Ubuntu :: Keeping Time To EST?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a Ubuntu 10.04 box that I want to keep on Eastern Standard Time. Under the Time & Date GUI I select the correct time zone, put it in Manual mode, set the time and it is fine until I reboot. Then the clock advances one hour about 20 seconds after boot. I don't remember this happening a month ago before DST started. Does anyone know of a way to keep the beast on EST, not EDT?

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Ubuntu :: Keeping System Up To Date?

Apr 22, 2010

Was curious about keeping a running system up to date. Can any harm come from running the following:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get upgradeWhat I mean is, is it possible that doing the above could cause a perfectly healthy system to go foobar? If so, what's the best way to prepare a system for a recovery. The Server in question is a Hardy BIND server. In the past, I've seen some ugly things happen to Windows systems after running updates, so I'd like to err on the side of caution.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Keeping Up To Date

Apr 22, 2010

Fairly new to Ubuntu server. Was curious about keeping a running system up to date. Can any harm come from running the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

What I mean is, is it possible that doing the above could cause a perfectly healthy system to go foobar? If so, what's the best way to prepare a system for a recovery. The Server in question is a Hardy BIND server. In the past, I've seen some ugly things happen to Windows systems after running updates, so I'd like to err on the side of caution.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Firefox Not Keeping Logins

May 20, 2010

i have 10.04 installed through wubi on my school hard drive and i notice that after i turn it off, then later put it in one of the many computers, firefox seems to forget i had things to keep me logged in, such as this forum.

now it could be that i use it on different computers(all have the same hardware), but its just odd if you ask me this doesn't get in the way of use but is happening.

Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 28 13:28:05 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3
cookies are enabled

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Ubuntu :: Download And Run KDE While Keeping Gnome

Oct 14, 2010

I want to download KDE to run on Ubuntu Maverick, as well as keep Gnome.
I tried:
sudo apt-get install kde-minimal
But that package no longer exists. So, what is the KDE-Core (which doesn't exist anymore either) package now? Where do I go to search for current packages? I've looked in Launchpad, but that's more to add repositories and track bugs.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstalling But Keeping /home Partition?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a /home partition at /dev/sda3 and I am currently in Gparted. I wanted to know if I am supposed to re-identify it somehow when I re-install ubuntu on /dev/sda2.

It seems to me that it would try and create a new home directory on /dev/sda2 unless I tell it otherwise. Is this correct? I just want to make sure I don't do two things...

1. End up with 2 home directories

2. Delete my existing home directory at /dev/sda3 (with my files)

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Easy Reinstall While Keeping Configurations

Jul 8, 2010

I've reinsalled ubuntu 10.04 no less than 5 times, each time taking hours to get all my configuration right, basically I like to mess to the point of screwing it up. Anyway just wondering if there was a way or program that remembers all of your preferences, files, games, apps, EVERYTHING! so you only have to load the file and it will do everything for you. Would save lot of time!

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Ubuntu :: Keeping Track Of Working Hours?

Sep 21, 2010

I would like to have a way to keep track of my working hours easily.

Insert arrival and finish times and have the difference in decimal. For example, if I start at 8:00 and finish at 9:30, 1.5 should be added.

I tried to do this with Calc but couldn't figure it out. I set one column to have entrance time, another one to have exit time and a third one with the difference("=B2-C2"). The result is in a timestamp format and not decimal. If I use another cell to say something like HOURS(D2) it rounds the number rather than give a decimal(would give 9 for 9:20:00).

EDIT: solved by doing =24*(B2-C2)

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Ubuntu Security :: Keeping All Ports Stealthed?

Sep 26, 2010

I know how to forward ports in my router. Now I need to open a port to help with testing a project and no matter what I've tried, every port under 1055 shows up as stealthed (with 1-71 closed) according to Shields Up! I'm happy to run it at a port > 1024, but whatever I try also shows up stealthed. I even tried (briefly) turning on DMZ and still the same thing. My ISP swears that they only block port 80, 21 and 25, none of which I'm trying to use. UFW status reports inactive and I'm not using firestarter. I'm not running any other server (apache, light speed etc). If it's not my router and it's not my ISP, and there's no other server apps running, then that kind of leaves Ubuntu as far as I can see,

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.10 Keeping Old /home Partition?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a netbook (Acer Aspire One ZG5) with ubuntu only partitioned this way:


Since this ubuntu is 10.04 upgraded many times (since 8.04) I want to make a fresh install, and also want to take the oportunity to install and give a try to meego, so I want to...

/ ubuntu
/ meego
swap (need to expand)
/home (ubuntu)

My question is can I keep my current /home partition (which is encripted) and use it with my new 10.10? How?

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Ubuntu :: Keeping Mounted Volume After Reboot?

Nov 25, 2010

I am trying to create a link to my windows xp workgroup where all my data is stored (I was surprised that linux could even see it!) I mounted a volume on the desktop apparently... that worked fine until I rebooted and it had disappeared. it was fairly annoying that I had to go back into the network and re-mount the volume. How can I get it to stay put, even after rebooting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Over The Top Of Broken 10.04 - Keeping Data

Dec 6, 2010

I had 10.04 in my netbok but something happened, packages failed to install, all sorts of errors when shutting it down, kernel panic when switching on again so I've decided to just install it again. I've got 10.10 running from a LiveUSB drive right now and I'm going through the installer. I want to just tell it to use the exsting partitions, dont bother formatting, just install the new OS on top of the old one so I can keep the user documents etc How do I do this? I picked advanced partition management in the installer, pressed Change on sda1 and gave it a mount point of / but now the "format partition" is ticked and greyed out.. i dont want to format this partition, I just want to install to it

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Ubuntu :: Is Keeping Unity - Can't Right Click On The Panels Any More

May 1, 2011

As far as I can tell Unity and Gnome 3.0 look basically the same, are all linux distros going to start to look like that? I finally decided to make the move from windows to linux and I was having a lot of fun customising everything, but now that 11.04 is out i can't even right click on the panels any more :( , can someone refer me to a good linux distro that DOES NOT look like a mac (I hate how macs look), otherwise I might have to move back to windows

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OpenSUSE Install :: UNINSTALL UBUNTU (keeping It And Windows)

May 19, 2011

I use to have windows and opensuse 11.4 with dual booting with no issues at all I have installed ubuntu and now I want to get rid of it, but the boot and grub are from the ubutnu Is there any way to do a clean uninstall and do not loose the dual boot I had before?

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Ubuntu :: Keeping Show Hidden Files Unchecked

Jan 5, 2010

I want hidden files to be hidden, so I open the folder that has the hidden files in it and select View, and untick "Show Hidden Files". However, when I access the folder again the box is ticked and the files are showing. How can I get it to stay hidden permanently?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Keeping A Ssh Session Open Forever?

Mar 27, 2010

I stream my local police station dispatch on the web using an icecast/darkice configuration [URL]. The downside of using this software is that once you initiate darkice, a terminal has to be open - the process does not run in the background.

I tried placing a monitor on my server (ouch, that hurt) and keeping darkice alive that way, but my mail server kicks the process. Now, I set the KeepAlive variable to something outrageous and keep an ssh session open on my desktop box to keep the stream going. Screen does not work as Postfix boots that as well.

keeping the process going indefinately?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keeping Software Packages Up To Date

Mar 31, 2010

I've had a search through the forums but can't find what I'm looking for, I'm sure it's there and apologies for asking something that has undoubtedly been answered before. I'm running numerous Ubuntu 8 LTS web servers, with mysql, rails, nginx, etc etc and I was after some advice about keeping these servers up to date with security updates. I'm on the ubuntu security announcements mailing list, but I was hoping to find a way to automate the installation of any security updates.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing & Keeping Windows Data?

Jul 28, 2010

I've finally had enough of Windows and have decided to go with Ubuntu. However I hope someone can help me with this query... I currently have a single hard drive which I have partitioned under Windows into two. The old C:drive holds software & the windows O/S and the D: drive is where I stored photos, documents, etc. Can you tell me if it is possible to install Ubuntu into the old C: partition and leave the d: partition in tact (for a few weeks to ensure I have backups of everything on here). Alternatively, if I add a new drive and install Ubuntu onto there, will I still be able to access the old D: partition (or would I need some kind of dual boot config)?

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Ubuntu :: Keeping The Windows Because Need It To Run The Latest Version Of ITunes?

Feb 27, 2011

Ok so I have been using Ubuntu for a few months, but considering how I am a total noob at doing alot of things on it i wanna get some background info about a few things before I start screwing with it.1) On deviantart i see alot of people will totally customized desktops using something called GTK2, questions: how to get and how to use? (a nice tutorial page might help lol i cant seem to find it on google)

2) I have a computer running vista and I have Ubuntu installed onto it using Wubi. I am keeping the Windows because I need it to run the latest version of iTunes (unless wine can run it but I havent tried yet because my media folder is larger than the 30 gigs i have for ubuntu). I also want to keep my windows folders and Ubuntu folders completely seperate, so my question: is there a way to increase the partition size of Wubi to past 30 gigs? I have tried to use wubi-add-virtual-disk, but when i used it it successfully repartitioned but than i rebooted and it said that root.disk was missing and my entire Ubuntu was gone (lame i know). I also did all the recent updates from the update manager, but that shouldnt cause that problem should it?

2) a) lol if possible i would like to entirely create a new partition on my computer and install Ubuntu from there (simplifies alot of things), but i cant seem to shrink my existing hard drive... the max i can shrink is it 1.4 gigs. Does anyone know how to increase that space? (I have a 300 gig hard drive with 230 gigs free i wanna create a new partition with 210 gigs for ubuntu leaving windows with only 20 gigs of free space). I have looked at using Gparted to redo the partitions, but it destroys windows and I dont have a Vista reboot CD and cant get one cause i live in china o.o

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keeping A Storage Partition When Installing Onto USB?

May 9, 2011

I have a 32g usb stick and I am trying to install Ubuntu on it. But I want to keep 16g as storage space so that I can have it as a normal USB storage for daily use. It's my understanding that I need to create 2 partition ( Since I want to use ext4 for the system which windows doesn't recognize?). But when I created two logical partition and installed ubuntu onto the second partition <sdc6>, I can't seem to boot into there,the screen stays on the white cursor blinking mode, and the usb isn't being read. Is there any way that I could do this? I just want half used as storage and half as Ubuntu system.

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Red Hat :: Yum Update Keeping OS Version

Jan 23, 2011

Is it possible to yum update the OS keeping its version?I run Red Hat Enterprise 5.4, and I would like to yum update it without getting Red Hat Enterprise 5.5, or 5.6.

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General :: Keeping New Ubuntu Installation's /var On Separate Drive Without Formatting

Oct 11, 2010

I have a server running an older version of Ubuntu and with /var stored on a separate partition on a separate hard drive. I am attempting to update Ubuntu to 10.04, but I still want to store /var on a separate partition and hard drive. However, I don't want to format the drive which currently contains /var, as it has important data.

Is there some way to have 10.04 set up the new /var on this separate drive at installation, without formatting the drive and losing the old /var?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keeping Software Updated For Security Reasons?

Jan 7, 2010

I've recently built a VM appliance using Ubuntu 8.04 that is given to customers for an easy deployment of our software. Ubuntu works great in a VM and its perfect for our software (which is a web application).

Some customers are paranoid (rightfully so) and they will run a vulnerability assessment on the web application. A particular customers' assessment fails as it finds that the appliance isn't running the latest version the Apache web server. I thought that just running "apt-get upgrade" would upgrade all of the software packages to the latest so that failures in the assessment caused by outdated software packages would be resolved... However this is not the case...

I realize that there is a probably a whole process for submitting/approving the latest versions of software packages in Ubuntu, that then get pushed to the repositories - But how does this work? What exactly does "apt-get upgrade" do if it doesnt upgrade packages to the latest?

For example: I need Apache 2.2.11 to fix a particular vulnerability. But when running apt-get upgrade, it doesnt actually upgrade the Apache version number (or any of the other packages). I'm stuck on Apache 2.2.8, and I can't find a .DEB installer for 2.2.11 or later.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Clean Install From 9.04 Keeping Home Folder?

May 29, 2010

I have 9.04 in my laptop and I want to make a clean install of Lynx.

My home partition is sda7 (ext4), so in the partition step during the install I'm telling the installer to use the partition as ext4 but don't format it (I'm explicitly checking sda6 as / mount point and set to format as ext4).

On the next step I see disabled options regarding the access to my home folder and "Require my password to log in and decrypt my home folder" is checked.

My current home partition is not an encrypted partition, so I am not sure of what will happen. I just want it to mount it and access it as Ext4, not encrypt it.

I also have a Private folder in my home partition, what will happen to it? Will I be able to mount it afterwards?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Re-partitioning Keeping Vista Windows Intact

Sep 29, 2010

I'm currently running ubuntu on my netbook, and vista on my desktop. Earlier i had an ubuntu installation alongside my vista, this has resaulted in my desktop making a countdown at booting. After the countdown it boots up vista. So i'm aware that there still are som leftovers from my earlier umuntu adventures.... here is my objective: I want to keep my vista installation intact, BUT i need to clear all earlier grub and ubuntu installations...and finally I want to install a fresh ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Launcher Not Keeping Webpage (prism) Shortcuts?

Dec 13, 2010

I have recently upgraded my netbook from 10.04 LTS desktop to 10.10 netbook as I really like the new unity feature.Anyway, I have a couple of prism shortcuts that I use for both my personal and work webmail (both are google apps). When I open them I select them to stay in launcher so they are always accessible. Problem is - as soon as I reboot my machine the prism shortcuts disappear from the Unity launcher. All my other shortcuts like chrome, file browser, open office etc all stay...it's just the prism shortcuts.Has anyone else found the same problem? I have searched the forums and can't find anything.PS Just in case any of you don't know, prism is a tool that lets you create a shortcut to any webpage, with a custom icon and a cut-down version of your browser (i.e. no tool bars cluttering the page) so the shortcut almost works like it's own application.

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Ubuntu Security :: Disabling SFTP Access While Keeping SSH Enabled?

Mar 29, 2011

right now i have vsftpd server installed for FTP access. I originally set it up for both FTP and SFTP, but found that SFTP disregarded any and all permission settings and user jailing that i had set up... so I am switching to just being standard FTP

so here is what's happening:

i've tried to disable SFTP in the sshd_config file, but i am still able to log into the ftp server under sftp through port 22 (which normally is ssh?) i've tried all kinds of things short of just blocking port 22, however I would prefer to be able to remote into my server via Putty (which has access restriction to ONLY allow my admin user account over ssh)..

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Ubuntu :: Keeping Mangler (Native Ventrilo Client) Working

Apr 13, 2011

I have had an on going problem with my system and Mangler. I use a creative usb fatality headset. When I am in Windows it works fine for ventrilo. If I boot into Linux and load up Mangler I can get it to work, but then after a while no one can hear me, but I can hear them and the Mangler icon in the system tray turns yellow instead of green. I have the audio settings in Mangler set for my USB head set.

My head set will consistintly work in Audacity. When I go into the pulse audio settings and set the drop box down to my head set it will show default audio every time I go back into the audio settings. If I reboot then plug in the headset and then reste the drop down to head set it will work. If I open a game or something it will close sometimes other times I think it just takes time. I have had the same propblem on Ubuntu 10.04, Kubuntu 10.10, and openSUSE 11.4.

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Ubuntu :: Repairing Windows 7 But Keeping It's Dual Boot Option

May 2, 2011

I have a fubar'd Windows 7 install I need to get working on another partition so I can do some development stuff. I use Ubuntu 95% of the time though and so the machine has an option at boot for what OS I want to go into. Does anyone know if I boot up with the Windows disc in and choose the repair option if it will screw up my boot options and I potentially lose my ability to boot into Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Is Keeping NTFS Hard Drive Still Worth It?

May 14, 2011

It's been about three days since I've made Ubuntu my OS and I'm quite surprised to see, when I tried it first via wubi, that it actually reads NTFS partitions.It made backing up easy for me though now is it still alright that I still keep them NTFS or should I now start converting them to ext4? Except for my external hard drive.and what's the difference with ext3 and ext4? I was shown these options when I tried formatting my hard drive.

My other hard drive has two partitions which was done when I installed windows a few years back..If I would to reformat should I combine these partitions into one and make new partitions via that?

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