 8, 2011

I have the following content on the source directory:


I want copy those files to a destination directory which, after copy, shall look like this:


How can I do this? It seems that "cp" lacks such an option

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Ubuntu Servers :: Root Password Not Working - File Structure Unreadable

Aug 31, 2010

I have one of those ultra reliable Ubuntu servers in the corner that I never have to logon to because it never needs anything. I needed to check up on it today and my root password would not work. I am absolutely sure I did not forget my password and because I am the only Linux guy in the office I am sure some nimrod didn't get his fingers in the machine. I attempted to enter GRUB recovery mode but when I hit ESC it says something about no disk and goes into the booting process. I attempted to use a desktop version live CD, but the file structure is unreadable, I assume due to the security of the server system. Before I rebooted it the server worked fine, Apache and PHP were working away. Now the whole thing is a 50Lb boat anchor. How can I reset the password when I cannot enter GRUB menu or use a live CD?

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Ubuntu Security :: Rsync Automated Backups Of Entire File Structure Over Ssh?

May 16, 2011

I am in the process of writing an rsync script to run unattended backups of my entire file system to another system located on my local network using ssh and password-less rsa keys.

I will absolutely will not use password-less keys with the root account and this is the limitation preventing me from accomplishing my goal because root is required by rsync to access the / tree and copy it to another location. I decided that if I compiled the script into a binary that I didn't have a problem with the password being contained within the binary itself but from what I've read there is no way to elevate to root and then back down to user level from within the script/binary.

I can create the script as the user and use chroot to make it owned by root but retain execution permission for the user but it will still cause the ssh login to be under root and therefore require either that I am there to enter my password or the use of password-less keys under the root account which I reiterate I will NOT do. Currently the script is executed by the user on the machine containing the files to be backed up.

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General :: Using Lynx To Create Html Page With The File Structure Of A Local Directory

Oct 10, 2010

I'm working with a dual-boot laptop running Ubuntu 10.0/Windows 7 and a Debian 5 VPS while the OS's shouldn't have much impact on my question.

What I would like to do is create a html page that I can upload to my VPS which lists all of the files/folders on my local 2TB hard drive (Specifically media such as Movies, Music, TV Shows...). The media obviously will not reside on the server, but I would like to at least have a list which will allow me to select, for instance, a bands artist so that it redirects me to the albums in the directory below.

Ultimately, I'm looking for Open Directory Browsing without actually having the media on my server. I have been attempting to create something to this effect using lynx, however, I'm not sure if it can be done with this command or if it's even possible for that matter.

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CentOS 5 :: Enable Xfs File System?

Aug 28, 2009

I just loaded 5.3 from the CD's. How do I enable XFS file system support.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Repair File System

Oct 11, 2009

I fouled up the file system when removing a drive. How do I fix it, or do I need to re-install?

The system boots to the point in the GUI where it checks the file system. It then suggests that I run fsck without the - a and -p options, and the drops to a sheel.
I enter the root pwd and then it says: "(Repair fileystem ) 1#" What do I do from there?

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CentOS 5 :: File System Lays Down / What To Do?

Jun 19, 2010

Where can i find detailed procedure for centos system shutdown/halt, I wanted look on what parameters centos uses or sends at the time when it lays down file system.

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General :: Copy A File With Certain Name Pattern For Which Exact Place In Complex Directory-structure Unknown?

Sep 19, 2011

I want to copy all files with the name XYZ* into one folder. The problem is that the files are in different subfolders and that not even the depth of the folder structure is the same for all files. Luckily, at least each file has a unique name.

Of course, I thought about the cp command but I guess the depth of the folder structure needs to be the same for this to work.

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CentOS 5 :: Mounting Windows File System?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a dual boot system (CentOS and Windows XP Pro). The computer has 2 disks with the operating systems on sda. My data files are on the 2nd disk (sdb I think). I would like to be able to access the data files on sdb from CentOS. I tried issuing the Linux command:mount -oro -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/winbut CentOS tells me that ntfs is not a file system it recognizes. Even if I leave out the -t ntfs I get the same message. Any ideas on how I can get access to the Windows files while in the CentOS boot?. I got the idea for the above mount command from the book: Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible byCristopher Negus.

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CentOS 5 :: Bypass File System Check?

Dec 1, 2009

On my laptop I have a dual boot system, CentOS 5.4 on one partition and Windows Vista on the other. In Windows, I have a program installed that allows me to access my linux partition so I have access to the files. Every time I boot into linux after accessing the linux partition through windows, I get a forced file system check. I was wondering if there is a way to disable or perhaps bypass this check?

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CentOS 5 :: How To Cleanup Root File System

Jan 31, 2010

I have a problem that is probably simple, but have not yet found the answer on any forums or by Googling. First my system specs:Tyan 2610 motherboard w/ 2 x PIII 9334 gig PC133 SDRAM
1 x 5 gig hd (system)4 x 500 gig hds w/ 3Ware 7500 controller set to RAID 5, (1.5 TB) mounted as /homeCentOS 5.3 running my smb and nfs mountsMy problem is that I have run out of space on my / (root) file system, (the 5 gig). Since I am planing to rebuild my file server with larger hard drives, (2 x's 60 gig SATA's set to RAID 1, 6 x's 1.5 TB at RAID 5), within the next 2 months, I would like to try to clean out any unneeded crap rather than adding a hard drive and expanding my root file system. I have done the following:

Removed old unused kernels
cleaned up /var/log/
cleaned up /tmp


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CentOS 5 :: Parted - How To Find File System Type

Feb 18, 2010

When I run 'parted' and then type 'print' to see the partitions that are available, I see two entries: /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2. /dev/sda1 is of ext3 type whereas for /dev/sda2 nothing is specified for file system type. The LVM flags are set for /dev/sda2.

When I tried to resize /dev/sda2, it gives me the error "File system type not recognized". let me know how to find out the file system type of the partition.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Way To Allow Two Servers To Use Same File System On SAN Using ISCSI?

Mar 9, 2010

What is the correct way to allow two servers to use the same file system on a SAN using iSCSI?Is it GFS on the two servers?

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