Ubuntu :: Installing Bootloader In Root Partition Does Not Do The Trick?

May 7, 2010

I have installed unbuntu 10.04.. since i dont want grub to boot my linux distros , i have installed the bootloader in the root partition (sda9 in my case with no separate partition for boot). Subsequent to successful ubuntu installation i booted using the live cd and extracted the boot loader using the following.

dd if=/dev/sda9 of=/ub.bin bs=512 count=1

Finally i edited the boot.ini (win xp) to show ubuntu in the menu which points to ub.bin.

But this doesnt seem to work... the same had worked with Mandriva 2010

Where did i go wrong ?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS - Installing Grub On Root Partition?

Jul 28, 2010

I want to install grub on the ubuntu root partition because I have another boot loader (boot-us). But when I reach : device for boot loader installation and set the device to the root partition (/dev/sda3) the OK button is not highlighted, I can use the windows partitions but not ubuntu root partition, what goes wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Compiling Root And Grub Bootloader

Jan 20, 2010

In regards to other distribution cds: I'd like to learn how to install a 'root' and 'grub' boot loader so that I can cleanly install other distributions. I'm new to the file system. Could I make a bootable usb with simple installers? or command line codes?

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Ubuntu :: Bootloader After Installing 9.10?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm a fairly new Linux user, with my first Linux distro being Ubuntu 10.10,which I first installed around November on my laptop.Initially I tried installing it on my desktop,but the liveCD would give me a blank screen every time, no matter how many USB installers I tried. I had given up on my desktop when it installed without a hiccup on my first try with my laptop, until now. I've tried Kubuntu and Xubuntu, both giving me the same problem. Non-'buntu distros gave me no problems however. I tried Ubuntu 10.04 without success. But to my surprise Ubuntu 9.10 gave me no troubles (at first) and I am typing from it currently. When it was done installing, it asked if I wanted it to add a bootloader, and I said no because I wasn't sure if it was going to install GRUB, and I already had the Windows bootloader installed. When I restarted I found out that the last part of my sentence was no longer true, and I had to reinstall from the liveCD to get a bootloader.

So now I have GRUB installed, but Windows 7 is not appearing in the options. I edited /boot/grub/menu.lst to this

default 0
timeout 15
title Windows 7
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader (hd0,0)+1


I can still access my C: drive from Ubuntu, and everything appears to be in working order, so it's not as if Windows is corrupted.I've spent just about all day today and yesterday trying to fix this on my own, when I should have been studying for midterms, so hopefully this isn't too hard to fix and I can actually sleep tonight Once I get my bootloader issue resolved I'll be updating to 10.04 and then 10.10, which I shouldn't have any trouble with.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Basic Reinstall (Partition And Bootloader)

Apr 15, 2010

I installed Mint 8 on my sister's laptop (after her existing Vista, and I did so on a separate partition created during the normal setup process in Gparted) and she now wants to try out another distro and take off Mint, so how would I go about this? Would I boot from the distro's live CD, determine the correct partition, (I'm thinking of Gparted here) and then... what?

- Would I have to mark the partition to be deleted, delete it, then ask it to install on a similar-sized partition?
- Or would I not delete it, just mark to format it as ext4 or some other file system and it would then just install the OS of that live CD over the existing partition?
- What about the swap partition - does that need any changes at all?
- Will Grub/Grub2 et al normally be updated to reflect the replaced OS?
- I may do this on my own desktop machine in the future: I may want to consolidate all my existing partitions into one easy to manage massive partition. Is this also easy to do?
- How can I determine which OSs are on which partitions?

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.04 On A Second Partition Without Overwriting The Windows7 Bootloader

Jun 9, 2010

Is it possible to install ubuntu 10.04 on a second partition without overwriting the windows7 bootloader and boot it using grub on a usb stick?

I would be happy with just the second option as I could fix mbr if I have to, I just don't want it to easily visible that linux is installed as well as windows.

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Ubuntu :: Re-installing Bootloader - GRUB Has Not Updated Properly ?

Jul 23, 2010

GRUB has not updated properly for some reason, and now I am left with an un-bootable system. I would like to know how to re-install grub without needing to re-install Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Without GRUB2 / Possible To Use The Original GRUB Bootloader?

Aug 31, 2010

I've had nothing but trouble with GRUB2. Is it possible to use the original GRUB bootloader?

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Software :: Cleaning Up O/p Of Df And Migrating Bootloader To New Partition?

Oct 28, 2010

Here is the o/p of df -h on my m/c

ubuntu:/$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on


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Fedora Installation :: How To Recover Bootloader After Installing XP Or Windows 7

Mar 12, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 and fedora 12 on my system.I want to reinstall my windows 7 but as I know after installing windows 7 , i will not be able to boot my fedora 12 how to recover bootloader of fedora 12 after installing windows 7. [URL]

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error While Installing Bootloader For Suse 11

Jun 16, 2010

I am trying to install suse 11 on an ibm x3400 m2 machine. After installing the various packages, i get the following error :

Error while installing initrd
Error while installing grub

There are 2 500GB hard disks on which i have configured RAID-1.let me know what the issue could be as I am new to linux.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installer Stuck At 92% Installing Bootloader

Nov 23, 2010

I've tried to install opensuse in a dual boot with xp. I've got an extended partition with root home and swap and primary partitions for xp and boot. The installation freezes at 92% while installing the bootloader, I've tried installing from cd and from usb, with or without boot partition and nothing changed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Bootloader Picks Recovery Partition For Win7 As Vista

Aug 19, 2010

I'm having an issue installing Ubuntu with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit through Wubi. The Wubi installation works great and Ubuntu seems to install after the first reboot after selecting Ubuntu from Windows' boot menu, however whenever I select Ubuntu from Windows' boot menu after Ubuntu installs and it reboots for the second time, it loads the GRUB bootloader, however Ubuntu isn't listed at all.

Windows 7 is listed twice and Windows Vista is listed (seems it picks up the recovery partition for Windows 7 as Vista) and when I select the first Windows 7 from the GRUB bootloader, it just goes back to Windows' boot menu with Windows 7 and Ubuntu as the selections. If I select the second Windows 7 from the GRUB bootloader, it'll boot Windows 7 like normally. It looks like Ubuntu is nowhere to be found. Because of that, I just ended up uninstalling it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bootloader Installed On Partition That Does Not Lie Below 128 Gb - System Might Not Boot

Mar 12, 2011

I'm trying to install opensuse 11.4 but I got this error:

"The bootloader is installed on a partition that does not lie entierly below 128 gb. The system might not boot if BIOS support only lba24(result is error 18 during install grub MBR)"

What should I do before click next step to install? I installed opensuse with this error and some times opensuse can boot and some not. At least I was able to boot safemode.

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General :: Where We Can Find Script Trick

Jan 10, 2010

where we can find the script trick, i found once before then lost it and i search a lot but cant find again.like people do fun and play while learn with script basic. i am talking about shell

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Root Backup Image Of The Root Partition ?

Oct 12, 2010

Since I installed MS2 I messed up grub. Finally I got 11.3 back to its old glory.

What would be the best procedure to create a backup image with all settings and permissions ...just in case ?

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Ubuntu :: How Much Room To Leave For Home Partition / Root Partition

Feb 7, 2010

I have finally been convinced to partition my 500GB hard drive from a two partition setup with root and swap to a three partition setup with root, swap, and home. I found a nice tutorial about how to do this, but here is my question:

A) How much space do I leave for the root partition and the home partition?

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General :: Dreamlinux - Root Says 'superuser Required' While Installing FROM Root

Apr 21, 2011

I am trying to install google chrome on my computer, it is in a .deb package and I am using dreamlinux. Earlier today I installed a .cbr/.cbz file reader from root, that was also a .deb and it worked just fine. now I go to install google chrome and it says (Blue is my command, and red is the system response):

I checked under my USER GROUPS and Root is still set as root, and I haven't been using it unless I need to install with it to other directories, Should I be using another command to install? or is it a problem that may affect other aspects of my system? ... My biggest concern is not getting google in, I can wait for that ... I just wanna know why ROOT is under the impression it's not a superuser.

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General :: Installing As Non-root In A Root Owned Directory

Mar 8, 2011

I have a machine which has only /opt with some decent amount of space where I can install a software. /opt belongs to root:root. The software I want to install cannot be installed as root user.

So lets say I create a directory called /opt/install1 and then chown -R install1 to belong to user1. And now I install the software under /opt/install1 with user as user1.

Is this a best practice violation? There could potentially be just /opt/install1 belong to user1 and in future everything else created under /opt belonging to root..

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Applications :: Trick Program Doesn't Work When Backgrounded

Oct 10, 2010

I have this weird program: dns2tcpc (creates a dns tunnel). I would like it to run at startup. However, I found that the program doesn't work when backgrounded! EX: dns2tcpc -z dns.domain.com -l 8888 Works, and I can use SSH to port 8888. However, if I try to background it, like: dns2tcpc -z dns.domain.com -l 8888 & Then trying to connect to SSH won't get any response

Now, I know this is a bug in dns2tcpc, and I really don't feel like compiling it or anything (I may have to), so is there any way to "trick" an application into thinking it's running in the foreground (like typing the command from the terminal window)? (Bonus if no addition installation is required)

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Ubuntu :: Accidently Installed Bootloader To Mbr Of Hard Drive Instead Of Ubuntu Partition

Jul 17, 2011

When I installed, I accidently installed the bootloader to the mbr of my hard drive instead of the Ubuntu partition.Is there any way that I can make it so that it shows the Windows bootloader first? (Windows partition is set to active, Windows is on hdd0,sda1, Ubuntu is on hdd0,sda4 with sda5 as swap)

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General :: Defined Root Partition Not Created A / Boot/efi Partition?

Aug 31, 2010

when I tried to install Fedora on my pc, I got this error message " Defined Root partition not created a / boot/efi partition. I am trying to install it on a seperate hd. My main one has windows xp pro, but I do not want to interfer with that at all?.

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SUSE / Novell :: Changing /tmp From It's Own Partition Back To Root Partition?

Jun 8, 2010

I initially installed SuSe11.2 with /tmp mounted on separate partition on another physical disk( there are two physical disks). Now I want to attach disk with existing SuSe11.2 to another motherboard so I would like that /tmp becomes part of the root partition. Will deleting /tmp mount point in /etc/fstab create automatically new /tmp from root at next startup, or something else has to be done to achieve, that in future, /tmp resides on root partition instead? In this way it would be much easier to move the disk with SuSe11.2 to another motherboard.

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SUSE / Novell :: Change Partition Size On Root Partition?

Aug 2, 2009

I am relatively new to Linux and Opensuse. I created the / root partition and now it is growing and maxing out. I have partitioner available to me but how do I change the partition size when the root partition is mounted. Do I login as root and then umount or modify fstab and restart and change from command line or do I format and reinstall everything? I have room to expand but not sure how to manage this?

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OpenSUSE :: Kde4 Clipboard Broken - Evil Magic Trick

Apr 8, 2010

I think that the kde4.x clipboard is mishandled. using any method of copy from a kde app causes the data to be cut instead of copied when pasted into another app (even non kde). Non kde apps behave as expected.

open gedit and kwrite.
type K in kwrite.
Type G in gedit

highlight the G in Gedit
(select copy or use primary)
middle click or paste into kwrite.
fine - there's a G in both editors.

Reverse, copy the K from kwrite and copy paste it into gedit. when you go back to kwrite the K is gone! Evil Magic. what's up? Can't wait until kde 5 or 6 when t gets to be usable again.

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General :: Desire Trick To Modify Hostname In Shell Script

Mar 28, 2011

I am looking an neat trick / elegant solution to manipulate / modify hostname and set a variable to the value inside a script.I have figured what I want to do.I just want to know how to set the variable correctly ?

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Ubuntu :: GRUB2 Overwritten - Boot Into Windows Via TC Bootloader But "no Bootable Partition Found"?

Sep 11, 2010

I'm using Truecrypt to encrypt my Windows 7 OS. I also have unencrypted Ubuntu 10.04 installed on /dev/sda6 on the same hard drive. Since Truecrypt bootloader must be installed in MBR, I have GRUB2 installed on /dev/sda6, so I can use TC bootloader to load GRUB2. When I first install GRUB2 on /dev/sda6, I can use TC bootloader to load Ubuntu. But, if I boot into Windows via TC bootloader, and then later try to boot into Ubuntu, I get the message "no bootable partition found". I have to reinstall GRUB2 onto /dev/sda6, every time after I use windows in order to be able to boot into Ubuntu. It seems that starting Windows somehow overwrites GRUB2. Is there a fix for this?

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Fedora Installation :: Identify Partition Location - Getting The FEDORA Bootloader To Find The PREUPGRADE Kernel

May 29, 2010

Going from Fedora 12 to 13. Got to the point where I have to reboot to install, system reboots to 12. This is a triple boot system with Open Suse and Mint, and the grub2 bootloader from Mint is the bootloader for the whole shebang. In the "how to use preupgrade" instructions there's a line that says "dentify the drive and partition of your Fedora /boot folder." How? If that sounds odd, consider that in my set up "computer" shows 4 partitions (and with just three operating systems..?). I can mount them, but have a problem telling which sytem is Fedora, Suse or Mint. And getting the FEDORA bootloader to find the PREUPGRADE kernel ... Momma said there'd be days like this.

cat /etc/fstab just returned /dev/sda1 on /boot. I installed Fedora first, before Suse or Mint, so being on the first drive or partition sounds right, but the multiple drives throws me, and "just guessing" doesn't seem like the way to go.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Borked Bootloader - "data" Partition Is Invisible In Win7

Aug 7, 2010

borked the bootloader by my own doing. When I got this machine, I had a single HDD. I partitioned it with a primary partition for Windows, followed by an extended partition with swap, /home/ and /, as well as a FAT32 partition for "general" data. (this was before NTFS write support was common) This worked well with the Win2K install. Eventually, I added a second HDD, which became part data storage, and part Windows XP install. I eventually put Win7 on it, and pulled the other HDD during setup so that the boot order of the drives determines whether I boot Win7/XP or get GRUB.

However, my "data" partition was not visible in Win7... It shows up as an unknown FS in the disk management. OK, I thought. I used Paragon partitioning software to move the "data" partition out of the extended partition and make it a primary. I could now access it from Win7. I didn't realize I had GRUB set to boot from the extended partition, so now when I boot from that HDD, I get "no operating system". No problem, I thought. I'll pop in the install CD (NET), use it to boot the installed 11.3, and run the boot loader setup. Nope- setup just hangs. Tried it with an 11.2 DVD... doing a "boot installed system" nets me a few moments of searching, "evaluating root partition", and then "no valid linux install found". Trying the boot loader reinstall from there nets me an "error changing to target environment" and the install fails.

I can still mount the / partition via rescue mode and all files appear to be intact, so I don't think I've lost any data... just grub/the MBR is borked. I've already moved the data partition back in to the extended partition but no luck. Still the same story... thus I'm stuck booting Windows until I fix this.

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Software :: Problem With Installing Debian Onto External Hard Drive/grub Bootloader Error "21"

Jul 10, 2009

I've been running Debian Lenny kernel 2.6.26 w/ desktop kde3.5 on my laptop for a while, and im going to take a trip in which i will be unable to take wmy laptop with me. However, where i am going contains computers and i figured if i could install debian onto my external harddrive, i could just boot onto the other computers. I install it using the debianlenny-i386 dvd image. However whenever I try to boot it from a computer. Grub returns

Grub Loading...
Error 21
and then the blinkng cursor. On one site i found something saying "you may need to activat the drive" and some command-line instructions on how to do it. However the commands have faded from memory and i am now unable to find that site again. Could anyone offer insight on how to fix this "grub error 21" or how to activate it. I run primarily debian but i have a windows partition on one of my relative's computers.
Thank you in advance for the help!!!
btw I'm installing on a western digital 500gb "passport" external hard drive with ext3 and swap partitions.

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