curl "{1,2,3,4,5}.html" > /home/myuser/allpages.html
i need to save each page in a separate page by the way i have tried this command
curl "{1,2,3,4,5}.html" > /home/myuser/{1,2,3,4,5}.html
but it displays error
ambiguous redirect
is there any way to do that
I'm working on some scheduled task script files to keep nightly backups of some of our database information in place, and it's a bit annoying when they blow up. I know how to redirect stdout and stderr to a flat file I can view when I come in, and I know that 2>&1 maps them both to the same file (whatever was named in 1). However, I'm running into some cron-time situations where it's easier to have the two streams together, and other cron-time situations where it's easier to have them separated. I can't really tell which is going to happen; is there some way I could create both kinds of output file for my scripts, so that I've got a std_err only file and an interleaved std_out/std_err file?
Note: I've looked at the 'tee' command, but I don't think it will work for what I'm after. 'tee' appears to only work with stdout; I'm trying to work with stderr.
I have nine barcode scanners, each of whose input I want to send to a separate instantiation of a program I wrote. Each device shows up as /dev/hidraw_ (I'm using Ubuntu 10.4). The problem is that they all act as simple keyboard input, and I can't seem to redirect the output from one to a specific instance of my program. I've tried something like cat /dev/hidraw5 > ./myapp, and that doesn't work. I've tried actually opening the device in my program using open("/dev/hidraw5"), and it returns success, but subsequent reads don't do anything, and the scanner output is just printed to the console.
I feel kind of embarrassed posting here, but this is technically a scripting sub-forum. Here is the problem. I have a folder with various files which include .txt files as well
How can i redirect same content to each of the .txt files in the folder?
I have tried Code: $ echo "hello" > *.txt -bash: !": event not found Code: also cat ~/otherdir/test.txt > *.txt -bash: *.txt: ambiguous redirect Can anyone help me with this?Ok i solved it Code: #! /bin/bash for file in *.txt do echo "Text that needs to be written" > $file done
I am trying to grep multiple numbers from file, grep does have the -f option for that.
Code: grep -f <`seq 500 520` /etc/passwd I know this could be done with
Code: for i in `seq 500 520`; do grep "$i" /etc/passwd; done But my question is fare more behind this example. It is possible to redirect one command output which will be treat as a content of file for another command ?
I have used Thoggen; however, there is no way to break the output in to multiple files. I encoded at 1000MB, but now I want to break the file into 40MB chunks. Is there an app that can do this? Does ffmpeg support these feature?
I have wrote a 1 line command that parses a file, locates the IP Address in the file and then trims the output the way I want it, and then sorts numerically and by uniqueness and then >> appends to output.txt
I can get all the IP's into 1 file "output.txt", but what I am really looking for is some type of way to create a text file, for each IP it finds labeled and also put that ip address into that file..
I am using a perl script which uses curl in the background to download files from rapidshare premium,one file at a time. I wanted to know is it possible to use curl and spawn multiple connection at a time,to download the same file in multiple parts?? I don't seem to find an option in curl which does that.
My Problem: The output redirection auf a script works if the script is called in the terminal but not when its called via crontab.
My Situation: I have 2 scripts: ~/backup1 Code: echo backup a to c rsync -a -v --progress --delete --exclude=.Trash-1000 /path/a/ /path/c/backup/ echo backup b to c
Is there any curl API to configure only the required protocol. If I have proper openssl installed, the installed curl will have all the protocols (like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, File etc...) supported by default. Is there any way to allow or disallow only some of the protocol at the runtime. Say I need to support only HTTPS, FILE and I dont want to allow HTTP. Is there any way to do this?
if I'm posting to the wrong forum. Be so kind to tell me where to better ask this question, as I'm really not finding the right words to google for.So, I have a shell application (fdb) which is a Flash debugger. I want to run it using bash script, capture it's output and pass it the commands (it can read from STDIN). The reason I want to do so is that Flash Builder (the IDE for Flash development) is plain stupid when it comes to compilation, and it won't allow me to compile any file in the project... so, I found out that I can make Eclipse to run an external tool. This external tool is my *.sh file whichches the compiler, and then it launches the debugger.The Eclipse console can display the compilation results, or errors. When I run the debugger it can even pass the input from Eclipse console to the debugger, however, the output from the debugger isn't shown.
I want to redirect the output of a command to a file, but not at the end of the file, but after a line. Do you know how can I do it?
Something like:
cat file_a | grep some_text >> resulting_file
# in this file I need to place the output from grep, but not at the bottom of resulting_file, like it would normally happen, but after line .. 3 , for example
I'd like to redirect the output to a file and to the console. I know about tee but the issue is that it waits until the first process finishes.e.gecho "hello world" | tee test.txtfirst calls echo and then tee.Is there a way to redirect "on the fly" ?
i got a bash script which can remind me my friends' birthday ,and i want run it as a cron job everyday,but the linux just emails me the output.Now my question is how to how to redirect the cron output to screen.
PS: when i run the script mannually ,it runs very well,so my script is good. And i have tried :
1.30 8 * * * root /home/ >/dev/console
it shows nothing
2. 30 8 * * * root /home/ >/dev/tty1
the same as 1
3. 30 8 * * * root /home/ >/dev/tty
it shows:/bin/sh: cannot create /dev/tty: No such device or address
I am again struggling to make a script work, but hey, it is fun, I am learning new things. I discovered the set -x option which was, for me, like the second coming. Still, what I am not able to do is redirect ALL output to a (log) file, including what is produced by the -x setting. Let's assume a very simple script: Code: #!/bin/bash set -x source="/home/atelier/Bureau/" ls -la $source and I am running it as . >> /var/log/test.rmcb.log
The result of ls goes inded into the log file, but the rest still shows on the console where I am running the script: Code: ++ source=/home/atelier/Bureau/ ++ ls --color=auto -la /home/atelier/Bureau/ Is there a way to redirect EVERYTHING to the log file ?
I booted to command line only and entered the following command: Sudo Xorg -configure > xorglog.txt
the command seems to run just fine and does create a new file but I would like to see all the output of the Xorg -configure command but it just scrolls by too fast and I can't go back to see it. Hence this is why I'm trying to do the > . It seems to ignore the >.
I was trying to redirect the output of two variables to different columns of a .csv file in MS excel like this,
Code: echo "$a $b" > abc.csv But I am getting both $a and $b in the same column, is there anything I can use instead of to move the value of $b to the next column? Or is there a good different approach to do it?
I'm doing some commands on a remote server (using ssh to log on to the remote server, did a ssh key swap), how do i redirect the output of a command back to the local server ?the person who helps me out is my HERO i'm really stuck on this and it would bring me a lot further if i get this to work
I would really like to capture the output of scp and my file's progress. Scp updates the transfer rate every 1 second, and I will like to save the transfer rate at every update. So for example, if the file transfer takes 30 seconds, I would like 30 reports of the transfer rate.
The output looks like: Code: file.dat 1% 3664KB 938.5KB/s 05:48
Whenever I try a simple redirect like: Code: scp file.dat &> output ... it does not save the rate at every update, it only shows the final rate.
If I try using typescript by starting "script" ... it's the same deal.
Our company owns multiple tld's for our corporate domain (e.g.,, etc.). Currently, we operate the main website at [URL]. To have "" et al forward/redirect to "", should we use a 301 redirect or setup a ServerAlias in Apache's virtual host directive (we use name-based virtual hosting on Ubuntu Server). Are there any SEO penalties from one approach vs. the other (e.g. Google thinking you have multiple sites with the same contact + flagging it as spam)?
I want to compare the quality of a sound file (voice) before and after its transmission via a softphone (sjphone in my case). For this, i need to redirect the sound played, to the sound input (microphone or line-in).
i have a process launch by another app, i want to see the output (that is in console) in a terminal (gnome-terminal or tty); how can i capture de standart I/O from a process. my process (aria2) is launch by firefox and the output of ps is like: running but i cant see the output (download state), how can i capture or redirect standart I/O to my terminal to get something like the output of:
I have a python script that when run outputs to screen.
eg. ./ 0403000511 919227434827 TS 21 check ok TS 22 check ok sms successfully delivered from 61403000511 to 919227434827 But when I try:./ 0403000511 919227434827 > test
The file test is created but there is nothing in it.if I try ls > test this works fine with output of ls redirected to file test.
I have got a script with an outer and inner loop. The inner loop issues loads of echo's which need to be redirected to a log file determined by the outer loop. The obvious solution is to redirect every echo to >$LOG and set LOG in the outer loop.
for f in $FILES ; do LOG=<logfile> for l in $LINES ; do
it is possible to map stdout to $LOG in the outer loop without having to redirect every subsequent individual command output?