Ubuntu :: Move Gnome Logon Window

Jul 23, 2010

I've installed ubuntu 10.4 and i've got a great wallpaper for a the background durring logon but the logon box (enter username/password) is covering up the focal point of the background.Is there a tool or something that lets me "easily" move the logon window? If not, is there a way to manualy edit a config file or something to move it to... the top left for example ( 0,0 ) or (100,100)?

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Ubuntu :: Move The Window Control Buttons When The Window Is In Full Screen Mode?

May 3, 2011

How do I move the Window control buttons when the window is in full screen mode? I.e.: I know how to go into gconf-editor:

gconf-editor --> apps --> metacity --> general --> button layout = ":minimize,maximize,close"
(I've intentionally disabled the menu...)

What I want is my window controls to be on the right side of the window when the window is in full screen mode.

Also I've had an issue with the Unity dockbar glitching out. I can still click on the buttons (i.e. the logout button) but it displays like a nintendo game inserted crooked. Is there a way to 'restart' unity without log out/ log in?

Any one else experienced any glitches with unity auto hiding/showing?

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Red Hat :: Gnome-terminal Starts Automatically On Gnome Logon?

May 30, 2010

I'm running CentOS 5.4 on i386 machine with 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5Whenever I login into Gnome, a gnome-termial window comes up. Instantly title says root@localhost before settling with user@localhost with current directory as ~/Downloads. Only happens with my particular user account (normal user), not with root as I tried. I also have KDE, Xfce, Fluxbox as other option at login, but terminal only shows up when I log into Gnome (not kde, xfce or fluxbox)I've done and

1. cronetab -e
Nothing there.
2. Don't have ~/.xinitrc ~/.session
3. Nothing in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile
4. Nothing in /etc/rc.local

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Fedora :: Exclude - Hide A User From GDM Logon Window

May 31, 2010

If you need to to exclude one or mode user from your gdm login window you must edit "/etc/gdm/gdm.schemas" and add the user you want exclude from the <key> "greeter/Exclude" (near the other user in <default></default>)

When Fedora could have a gdm config again?

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OpenSUSE :: Dolphin Open A New Window At Every Logon / Why Is Thia?

Feb 10, 2010

I've got several Dolphin windows open which are deliberately carried through
from one session to another, so I can't see why it thinks I need a new one
each time I logon.

I'm using OpensSUSE 11.2, KDE 4.4.0.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."

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Ubuntu :: Window Title Bar Requires Metacity - Replace To Display After Logon

May 27, 2010

Running 10.04 64-bit. After logging on, the title bars around all the windows are missing. Adding "metacity --replace" as a startup command resolves the problem, but something's obviously wrong.

Doesn't occur on my other computer, so probably hardware related.

see attached checkbox-generated submission.xml.gz for hardware report.

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Fedora :: Cannot Logon To Gnome 3

May 26, 2011

I've installed F15 but due to the old age of my tablet (HP TC1100), I cannot logon to Gnome 3. It say something like "Opps, sorry something went wrong..." and then puts me back to the logon prompt. Is there any way I can logon to Gnome using the old layout? I installed KDE during install but couldn't find anything that would allow me to change how I logon to Gnome.

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Fedora :: F15 / Gnome 3 / Cannot Logon

Jun 14, 2011

i've made a fresh isntallation of f15.After installing nvidia propriotary drivers, i've installed some additional package likes eclipse, thunderbird etc.Then i've shut down the pc. As I try to logon to gnome3 the next time, it only says "Opps, something went wrong..". I only have the change to logout again.Luckily ive isntalled xfce too, so I am working with it atm.

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Debian :: Gnome-sessions Option Not Available At Logon?

Jan 30, 2011

I have been running Lenny with the non-free nVidia drivers for a while now, but decided to run testing RC2.When I was done my monitor had a solid blue-gray background and the mouse pointer, but none of the GUI parts displayed (blank). After a couple of checks I went back to the gdm logon screen and opened 'sessions' to _not_ find Gnome as one of the choices. So I logged into Gnome(failsafe) and got my full GUI.Console (F1) and xterm also work fine.Trying to get my Gnome Desktop back. GDM is working and I have the session choice for TWM, but with Gnome(failsafe) working I haven't tried it yet to see if it works.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Keyboard Is Dead At Logon Screen (GNOME, KDE4 Etc.)?

Nov 23, 2010

I have updated my 11.3x64 recently and after updateI cannot log into any X session.Keyboard is dead but mouse is moving fine.I tried to change kdm to gdm - no result!All I can do now is - select by mouse "Console Session"and log in to common terminal. In terminal session keyboard works.I can't understand What is it?The most interesting:If I run terminal as a root and run startx - kde desktop is started but the same way - without keyboard!Hardware manager (YAST) shows: /dev/input/event0and shows type of keyboard right: AT Keyboard bla-bla-bla. (Common Genius PS/2 keyboard for 6$ :-))I suspect something wrong with my X11 but can't get what!I did not find xorg.conf in it's standard place. I have found only /etc/X11/xorg.conf.install

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Security :: Display Of Number Of Failed Logon Attempt At Logon?

Jan 26, 2010

Our system is based on RH4 and is using pam_tally and faillog to record failed attempts and to lock users out after 5 attempts. We have a requirement to provide a normal (non-root) user logging onto our system, with information regarding the number of failed logon attempts made on their account before the current successful logon (similar to the functionality provided by HP Protect Tools on Windows). My first idea was to add 'faillog -u $USER' to the bashrc, however by the time the bashrc is run - the user has been successfully authenticated and the faillog has been reset back to zero.

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Ubuntu :: How To Move Window Buttons To The Right 10.04

Jun 19, 2010

How to move the Windows control button ( Minimize, Maximize , Close) Buttons back to the conventional place; top right corner of the screen ?I can't imagine why they have changed the place of this button from the conventional place.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Move Window To 2nd Desktop

Aug 31, 2010

Upgraded from Karmic to Lucid (no clean install so to speak). Changed the visual effects to normal, but I somehow can't move a window to my 2nd desktop.

Changed the window manager from Compiz to metacity using the compiz fusion icon, but no result.

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Ubuntu :: Move Window Between Screens In 11.04?

Aug 14, 2011

I installed 11.04 and install second screen. It works fine. But I cannot do anything on the second screen, just to move cursor.

How to move some window (for example Firefox) to second screen?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Resize Window Or Move It Around Using Mouse

Apr 28, 2010

I must have done something to my window settings cos those three buttons in the top right corner (minimize, maximize and close) are gone. I also cannot resize the window or move it around using the mouse What did I do? And more importantly how do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Move Window Without Switching Workspace?

May 18, 2010

On the window menu there are two options-Move window to Workspace Left&-Move window to Workspace RightThese commands move the window to an adjacent workspace without changing theactive worksapce. I cannot however find anywhere to set hotkeys for this. Check what command that actually runsorb. Tell me where I can setup a hotkey for that

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Ubuntu :: Clicking Does Not Move Window To Front

May 25, 2010

I have two windows A and B open unmaximized such that their area overlaps with A in front. If I click window B it gets the focus as I expect, but window A stays on top of it. All my keyboard events get sent to window B correctly, but I need to click on the title bar for it to appear on top of window A. Switching windows using Alt+TAB or taskbar click works as I expect - window B will appear on top. I encountered this in 10.4, not sure if it was there before or I only noticed it now. Is this a bug or some setting somewhere I need to adjust?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz - Move Window To Other Screen

Apr 28, 2011

I just upgraded to ubuntu 11.04.

Before, I could move windows between screens by pressen "Strg-Alt-Enter" (a shortcut I configured myself). Now that does not work anymore.

I remember configuring this shortcut somewhere in ccsm, but now I can not find it anymore.

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Ubuntu :: Move Openbox Window Buttons To Left?

Jul 27, 2010

Is there a way to move openbox window buttons to the left (like in Lucid)?

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Ubuntu :: Move A Window Around On Desktop Its Splited Up Rather Than Moving Around Sm?

Nov 16, 2010

when i move a window around on my desktop its splited up into two where the bottom half sluggishly follows the top half i.e. the top half of the window is leading as i move the window around the desktop rather than moving around smoothly(i.e. moving the say vlc around without the window splitting[moving it around as one]. this issue also persist in fire fox where when i scroll down a web page, the page is split in two where one half of the webpage overlaps the other dependant whether i scroll up or down.

my computers configuration is:
64bt UBUntu 10.04
MSI 870A FUZION......
AMD phenom II x6
ATI HD 4550(XFX)


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Lost Ability To Move Application Window

Dec 4, 2010

I use Xubunt 10.04, today when login, I found:

1)I lost ability to move application window. eg, The firefox window is stuck and anchored at the upper left corner. I can still resize by dragging the lower right corner. I notice the upper right corner resize tab disappears. If open another application, it is again anchored at upper left corner and cannot be moved.

2)under Settings>Xfce Setting Manager> Window Manager, all the icons are gone. Same inside Window ManagerTweaks. I used "xfce4-panel" in terminal, it doesn't help.

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Ubuntu :: Window Disappears When Move Mouse Pointer Away?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm relatively new to Ubuntu and I have a question. I have compiz config settings manager and I did some changes there but I've noticed now that for example when a skype chat window is open and when I move my mouse pointer away, the window disappears. It's not exactly like disappearing cause when I hover over the window, it shows itself but it's pretty annoying ;/ I've changed so many settings but no result

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Fedora :: 'Move Window' Key From ALT+LMB To META+LMB

Jan 21, 2010

I have 3d packages I need to use but can't because of this

I am using F12, previously this was in a menu 'System>Preferences>Look&Feel' or Windows, but now I can't find it, do I have to edit a .conf file or .profile file for this or what

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Move Buttons From The Left To Right Side In The Window Border?

Feb 27, 2011

I usually used ubuntu tweak to move the buttons to another side, but when i customized one theme, i could not change the button positions by using ubuntu tweak. So is there any other way i could change the button positions?

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Ubuntu :: If Move The Window To The Second Screen It Switches To Fullscreen Mode

May 1, 2011

Upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 which trashed my useful desktop.

Synapticed gnome and changed login preferences to ubuntu classic which basically fixed the desktop except...

If I open a program, say LibreOffice or firefox it opens correctly.

If I move the window to the second screen, it switches to fullscreen mode.

If I click on the resize button, then it opens correctly, but on the first screen

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Shortcut (Move Window To Workspace X) Not Working

May 12, 2011

On my main PC (10.04) I have Alt+1,Alt+2 etc configured to jump to that specific workspace and ctrl+Alt+1,ctrl+alt+2 etc to move the focused window to the specific workspace and it works fine. Trying to replicate that on my netbook (11.04/unity) however fails. I can set the keyboard shortcuts up to switch to different workspaces but the shortcuts to move a window to a specific workspace just dont seem to work. The default RSI inducing default ctrl+shift+alt+(up,down,left & right) to move a window to an adjacent workspace does however. Is this specific to my install? If not how do i file a bug report?

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Ubuntu :: Can Move Window / Can't Click Anything Except When Holding Shift / Alt Or Ctrl

Sep 2, 2010

on desktop, my mouse works normal. i can open programs normally, BUT, when i try to click inside some window, pointer turns into closed hand, that symbols dragging. i can move the window that way, but can't click anything except when holding shift, alt or ctrl.it's probably my fault, but i don't remember pressing anything different than usually. oh, and, it started in the middle of the session, i tried to reboot several times, tried recovery too, after that updated but no help there.i was looking for solution on google but can't find anything for days, i cant think of anything but reinstallation

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Move Or Resize VLC Window?

May 4, 2011

I can't move/resize/decorate/restore the vlc window. It takes up the entire screen (even though it is not in full screen mode) on one of my monitors. I'm using Openbox. This doesn't happen with any other type of window.[URL]..

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OpenSUSE :: Undesired Window Maximize On Move (KDE 4.4.4)?

Sep 28, 2010

After installing SuSE 11.3 with KDE 4.4.4 "release 2", if find the followingrather annoying behavior:After dragging a window by its titlebar along the top edge of the screenand releasing it, in invariably maximizes. Dragging the same window belowthe edge and then moving it vertically up, it stays as is (and as desired).Found no related settings in "system setup - window behavior".

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Move Window To Second Screen

Jun 11, 2011

i just installed openSuse and i have very little experience with linux OS. I used this guide to setup my two monitors and they are both running ok but i have the following problem:My mouse pointer can go to the second monitor without a problem, but i can't move a window there. When i move the window to the edge of the screen it just resizes it. it doesn't move it to the next screen.

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