Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre And Firefox Do Not Run?

Jan 6, 2011

my problem is simple: the software centre and firefox do not run when i try to launch them from any icon or with Alt+F2. The "Window List" app in the bottom panel shows "Starting Ubuntu Soft..." or "Starting Mozilla Firefox" but that just disappears again after a few seconds and thats it (no error message whatsoever). I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 (new install - no upgrade) and it runs without problems on my other computer.

Ps: I managed to get firefox running with 'gksudo firefox' but not the software centre (i am not so good with all the commands yet ) and i dont want to have to do that alle the time

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get Usb_modeswitch To Appear In Software Centre

Mar 12, 2010

I am having a problem getting my Vodafone PAYG Huawei K3565 Rev 2 mobile broadband to be recognised and/or connect in 9.10


The advice is to add


to the apt sources. (replacing cz as required for several other servers of choice). I tried this (using several different servers) from within Ubuntu Software Centre, but the usb_modeswitch never appeared. In fact (oddly) the source never appeared in the list! (Although I did have a look in the etc/apt/sources.list and it had added a line each time - there were several - I'd tried quite a few!!!) I did try downloading it but when it starts gdebi to install, a message pops up saying it is available (and better supported!) in a software channel.

I searched round a bit and found another reference to the package at


This time the sources were totally different and the apt line recommended was

deb [URL]

When I add this it does add the line to the list of sources, but sadly I still cannot see usb_modeswitch after Software Centre has updated. In fact the number of packages available seems to go down from 2186 to 2179!

I suppose I could force the debian package to install, but I don't see why I can't get it to appear in Software Centre!

I should perhaps add that I have added other sources using the "apt sources" and that worked OK so I know I am doing the right thing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre Won't Start?

Feb 19, 2011

Tried to start Software Centre today in Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Edition. It never started, showed the "starting software centre" message then stalled for a few moments and then nothing. "gksu software-center" in terminal returns this error;

dan@Viktor:~$ gksu software-center
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/software-center", line 80, in <module>
app = SoftwareCenterApp(datadir, xapian_base_path)


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Ubuntu Installation :: Synaptic Software Centre Don't Work

Mar 11, 2010

Ubuntu software centre can't find anything to download and when I Atempt to open Synaptic I get This Error: E: Type '<!DOCTYPE' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list E: The list of sources could not be read. Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Games From Software Centre

Apr 15, 2010

after having used 9.10 KK for quite some time now, i got curious about the games.i notice that while i am trying to install some of them - Airstrike, ACM Serial Combat Simulator, 20.000 Light Years Into Space etc, i am not able to do so.i a message box saying the following " Requires Installation of untrusted packages.The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.can anyone please let me know who i can install such games ? and since there seems to be such a security threat how do i distinguish the 'bad' from the 'good' games.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre Error From Install

Jul 17, 2010

I think it's an excellent distro. I am currently dual booting Windows and Xubuntu. When I run the Software Centre it attempts to load, then quits. I tried running from the terminal using


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Installation :: Still Missing Icons Ubuntu Software Centre 10.04 / Fix It?

Aug 18, 2010

10.04 has been around for some time now, and I update regularly.
Strange that there is still the missing icon issue in Ubuntu Software Center.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Launch Software Centre?

Jun 29, 2011

If I click on the ubuntu software centre icon the pointer shows the application is loading but then nothing happens

I've done an update, an upgrade and restarted...still nothing

this is both with the linux Mint (gnome desktop) and xubuntu I have installed on this compter an ASUS 13'' P81IJ

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Ubuntu :: Software Centre Installation Authentication Freezes?

Aug 10, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 several times recently and everytime I am asked for my password to install software via the Software Centre, the password field accepts my password and disappears, leaving the rest of the popup box open. Then a few minutes later the popup disappears and i'm unable to install the software.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Use Synaptic Pachage Manager Niether Software Centre

Apr 16, 2010

the computer is hooked to the internet, but when i try to reload synaptic pachage manager or try to install a software that is among the repositories i get always a few errors like:

w: failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/...ic/release.gpg could not resolve 'username'

w: failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/...tion-en_ca.bz2 could not resolve 'username'

w: some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

if i try to install a new software using ubuntu software centre i get "canonical provides critical updates for mysql client." i press the right arrow and nothing happens!even when i try to install adobe flash player i get in the final step the same errors of synaptic package manager. so far i can't watch videos. what can i do to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre Error Message On Packages Download

Apr 24, 2011

I am a new ubuntu user, I downloaded it because it was recommended over windows for programming uses. I am new to Ubuntu, and everytime I try and download something from the Ubuntu software center an error pops up saying:
"Requires installation of untrusted packages. The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."
It does this for everything I try and download.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Way To Get Netflix Player Installed From Ubuntu Software Centre

Nov 3, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a way to get the Netflix player installed from the Ubuntu Software Center if at all?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Synaptic Package Manager Vs Ubuntu Software Centre

Dec 10, 2010

If I want to install a software package, for example, netbeans for Java, it seems that there are two ways to do that, first is through Ubuntu Software Centre, and the second much fancier one is to do it via Synaptic Package Manager. Are there any differences in the end result? Which one is better?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre Is Not Working / "Crash Report Detected" Keeps Popping Up?

Jan 1, 2010

Hi everyone,

Encountering several problems with ubuntu. I have managed to burn iso to cd - I decided to bot ubuntu off the cd, I have been struggling with a couple of problems all to no avail. I have heard ubuntu is pretty damn good, and I was quite enthusiastic about it. But if I can't get this sorted...

Oh I should also say I have never used a command line and I have not a clue about xorg or whatever you call it.

anyway my first problem is Display settings. I can go to System > Preferences > Display, and the largest I can set my resolution to is 800*640 and the monitor is unknown...?

Problem number 2 - the ubuntu software centre is not working... Applications > USC > Could not launch Ubuntu Software Centre..

Problem 3 - In the bar at the top of the screen beside time and date etc, "Crash report detected" keeps popping up?

Problem 4 my @ and " keys have swapped places??? also my Pounds sign (I live in UK) has been replaced with # while # has been replaced with

I have been working for a couple of hours on it but nothing makes the slightest bit of difference. I will probably have some more problems soon to be honest - but your help with the above problems would be honestly fantastic.

edit: Yea I cant install flash player to watch videos on .....?

Applications > Acessories > Terminal will not bring anything up anyway!

Open office does not work

Niether does gnometris - but robots does lol

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Ubuntu Installation :: Applications From The "Ubuntu Software Centre" Error "Requires Installation Of Untrusted Packages"

Mar 11, 2011

while trying to install many applications from the "Ubuntu Software Centre", it gives an error named "Requires installation of untrusted packages" and quits installation... But, I want to install applications from the Software Centre.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Centre Doesn't Work - Error "sudo Apt-get Install Vlc Vlc-plugin-pulse Mozilla-plugin-vlc"

Jan 31, 2011

I have just installed the newest version of ubuntu (10.10 the maverick meerkat) and im struggling installing any programs, wine and vlc arnt appearing on synaptic package manager and anything i try to do in either the command promt or ubuntu software centre doesnt work either. On the command promt when i follow the commands as seen on various tutourials the command promt comes back with an error. VLC example given below.


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Applications :: Update From Firefox 3.0 To Firefox 3.5 Through Yum / Remove Previous Installation And Use Solely One Package?

Nov 16, 2009

Recently I have installed Fedora 10. It comes with firefox 3.xx by default. Now I was wondering if there is any way through which i can update it to 3.5 version though yum. I have tried yum update firefox but it did not work and returns following messages Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit Setting up Update Process No Packages marked for Update I know that one way to update is download the latest Tar package and use it, but I want to totally remove my previous installation and use solely one package i.e. firefox 3.5.

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Ubuntu :: Software Centre In Lucid?

Jul 26, 2010

is there any way of selecting several programmes for installation at once in the software centre, like in earlier versions of Ubuntu? I have to install about 150 things, and one by one is time-consuming!

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Wheres Psx In The Software Centre?

Sep 7, 2010

finally came across some rare ps games that i would like play on my laptop.

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Ubuntu :: How To Update The Software Centre

Mar 25, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - The Lucid Lynx installed on my main desktop machine that uses the 2.0.7 version of the Software Centre. Is there a way to update this to the 3.0.8 version that is on my laptop running 10.10 Maverik Meerkat?

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Ubuntu :: Print The Kde Centre Docbook Files?

Apr 23, 2010

I have been looking at the docs in the KDE help centre, but I prefer to store some reading on paper to refer to when away from the computer. So. I don't seem to be able to print from the KDE Help Center, since it's greyed out. Anyone know how to somehow get the docbook files out to my printer instead?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS: Opera Not Available For Download In Software Centre

Sep 18, 2010

installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS a few months ago, and the Opera browser was available to download. I've just reinstalled 10.04, and Opera is no longer an option. All the other browsers are available ie. firefox, chrome, seamonkey. Was Opera removed from the list only recently?

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Ubuntu :: Get The Latest Version Of Software Centre In 10.04?

Dec 9, 2010

I currently have version 2.0.7 installed. How do I get the latest version of software centre (3.0.7) or later on ubuntu 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Disable Authentication For Software Centre?

Dec 20, 2010

I am the only user.So i would like to disable authentication for software center and update manager which is being asked everytime when i install softwares/updates..How to acheive it?

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Ubuntu :: No Install Button On Software Centre?

Apr 22, 2011

This is utter nonsenseI need Sun Java Plugin because Iced Tea is low-quality garbage that doesnt work for all JAVA sites. and theres no install button, why is the install button disabled, WHY? Its not in synaptic package manager either.

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Ubuntu :: Software Centre Stopped Working?

Aug 5, 2011

When I run Ubuntu Software Centre all I get now is one of two results:1. Ubuntu Software Centre starts up but with only a blank screen.2. Ubuntu Software Centre starts up but then seems to stall with a central circle icon whizzing around.either way, nothing else happens, i.e. it goes no further no matter how long I wait. I have logged out/back in and also restarted completely. No change.I have run synaptic package manager and reinstalled Ubuntu Software Centre. No change.

Ubuntu Software Centre 4.1.12~bzr2032~natty1
Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal


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Ubuntu :: Displaying ATI Catalyst Control Centre In Menu Bar

Aug 21, 2010

I've recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 onto a PC that has a Radeon HD2600 XT graphics card. I tried to install the proprietary driver from the AMD website and from what I can tell, it seemed to work (my xorg.conf file is shown below)


The problem is that the catalyst control centre does not show up anywhere on the menu bar (such as in system>administration etc.). From advice given on a seperate post (link), I can load up the control centre from typing in a command in terminal, but is there a way to put this in the menu bar?

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Ubuntu :: Software Centre Not Downloading - Creative Zen Cannot Connect

Nov 2, 2010

my Computer Sci friend cannot even fix this, so here goes... I need some kind of mtp or gnomad2 to let my creative zen x-fi connect with my linux so I can listen to mp3s in peace. But, if I try to use software manager, nothing downloads. It simply says archive manager as reason for failed download. I've tried deleting and re-installing the software centre. I've tried downloading what I need online. But neither have done anything.

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Ubuntu :: Checked It In Software Centre And It Is Installed But Now Its Not Working?

Dec 1, 2010

I opened a video in ..... by using Mozilla browser. It gave me option to install additional plugin "Adobe flash player" and I accepted it. I checked it in Ubuntu Software Centre and it is installed but now its not working?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Enna - Can't Install Through The Software Centre

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to install Enna media centre but having trouble. When I try to install through the Software Centre, I get a message saying package dependencies can not be resolved.

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