Ubuntu :: Installing The Curl On 8.1?

Aug 17, 2010

Having trouble installing curl on my LAMP server. Sorry if i am just being real dim here



sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl

and getting


Err http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates/main libcurl3 7.18.2-1ubuntu4.3
404 Not Found
Err http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security/main libcurl3 7.18.2-1ubuntu4.3
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
Err http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security/main curl 7.18.2-1ubuntu4.3


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General :: Curl - Curl API To Configure Only The Required Protocol?

Jun 24, 2010

Is there any curl API to configure only the required protocol. If I have proper openssl installed, the installed curl will have all the protocols (like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, File etc...) supported by default. Is there any way to allow or disallow only some of the protocol at the runtime. Say I need to support only HTTPS, FILE and I dont want to allow HTTP. Is there any way to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Add Curl To Initramfs And A Script Which Uses It

Jun 20, 2010

I am trying to learn how to modify the initramfs in a way which is so Ubuntu-friendly as possible. I do not just want to unpack it, change it and re-pack it, as my changes won't be kept when I upgrade my kernel next time.

What I want to do is: Add curl to the binaries available in the initramfs Add a script which is run after networking is set up which calls curl In case there is no "after networking" I have to setup networking myself using DHCP. There is a tiny client inside BusyBox if I am not mistaken. I have googled a lot to get this information. As well as looked trough more than a few books.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Curl Won't Work On 10.04.1 LTS, But Works On 9.10?

Sep 11, 2010

I've been using curl in a script of mine for a while on Ubuntu 9.10, without problems.

Ubuntu 9.10 got the following curl installed through apt-get:
ii curl 7.19.5-1ubuntu2 Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server


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Ubuntu :: Install Php5-curl To Use Magento?

Oct 25, 2010

I already have php5 installed but when I try to install php5-curl to use magento I get this message,The following packages have unmet dependencies: php5-curl : Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.3-1ubuntu9) but 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.1 is to be installed E: Broken packages. Is there anyway around this? I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 desktop.

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General :: Using Variables In CURL?

Jul 12, 2010

using variables in CURL.Here's my code:

basic_password=`ssh rsync@some_test_domain 'curl --silent


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Software :: SSL Support For PHP Curl

Mar 14, 2010

I have both PHP and Apache installed.I need to get SSL support for Curl. I'm hoping I can do this with out having to download php/apache and re-configuring it via that.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Seg Fault With Apache2 (SSL) And PHP5-Curl

Jun 3, 2010

I'm trying to run apache2 with mod_ssl and php support and I need curl too. When php5-curl is installed apache doesn't work with ssl and I've got this one in error.log:

[Thu Jun 03 10:00:39 2010] [notice] child pid 26013 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
[Thu Jun 03 10:00:39 2010] [notice] child pid 26014 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

It's strange because it works well without ssl. The problem occures only when I'm trying to access and SSl page, doesn't matter if it's a html page or php file. I'm using Ubuntu 10.06 Desktop version which is x64. Below are the packages which I've got installed related to apache php and curl. I successfully compiled php5 from source, but the problem still exists so probably it's somewhere in apache?

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Ubuntu :: Upload There ( In / Directory ) A File Named App.log Using Curl?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a site's url. I have it's ftp admin username and passwd..How can I upload there ( in / directory ) a file named app.log using curl ?I read the manual but I understood nothing

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Ubuntu :: Curl Permission Error With /usr/local/bin/repo?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm trying to grab "repo" using curl and put it into /usr/local/bin/ but I can't seem to figure out why I'm getting a permission error:

$ sudo curl https://android.git.kernel.org/repo > /usr/local/bin/repo
bash: /usr/local/bin/repo: Permission denied


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Ubuntu :: Redirect Curl Output To Multiple Files?

Nov 6, 2010

I am using curl as the following

curl "http://site.com/pages/{1,2,3,4,5}.html" > /home/myuser/allpages.html
i need to save each page in a separate page by the way i have tried this command
curl "http://site.com/pages/{1,2,3,4,5}.html" > /home/myuser/{1,2,3,4,5}.html
but it displays error
ambiguous redirect
is there any way to do that

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General :: Install CURL For PHP 5 (Godaddy VPS)?

Jun 14, 2010

we got godaddy VPS working and however.the strange thing is that we don't have CURL installed by default.we should get it with the server itself. but we didn't we have root ssh access. i saw this post: [URL] but it didn't worked for me.

PHP Built on: Linux ip-myiphere.ip.secureserver.net 2.6.18-028stab059.6 #1 SMP Fri Nov 14 14:01:22 MSK 2008 i686
PHP Version: 5.3.2
Web Server: Apache/2.0.63 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.63 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/
Web Server to PHP interface: cgi-fcgi

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Ubuntu Servers :: Downgrade Curl - How To Recompile PHP With Current Settings

Feb 13, 2010

I need to downgrade curl (newest version has a bug I can't get around) and I'm not exactly sure how. I have removed curl (sudo apt-get remove php-curl), and downloaded and installed (./configure, make, make install) the version I need and everything looks fine for that. However, my phpinfo page doesn't show curl support anymore, so I assume I need to recompile php with curl support. My question is, how do I recompile php with all the current settings it has now? I used apt-get to install it with a bunch of other packages, so I'm not really sure what arguments to use when I recompile it. Is there a way to print the current settings?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Conflict With The Curl Update?

Aug 31, 2009

I have F10 x86_64 installed on my desktop. When I update the packages, everything works well, except curl-7.19.4-6.fc10.x86_64 which conflicts with the installed curl-7.18.2-6.fc8.i386 (Fedora 8!). The problem seems to be that my repo list does not have the info about the F10 i386 repository. This is the report from "yum repolist"

Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
repo id repo name status
adobe-linux-i386 Adobe Systems Incorporated enabled: 17
fedora Fedora 10 - x86_64 enabled: 14,303


I don't want to simply remove the f8.i386 package, because it'll take away a lot of other i386 packages that I'm sure I'll miss in the future (nspluginwrapper- .3.0-2.fc10.i386).

The other solution seems to be updating the curl-***.i386 package. However, I'm somewhat embarrased to confess that I don't know where to find the repository information...

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Programming :: Curl: (3) URL Using Bad/illegal Format Or Missing URL

Feb 16, 2011

What is the problem? I receive this message (see in red) when i running this script (below) on bash script file:

error received:

% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 70 0 70 0 0 321 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0


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Networking :: Curl And Wget Error 400 Bad Request?

Nov 9, 2010

I use slackware current, and curl and wget give the following errors:

repo@cannabis ~]$ wget -r http://users.telenet.be/reggersjans
--2010-11-09 13:48:14-- http://users.telenet.be/reggersjans
Resolving users.telenet.be (users.telenet.be)... ::ffff:,
Connecting to users.telenet.be (users.telenet.be)|::ffff:|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 Bad Request


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General :: Simple Pipe Email To Curl?

Apr 1, 2010

I would like to pipe a raw email from cPanel to curl, using curl to send the raw email via a post variable.wever, I am unsure of the command line syntax that would receive the piped email and post using curl.Ideally, the email would pipe to the curl command "curl -d 'emailvar=RAWEMAILHERE'

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Software :: CURL Download Files From Manifest

Jun 22, 2010

I know I have done this in the past but I apparently have some slightly off syntax. I need to download a list of files via cURL. The list of files changes dynamically and I have a server side script that runs and creates a manifest. I grab the manifest and then download the files from that. The files are formatted correctly in the manifest as I have done before but the issue is that when I grab files, only the first one is saved and the rest are written stdout. curl -O -K filemanifest.txt

Formatting of filemanifest.txt is as follows:
I know the filemanifest.txt format is correct as this is the same format as I have used previously without issues, I must just be calling it wrong somehow.

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Software :: Curl Make Test Failures

Feb 16, 2011

I'm having problems with my php 5.3.3 installation when trying to access remote domains. The problem only happens when the PHP scripts are run via Apache 2.2.15. The problems appear to affect all functions that might access a remote domain (e.g., gethostbyname, file_get_contents, curl, etc.). Basically, pHP scripts can't resolve a remote host when run via apache.

So I thought I might try to reinstall curl (I'm OSX 10.5.8, btw). I ran configure and make fine and then make test reports the following:

TESTDONE: 485 tests out of 485 reported OK: 100%
TESTDONE: 586 tests were considered during 283 seconds.
TESTINFO: 101 tests were skipped due to these restraints:


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Programming :: Curl And ASP Authentication - Cannot Verify Credentials

Sep 6, 2010

I've got an asp page (I can't edit) which I can access with a test user I've setup, however when I try to access to same page via curl, I get the following error:
<h1> You are not authorized to view this page </h1>

The URL you attempted to reach has an ISAPI or CGI application installed that verifies user credentials before proceeding. This application cannot verify your credentials. There's lots of other text (doubt it's relevant though).

Here's the one liner I'm using:
curl -A "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)" -u myusername:mypassword [URL]
I've done some searching but cant find anything which doesn't suggest rewriting the asp...

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Programming :: Non-existent File Is Also Downloaded By Curl?

May 25, 2011

I am trying to download a non-existent file from a repository by giving the URL, using curl APIs. It is throwing an error message "The requested URL returned error: 404" but the specified file is downloaded with 0 bytes. My code snippet is as follows :

#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>


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Slackware :: Php Curl Can't Resolve Host Getting Error?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a strange problem with using curl function in php on slackware machines. So far I tested this on 2 PCs. I din't test it on any other distributions, so I don't know if it's only slackware problem.

Problem is that I can't use php curl in normal way. It can be tested wit simple code:

$ch = curl_init("url");
$content = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_error($ch)) {
echo(curl_error($ch) . "<br>");
When I'm opening this php script in browser I'm getting error message:

Couldn't resolve host 'google.lv'
but I can use curl command in terminal, also it works when I run this php script in terminal like:

php ./curl_test.php
So problem is not in curl or php itself, but in apache, because this happens only when this script is running in apache.

Searching google a lot, I got to conclusion that apache can't read /etc/resolve.conf file during startup. Strange thing is that it happens only when httpd starts during system startup, but if I'm stopping httpd and starting it again manually, it works as it should until I'll reboot my PC. Restarting httpd also do not work, I need to do start -> stop.

I think that apache reads /etc/resolve.conf only when it starting up and as I have DHCP, maybe network is still not ready at the moment of httpd startup.

I didn't try to configure php as php-cgi instead of apache module, I think then it would work normally because each php script would be separate process and it would read dns information each time, so the same like starting php script in terminal with command:

php ./curl_test.php
I think there are some ways to workaround it, e.g. delay somehow start of httpd during system startup, or something like that, but I want to find reason of this problem and make it work without any workaround.

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Ubuntu :: Curl -K Command Outputs Weird Symbols Instead Of Downloading URL From File?

May 16, 2011

I'm on Ubuntu 11.04. I have read around about how to use curl to download a list of URLs from a text file, and everyone says to use

curl -K URLlist.txt This is what the curl man page says as well. However, for even a simple file with one URL, this command outputs a bunch of weird symbols for me instead of downloading the file. For example, I have a text file "test.txt" with one line in the following format:

url = "http://www.example.com/image.jpg" I use the curl command to download this file:


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Ubuntu :: Install A Curl Library For Platform In Order To Run Game Server

Dec 3, 2010

Im new to Linux, so wanted to ask something.I need to install a Curl Library for my Platform in order to run my Game Server.But how do i install it ??Already found the files: [URL]..I have Linux Ubuntu Lucid (10.04)

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Fedora Networking :: Can Ping But Can't Resolve In Curl - Firefox

Aug 13, 2009

I'm having a strange problem with my Fedora 11 install under VMWare Server. I can look up hosts in nslookup, host, and I can ping servers using their names, but when I use curl, firefox, or yum, it says it can't resolve the host name.

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SUSE :: Registration Error - Curl: (7) Could't Connect To Host

Feb 17, 2010

I have two suse linux server. Recently we got the license key. In one server i could able to register successfully. Another server is throwing an error.i am using yast-software- Novel customer center configuration. After selecting configure now, i am getting error has follows Execute curl command failed with 7 curl: (7) could't connect to host.

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General :: Using Curl And WGet To Send HTTP Post

Oct 11, 2010

I would like to find out how I would use both curl and wget to sent an http post to get the hostnames of a few servers. I know am not even given any work of anything I have done, but the reason is that I am really lost, and I do not even know how to start it.

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Programming :: Download Images From Text File Using Curl

Apr 18, 2011

I am having some issues with downloading images to my website from my suppliers!

I have a text file (extracted from product their product lists) which has all of the image URLs!

I have tried to use php using the below script which was started via a cron job, however exec is blocked and my hoster has told me to use curl..... Is there something that can be written in or with curl to do the same thing?

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Programming :: Resume Download By Curl Without Mentioning The No. Of Bytes?

May 25, 2011

I am trying to resume an aborted download. I have to use the curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE,(curl_off_t)no. of bytes to be skipped) to set from where to start resuming download. But in run time, how would i put the no. of bytes to be skipped? Its not possible always to see how much is the size of file downloaded already. So is there any way so that prograjm will automatically know from where to start??

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Programming :: Use Curl And Spawn Multiple Connection At A Time?

Jan 24, 2010

I am using a perl script which uses curl in the background to download files from rapidshare premium,one file at a time. I wanted to know is it possible to use curl and spawn multiple connection at a time,to download the same file in multiple parts?? I don't seem to find an option in curl which does that.

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