I know I have done this in the past but I apparently have some slightly off syntax. I need to download a list of files via cURL. The list of files changes dynamically and I have a server side script that runs and creates a manifest. I grab the manifest and then download the files from that. The files are formatted correctly in the manifest as I have done before but the issue is that when I grab files, only the first one is saved and the rest are written stdout. curl -O -K filemanifest.txt
Formatting of filemanifest.txt is as follows:
I know the filemanifest.txt format is correct as this is the same format as I have used previously without issues, I must just be calling it wrong somehow.
I am having some issues with downloading images to my website from my suppliers!
I have a text file (extracted from product their product lists) which has all of the image URLs!
I have tried to use php using the below script which was started via a cron job, however exec is blocked and my hoster has told me to use curl..... Is there something that can be written in or with curl to do the same thing?
I am trying to resume an aborted download. I have to use the curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE,(curl_off_t)no. of bytes to be skipped) to set from where to start resuming download. But in run time, how would i put the no. of bytes to be skipped? Its not possible always to see how much is the size of file downloaded already. So is there any way so that prograjm will automatically know from where to start??
I need to download a file from a website which has a URL formatted like:
This redirects to a .zip file which has to be saved. There is also a need to authenticate based on username and password.
I tried to use wget, curl and lynx with no luck.
wget doesnt work with redirection. It simply downloads the webpage instead of the zip file. curl gives the error "Maximum redirection exceeded > 50 " lynx also gives the same error.
Is there any curl API to configure only the required protocol. If I have proper openssl installed, the installed curl will have all the protocols (like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, File etc...) supported by default. Is there any way to allow or disallow only some of the protocol at the runtime. Say I need to support only HTTPS, FILE and I dont want to allow HTTP. Is there any way to do this?
Code: curl "http://site.com/pages/{1,2,3,4,5}.html" > /home/myuser/allpages.html i need to save each page in a separate page by the way i have tried this command Code: curl "http://site.com/pages/{1,2,3,4,5}.html" > /home/myuser/{1,2,3,4,5}.html but it displays error Code: ambiguous redirect is there any way to do that
Basically, this command goes to URL, downloads file1.txt and file2.txt, however it saves BOTH files as newfilename1.txt. I would like the script to name the second download (file2.txt) newfilename2.txt. So, before you say to use the -O switch in Curl, please understand that I wish to rename the files so that they are not what they were on the server (names are too long). So file1.txt becomes newfilename1.txt, file2.txt becomes newfilename2.txt. Is this possible? The command I listed works only until the newfilename{1,2}.txt, it always saves as newfilename1.txt
I'm trying to send files from a Unix server using http/curl to a Linux webserver running Apache. I get the following PUT error message when and the file does not send:
<title>405 Method Not Allowed</title> </head><body> <h1>Method Not Allowed</h1> <p>The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL
I haved tried 3 times to download DVD-7 from http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/...md64/jigdo-dvd, and every time it has failed with just 5 files left to download.
It says: I cannot begin to describe. All those hours of downloading for nothing! What the heck is happening here? When I try to just continue on, I get error code 3 aborts and have to just start all over.
I'm quite lost and not even 100% on which forums i should aim at..I have a relatively simple task yet for some reason its proving difficult to do!! Our server is running Fedora (running a live commerce site) recently we had some security updates applied so i can no longer connect remotely via SSH root. Using PUTTY i now connect under a different username and then SU under the root user/pass. All is fine, now all i want to do is download a file in the tmp2 directory. /tmp2/apache2-gdb-dump Can anyone tell me1) How would i download this file using Putty/SSH command 2) I'd much rather user a GUI tool for this kind of work but the substitute user step doesnt seem to be supported by common apps,as FileZilla.With this in mind, is there some software or steps i can take so i can connect, run a su command and use a nice gui to transfer these files
I'm having trouble understanding how to verify the download of the Fedora iso-files. know how to do this on a Windows system. I have been looking in the help section for checking the iso-files, but I'm not sure where to find the right hashes, like MD5, SHA1, and etc.
i have a dedicated ubuntu server and would like it to download files from emule....but it has no gui. i am looking for a command line tool like rtorrent but that handles e2dk links.
I'm trying to download a set of files with wget, and I only want the files and paths "downwards" from a URL, that is, no other files or paths. Here is the comand I have been using
Code: wget -r -np --directory-prefix=Publisher http://xuups.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/modules/publisher There is a local path called 'Publisher'. The wget works okay, downloads all the files I need into the /Publisher path, and then it starts loading files from other paths. If you see [URL]..svn/trunk/modules/publisher , I only want those files, plus the paths and files beneath that URL.
When we download ubuntu iso images from the download mirrors, md5sums, sha1sums and sha256sums are provided for the download. But, there are also some .gpg files provided. Are they used to verify some signature or something? How do I use them to verify the signatures of the packages?
I recently installed vsftpd and can't see any files I put in the nopriv_user folder.
I want to be able to login anonymously without a password, see files to download and upload files to a pub folder.
After installing and configuring vsftpd I created the ftp_priv user by doing "sudo useradd -d /home/ftp_priv -m ftp_priv". Then I added a folder /home/ftp_priv/pub with permissions 777 and a test file.
when I try to view php files on my linux box, they want to download instead of viewing them. I configured apache for php as the manual said but for some reason it doesn't want to parse the php. the http.conf file may need to be changed, that the line "AddModule mod_php4.c" was missing in the conf, however the AddModule and ClearModuleList directives no longer exist in the newer versions of Apache. These directives were used to ensure that modules could be enabled in the correct order. The new Apache 2.0 API allows modules to explicitly specify their ordering, eliminating the need for these directives.
I recently installed vsftpd and can't see any files I put in the nopriv_user folder.
I want to be able to login anonymously without a password, see files to download and upload files to a pub folder.
After installing and configuring vsftpd I created the ftp_priv user by doing "sudo useradd -d /home/ftp_priv -m ftp_priv". Then I added a folder /home/ftp_priv/pub with permissions 777 and a test file.
I want to know what is the best way/practice to let users upload and download files? I want to be able to let the user upload a file, list all the files uploaded, and allow him to download any file from that list, also delete a file. To my understanding I can make a php script to let them do this and the uploaded files are in a specific folder in the server or I can insert the files into a SQL table. Which direction should I go, let them directly upload the files to a specific folder (no SQL involve), or upload the files into a SQL table?
I have both PHP and Apache installed.I need to get SSL support for Curl. I'm hoping I can do this with out having to download php/apache and re-configuring it via that.