General :: Where We Can Find Script Trick

Jan 10, 2010

where we can find the script trick, i found once before then lost it and i search a lot but cant find people do fun and play while learn with script basic. i am talking about shell

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General :: Desire Trick To Modify Hostname In Shell Script

Mar 28, 2011

I am looking an neat trick / elegant solution to manipulate / modify hostname and set a variable to the value inside a script.I have figured what I want to do.I just want to know how to set the variable correctly ?

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General :: The Trick With The "import" (imagemagick) Command?

Jun 3, 2010

To take a screenshot(or partial screenshot), I use to use the command-line, type "import <filename>.png" and then "alt-tab" away from the console (for me, xterm) and then (usually) select a part of the webpage showing up on the browser. However, I find in my modern X-window installations (I use osuse and slackware, with several window managers: xfce, icewm and awesome) the alt-tabbing bit doesn't work any more.To get by, I have to reduce the size of the console so that the bit I want to capture is visible as I write the import commandI figure this is an X problem, but it could also be an imagemagick problem (on that subject, I think I'm going to try out graphicsmagick soon)

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Ubuntu :: Installing Bootloader In Root Partition Does Not Do The Trick?

May 7, 2010

I have installed unbuntu 10.04.. since i dont want grub to boot my linux distros , i have installed the bootloader in the root partition (sda9 in my case with no separate partition for boot). Subsequent to successful ubuntu installation i booted using the live cd and extracted the boot loader using the following.

dd if=/dev/sda9 of=/ub.bin bs=512 count=1

Finally i edited the boot.ini (win xp) to show ubuntu in the menu which points to ub.bin.

But this doesnt seem to work... the same had worked with Mandriva 2010

Where did i go wrong ?

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Applications :: Trick Program Doesn't Work When Backgrounded

Oct 10, 2010

I have this weird program: dns2tcpc (creates a dns tunnel). I would like it to run at startup. However, I found that the program doesn't work when backgrounded! EX: dns2tcpc -z -l 8888 Works, and I can use SSH to port 8888. However, if I try to background it, like: dns2tcpc -z -l 8888 & Then trying to connect to SSH won't get any response

Now, I know this is a bug in dns2tcpc, and I really don't feel like compiling it or anything (I may have to), so is there any way to "trick" an application into thinking it's running in the foreground (like typing the command from the terminal window)? (Bonus if no addition installation is required)

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OpenSUSE :: Kde4 Clipboard Broken - Evil Magic Trick

Apr 8, 2010

I think that the kde4.x clipboard is mishandled. using any method of copy from a kde app causes the data to be cut instead of copied when pasted into another app (even non kde). Non kde apps behave as expected.

open gedit and kwrite.
type K in kwrite.
Type G in gedit

highlight the G in Gedit
(select copy or use primary)
middle click or paste into kwrite.
fine - there's a G in both editors.

Reverse, copy the K from kwrite and copy paste it into gedit. when you go back to kwrite the K is gone! Evil Magic. what's up? Can't wait until kde 5 or 6 when t gets to be usable again.

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Ubuntu Servers :: New Version - Not Good Working Samba - Only With One "trick" Get Access

Apr 29, 2010

installed the 9.10 Version of ubuntu. Now the situation is: Four Computers are running under Windos XP-professional SP3 My computer, the fifth has ubuntu as os After the upgrade to ubunto 9.10 (with the newest updates installed today) I`m unable to access the windows network. Shows me only windows network but when I click on it no list of workgroup is shown and therfore the network cannot be connected

Only with one "trick" get access: connect to server, then putting the ip's of th windows computers I've got connection to all allowed dir of all the four windows computers (location: smb://ip-adress) To install a network printer is impossible neither with cups nor with system-> adaministration->print At my computer is one printer which works fine. the other printer a Xerox Phaser 6110 is connectet to one XP computer and is configured as network printer under Windows. The computer (IP-Adress is found but that is all) Printer is not connected.

Trying now for three days I'm really upset because there is one golden rule: Never touch running Systems! But you folks from ubuntu must bring ever second day some updates. Nothing against this, but configure your updates in that manner that the updates don't change all my settings. When I boot my computer with windows-XP all network computers are there and usable. My Samba config is ok too because otherwise I would not be able to connect to windows computer through the above mentioned trick.

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General :: Find Mechanism With Irregular Expression (find Command) Or Perl?

Sep 7, 2010

I have 4 Linux machines with cluster.My target is to find all kind of IP address ( in every file in the linux system remark: need to scan each file in the linux system and verify if the file include IP address if yes need to print the IP as the following

more /etc/inet/file.example1

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General :: Find/grep/wc Command To Find Matching Files - Print Filename And Word Count?

Sep 11, 2009

I am trying to do a find/grep/wc command to find matching files, print the filename and then the word count of a specific pattern per file. Here is my best (non-working) attempt so far:

wc `find . ( -name "*.as" -o -name "*.mxml" ) -exec grep -H HeightResizableList {}` ;

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General :: Command Line - Use Find To Find Text Files?

Jul 15, 2011

Is there a way to specify to find that I only want text files (and not binary files)? Grep has an option to exclude binary files, so I thought find probably has a similar feature, but I've been unable to find it.

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General :: GNU Find: Disable The Error When 'find' Finds No Matches

Aug 21, 2011

I've got a setup where I need to use 'find' to find 0 or more files in a certain directory, however, 'find' always produces an error when there are no files that match a certain check. Is it possible to run 'find' while having it omit errors when no files match the pattern?

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General :: Using Find Or Grep To Find A Group Of Text Strings?

Feb 28, 2011

I have used diff command in past.I faced a situation to which I did not had a cluehere are some text strings (which can be stored in a file)Quote:



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General :: Find Setuid Files Using FIND Command?

Jan 25, 2009

I know how to search for normal files but can you let me know " How to search for 5 setuid files on the system. Also explain, for each file, why setuid mechanism is necessary for the command to function properly"

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General :: Find A File In Directories Without Using Find Command?

Aug 3, 2010

am new to linux and trying to find a file in sub directories using find command as:find .-name *.jpg -type fBut I am unable to get the result as find command is not permitted by the server administrator.Is there any way to find files without using find command.

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General :: Can't Seem To Find The Right Fit?

Mar 25, 2010

I am not completley new to linux, I have tried a few variations, but I can't seem to find the right fit.

Can someone tell me: What, if any, is the best Distro for someone with no Internet.

I have Dial-up at home, but it is capped at 20hrs a month, and download speeds of 5Kb/s MAX.

Can sonmeone help, or should I just get an upgrade?

Is it possible to fully enjoy Linux without the Internet?

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General :: Syntax For Find On Mac OS X

Mar 10, 2010

I have a project directory that contains source code and subdirectories of source code. I want to use the Unix program find to search recursively for the names of files of certain extensions. The versions of find on Linux and Mac OS X behave differently.

# Works in Linux
find . -type f -regex ".*.(py|html)$"
# Neither of these works in Mac OS X
find . -type f -regex ".*.(py|html)$"
find . -type f -regex ".*.(py|html)$"

How do I write this command so that it will run on Mac OS X (and hopefully on Linux too)?

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General :: How To Find Out What Touchpad Have

Oct 2, 2010

I tried lspci, lsusb and lshw but none of those lists my touchpad device. Where to look now?

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General :: Different Between 'locate' And 'find'?

Oct 14, 2010

Why there are two so similar command in Linux? and normally what are the circumstances to use each of them?

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General :: Find In Between Particular Dates

Oct 29, 2010

find / -newer -10 mtime +30.i want to check only those files which are modified yesterday.

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General :: How To Find A 64-bit Distribution

Jan 31, 2010

I need a 64-bit Linux distribution to beta test TeraChem, a GPU-based quantum chemistry package. I have never personally used Linux, however, and I don't know anything about the available distributions. I was wondering if I could get some recommendations.

My system specifications:

CPU: Xeon W3520
Motherboard: GIGABYTE EX-58 UD5
Current OS: Windows 7 64-bit

I would not use Linux as my sole OS but would want to dual-partition (I think that is the term?). However, I think I would end up using the distribution for more than just running TeraChem. I may even become a convert!

What am I looking for in a distribution? Ease of use, efficiency, 64-bit. What do I know how to do? I can build computers, code in C++, comfortably use a command line.

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General :: Where To Find Distribution That Has Just OS

Jul 15, 2010

I would like to make my own Linux distribution.Where do I find a Linux distribution that has just the OS, a browser and basic drivers for ethernet, video, etc.I can then build it up myself through the repo.

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General :: How To Find Wwn Id Of Disks

Mar 17, 2011

Is there a way to find the wwn id of disks mounted on a centos server. I am using san disks via iscsi connection.

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General :: Cannot Find Username For UID 500?

Apr 3, 2011

I am using CentOS 4.8 I was doing some updates. Now I get "cannot find username for UID 500" here are some outputs,

repeater@irlp's password:
Last login: Sat Apr 2 09:16:27 2011 from
-bash: /etc/profile: Permission denied


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General :: Find All Menus Available For GUI?

Apr 21, 2011

I was wondering if there was a bash command or something that would probe an application to maybe list the GUI menus (arguments) you could input to the application. This would also be interesting for CLI.

Let's say there was not a manual page for a bash command (options) and you wanted a "tire on the road" proof and not just recall something that is assumed to be correct or you did not want to click here there and e very where to see if a menu opened for a GUI?

I assume that this process could also work on the source code by searching for a input type of command.

This is just something I though would be a helpful hack type of thing and I'm not involved in a project for this type of functionallity. It's a shame that GUIs dont always list what they are capable of.

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General :: How To Find Info About A LUN

Feb 8, 2010

From a linux host, how can I find information about a lun that has been exported. For example, if I have 3 100G luns available via FC. How can I tell which is which? I've looked at fdisk, /proc/scsi/scsi, /sys, lscsi, sg3_utils. So If I want to destroy one of these luns, how can I find out how to identify it on the san device? 2.6 kernel. Not looking for something distro specific, but i have a mix of rhel5 and sles.

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General :: Find The End Tag In Xml File?

Nov 30, 2010

I wanted to know how to find the end tag in shell where I have multiple tags in xml like

<tag name="x" version="1.0">
<tag name="x" version="1.0">


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General :: Don't Get Find Command

Mar 31, 2010

When I run find command with exec option, it just hangs on me. what am I doing wrong?

find /stdlist -type d -mtime 0 -exec cp -r {} joblogs ;

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General :: Can't Find An Rpm To Upgrade Nfs On Box?

Dec 8, 2010

I have an older RHEL 3 server that is running nfs v 2. I have a backup appliance that I need to mount to it, but the appliance is only compatible with nfs 3 or 4. i cant mount it to my RHEL 3 box. I have searched redhat and can't find an rpm to upgrade nfs on this box. Does anyone know if there is a way i can download the source for nfs 3 or 4 somewhere and then compile it on my RHEL 3 box?

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General :: Find Out WHAT Is Using The Module?

Apr 12, 2010

How can I find out WHAT is using the module? Which program?

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General :: Could Not Find /dev/root

Mar 8, 2011

My server unable to boot up and got the the message "could not find filesystem /dev/root" after adding 1Tb of storage space from Storage Area Network (SAN) to the root partition. how to restore my backup folder or how to restore the server to it original state.

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